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Card Magic Trick: Believe Application

Believe Application
I wont add an effect etc as it isn’t my trick to do so, and I am sending this on knowledge
of you already owning the original effect by Aaron Delong.
I am also in no means least trying to say mine is better than the original. Both have their
pros and cons, but for me, this works better. It takes less pocket space than the notepad,
and can be made quickly and no tape is used. So what do I use I hear you asking!
Above is a picture of the back of a Card Box. I use Bicycles and Tally Ho’s, but any deck
will work. A diamond shape is cut out to allow you to write onto the cards, this is the
secret. Now, in addition to a deck of cards which almost every magician has on them
when they perform, a sharpie is needed, which again most magicians have, and a Post it
Notepad. They are small, and can easily fit in the top pocket. So you already have two
things you would probably have with you anyway, and a small post it pad, which takes up
a lot less space than the note pad. And you don’t have to worry about it getting stuck in
your pockets or the tape wearing down.
You also need a place to load the card. I use a Le Paul card in envelope wallet with small
manilla envelopes as my final load, but the large paperclip and envelope works as well.
The performance is almost the same Aaron’s, just using a different gimmick. When the
cards are in the box, you cant really tell there is a diamond cut out due to the back design
matching, however you will want the diamond facing away from the spectators when you
take the cards out. Have a card selected and placed back, they can think of a card, take it
out and you place it back in. And you need to get it to the top of the deck, nothing new
here from Aaron’s routine. They should also be thinking of a word. You obtain this
however you like whether you get them to just say it or peeking at it. Now, you case the
deck, with the cards going so the top card will be facing the hole in the card box. Place
the cards back in the box, peeking the selection as you place the cards in the box, just by
pushing over the top card, but when you close the box, place the flap in between the top
card of the deck and the box. This now means the deck looks closed in the box and all
looks fine. In reality you can get the top card out which is the selection. Now, remove the
post its and rip a post it note off. Then stick this post it on the back of the card box, over
the diamond cut out. Now explain you will try and divine the card and the word at the
same time (If you peeked at the word), if you already know the word, you don’t need to
divine it. Now, you write the first part of the card, E.g. Seven, keeping it hidden from the
spectator, but miscall the number you have written, explaining you don’t want them to
tell you if you are right or not. Now, your left thumb goes under the post it and lifts it up.
Now you will write the word on the back of the card through the diamond cut out. Move
your thumb back out
of the way and continue to then write the rest of their card, E.g. of Spades. Again,
miscalling it. So essentially, you are still doing Aaron’s routine, just using the box instead
of the pad and there are no questions asked, so it makes it quicker. Fold up the post it and
rip it off keeping the back of the card box towards you as you ask if you were right. They
will say no. get them to name it, as they name it, place the card box away in your top
inside jacket pocket, or wherever your final load will be. As you take your hand off, your
thumb pulls up the selection and pulls it out of the box, then loads it in to the final load.
This takes seconds, two or three seconds. As they name their card, you explain isn’t that
what you wrote, and they will disagree as you miscalled what you were writing. Get them
to open the post it and they will see you got their card. If you had to write the word down,
you write the word they are thinking of down so it looks like you divined both, you
would also have to miscalled a word when miscalling a card. (Makes sense?)
Now with empty hands, remove the wallet or envelope and finish to show a match of card
and word, and you have now made them BELIEVE!!!
As I said before, I am not trying to say this is better than Aaron’s, but he seemed to like
it, and it works for me which is the main thing for me, if may not be for you, and that is
for you to decide. Either way, have fun with the effect and I thank Aaron for allowing me
the opportunity to own the effect.