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DrKTT-SmashwordsMaster-New Version 30-08-22

The Secret of China’s Battle and Its Victory
Against COVID-19 Pandemic!
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam
Alternate Medicine & Siddha Doctor
President, Rathna Siddha Hospital &
Herbal Research Center, Chennai
Compiled & Translated by
Johns Cyrus
Owner, Turtledove Translators & Publishers
Tamil Nadu, India
Edited by
Ian McMillan, B.Sc. Eng.
An Innovative Engineer in Industrial and
Safety Systems Electronics
Cape Town, SA
Turtledove Translators & Publishers
Tamil Nadu, India
The Secret of China’s Battle and Its Victory Against COVID-19 Pandemic!
Compiled & Translated by Johns Cyrus
Copyright 2022 Turtledove Translators & Publishers
Originally Published in 2020 as “An Indian Doctor Saved China from COVID-19
Indian Prescription + Chinese Version = COVID-19-Free Pathway.”
All rights reserved.
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Published by Turtledove Translators & Publishers at Smashwords
Tamil Nadu, India
Email: ssssp@proton.me
Disclaimer: Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the
publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability
assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein.
This book is dedicated to
Who exercises lovingkindness, judgment, and
righteousness in the earth; His praying saints;
the Indian Traditional Siddha Medicine; and
all who sacrificed their life to save the life
of their fellow human beings suffering
from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction: The Hidden Secret of China’s Victory Against COVID-19
Section 1: Indian Prescription
2. We Have Found Medicine for Coronavirus Treatment
3. I Have Medicine for Coronavirus, Cries a Siddha Doctor!
4. Siddha Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam – An Analysis
5. Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam to Indian Leaders: What Is to Be Done Urgently?
6. To Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi
7. My Medicine Is Proven with 500 Pages of Clinical Trials and Testing!
Section 2: Chinese Version
8. Evidences that Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam’s Prescriptions Awakened the TCM Giants!
9.Lessons from China’s Battle Against COVID-19 Outbreak!
Source: References
Appendix: Further References
About Dr. Thiruthanikasalam
About the Book
Few books that I have read, have been spawned by such a cry of a heart in such anguish.
Anguish at seeing such precious people suffering and dying, when a tried-and-tested remedy
is not only available, but offered freely from the most charitable heart you could ever wish to
meet. A heart that loves and wants to help all people.
The exasperated – nay, incredulous – frustration at the authorities’ seemingly cold and
careless denial that anything good could possibly come out of Tamil Nadu, comes through
repeatedly throughout this book. How could they be so uncaring and blasé in the face of such
a human tragedy which so severely involves every single one of us – when the solution is so
simple, so affordable – and so effective? Yet the world is locked-down and suffering from
forced unemployment, growing frustration and a grim fear of the inevitable hunger that is
expected to result, while we are being told that maybe sometime next year we just might have
a vaccine, and maybe not; and only when we do, whenever that might be, will we go back –
not to normal, but to ‘a new normal’; we are being forced to accept the prospect that the grim
choice of whether we live, or die of a deadly disease, or die of starvation, is being made for
us by those who claim to care about us – we, the expendable masses, are not even afforded a
say in the matter. Democracy? What democracy? It should lead even those most sceptical of
modern theories hypothesizing tyrannical betrayal of their people by governments, to begin to
If there is repetition, if there is emotion, if there is pleading – know that the tears and the
agony are deeply genuine ... the heart of an intercessor, since intercessors will brokenheartedly plead with God relentlessly until they see their prayers answered. The undeniable
proof of this heart lies on the page where the ingredients of the remedy are published free of
charge, so that all who have an ear to hear and the ability to take appropriate action, may have
opportunity to reclaim that precious choice that we are so used to enjoying in free societies.
Eric Bogle wrote a poem and song called “The Green Fields of France”, which describes the
thoughts of an old man who was walking out in the beautiful French countryside in summer,
and sat down to rest next to a graveyard, where he contemplates the gravestone of a young
man killed in the First World War. He muses: Those who lie here – do they know why they
The essence of this poem and song will apply all over again in this time. The contents of this
book confirm for me personally what I have suspected all along - that what we are fighting is
akin to a third world war – the dynamics of which are however very different to the first two
world wars, in which secret operatives shrouded in myth & mystery caused people to kill
other people with bullets and bombs. This however, is a war in which the same operatives
appear to be using a completely different strategy against us apparently expendable mortals.
The targets of the mis- and dis-information campaigns are no longer military intelligence
experts, but us, the people of the world. They would have us to believe that we are populating
our modern graveyards because of a virus that mutated quite naturally into a lethal strain in
animals in China, and that they are trying with all their might to save us. Or are they?
This book presents the findings of an Indian Siddha doctor’s research and the response he
received from the Establishment, and leaves it for the Reader to demand a verdict. May God
lead and guide every one of us through this time in which we will need unprecedented
wisdom and guidance from Him.
Ian McMillan
Cape Town, SA
May 27, 2020
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Dr. KTT (R) Receiving Award from Former President of India,
Shri Pranab Mukherjee (sitting)
Friends, Greetings to you all! Since January 27, 2020 I have been saying that COVID-19 can
be cured by herbal medicines. I announced it in Chennai Press Club. (Ref. Jaya Plus, Jan. 27,
2020: https://bit.ly/2yFwESQ.) I shared a few points about what COVID-19 actually causes
in a human body! At that time, many didn’t I agree with my view about the working of
COVID-19 infection. Now, all the trail of findings confirms my sayings about COVID-19.
Recently I said that WHO’s protocol or approach about COVID-19 treatment is not correct!
High COVID-19 death rates are due to the wrong protocol being used. Now we heard a report
from Italy that says “Dr. Kyle-Sidell and Dr. Gattinoni agree that protocol-driven ventilator
use may be causing lung injury in COVID-19 patients.” ref_N P1
Similarly, an American nurse pulled a ventilator into an exam room where a patient with
COVID-19 went into cardiac arrest on April 20, 2020, at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Yonkers,
N.Y. ref_N P2
I had been saying that COVID-19 pneumonia fever can be very easily cured! I shared this
information to all the authorities with whom I was supposed to, including the UN but nothing
worked out so far! So, I made a new decision, that is, for all COVID-19 positive confirmed
patients – regardless of their language, ethnicity, country, and nations, I am willing to give
free treatment! So, please share this good news to all! This treatment, I am not going to do it
alone but with the support of many in our country. (Note: Currently, I have 3500 medicine
kits for COVID-19 critical stage patients those who require ventilator support. We can save
them all! (report on Mar. 26, 2020).
The treatment method is very simple. Send the following details to us by email and we will
send you the medicine by courier. You just pay for the courier charge which depends upon
your location:
1. COVID-19 positive test result
2. Blood count reports while testing positive for COVID-19
3. Nationality ID card (or passport)
4. Passport size photo
Send all the above details to my email: rathnasiddha@gmail.com. Let this news reach to all
those who are affected by COVID-19.
Ka Thiruthanikasalam
Chennai, TN, India
May 5, 2020
Back to TOC
Chapter 1
The Hidden Secret of China’s Victory Against COVID-19!
Johns Cyrus, May 28, 20201.
Owner, Turtledove Translators & Publishers
1.1. How Do We Safeguard the Sovereignty of a Nation?
The government of any nation maintains law and order according to its written constitutional
law. The law and order are enforced only to create peaceful living conditions by
administering equal justice to its citizens. When we talk of justice, no other book is as highly
esteemed than The Holy Bible. It is considered as the forerunner of all the written books
about law; and it talks about justice as follows:
Truthful & Just Testimony: “Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by
being a malicious witness… When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice
by siding with the crowd, and do not show favouritism to a poor person in a lawsuit… Do
not accept a bribe, for a bribe blind those who see and twists the words of the innocent.
