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Matter & Material MCQs: Class 3 Science Questions

Matter and Material MCQ Questions Class 3 Science with Answers
Question. Mark the odd one out.
Answer: D
Explanation: Steam from a kettle and comes under gaseous form. Rest of the things have
some qualities of solid and liquid.
Question. Choose the correct statement :
1. In solids the molecules are packed the closest together.
2. In gases the molecules are spread out the most.
3. In liquids the molecules are packed close together, but not as tightly as solids.
(a) Statement 1 alone is right
(b) Statement 2 alone is right
(c) Statement 3 alone is right
(d) All of the above
Answer: D
Question. The matter that has lot of free space in the particles is ___________.
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas
(d) None of these
Answer: C
Explanation: The matter that has lot of free space in the particles is gas. The particles in
gas move freely at high speed. Gases have no colour, size or shape because particles in
gas move freely.
Question. Look at the objects shown below.
All the above objects are ___________
(i) Soft (ii) Wood-based products
(iii) Made from plant parts (iv) Non-flexible
(a) (i) only
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) & (iv)
(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Answer: B
Explanation: Books, newspaper and box are wood based products as they are made from
Books and box are hard and non-flexible, while newspapers are soft and flexible.
Question. When a solid changes to a liquid, it is known as __________.
(a) Condensation
(b) Evaporation
(c) Melting
(d) None of these
Answer: C
Explanation: When a solid changes to a liquid, it is known as melting. In solid state of
matter, particles are closely packed with each other. On applying force or energy, the
particles of matter begin to move part. This process is called melting.
Question. We can smell a perfume in the nearby room because ___________.
(a) perfumes are very loose and flow easily
(b) it has been sprayed in the nearby room
(c) your nose is too sensitive
(d) none of these
Answer: A
Explanation: We can smell a perfume in the nearby room because the molecules of
perfume are very loose and flow easily.
Question. Which of these can be found in all 3 states of matter?
(a) Vaseline
(b) Wax
(c) Water
(d) Kerosene
Answer: C
Explanation: Water is found in all three states - solid as ice, liquid as water and gas as
Question. Which is not true about Solids?
(a) Can flow
(b) Can float
(c) Cannot take the shape of the container
(d) Can exist in 3 states
Answer: A
Explanation: Solids cannot flow
Question. Matter:
(a) can flow
(b) can fly
(c) take the shape of the container
(d) exists in 3 states
Answer: D
Explanation: Solid exists in 3 states
Question. Select the product which is made of only one material.
Answer: D
Explanation: Both rubber band and newspaper are made of single material i.e. rubber and
paper respectively.
Question. The state of matter of rocks is __________.
(a) Liquid
(b) Gaseous
(c) Solid
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer: C
Question. From the given options mark which one is a solid ?
Answer: A
Explanation: Book is solid. Milk and juice comes in liquid form and balloon contains air.
Question. Which of the given processes involves the change of state from a liquid to
a gas ?
(a) melting of an ice-cream.
(b) Formation of ice cubes in the freezer.
(c) Drying of wet clothes hung outside.
(d) Dissolving of sugar in lemonade.
Answer: C
Explanation: During drying of wet clothes hung outside, water evaporates off the wet
Water present in the clothes (liquid form) changes into water vapours (gaseous form) due
to the heat from the Sun.
Question. Which among these would be the best material to use, while making the
handle of a tea kettle ?
(a) Aluminium
(b) Wood
(c) Glass
(d) Iron
Answer: B
Question. The flow chart below shows the characteristics of few substances.
(a) Air
(b) Oxygen Perfume vapour
(c) Water Carbon monoxide
(d) Carbon dioxide Nail polish
Answer: B
Copper coin
Paper cup
Metal button
Question. Kriti loves woodworking. She carved a statue, sanded it smooth and
painted it.
Which of the following properties of wood did she change?
(a) Shape, texture and colour
(b) Shape, colour and smell
(c) Texture, mass and flexibility
(d) Colour, texture and flexibility
Answer: A
Explanation: Wood is not flexible. Thus, Kriti changed shape, texture and colour of the
wood while carving a statue.
Question. Study the following pictures:
Which among these is the hardest?
Answer: B
Explanation: All the given items are solids. However, when we keep butter outside fridge
in summers, then it begins to melt quickly. Similarly, flower and thread are also solids, but
they can be broken easily as their particles are not tightly packed. Therefore, wood among
these is the hardest.
Question. Look at the items and arrange the things or material with respect to their
strength/ solidity in increasing order.
1. Bread 2. Balloon 3. Water 4. Laptop
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4
(b) 3, 2, 1, 4
(c) 4, 3, 2, 1
(d) 2, 4, 3, 1
Answer: B
Explanation: Water is not solid. It is liquid. Therefore, it comes 1 in the order. Balloon is
filled with air. Balloon is made of rubber and can be pricked easily. Moreover, the air
particles in the balloon are loosely packed. Therefore, it comes 2 in the order.
