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Data Interpretation: Global Warming & Pollution Worksheet

Data interpretation is the process of assigning
meaning to the collected information and
determining the conclusions, significance, and
implications of the findings. The goal of the
interpretation of data is to highlight useful
information and suggest conclusions.
Global weather is warming leading to
Arctic meltdown. Study the following pie
chart and write a brief paragraph on
factors affecting global warming, in about
100 words.
Study the pie chart given here and write
a brief paragraph on water pollution in
about 100 words.
Water is undoubtedly the most precious natural
resource (a) …………………………. . We often
disregard this threat by polluting, our rivers, lakes
and oceans. The most important cause for water
pollution (b) ………………………….. in water bodies,
(c) ………………………….. are dumped into urban
water supplies, leading to water pollution. Pollutants
like (d) ………………………….. some of the major
sources of water pollution. Nitrates and phosphates
contained in sewage and fertilizers, over-stimulate the
growth of aquatic plants which clog our waterways,
(e) …………………………. . Water pollution leads to the
outbreak of numerous lethal and contagious
(a) as without water there would be no life on
(b) is dumping of untreated domestic sewage
in rivers
(c) Effluents from factories, refineries,
injection wells and sewage treatment plants
(d) fertilizers and pesticides
(e) using up dissolved oxygen as they
You are Nisha/Nishant. As Secretary of
the Literary Club of your school, you have
been asked to write a paragraph on the
importance of reading. The following
histogram clearly states how irrelevant
reading has become to the present
generation. Taking ideas from the
histogram, write a paragraph in about 100