Do not oppress a foreigner” (Exodus 23:1-9). ref_N C1
The war between truth and error is inevitable until God ultimately destroys “all things that
offend, and those who practice lawlessness” (Matthew 13:38-41). When the elected leaders of
a nation or the world miss the path of justice, then what hope is there for such a nation? Is it
not a country’s Supreme Court that has the power to step in, to warn, and to direct their
leaders – because no one is above the law? In any nation, if the Supreme Court can’t function
as an independent watchdog, then its leaders will be rendered subservient to outside forces!
Here is an example of how a nation can safeguard its sovereignty:
US Sen. Ted Cruz fought the U.N. in the Medellin vs. Texas case, when Ted Cruz was the
Solicitor General of Texas. “Ted Cruz successfully took on the UN to protect the
constitutional right of states to deliver justice, delivering a landmark victory at the U.S.
Supreme Court in Medellin vs. Texas.” ref_N C2 https://bit.ly/2Z1KDNw
Someone may quip: What if the Supreme Court of a nation fail? The answer is, “The Lord is
known by the judgment He executes; …” (Psalm 9:16).
1.2. The Use of Indian Traditional Siddha Medicine by China’s TCM in COVID19 Treatment
The following chronological events highlight that Indian Traditional Siddha Medicine has
been tested and used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients by the Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) doctors of China. Until the prescribed medicine of Dr. Thiruthanikasalam
(referred as Dr. KTT) reached the TCM Division through the Chinese Embassy in New
Delhi, there was not a single report of success in TCM treatment. And only after hearing the
echo of Dr. KTT’s announcement about the herbal cure in the Chinese media on 28th Jan.
2020, the TCM experts rushed to Wuhan city to help:
January 25, 2020 - The first national TCM team arrived at the Jinyintan Hospital in
Wuhan, Hubei province, on Jan. 25. With no specialized TCM pharmacies or formulas,
they had to begin their efforts from scratch, and took over an inpatient ward in the
hospital. ref_N C3
January 28, 2020 - The first batch of patients cured (including six females and two
males, … six of whom were in critical condition before the treatment) have been treated
by TCM doctors from Beijing’s Xiyuan and Guang’anmen hospitals, both under the
China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. They arrived in Wuhan on Jan. 28 to help
fight the outbreak. ref_N C4
February 2, 2020 - In Wuhan’s Wuchang District, which was severely stricken by the
epidemic, more than 90 percent of suspected cases became confirmed cases by Jan. 28.
TCM intervention started on Feb. 2, and the diagnosis rate fell to 30 percent by Feb. 6 and
then to about 3 percent by March 5. ref_N C3
February 3, 2020 - On the evening of Feb. 3, People’s Daily released a “good news of
the epidemic,” allowing all traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to raise their
eyebrows again and make the public shrouded in the epidemic feel that the dawn is
coming. ref_N C5
The following extract speaks volumes about the role of TCM being very limited in modern
Chinese medicine. Is it not a Tamil Siddha doctor, Dr. KTT’s prescribed medicine and his
sample medical kit, that awakened the sleeping TCM giant?
“This is the first time that TCM medical workers have taken over an independent ward in
a hospital in an emergency since the People’s Republic of China was founded, opening a
new front against the novel coronavirus that was centered around TCM,” said Huang
Luqi, president of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (CACMS). ref_N C3
“… Yuan said, disclosing that it makes him more confident that many patients, including
the first one to be cured, said that they never imagined TCM could work so well. ref_N
1.3. China’s and the WHO’s Versions of the Role of Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TMC)
What Does China Say about the Role of TMC in Their Battle Against COVID-19?
First, we have mobilized a great many TCM experts. More than 4,900 TCM medical staff
across China have been organized to support Hubei, including three academicians and
hundreds of experts, accounting for about 13% of the total medical staff assisting Hubei.
The size and professional level of the TCM assisting team is unprecedented. ref_N C7
People in all the sectors agree that TCM has played an important role and become a
highlight in the epidemic prevention and control work. Here is a set of data. A total of
74,187 COVID-19 patients, or 91.5% of the total confirmed cases nationwide, have been
treated with TCM.
Centralized isolation of all suspected infection cases, and enabling our patients to take
TCM have contained the spread of the epidemic, which is the foundation of our fight
against COVID-19.
What the WHO Says to the World about the Role of TMC in the Fight Against COVID19
Over the weekend, netizens noticed a discrepancy between the Chinese and English
versions of a list of measures deemed “not effective against COVID-19” by the World
Health Organization. The former consisted of three items - smoking, wearing multiple
masks, and taking antibiotics - while the latter included a fourth: “traditional herbal
remedies.” ref_N C8
In an email Monday to Sixth Tone, the WHO said it decided at an editorial meeting on
March 4 to remove the line about traditional herbal remedies from its list of discouraged
measures because “it was too broad and did not take into account the fact that many
people turn to traditional medicines to alleviate some of the milder symptoms of COVID19.”
“While some western, traditional or home remedies may provide comfort and alleviate
symptoms of COVID-19, there is no evidence that current medicine can prevent or cure
the disease,” a current version of the Q&A reads.
The demarcation between the Chinese version of the role of TMC and the WHO’s version, is
like a mountain and valley scene - even a child can see it clearly!
1.4. Countries Which Are Becoming Freed from COVID-19 by the Use of Herbal
Starting with China, many countries in the world are becoming freed from the grip of
COVID-19 even though there is no vaccine available yet. Here is how China won the battle:
By March 23, central China’s Hubei province, the epicenter of the country’s COVID-19
outbreak, had not reported any new confirmed or suspected cases for five consecutive
days. One of the important reasons behind this success in combating the epidemic was
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). ref_N C3
In an exclusive interview with FRANCE 24 and RFI - Madagascar’s President Andry
Rajoelina defended his promotion of a homegrown remedy for Covid-19 despite an
absence of clinical trials. "It works really well," he said of the herbal drink CovidOrganics. ref_N C9
Here are the examples of countries which are becoming free of COVID-19 mostly
through the use of herbal remedies either received from China (ref_N C6) or by their own
(data from Worldometer, dated June 11, 2020 ref_N C10):
1. China - Total cases: 83,057; Total deaths: 4,634; New cases: 11; New deaths: 0
2. Hong Kong – Total cases: 1,108; Total deaths: 4; New cases: 0; New deaths: 0
3. South Korea - Total cases: 11,947; Total deaths: 276; New cases: 45; New deaths: 0
4. Japan - Total cases: 17,292; Total deaths: 920; New cases: 41; New deaths: 1
5. Madagascar - Total cases: 1,203; Total deaths: 10; New cases: 41; New deaths: 0
6. Cameroon - Total cases: 8,681; Total deaths: 212; New cases: 0; New deaths: 0
7. Tanzania – Total cases: 509; Total deaths: 21; New cases: 0; New deaths: 0
8. Mozambique – Total cases: 489; Total deaths: 2; New cases: 17; New deaths: 0
9. Thailand – Total cases: 3,125; Total deaths: 58; New cases: 0; New deaths: 0
10. Singapore – Total cases: 39,387; Total deaths: 25; New cases: 422; New deaths: 0
11. Malaysia – Total cases: 8,369; Total deaths: 118; New cases: 31; New deaths: 0
12. Macao – Total cases: 45; Total deaths: 0; New cases: 0; New deaths: 0
13. Vietnam – Total cases: 332; Total deaths: 0; New cases: 0; New deaths: 0
14. Cambodia – Total cases: 126; Total deaths: 0; New cases: 0; New deaths: 0
15. Zimbabwe – Total cases: 332; Total deaths: 4; New cases: 12; New deaths: 0
16. Romania – Total cases: 21,182; Total deaths: 1,369; New cases: 237; New deaths: 9
17. France – Total cases: 155,561; Total deaths: 29,346; New cases: 425; New deaths: 27
18. Italy – Total cases: 236,142; Total deaths: 34,167; New cases: 379; New deaths: 53
Up to now, China’s Lianhua Qingwen capsules have been registered in Hong Kong (SAR
of China), Macao (SAR of China), Brazil, Indonesia, Canada, Mozambique, Romania and
other places as “Chinese patent medicine”, “medicine”, “plant medicine” and “natural
health products”, and have been approved for marketing. ref_N C11. Also see Covid-19
TCM Treatment Market Size, Business Revenue Forecast, ref_N C12.