Bread is solid, but it is less hard than laptop. Therefore, bread comes 3 and laptop is 4 in
the order.
Question. Which of the following objects is INCORRECTLY paired with the materials
it is made of/from?
Objects Materials
(a) Spectacles Plastic and metal
(b) Hammer Metal and wood
(c) Drilling machine Plastic and metal
(d) Watch Wood and rubber
Answer: B
Explanation: Watch is made up of different metals but never wood.
Question. When water changes into steam, it is known as __________.
(a) Condensation
(b) Evaporation
(c) Melting
(d) None of these
Answer: B
Explanation: When water changes into steam, it is known as evaporation. The original
state of water is in liquid state, however, when we increase the temperature of water by
boiling it, it changes from one form to another. The particles of water start moving at high
speed. This process is called evaporation.
Question. Match the following:
List I
List II
A. The matter that can change its shape by force
1. Liquid
B. The matter that has lot of free space
2. Solid
C. The matter that has volume not shape
3. Gas
(a) 1 2 3
(b) 2 3 1
(c) 3 1 2
(d) 3 2 1
Answer: B
Explanation: In solids, the particles of matter are closely packed. It requires immense
effort to break the bonding between particles to change the shape. Liquid has volume but
no shape. And gases have lot of free space.
Question. Choose the correct option
1. The process of changing liquid into gas is called evaporation.
2. The process of changing gas into liquid is called evaporation.
3. The process of changing liquid into solid is called melting.
4. The process of changing a liquid into solid is called freezing.
(a) T T F F
(b) F F T T
(c) F T T F
(d) T F F T
Answer: D
Explanation: Statement 1 and 4 are true
Question. Look at the following object carefully. This object is __________.
1. Soft
2. Wood-based product
3. Not water proof
4. Non-flexible
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 3
(c) 2, 3 and 4
(d) 1 and 4
Answer: C
Question. When steam changes into water, it is known as __________.
(a) Condensation
(b) Evaporation
(c) Melting
(d) None of these
Answer: A
Explanation: When steam changes into water, it is known as condensation. Steam is
water in gaseous state. In gaseous state, the particles of water vapours move at high
speed. When vapours cool down, their particles start losing energy and they start coming
closer to one another. Thus on cooling steam, water acquires its original state.
Question. Mark the correct option
Answer: A
Explanation: Pencil and eraser both are solid.
Question. Find the odd one out.
(a) chair
(b) oil
(c) table
(d) elephant
Answer: B
Explanation: Oil is liquid, others are solid.
Question. From the following list find out how many gases are there
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 6
Answer: C
Explanation: (5) There are 5 gaseous items in the list. They are Hydrogen, Oxygen,
Carbon dioxide, Steam and Vapour.
Question. Which of the following can be found in all 3 states of matter?
(a) Vaseline
(b) Oil
(c) Newspaper
(d) Water
Answer: D
Question. What is evaporation?
(a) Changing of solid into liquid
(b) Changing of liquid into gas
(c) Changing of gas into liquid
(d) Both (a) & (b)
Answer: B
Question. Complete the table with appropriate word
(a) Juice
(b) Tree
(c) Balloon
(d) Computer
Answer: A
Explanation: Juice. The appropriate word which will fit in the table is juice which comes
under liquid.
Question. Steam : Gas : Milk : ?
(a) solid
(b) liquid
(c) gas
(d) none of these
Answer: B
Explanation: Liquid. Steam can be defined as gas and milk can be defined as liquid.
Question. Circle the odd one out.
(a) Bottle
(b) Glass
(c) Pineapple
(d) Cool Breeze
Answer: D
Explanation: Bottle, glass and pineapple are all solids, whereas cool breeze is gas.
Question. State which is true about the picture below:
(a) A is heavier
(b) Both have same volume
(c) Both have same mass
(d) None of the above
Answer: C
Question. Study the below diagram and tell in which box would you place water
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) Both A and B
Answer: B
Question. Ravi and Shashi were standing as shown here. Ravi waved to Shashi and
she smiled in reply. Sheet X can be made of
(a) Wood
(b) Iron
(c) Rubber
(d) Glass
Answer: D
Explanation: As both Ravi and Shashi can see each other, the sheet X should be
Among the given options only glass is a transparent material.
Question. Choose the correct option.
Statement A : Solid do not take the shape of the container they are in
Statement B : Gases are hard to compress.
(a) Only A is correct
(b) Only B is correct
(c) Both A and B are correct
(d) Both A and B are wrong.
Answer: A
Explanation: Statement A is correct. Solid do not take the shape of the container they are
Question. From the given options mark which one relates best with gaseous state?
