BODY VOCABULARY 1. Calf muscle The muscle at the back of the lower leg, connecting the knee to the Achilles tendon. 2. Temple The flattened region on the side of the forehead, usually referring to the small, rounded area just in front of the ear. 3. The small of the back The lower part of the back, above the buttocks and below the waist. 4. To fold one's hands To clasp or bring one's hands together, often as a gesture of patience or contemplation. 5. To fold one's arms To bring both arms together and close to the body, usually across the chest. 6. To walk arm in arm Walking with arms linked together, typically with another person. 7. To walk hand in hand Walking while holding hands with someone. 8. Arms akimbo Standing with hands on hips and elbows turned outward. 9. Cross-legged Sitting with one leg overlapping the other. 10. To sit with one's legs crossed Sitting with legs crossed, typically at the knees. 11. Crawl on all fours Moving on hands and knees, like a baby or an animal. 12. Squat To crouch down with knees bent and the body close to the ground. 13. Crouch To lower the body stance by bending the knees. 14. To lie on one's back To be in a horizontal position with the back facing the ground. 15. To lie curled up To lie in a fetal position, with the body curled. 16. Lie face down /lie on one's belly To be in a horizontal position with the front facing the ground. 17. Kinky hair Hair with tight curls or waves. 18. Brunette A person with dark brown/black hair. 19. Blonde A person with fair or lightcolored hair. 20. Disheveled hair Untidy or messy hair. 21. Matted hair Hair that is tangled and clumped together. 22. An aquiline nose Characterized by a prominent and curved shape, resembling the beak of an eagle. 23. A Roman nose Characterized by a straight bridge and a slight outward curve at the tip. 24. A snub nose A short and somewhat upturned nose with a rounded tip. 25. To crease one's brows To furrow or wrinkle the forehead, often indicating concern or concentration. 26. To pout To push out the lips in a sulky or displeased manner. 27. To knit one's brows To furrow the eyebrows, usually in deep thought or concentration. 28. To squint To partly close the eyes to see more clearly or due to bright light. 29. To wring one's fingers The action of twisting or intertwining one's fingers together, often done as a sign of worry, anxiety, or distress.