1.5. Conclusion
As COVID-19 is a pandemic – it’s become an international issue and help and support are
required for all nations. When a nation knowingly or unwittingly rejects the availability of a
real remedy to save its dying patients, then that remedy should not be buried within that
nation when the rest of the nations are conducting mass burials of their dead!
This book has been divided into two sections – Section 1 covers a few video scripts translated
from Dr. KTT’s video messages. We have found enough evidence from the Chinese media to
back up Dr. KTT’s speech about his medicine. We found evidence of why Dr. KTT spoke
with authority – because he is the man who saved China from its terrible woe!
Section 2 has been taken from the Chinese media, particularly a Chinese professor, Zhang
Boli, who played a major role in saving their dying COVID-19 patients in a sleepless battle!
Finally, the appendix provides the details of the TMC herbal medicines with which the TMC
doctors set their people free from COVID-19.
Back to TOC
Section 1
Indian Prescription*
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam
Alternate Medicine & Siddha Doctor
Founder & President, Rathna Siddha Hospital &
Herbal Research Center, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
"Whether it is multiorgan failure due to severe fever or platelet deficiency caused by
COVID-19 – our medicine cures!"
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam
"Dear people, you need not fear! I assure you that COVID-19 is certainly curable! As
a preventative medicine – we can give them Nilavembu kudineer. If you find a mild
symptom of infection, let them take Kaba sura kudineer. For mild throat infection with
little breathing trouble, one can drink Vatha sura kudineer. This is my general
prescription for all people.”
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam
“We have formulated a medicine from an extract of herbs. It is very effective to cure
any type of viral fever. Coronavirus has no medicine. Our herbal extract medicine is
used to treat dengue, multi-organ fever and acute liver fever.”
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam
“When we treated the dengue virus with our medicine, many patients with reduced
platelets count, acute liver failure, immunity deficiency and low white blood cell
(WBC) were cured within 24-40 hours.”
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam
“For the past 12 years, we have been treating: chikungunya viral fever, dengue viral
fever that had spread recently in Tamil Nadu. We have treated and cured approx.
550 dengue patients who had multiorgan failures such as liver-failure, kidney-failure,
etc. by our own medicines.”
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam
Even if you take only this medicine, I am giving you a guarantee that we can create a
situation – not even one person will die! As far as Coronavirus fever is concerned,
Vatha sura kudineer is much better than Nilavembu kudineer. That is why I
recommended this.
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam
Back to TOC
Chapter 2
We Have Found Medicine for Coronavirus Treatment
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam on Jan. 27, 2020
Alternate Medicine & Siddha Doctor
Founder & President, Rathna Siddha Hospital
Dr. KTT’s (2nd R) First Address at a Chennai Press Club Meet, Jan. 27, 2020
When Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam (Dr. KTT) heard that “Chinese officials have confirmed
Wuhan’s COVID-19 cases rose to 2,862, as the death toll reached 81,” he immediately
announced at the Chennai Press Club, that his team is ready to go to Wuhan to treat SARSCoV-2 patients. This chapter is taken from his first press conference on Jan. 27, 2020 (here is
the video clip with English subtitle: https://bit.ly/2yFwESQ) ref_N C13
2.1. We Are Ready to Go to Wuhan with Our Medical Team
Greetings! I am doctor Thiruthanikasalam, Founder and President of Rathna Siddha Hospital.
She is Dr. Veni, Senior doctor. She is Tamil Ponni, Ayurvedic doctor. He is Mr.
Ramamoorthy, Technical Data Scientist, working with us. ref_N C14
Corona virus meaning, circle-of-light or crown virus, started spreading in the Wuhan district
of China; now, with the potential to spread all over the world, it’s feared that it might have
already been spread in India as well. News has arrived that till now more than 85 people had
died in other parts of the world because of this virus called circle-of-light (SARS-CoV-2).
This corona virus causes some type of pneumonia fever.
Similar viruses were identified earlier and named SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, etc. There are 4
subgroups of the coronavirus family: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. In China, Wuhan’s
corona virus (COVID-19) had been identified as beta-coronavirus. Coronavirus infected
patients have the following symptoms: high fever, body pain, fatigue, tiredness, lung
infection, breathing trouble, overall body weakness, steep decline in WBC count causing
decline in disease resistance, leading to kidney failure and finally, death due to acute renal
failure from which patients are unable to recover.
The Chinese govt. had said that it is unable to control this pandemic, and the World Health
Organization is also aware of this situation. For the past 12 years, we had been treating
Chikungunya viral fever & Dengue viral fever that had spread in Tamil Nadu. The multiorgan failures suffered by Dengue viral fever patients included liver failure, kidney failure,
etc. We treated approx. 550 patients with our own medicines. By providing a free medical
service we saved all 550 Dengue patients.
Based on these experiences, we recommend the same medicines for the coronavirus patients
and we are ready to treat them. As we want to treat these COVID-19 patients whose
conditions have deteriorated by multi-organ failures like sudden kidney-failure, can be cured
within 12 hours as we have seen in our experience! Similarly, when patients face a sudden
fall in WBC count, we have seen our medicine increase the WBC count within 24 hours!
So, if the WHO, Chinese govt., and Indian govt. approach us and if they give us permission
to treat COVID-19 patients, we are prepared to go to China’s Wuhan city with our medical
2.2. Our Medicine Cures – Multi-Organ Failure Due to Severe Fever and Platelet
Speech by Mr. Ramamoorthy, Technical Data Scientist
I want to share a piece of info about our medicine. In the world, wherever Dengue fever
broke out, it is the World Health Organization that monitors and then publishes its data. So,
according to the WHO, there is no medicine available for Dengue. At the same time, our
Siddha Dr. KTT had found medicine and treated the Dengue patients. This proven medicine
is such a powerful one (WBC count for an average human being is 200,000 to 350,000); for
those who affected by Dengue fever, the WBC count will come down by every minute and
When the WBC count is less than 50,000, there is no guarantee of that patient’s survival.
There are no medical facilities available to stop the fall of WBC count, even in the multispecialty hospitals that we believe and spend money on also can’t treat this. But those
patients treated by our medicine, found by Siddha Dr. KTT after taking the medicine, within
1 hr, 2 hr, 4 hr, & 8 hr, when we examined the samples of their WBC counts, the minimum
WBC count should be 50,000; if it comes less than 50K, then the patient is in extreme
danger! But even such patients whose WBC dropped below 50K, after giving this medicine,
within 24 hours WBC counts rapidly increased to 100,000, 150,000, etc. In addition, our
medicine saved them from multi-organ failure which typically occurs within 24 hours of
reaching that danger zone, and thus, we restored their health to normalcy. We have
documented all these steps by laboratory testing and confirmed the results with the standard
practice of multi-specialty hospitals. Our conclusion is not based on one or two cases or by
trial and error.
We have come across approx. 500 Dengue patients whom we treated and recorded our
conclusion. Now, we are applying pattern for this medicine. This will be useful for all. If you
have any doubt, you can ask.
Audience Questions … Yes, we are applying pattern for our medicine. This medicine … you
have asked an important question! Whether it is multi-organ failure due to severe fever
caused by COVID-19, or whether it is platelet deficiency – our medicine cures! THANKS!
Back to TOC
Chapter 3
I Have Medicine for Coronavirus, Cries a Siddha Doctor!
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam on Mar. 23, 2020 (ref_N C15)
Alternate Medicine & Siddha Doctor
Founder & President, Rathna Siddha Hospital
Dr. KTT’s Talks about Vatha sura kudineer
3.1. Dr. KTT’s Vatha sura kudineer Vs. TCM’s Qingfei Paidu Tang decoction
In this chapter, we have clear evidence that the prescription medicine given by Dr. K.
Thiruthanikasalam (Dr. KTT) and sent through Chinese Ambassador to China’s TCM
Division, proved to be the most effective medicine called by TCM Heads as Qingfei Paidu
Tang decoction (see Chapter 8) that saved thousands of Chinese COVID-19 patients. Dr.
