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Pharmacology midterm

Pharmacology midterm 69 questions
1. Know that certain vaccines are live vaccines (MMR, chicken pox) please know you would
not give it to someone with a fever
2. Know the normal serum potassium level 3.5-5.5 and that normally it is given 10 mEq/hr
for critically ill up to 20 mEq/hr
3. Know normal sodium level 135-145
4. Know the normal urine output per hour 25-30 mL/hr
5. Side effects of vaccines, need to know that varicella may get few abruptions which is a
normal side effect
6. Bleeding and thrombocytopenia, on a certain cancer drug anti-cancer drugs
7. Know normal PTT and PPT levels, decide if this patient should get a cancer drug or not PTT
normal levels 25-35 secs PT 10-13 secs
8. Epogen drug: to create RBC and is needed for their hemoglobin
Neupogen: growth of WBC
Neutropenia lower levels of neutrophils
Know the meaning of neutropenic, suffix of -penia is too low, someone going through
chemotherapy and their blood count is off we would never bring them fresh flowers
or something from the outside that could be fresh
9. Active vs passive immunity, know which type of immunity does a vaccine produce
Active immunity: disease resistance: antibodies
Passive immunity: antibodies to disease from mother to baby: breastmilk
10. Extravasation for IV, causes swelling, redness, don’t pull out IV?
Stop infusion but leave IV catheter in place
11. Immune system with a cancer patient, know that folinic acid is an antidote for certain
drugs if they extravasate
12. Bruising and bleeding easily: chemotherapy, someone taking chemo their blood count is
low, first sign is increased bruising
13. Question about cyclosporin which is a drug for patients who get kidney transplants, you
need to know that cyclosporin can cause BUN to be 7-20 mg/dl ? Know normal BUN level,
can they get it or not
14. What can you delegate to a UAP
You can delegate ointment for a chemotherapy person experiencing hair loss. UAP can
delegate to apply on scalp
15. Stomatitis, has to do with ulcers in the mouth, you might tell this person to oral swish
with water and baking soda
16. Question about transplant
17. Another question about cyclosporin, know that it is used to prevent rejection of any kind
of tissue?
Cyclosporin is used to prevent organ or rejection of any kind of tissue transplant
(antirejection drug)
18. No grapefruit with tacrolimus
19. Question about someone with chemotherapy, should they take a vaccine? check with
20. Nystatin, know what it is used for, who might need it
Nystatin: used to treat fungal infections inside the mouth and lining of the
21. Cancer drug called cisplatin (platinol) need to know it damages the auditory nerve, And
hearing loss
22. Rickets, know what it looks like, what can cause it
Rickets: softening/weakening of bones in children, their legs/limbs are opened, lack of
vitamin D/calcium
23. Question about calcium supplement: helps with nerve impulses
Hypocalcemia: causes seizures
24. Vitamin K has to do with clotting factors, could interfere with someone taking what drug?
25. High sources of vitamin K in diet: green leafy vegetables, soy beans, brussels sprouts etc
Orange juice and bananas are not a good source of vitamin K
26. Another question about calcium
27. Kayexalate: try to expel something from the body, it can help someone move bowels,
might be given to someone suffering from severe constipation
28. What to avoid if you need to watch potassium levels (potatoes), because they’re taking
what drug? Like spironolactone
29. Magnesium toxicity, affects nerves and tendon reflexes, know normal levels: 1.7-2.2
30. Calcium gluconate might be an antidote to a high magnesium, can slow labor
31. IV lasix, remember that lasix is always given as a slow push, 1-2 mins
32. Know that it is ok to mix cyclosporine with orange juice but no Styrofoam cup
33. Chemo -> low WBC count, they would get neupogen for low WBC
34. Immune system PowerPoint; organ transplant rejection drug, tacrolimus can be used with
prednisone to help even organ rejection
35. Kidney rejection drug azasan, in patient teaching you would tell them this antirejection
drug is for life
36. Complications of disease with vaccine
If they get the disease it is much worse than side effects of vaccine
37. Nystatin swish: given for fungal infections in the mouth like Thush
38. Correct site for pediatric IM, know name of injection site: vastus lateralis
39. Normal levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium, chloride, etc
Calcium: 9-11
Magnesium: 1.5-2.5
Potassium: 3.5-5
Chloride: 98-106
Sodium: 135-145
BUN: 7-20
40. Fluid and electrolytes, which parameter is important to watch if you are trying to drain
fluids out of somebody? Measure weight and urine output to know effectiveness
41. Know good sources of potassium
Potatoes and dried fruits
42. Digoxin toxicity, something they see when they look at the light, signs and symptoms
Patient sees funny yellow color around the lights
43. Packed RBC is compatible with normal saline
44. If a person has a lot of blood loss lets say 30% you would give them the whole blood not
just packed RBC
45. Ace inhibitors; have certain side effects cynitophril ???
Dry nonproductive cough that reverses when therapy is stopped
46. Know what metoprolol is
Increases survival rates in patients who had a heart attack and high BP
47. What do you check when giving someone digoxin, what vital sign
Apical pulse, if below 60 don’t give it
48. Sublingual Nitroglycerin is ordered a certain way: under tongue, can only take 3, if they
need more call 911
49. Metoprolol or any antihypertensive, tell patient not to stop abruptly
50. Look over powerpoint of Antihypertensive drugs and know common names like apenolol,
51. Know that someones blood pressure wont go down immediately after taking
antihypertensive, it might take about 2 weeks
52. Hydralazine is an emergency antihypertensive, know what drug class it is
53. Know how beta blockers work
Treat heart problems
54. Unwanted side effects for males from beta blockers
55. Antihypertensive isosorbide: side effect can be reflux tachycardia, BP drops quickly and
causes high HR
56. Know that losartan not only is antiHTN but can be good for heart failure
57. Remember to tell patient taking Nitroglycerin to not use it with Viagra because they’re
both vasodilators
58. Nitroglycerin side effect can be headache
59. Remember it is administered sublingually, do not chew
60. Chemotherapy; blood counts are down they should avoid crowds or where they can catch
respiratory viruses
61. Know toxic side effects of cisplatin, digoxin, doxorubicin, know nursing management
Cisplatin: tinnitus, hearing loss, elevated BUN, numbness and tingling
Digoxin: trouble breathing, dizziness, vomiting, blurred vision
Doxorubicin: diarrhea, nail changes, indigestion, unusual bleeding or bruising,
indigestion, weakness
62. Ace inhibitors vs ___ which one would cause cough as side effect
Dry non productive cough which reverses when therapy is stopped