(a) doll
(b) juice
(c) balloon
(d) pencil
Answer: C
Explanation: Balloon contain gas, which can be considered as gaseous state, Rest are
either solid or liquid.
Question. Which pattern is being followed in the following series:
(a) Solid:: Liquid :: Gas
(b) Gas :: Liquid :: Solid
(c) Liquid :: Solid :: Gas
(d) There is no pattern
Answer: C
Explanation: The pattern is liquid: solid: gas.
Question. Ice cream is the __________ state of milk.
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas
(d) All of these
Answer: A
Question. Based on the following diagram, state which is true?
(a) A is heavier than B
(b) B is heavier than A
(c) Both are equal weight
(d) None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: The inflated (blown up) balloon is heavier. The deflated (not blown up) one
has only the weight of the balloon skin, but the inflated one has the weight of the balloon
skin and also the air inside it.
Question. Hold a mug upside down on top of water in a bucket. Try to push it as is,
into the water. It takes a lot of effort to do that. Now tilt the mug a little, so that
bubbles come out, the mug goes down easily. This proves that mug had air in it and
(a) Air occupies space
(b) Bubbles help in sinking
(c) We cannot sink when we are upside down in an empty boat
(d) Nothing
Answer: A
Explanation: Air occupies space.
Question. Look at each object and match it to the material it is made from:
A. Tyre 1. Metal
B. Knife 2. Tree
C. Mirror 3. Rubber
D. Door(show Wooden door) 4. Glass
(a) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
(b) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
(c) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
(d) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
Answer: A
Explanation: Tyre is made of rubber. Knife is made of metal. It is then sharpened and it
acquires the shape of knife. Mirror is made of glass and door is made of tree. Trees are cut
and the wood is used for various purposes. Similarly, one material is used to make many
objects. e.g., rubber is used to make tyres, balloons, rubber bands, erasers, rubber bottles
Question. From the following list find out how many liquids are there
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 3
(d) 2
Answer: A
Explanation: (4) There are 4 liquids items in the list. They are Milk, Juice, Pepsi and
Question. Sarita made lemonade. For this she added sugar and lemon juice in water
and stirred. The lemonade is ______.
(a) Solid
(b) gas
(c) liquid
(d) all the above
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following is/are gases?
1. Oxygen 2. Carbon 3. Carbon-dioxide
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) 1 and 3
Answer: D
Explanation: Oxygen and carbon dioxide are gases. Carbon is not a gas. It is an element.
Graphite and diamond are solids and are made of carbon.
Question. What is matter?
(a) Anything that has mass
(b) Anything that occupies space
(c) Anything that has mass and occupies space
(d) None of these
Answer: C
Explanation: Anything which occupies space and has mass.
Question. Amit has following four containers. Which of these has maximum
(a) 200 mL cough syrup
(b) 900 mL glass jar
(c) 25 mL measuring cylinder
(d) 45 mL water bottle
Answer: B
Explanation: 900 mL glass jar has the maximum capacity.
Question. Radhika's mom kept some ice-cream in the refrigerator. Suddenly their
was power cut and the ice-cream melted away. When Radhika came from school she
opened the refrigerator and noticed the melted ice-cream. She started crying. As an
elder brother how will you stop her from crying.
(a) Scold Radhika
(b) Buy another ice-cream for her
(c) Tell her to wait, it will freeze again when the power supply is back
(d) None of these
Answer: C
Question. Solve the crossword puzzle: Then mark the correct option
1. It cannot be seen and is a part of air
2. It flows and when spilled takes the shape of the floor
3. The particles of this matter are tightly packed
(a) Liquid, Matter Solid
(b) Liquid, Solid, Gas
(c) Gas, Liquid, Solid
(d) Solid, Liquid, Gas
Answer: C
Explanation: Gas cannot be seen and is a part of air.
Question. When describing the colour, size, shape, or smell of an object, you are
describing the :
(a) Properties of matter
(b) States of matter
(c) Volume of matter
(d) Mass of matter
Answer: A
Question. A solid has ____________.
(a) Definite volume but no definite shape
(b) Definite mass but no definite volume
(c) Very high compressibility
(d) Have definite shape and definite volume
Answer: D
Question. Mass is ____________.
(a) The measure of how much material an object is made of
(b) Anything that takes up space
(c) The color or shape of an object
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Answer: A
Question. Six objects are classified into two groups as shown in the table.
The objects are grouped according to ________.
(a) Their hardness
(b) The materials that they are made of
(c) Whether they are waterproof
(d) None of these
Answer: A
Explanation: Eraser, paper envelope and newspaper are soft things. Paperclip, glass tube
and brick are hard things.
Question. Which of the following statements about water are correct?