KTT called it in Tamil as Vatha sura kudineer. (Decoction or syrup for fever related to
nervous system): Here is the effectiveness of Dr. KTT’s 21 herbal medicines in China (ref_N
The Qingfei Paidu decoction (QPD) was most favoured as it demonstrated the highest
efficacy and been rebranded as different names including ‘Formula One’ In Guandong,
The ‘TCM Antiviral’ In Shanghai, etc with state pharmaceutical and TCM companies
mass producing it for sale in China but it has been restricted for export.
The exact ingredients for the Qingfei Paidu decoction (QPD) concoction is listed as
Ephedrae Herba, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeprata cum Melle, Armeniacae
Semen Amarum, Gypsum Fibrosum, Cinnamomi Ramulus, Alismatis Rhizoma,
Polyporus, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Poria, Bupleuri Radix, Scutellariae
Radix, Pinelliae Rhizoma Praepratum cum Zingibere et Alumine, Zingiberis Rhizoma
Recens, Asteris Radix et Rhizoma, Farfarae Flos, Belamcandae Rhizoma, Asari Radix et
Rhizoma, Dioscoreae Rhizoma, Aurantii Fructus Immaturus, Citri Reticulatae
Pericarpium, and Pogostemonis Herba. On March 23, 2020, Dr. KTT understood that his
medicine literally freed Chinese people from COVID-19; and as he was not given an
opportunity to free his own people, he cried!
3.2. What medicine will protect us from COVID-19 infection?
Friends, Greetings! My struggles that started in 2017 have been revived again from 28 Jan.
2020. I struggled all these years with all my strength! Even now, I didn’t stop! In this
situation, when people are frightened - I am declaring to you that you need not fear! I am
ready to help you! You are with me! So, there is nothing to fear! If you are infected by
COVID-19, I have medicine!
What medicine will protect us from COVID-19 infection? This is the question many people
are asking today! Now, I am going to inform you of that medicine. Vatha sura kudineer is the
best medicine to protect you from COVID-19. The ingredients included in Vatha sura
kudineer are:
1. Perukanchoori ver (Laportea crenulate 4.76%),
2. Thipili moolam (root of Piper longum), 4.76%
3. Sithiramoolam verpattai (Plumbago indica), 4.76%
4. Sangan verpattai (Azima tetracantha), 4.76%
5. Vellerukku samoolam (Enicostemma littorale), 4.76%
6. Nilavembu samoolam (Andrographis paniculata), 4.76%
7. Murukkan vithai (Butea monosperma), 4.76%
8. Kalarchi ver (Caesalpinia crista), 4.76%
9. Kantankathiri samoolam (Solanum xanthocarpum),4.76%
10. Peraamutti ver (Pavonia odorata), 4.76%
11. Sitharathai (Alpinia calcarata), 4.76%
12. Mavilanga ver pattai (Crataeva religiosa), 4.76%
13. Perarathai (Alpinia galanga),
14. Sirukanchoori ver (Tragia involucrata), 4.76%
15. Sathakuppai (dill seed, Anethum sowa), 4.76%
16. Vishnukiranthi samoolam (Evolvulus alsinoides), 4.76%
17. Siruthekku (Clerodendrum serratum), 4.76%
18. Chukku (Zingiber officinale), 4.76%
19. Thippili (Piper longum), 4.76%
20. Seviyam (Black pepper, Piper nigrum), 4.76%
21. Kostam (Saussurea lappa), 4.76%
Take all these items, in an equal proportion (4.76%). Make them into small slices; do not
make powder. Take a handful amount of pieces in a vessel; pour 1 litre water, and boil till it
become ½ litre; and filter it and use it in small quantities:
For children below 1-year - 2.5 to 5 mg with equal quantity of honey.
For children above 1-year - 10 mg.
For adults and elderly - 50 mg.
3.3. Even if you take only this medicine, I am giving you a guarantee that not
even one person will die!
Even if you take only this medicine, I am giving you a guarantee that we can create a
situation in which not even one person will die! As far as Coronavirus fever is concerned,
Vatha suram kudineer is much better than Nilavembu kudineer. That is why I recommended
During Chikungunya outbreak, when there was no medicine available for it, I introduced
Nilavembu kudineer. Again, I introduced the juice of papaya leaves, in one of the
Kaalaimalar Episodes by Jaya TV ref_N C17. Afterwards, I introduced Vellarugu
(Enicostema axillare). Now, I am introducing this Vatha sura kudineer, as a preventive
medicine which I recommend for everyone to keep safe from coronavirus. Take note of it
3.4. Somehow please save these dying people! It’s my plea!
Govt. of Tamil Nadu, I know, you are just avoiding me! Sir, I beseech you! I greet you! I
bend before you! Somehow please save these dying people! It’s my plea! Am I becoming so
unfit even to meet you? Am I becoming so unfit to get an opportunity to meet you? This sort
of anger, no, I am so crazy! I’m… sighing!
During dengue fever outbreaks when there was no medicine, I saved so many people affected
by dengue fever; Now, as people are dying of COVID-19, Sirs, how can I withhold my
compassion? Groaning! These many thousands are dying! Don’t you have mercy? Don’t you
have compassion towards them? Are we not all human beings? I am asking, Are we not
Back to TOC
Chapter 4
Siddha Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam – An Analysis
Senpedia TV, Mar. 30, 2020 ref_N C18
YouTube Channel
Dr. KTT Speaks in UN Conference at Geneva
Tamil Speed Networks, an investigative YouTube News Channel has interviewed Dr. K.
Thiruthanikasalam and uploaded this video content. But currently, this video clip has been
taken out from YouTube. Here is the video clip with English subtitle: https://bit.ly/2xMu4Km
Greetings to all Tamil listeners throughout the world! Today we are going to learn about one
Siddha doctor. This is our Question. Friends, there is no connection between me and this
doctor except we are both lovers of the Tamil language. He doesn’t know who we are! But
we know something about him. We heard about him many years ago. We enquired and found
out all about him. So, we publish here with confidence.
4.1. Can Anyone Dare to Say that I Will Heal?
Is it OK? So, the First Question: As of now, the corona pandemic is killing people all over
the world. And there is no medicine! So, without medicine, the whole world is trembling with
fear! In this situation, one man, with a love of money; without having any confidence in the
medicine that he has; will he be interviewed in the news channels? Can anyone dare to say
that I will heal? Give me a corona patient. Does anyone have such courage? So, he stands
above anyone’s doubt! Why? Certainly, he has medicine! And he ascertains that the medicine
he has will cure beyond any doubt! We believe this absolutely! If you don’t believe it, it’s up
to you!
Second Question: Till now, all the evidences that he has provided show that he didn’t treat
anyone that has a corona positive. He has treated only patients who had initial symptoms but
he manipulates the data as though they were corona positive patients. This is the Second
Allegation. We also had this doubt in the beginning and we are not denying it! Friends, here
is an answer for this question: that is, if the test result shows corona positive, currently, in
which country is the government is allowing their corona patients to choose their own
treatment? This is the Question! No govt. is allowing this! All corona patients are kept under
govt. custody. This is what is happening! So, when the patient tests corona positive, the govt.
takes responsibility. Such patients are never afforded the opportunity to choose their own
medicine! So, until the Tamil Nadu govt. gives permission to this Siddha doctor – not for
medical treatment but for corona testing – demanding proof that a patient is corona positive,
is absurd! Such a question is baseless! The Tamil Nadu govt. should provide an answer to the
above question.
4.2. Dr. KTT Shared His Findings with UN at Geneva on March 10, 2020
Many News channels are biased to project negative things about him. But many are not
aware of the importance of his achievement! On March 10, 2020 at Geneva, in United
Nations’ Conference, Dr. KTT delivered a speech about Siddha medicine. Media who
mocked him are not aware of his UN call to deliver a speech.
Thank you, Mr. President. I am Dr. KTT from Tamil Nadu, India, Ayurvedic doctor – the
right to help us with other rights include, both freedom and entitlements. Entitlements
include, the right to a system of health production that gives everyone equal opportunity
to enjoy the highest attainable level of health.
When you hear his speech, you may notice his mother-tongue-mixed English accent and
nervousness; it only confirms that he is a 4th generations traditional Siddha doctor! It is a fact
that he is not proficient in English. Judging his medical profession by his English language
skills will only mislead us because both are different subjects. It is not true that English
language skills make one proficient in medicine - we can’t equate it, particularly in Tamil
Siddha medicine. Not minding his impediment, he delivered his speech to the UN in English.
So, think seriously about this point: On what basis or hope would the UN have called a
Siddha doctor who doesn’t have any fundamental qualifications? Can’t we think? This is our
question! If the UN invited Dr. KTT, it means that there is something in him! Dr. KTT has
everything except the influence of the medicinal world’s mafia! Without their support he
can’t bring his medicine to the dying world! Why are both the Tamil Nadu and central govts.
placing a lot of restrictions on him? So, only if these restrictions are removed, will he be able
to do what he claims he can do. So, it is up to the Tamil Nadu govt. and media to decide
whether to make use of his findings.
4.3. Chinese Govt. Invited Dr. KTT to China
Next, the Chinese govt. invitation to Dr. KTT. The important message here is that the
Chinese govt. has invited Dr. KTT for an exchange program between Tamil Siddha Medicine
and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here we are giving you a further proof: What you see here
is a verified copy of the Chinese visa given to him. It is a copy of the original visa received
by him. If anyone has any doubt, you can contact us. Other news channels could not give
such evidences!
Dr. KTT Invited to China by Chinese Embassy, ND
Chinese Visa to Dr. KTT by Chinese Embassy, ND
One may ask – why should we report all these things? Is there any value in this discussion?
There is nothing! There is an old saying, “Examine not the teeth of the plough-bullock lent as
a favour”. By counting the bullock’s teeth its age will be known. Similarly, Dr. KTT is ready
to use his medicine for corona patients and that he will treat poor people freely! What we are
asking on behalf of Dr. KTT is: give Dr. KTT a chance! This is our only request and we are
not asking that you go to him for treatment, or give money to him to be cheated. Not at all!
Just give him an opportunity to use and prove his medicine!
4.4. If My Medicines Are Proved to Be Wrong, I Accept the Death Penalty!
Currently, in the world there is no medicine for corona and at the same time people are
getting healed from corona. If people are cured, by what medicine did they get cured? The
medicine they use is giving them immunity to resist the virus. Right? Dr. KTT talks on the
basis of his Siddha medicines’ immunity power that totally resists the corona-virus power. He
even said, “if my medicines are proved to be wrong, I am willing to accept the death
penalty!” What more can you expect from a doctor than this!? Finally, what we want to say
is: this is not the time to allow doubt! And neither it is time to think that whatever Westerners
are doing is correct; nor that we need to trust only allopathic medicine! It is up to you
whether you believe him or not. But please do not throw mud! This is our only request!
4.5. One of the Greatest Historical Failures of Our Time!
He is single-handedly and publicly fighting this battle! He shares all the ingredients2 used in
his medicines and says, first, you test my medicines and then give them to people. In order to
give him a chance, we Tamil people around the world, if we are not supporting him at this
time, when the whole of mankind is suffering under life threat, in case his medicine can cure
people, and if we fail to uphold him – we want to reiterate here: it will be one of the greatest
historical failures! That is all and there is nothing to add. THANKS.
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Chapter 5
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam to Indian Leaders:
What Is to Be Done Urgently?
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam on Mar. 30, 2020 ref_N C19
Alternate Medicine & Siddha Doctor
Founder & President, Rathna Siddha Hospital
Dr. KTT showing one of the medicinal herbs, Datura metel to Journalist.
5.1. Experience Gained by Dr. KTT’s Siddha Medical Research Center
Good morning, friends! In January 27, 2020, we announced for the first time that the
COVID-19 fever can be cured with herbal treatment. At that time, we heard many voices,
saying: “No herbal treatment can cure this”. Then, we got the news that in China people are
getting cured by TMC! After this, they said, let’s consider herbal medicine as well!
I am not an individual but an organization. For the past 25 years, our organization has been
doing research in the field of infectious diseases. Though I am a traditional Siddha doctor, my
wife obtained her BSMS & MD degrees, then conducted her research work in the field of
Siddha. We have a few Ayurveda, Siddha, and Naturopathy doctors doing research with us.
For the past 25 years, we have been doing research work on many infectious diseases such as
dengue, leptospirosis, and other viral fevers.
5.2. Dr. KTT Always Faced the Opposition Boldly
Based on our many years of experience, we announced that we can easily cure COVID-19
fever! From that time onwards, we have been facing tremendous opposition! I never
imagined that I would face such hostility! Though I was opposed by people whom I never
expected to oppose me! Now, I am very happy about this news I am sharing with you!
Because, 6 days earlier, the telephone calls that I received were cries and commotion: “Sir, I
don’t know what I am going to do for my children?”
These same people are saying now, we have a hope - that hope is, we can take Vathasura
kudineer, Kabasura kudineer, and Nelavembu kudineer. We can be delivered from this
epidemic! We can prevent this fever from attacking us! People have gained this hope! This
hope alone, which I anticipated! I fought this great fight for this purpose only! When people
are gripped with fear and trembling, they can come out of this pandemic by taking
preventative treatment – Vathasura kudineer, that I recommended – seriously affected by the
COVID-19 pandemic, and not having any way out, when people are falling apart, we can
share this good news to the world!
5.3. Dr. KTT’s Confidence in His Medicine Breaths Hope to His Nation!
Prime Minister of India, I am willing to extend my hand. If you make use of me - at present, a
thousand plus COVID-19 patients I will cure within a week! You share this news to the
whole world! When you share this news, as a leader and also as a medical world leader, the
world will listen to what you will say. Yes, such a situation will arise that nations will hear
you! So, in order to make these medicines available for people, open the AYUSH medical
stores throughout our country.
For these medicines, particularly, for Siddha you should urgently allocate a fund, a minimum
of Rs.50 billion. And allocate a fund nationwide, Rs.1 trillion to procure Siddha medicine
kits. In every Indian state, Union territories, districts, panchayats, unions, and district medical
hospitals to open the Siddha medical branches arrangements should be made urgently. Here
in Tamil Nadu, there are thousands of qualified BSMS doctors and MDs. Employ these
doctors on a war-time emergency basis, under the central government.
Qualified BSMS, MD doctors should be appointed in all states without any compromise. By
doing so, these medicines will reach all Indians in good time, to serve as a preventative
measure. I humbly request you to make all these arrangements. The next thing is, for the
present 1000-plus corona patients, by joining with the current medical team, I will give
certain medicines which are prepared by our research team using 100% herbal extracts. These
medicines have no short- or long-term side-effects. Even babies can take these medicines,
and indeed some have taken them!
5.4. Dr. KTT’s Plan to Make a COVID-19 Free World!
By providing these medicines to all Indian COVID-19 patients, we can cure them in a week’s
time! After a week, you give a Press Meet. Reach out to the world’s leaders with this news:
We have cured every single COVID-19 patient in a week! Because of this, there is a chance
for India to rise up as a leader in the medical world! When it happens thus, India’s AYUSH
medical doctors – all qualified medical professionals of Ayurvedic, Unani, and Siddha - you
will be able to send these doctors to all the nations. In all these 199 countries of the world,
there are chances of opening Siddha, Ayurveda, etc., medicine branches! This miraculous
possibility can be ours!
When the above-mentioned things happen, we can bring in annually more than Rs.30 trillion
by the export of herbs and herbal medicines! We will not only profit by these herbal exports,
but it will be a boon for the farmers who cultivate these herbs! So, govt. directive may be
given on an urgent basis, to open the herbal medicine shops. To make the herbal medicines
available for patients, all the closed medicinal factories, manufacturing and pharma
companies should be ordered to open immediately so that they could resume their operation
without delay. By doing so, India could convey a powerful message to the world!