1. It has mass
2. It has definite shape
3. It has no definite volume
4. It can change from one state to another
(a) 1 and 4 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 and 4 only
(d) 1 and 2 only
Answer: A
Explanation: Water is a liquid. It has definite volume but does not have a definite shape. It
takes the shape of the vessel in which it is poured. Water has mass and can exist in three
inter-convertible states - solid (ice), liquid and gas (steam).
Question. A cup was placed under a dripping tap. After a while, a puddle of water
was found around the cup.
Which of the following statements is true for the above activity?
(1) Water has a definite shape
(2) Water occupies space.
(3) Water has a definite volume.
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer: B
Explanation: We know that liquids do not have a definite shape, they acquire the shape of
the container in which they are placed. Liquids have definite volume and they occupy
space. The puddle of water around the cup shows that water occupies space and has a
definite volume.
Question. While making chapatis your mom takes some dough and rolls it. Then she
spreads it out with a rolling pin. This will change the ______ of the dough.
(a) Volume
(b) Man
(c) Shape
(d) State
Answer: C
Question. Study the given flow chart carefully. Which one of the following options
correctly describes the properties R, S and T in the chart?
(a) Allow light to Conducts electricity Fragile
pass through
(b) Fragile Allows light to pass Flexible
(c) Flexible Conducts electricity Had
(d) Conducts electricity Fragile Allows light to pass through
Answer: B
Explanation: Glass is fragile (can be broken easily) and it allows light to pass through it
while rubber is not fragile, it is flexible and does not allow light to pass though it.
Question. Study the flow chart given below.
What could P, Q, R and S be?
(a) Air
Rubber Steel
(b) Alcohol
Iron Paper
(c) Carbon dioxide Water Steel
(d) Water
Oxygen Ceramic Oil
Answer: C
Explanation: Gases do not have a fixed shape and are compressible, liquids also do not
have fixed shape but cannot be compressed as they have a fixed volume. Solids have
fixed shape, fixed volume and can either float or sink in water depending upon their
What is Vinod trying to test about the plastic ruler?
(a) Its hardness
(b) Its strength
(c) Its flexibility
(d) Its ability to float or sink in water
Answer: C
Explanation: Vinod is trying to test plastic ruler that is flexible.
Question. Esha wanted to find if material X would allow water to pass through. She
put the material over a container and poured some water onto it as shown in the
given diagram.
She found that no water was collected in the container. What material could X be?
(a) Cloth
(b) Paper
(c) Glass
(d) Cardboard
Answer: C
Explanation: As water did not collect in the container it means that the material ‘X’ is glass
which does not allow water to pass through it. Cloth, paper and cardboard allow water to
pass through them.
Question. Which state of matter spreads itself thinner and thinner until it fills the
entire volume of the container irrespective of its size?
(a) LiQuid
(b) Gas
(c) Solid
(d) (a) and (b) both
Answer: B
Question. Which of these is a characteristic property of gases?
(a) Gases are not rigid at all
(b) Gases are not compressible
(c) Gases have particles in fixed positions
(d) Gases have high density
Answer: A
There are ____(1)____ states in which matter exists- solid, ____(2)____ and gas. In a
solid, particles are ____(3)____ packed, so solids have ____(4)____ and volume. In
liquid, particles are not closely packed, so they have ____(5)____ and not shape.
Gases have ____(6)____, size and shape.
Question. 1
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 6
Answer: B
Question. 2
(a) liquid
(b) solid
(c) gas
(d) none of these
Answer: A
Question. 3
(a) loosely
(b) farway
(c) closely
(d) none of these
Answer: C
Question. 4
(a) shape
(b) length
(c) gas
(d) none of these
Answer: A
Question. 5
(a) shape
(b) volume
(c) length
(d) none of these
Answer: B
Question. 6
(a) definite
(b) specific
(c) no
(d) none of these
Answer: C
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
I went to a fair last sunday. There I saw so many exciting things and tried to find out
different states of matter. I saw a person selling gas balloon. Children were
buying Cars, jeeps and a train that I bought from him. Then I felt thristy, so went to a
shop and drank pepsi. I had fun.
Question. Name one item which represents gaseous state.
(a) cars
(b) jeeps
(c) pepsi
(d) balloons
Answer: D
Explanation: Balloons represent gaseous state because they are filled with gas.
Question. When the boy felt thirsty what did he have?
(a) balloons
(b) toys
(c) cold drinks
(d) nothing
Answer: C
Explanation: Cold drink. When the boy felt thirsty he went to a shop selling cold drinks
and had it.
Question. Refer to the given diagram and select the correct option regarding it.
(a) X – Rubber, Y – Plastic
(b) Z – Wood, X – Cardboard
(c) Y – Sponge, X – Rubber
(d) Z – Glass, X - Paper
Answer: D
Explanation: X is a material that is flexible but not waterproof. It can be paper. Z is a
material that is waterproof but not flexible. It can be glass.