In India, lockdown should be lifted within 10 days. Maybe before the 2nd week of April, we
can create a position to lift the lockdown completely! We can effectively control the spread
of this virus! Honorable Prime Minister of India, by joining my hands with you, I aim to
spread the fame of India throughout the world. Yes, I am willing to do it! So, make use of me
and our medicinal values! It is my humble request!
5.5. Dr. KTT’s Counsels to His People and the PM
Dear people, you need not fear! I assure you that COVID-19 is certainly curable! As a
preventative medicine - we can give patients Nilavembu kudineer. If you find a mild
symptom of infection, let them take Kaba sura kudineer. For mild throat infection with little
breathing trouble, one can drink Vatha sura kudineer. This is my general prescription for all
The next emergency item is the courier services - to send medicine to national and
international patients. Currently, due to the lockdown, it is difficult to send medicines. So, the
courier services must be opened urgently, by the intervention of our Prime Minister of India.
It is my humble request as an honourable citizen of our country, due to the sufferings of our
people – more than 20 people have died today.
The news of the death toll; and we being neither able to stop the spread of this pandemic nor
able to cure it - this makes people stoop down in fear and tension! To relieve our people from
fear and tension, I trust that you (PM) will take a quick decision. So, please make use of me
as I am ready to serve you. Joining with your hand, I am coming forward to overcome the
COVID-19’s effect! I herein submit my request hoping that you will regard my humble
5.6. Dr. KTT Offers His Findings to AYUSH and India!
Conclusion: if you will allow me, I am able to cure India’s 1000+ COVID-19 patients in one
week. So, if we cure them in a week’s time, then we can be able to declare India to be the
first COVID-19 free country in the world! This will make India a favoured country in the
world! This will open economic opportunities for India. Because when there is COVID-19 in
all countries, and India becomes a COVID-19 free country, many wealthy businessmen and
industrialists of the world may come forward to invest in India!
Make use of me and my counsel as an asset! Instead of keeping my medical findings to
myself, I am willing to offer it to be the property of India and AYUSH! I am conveying all
these to our Prime Minister of India, with a hope that you will take a speedy decision!
VANAKKAM!* (*Greetings in Tamil).
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Chapter 6
To Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam on Apr. 04, 2020 ref_N C20
Alternate Medicine & Siddha Doctor
Founder & President, Rathna Siddha Hospital
Dr. KTT in front of his Rathna Siddha Hospital
Since Dr. Thiruthankikasalam’s first announcement on the availability of a COVID-19
medicine on Jan. 27, 2020, and then his seeing China become a COVID-19 free country after
his voluntary prescription to China – he became deeply stirred and desired to see a COVID19 free India! So, he recorded a video message, addressed it to the Indian Prime Minister and
uploaded it: Here is the video clip with English subtitles: https://bit.ly/3biXXzP
6.1. Any COVID-Related Help from China Is an Anathema to Dr. KTT and Why?
Greetings to the Prime Minister of India. I heard a news report about the government of India
trying to get medicine from China for corona virus treatment. After I announced on January
28, 2020 that we can heal corona patient by herbal medicine, the Ambassador of China came
and enquired about the medicines and treatment methods: What is the cause and what is your
treatment? On what basis this cures the corona patients, etc.? He enquired for half-an-hour.
At that time (Jan. 28) China’s coronavirus death toll was 106; confirmed cases numbered
4,500. ref_N C21
Based on a proverb, “Every place is my village and all people are my relatives!” With a
single motive to save the dying people of China, yes, just to save them from the corona
infection and how to treat it, I shared with the Chinese Ambassador and their govt. senior
scientific adviser Shan Zuhua. They had written down all the medicines that I mentioned.
Then they sent this prescription to China’s Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to test.
When the result was successful, they sent me a “Letter of Thanks.” In that letter they said,
“We will do collaborative research with you, and we will visit your hospital”. This letter
came after 20 days of their visit. Recently, China sent one container of this medicine to the
US. Now, India is requesting from China, “please give that medicine to India as well” says
our PM.
6.2. Dr. KTT Is a Risk Taker to Save His Country Men!
Being an Indian, I am, for the sake of the Indian people, willing to take any risk - against
international organizations and the WHO - in order to make this medicine available for
people. Since January 28, 2020, I have been ridiculed by people’s words, stones, and all sorts;
Till now I am serving as a foot-stone, a doormat: a foot-stone for everyone to step on! By
searching for you and reaching your house, visiting your home, your door, your security, yes,
I tried my utmost to reach you all!
I don’t want India come to a situation where we ask China for medicine, because it is I who
prescribed medicine to China when they were in dire need to save their COVID-19 patients.
The Chinese are my brothers and relatives from my neighbouring country. What I am saying
is, I have medicine - don’t ask them!
What is not available in this great nation!
Why should we lift up our hand to China?
Our situation reminded me the above film song!
Honourable Prime Minister of India, I have a manufacturing licence, I have my own team of
doctors, and I am willing to offer my expertise. In this situation, in this pandemic - if Chinese
people said they cured it in 20 days; I can cure all corona patients of India in 5 days! I
announce this news even today! Now also I am advising, there is no need of ventilators; nor
the requirement to manufacture ventilators!
6.3. India Will Be Corona-Free-Country in 15 Days!
Suppose now, if we have 3,000 corona patients, there may be approx. 300,000 untested
infected people in the streets, houses, etc. - these are carriers, or like seeds. So, first we will
heal the 3,000 patients, as we cure them completely; then, the 300,000 people will come for
testing. We will be able to cure them also. Suppose it takes one week to cure 3,000 patients;
if it takes another one week to cure 300,000 patients; India will be Corona-Free-Country in
15 days! We can not only declare so but also, why can’t India do what China is doing?
Along with this is my request: even now, India is our nation, you are our prime minister (my
friends asked me to speak in English or Hindi) as our PM uses Hindi to make his speeches
effective because Hindi is his mother tongue. Similarly, to speak effectively, what I feel is
truth; I am speaking in my mother tongue Tamil. When my videos about corona treatment in
Tamil had been watched by the World Health Organization, I believe that you have people to
bring my words to your attention! So, our esteemed Prime Minister of India; as a faithful
citizen of India, I plead, plead, and plead with you!
Let’s prove India’s greatness to the world! I am here to help; my medicine is available; and
the formula that I created is there. Just give me a chance, no, I shouldn’t ask a chance for me!
You simply make use of me! I request even at this stage of corona patients counts 3,000 to
4,000; in a single day 100 patients tested positive and 50 patients were dead. The overall
corona death percentage in the world, they say, is 5% to 10% of patients that are dying. So,
first let’s save the dying ones.
6.4. Dr. KTT Pleads “Make Use of Me and My Knowledge”
To make India the first corona free country in the world: I request you to make use of me and
my knowledge. Let’s avoid ego in this situation! I humbly beg all mediating govt. officials:
please not to give room to the status issue! If we allow self-image to control us, it will bring
down our nation’s image! Let’s not create a situation in which we ask medicine from other
nations. Because of this, I beg all the govt. authorities to use me!
As an individual, whatever way you want to treat me, it’s OK! If you want to book many
cases against me, you can do so! But, let us not do such things in this situation! After driving
away the corona, whatever actions that you want take against me; or under National Disaster
Management act to give 2 years jail, etc. do it only after saving the dying corona patients,
please. So, I humbly beg all my medical friends, govt. doctors, other doctors in Siddha,
Ayurveda & AYUSH: stop now sending Notices or registering petitions against me.
6.5. Punish Me If You Want but After Curing the Corona Patients!
After curing the corona patients, I am ready to accept whatever punishments you want to
give. Now let’s save our country’s people by standing together. Let’s unite to prove the
greatness of India! Let’s make India a corona free nation. We will become a great resource to
the rest of the world. I herein submit all my requests, to our Prime Minister of India, trusting
that you will call me. I send my greetings to you and our countrymen and say good bye.
Thanks. Vanakkam! I will remain always with you, our nation, and our people. Thanks.
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Chapter 7
My Medicine Is Proven with 500 Pages of Clinical Trials and
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam on Apr. 29, 2020 ref_N C22
Alternate Medicine & Siddha Doctor
Founder & President, Rathna Siddha Hospital
Dr. KTT Jaya TV’s Kaalaimalar (Morning Flower) episode
Mooligai Magathuvam (Herbal Wonders)
Dr. Thiruthanikasalam’s Tamil video messages had been viewed by many Tamils all over the
World. Few COVID-19 positive confirmed Tamils have called him from different parts of the
world. He could able to send medicines whosoever asked his help. In this video released on
April 29, 2020 he mentions few names of COVID-19 patients who got cured completely.
7.1. Proof of Internationals Cured by Dr. KTT’s Medicine
Every day I am hearing news about COVID-19 patients that are getting cured within a few
days. Today, I heard from Kalaivani, a staff nurse working in Sweden. She was tested
COVID-19 positive and was asked to go into quarantine at her home. She got my medicine
through her friend and by taking it she got cured within 5 days. After 15 days she went for a
final test and they found that she was completely healed. Another patient from London was
tested and found to be COVID-19 positive. She had breathing trouble and sleeplessness for
many days. Through one of her friends she received our medicine and took it. She said that
within 24 hours she was released and slept nicely for 8 hours, and recovered fast.
7.2. My Medicines Are Life-saving Amrita (Nectar)!
These medicines are not given them as supportive medicine after giving them first
hydroxychloroquine or HIV medicine, etc., instead they took only this medicine which I gave
them. Now, our herbal medicines are announced in our country as a supplement or supportive
medicine. But I declare that the medicine that we have is more than enough to cure any
COVID-19 patient! I am not against any vaccine that can be used to cure COVID-19 patients.
All I say is, we can save these dying masses by using the medicine that I have. So, WHO,
UN, Prime Ministers of all Nations, G-7 Nations, G-20 Nations – I say to all of you, this
medicine that I have is life-saving medicine, a life-saving amrita (nectar). By using this
medicine, you can save all age groups of COVID-19 patients suffering from multi-organ
7.3. We All Descended from One Common Ancestor
We consider all human beings are our relatives and all human races are descended from one
common ancestor. So, when somewhere someone dies, my heart blames me. The news that
more than 700 people have died in India touches my heart deeply and disturbs my sleep! On
one hand I am holding my medicines, and on the other hand, COVID-19 patients are dying!
When I see this news on TV channels – in my conscience, I can’t bear what I am hearing! I
am unable to sleep at night! Sleep escapes me and it’s unbearable to me to hear this death
news! That's why amidst all the trouble, I am recording and sending my messages again and
7.4. I Believe WHO Has People with Good Conscience
I believe that in the WHO there are a lot people with a good conscience. Please, you use the
needed vaccine as soon as it ready. But now, to stop the people who are dying, we have
medicine to stop it 100%. This is my challenge to you - Give me 1,000 COVID-19 positive
patients aged above 60, and I will cure all 1,000 patients regardless of their age or other
critical health issues they may already have. I will be with them, in the same hospital. I don't
need any other medicines except the medicine we have with us; I don't need any other
facilities, not even paracetamol tablets. You just provide food for these patients 3 times per
day, and I’ll take care of the rest. I ask for a maximum of only 5 days. After 5 days, you test
them. So, I can cure all these 1,000 COVID-19 patients! If I fail in this challenge, I am
prepared to accept whatever punishment you want to give me!
7.5. My Medicine Is Proven with 500 Pages of Clinical Trials and Testing!
From our clinical research and recordings, we have proved that within 24 hours patients’
recovery will be seen! So, there’s no need to again conduct clinical trials for my medicine!
We have already completed our human trials. This medicine’s clinical trial had already been
done 150 years earlier from our family tradition! I have 500 pages of clinical trials and testing
papers about this medicine. Please don't humiliate us regarding our proven herbal medicine
by calling it supportive medicine or supplementary medicine - it pains me to hear such
words! Instead, you should call it the first available medicine for COVID-19!
7.6. When I First Announced (Jan. 27, 2020), There Was not a Single Death in
On January 27, 2020, when I first announced the availability of this medicine, there was not a
single death in India; and now the death toll has exceeded 700! At that time in China, the
death toll was only 87. Today, in the world more than 200,000 people have died. So, it is my
humble request to the WHO and I am confident that my messages are reaching you. Because
every 3 days after sending my messages via various media, I hear your reactions! So, WHO, I
submit my request that you use my findings to save peoples' lives! Now, I am handing over
this ball to the court of the WHO – who has the power to control and has the responsibility to
safeguard the life of people!
7.7. I Request the WHO to Take the Initiative to Make Use of My Medicine
At the same time, I appreciate London's scientists' new vaccination and its testing on patients
which is also going to start in India tomorrow. I welcome this vaccination as a step to save
people! At the same time, we have also a traditional medicine practiced for the last 2,000
years. I have all the data of all the COVID-19 patients whom I treated and cured in many
parts of the world. I am willing to share the details of these patients with you. I request the
WHO to take the initiative to make use of this medicine; I am willing to cooperate and share
my knowledge with you! THANKS!
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Section 2
Chinese Version*
Prof. Zhang Boli
President, Tianjin University of TCM
"Our experience in Wuhan and China proves that TCM is safe and effective in
treating COVID-19 patients. It is the combination of ancient wisdom and modern
Zhang Boli, President, Tianjin
University of TCM, China Daily
* The Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for COVID-19 issued by the National Health
Committee of the People’s Republic of China, among 16 January 2020 to 3 March 2020, has
issued a total of seven editions. 2020-04-07 Source: National Health Commission, China.
“TCM and Western medicine have different treatment modes. Western medicine
aims at a single target, while TCM aims at multiple targets. TCM fights the disease
more like a team.”
Qiu Haibo, Deputy president, Zhongda Hospital
of Southeast University, China Daily
“Of all confirmed cases on the Chinese mainland, 74,187 patients, or 91.5%, have
received TCM treatment.”
Yu Yanhong, Party Chief, National
Administration of TCM, China Daily
“TCM has significantly reduced the proportion of patients with mild symptoms turning
into critical cases.”
Zhang Boli, President, Tianjin
University of TCM, China Daily
Back to TOC
Chapter 8
Evidences that Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam’s Prescriptions Awakened
the TCM Giant!
JSC, May 28, 2020
Owner, Turtledove Translators & Publishers
Dr. Thanikasalam Veni, Rathna Siddha Hospital in Chennai. (Photo/ANI)
The following extracts show that China’s Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Department
heads and senior doctors had swung into action when they learned that Dr. TKK’s
prescriptions, tips, and sample medicines proved to be life-saving against COVID-19’s
threat! It is not to diminish the proven worth of TCM but to speak the truth which is
acceptable among all the nobility of the earth! The truth is that Traditional Indian Medicine
(Siddha) and Traditional Chinese Medicine went hand in hand, otherwise they would have
been confounded as in the beginning of the outbreak when they used all sorts of inappropriate
allopathic medicine and hardly saved any COVID-19 patients!
8.1. January 28, 2020: Siddha Doctor from TN Claims to Have Invented Cure for
Coronavirus. ref_N C23
Highlights from Dr. Thiruthanikasalam’s speech:
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], Jan 28 ANI: A Siddha doctor has claimed to have
formulated an herbal medicine that can cure Coronavirus, which was first detected in the
city of Wuhan in China in December 2019, and there is no effective vaccine or drug to
treat it.
The doctor said … “If the Centre and state government require then I am ready with
medicine. Also, if China wants my contribution, I am ready to fly immediately to Wuhan
with my medicine which can cure Coronavirus,” ...
8.2. February 17, 2020: Traditional Chinese Medicine Effective in COVID-19
Treatment: Official. ref_N C24
Highlights from XinhuaNet: BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhua). NOTE: “Qingfei Paidutang”
mentioned below is the same as Vatha sura kudineer prescribed by Dr. KTT:
A TCM decoction named “Qingfei Paidutang” has been used in treating 701 confirmed
cases in 10 provinces, of which 130 have been cured and discharged, said Li Yu, an
official with the National Administration of TCM. Symptoms have disappeared in 51
cases and improved in 268, with another 212 remaining in stable condition, said Li,
adding that the decoction was recommended to medical institutions nationwide on Feb. 6
after data analysis on 214 cases.
As of Monday (Feb. 17), more than 3,100 medical personnel from over 630 TCM
hospitals across the country have been sent to aid Hubei Province in the fight against the
epidemic, said Jiang Jian, another official of the national administration. TCM has been
used in treating 60,107 confirmed cases in China, or 85.2 percent of the total, according
to Jiang.
8.3. March 3, 2020: Traditional Chinese Medicine, in This Battle “Epidemic,” A
Powerful Card. ref_N C25
Highlights from Guo Dan’s Article (Editor: Huang Panlian Audit: Ye Don). NOTE: End of
January Dr. KTT’s Prescription reached TCM hands for testing:
On February 2, the medical treatment group of COVID-19 Prevention and Control
Command in Wuhan issued a circular requiring each designated medical institution to set
up an expert group of traditional Chinese medicine treatment to treat each patient
according to syndrome differentiation; by 24:00 on February 3, 2020, ensure that all
patients take traditional Chinese medicine!
The treatment efficiency of traditional Chinese medicine is more than 90%. On February
6, 2020, the official website of the State Administration of traditional Chinese Medicine
released the pilot provincial clinical observation on "the screening and Research of
effective prescription of traditional Chinese Medicine.” The clinical observation showed
that the total effective rate of Qingfei Paidu Decoction could reach more than 90%.
8.4. March 12, 2020: The Official TCM Formula That’s Successfully Treating
COVID-19 Patients in China. ref_N C26
Highlights from ActiveHerb (a website with online news relating to herbs). NOTE: The ‘king
of medicine’ that played a major role against the COVID-19 enemy in China is Dr. KTT’s
Vatha sura kudineer, whose Chinese name is “Qingfei Paidu Tang”, quoted again and again
in the Chinese media though without a single credit to the person who prescribed it!
The General Office’s recommendation, made jointly with the Office of the State
Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a formula called “Qingfei Paidu
Tang”. Containing 21 herbal ingredients, Qingfei Paidu Tang has been used to treat
thousands of patients, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. For critically-ill
patients, the formula is modified, and modern treatment interventions are necessary. …
So, while the world waits with bated breath for a COVID-19 vaccine or cure, the TCM
remedy, Qingfei Paidu Tang has successfully managed symptoms of thousands of patients
in China.
Qingfei Paidu Tang Formula Composition – The following are the 21 herbs in the
complete Chinese state-approved COVID-19 official formula, including the quantity of
herbs in the decoction:
1. Ma Huang (Ephedra stem) 9 g
2. Zhi Gan Cao (Prepared Chinese licorice root) 6 g
3. Ku Xing Ren (Apricot seed) 9 g
4. Shi Gao (Gypsum) 15-30 g
5. Gui Zhi (Cassia twig) 9 g
6. Ze Xie (Asian water plantain rhizome) 9 g
7. Zhu Ling (Zhu ling sclerotium) 9 g
8. Bai Zhu (bai-zhu atractylodes rhizome) 9 g
9. Fu Ling (Poria sclerotium) 15 g
10. Chai Hu (Bupleurum root) 16 g
11. Huang Qin (Barbed skullcap root) 6 g
12. Jiang Ban Xia (Pinellia rhizome cured with ginger) 9 g
13. Zi Wan (Tartarian aster root) 9 g
14. Sheng Jiang (Fresh ginger rhizome) 9 g
15. Kuan Dong Hua (Coltsfoot flower bud) 9 g
16. She Gan (Belamcanda rhizome) 9 g
17. Xi Xin (Chinese wild ginger root & rhizome) 6 g
18. Shan Yao (Chinese yam rhizome) 12 g
19. Zhi Shi (Bitter orange immature fruit) 6 g
20. Chen Pi (Tangerine dried rind) 6 g
21. Huo Xiang (Chinese giant hyssop aerial part) 9 g
8.5. March 13, 2020: MUST READ! China’s Secret to Controlling the Covid-19
Outbreak Is Traditional Chinese Medicine Concoctions Used Alone or in
Conjunction with Antiviral Protocols. ref_N C27
Highlights from Thailand Medical News:
On the 3rd of February, the Chinese government started getting their TCM teams
mobilized to test out various TCM concoctions and ingredients and in most cases, all
contained licorice root. It was demonstrated in various studies in China that for patients in
the early stages of infection, usage of TCM alone was sufficient to reduce the fevers,
symptoms and viral loads and to be deemed as ‘recovered’, while in the cases of patients
with severe symptoms, the usage of TCM in conjunction with various antiviral protocols,
helped the patients to recover.
From the 16th of February onward, almost 87% of all treatments nationwide in China
included TCM as part of the treatment protocols. In another study of 701 confirmed cases
treated by Qingfei Paidu Decoction (QPD), 130 cases were cured and discharged, clinical
symptoms of 51 cases disappeared, 268 cases of symptoms improved, and 212 cases of
stable symptoms without aggravation. The effective cure rate of QPD against COVID-19
is over 90%.
8.6. March 16, 2020: Beijing Is Promoting Traditional Medicine as a Chinese
Solution' to Coronavirus. ref_N C28
Highlights from Hong Kong (CNN) by Nectar Gan and Yong Xiong, CNN:
As of late last month, more than 85% of all coronavirus patients in China – about 60,000
people – had received herbal remedies alongside mainstream antiviral drugs, according to
the Ministry of Science and Technology.
TCM treatments are not just being carried out in Wuhan.... In eastern Zhejiang province,
more than 95% of coronavirus patients had been given traditional medicines as of late
February, according to the state-run Global Times. In Beijing, that ratio stood at 87%.
Among those who had received TCM, 92% had shown improvement, said Gao Xiaojun, a
spokesperson for the Beijing Health Commission. “Traditional Chinese medicine has
played an active role in improving the recovery rate and lowering the fatality rate among
patients,” he told a press conference late last month.
8.7. March 24, 2020: Chinese Traditional Medicine, Recipes Used to Treat
Covid-19 in Wuhan. ref_N C29
Highlights from The Star Online:
BEIJING, March 24 (China Daily/ANN): Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been
playing a critical role in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of novel coronavirus
pneumonia. Official figures showed that 91.6 percent of the patients in Hubei province,
and 92.4 percent of patients nationwide have been treated with TCM.
Three formulas and three medicines have proved to be effective in treating the infection,
according to the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here is a list of
1. Jinhua Qinggan Granule: It consists of 12 herbal components including honeysuckle,
mint and licorice and can remove heat from the body and detoxify lungs. …
2. Lianhua Qingwen Capsule/Granule – Composed of 13 herbal components, it has a
curative effect in patients with mild symptoms and helps to relieve fever, cough and
3. Xuebijing Injection – It consists of five herbal extracts, and its main function is to
detoxify and remove blood stasis. It is typically used to treat sepsis.
4. Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoction – It has 21 herbal components and is
mainly effective in improving symptoms of fever, cough and fatigue as well as lung
conditions in severe patients, as shown by CT scans.
5. Huashi Baidu Formula – Made up of 14 herbal components, the formula is based on
the recommendations of the early national diagnosis and treatment plan as well as the
experiences from clinical practice at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital.
6. Xuanfei Baidu Granule – with 13 herbal components, it originates from several classic
TCM recipes.
Back to TOC
Chapter 9
Lessons from China’s Battle Against COVID-19 Outbreak!
Zhang Boli on Mar. 26, 2020 ref_N C30
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and
President of Tianjin University of TCM
SCIO Briefing on TCM's Important Role and a List of Effective Drugs in COVID19 Prevention and Control. China.Org.Cn, March 26, 2020.1
The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference on March 23 in
Wuhan, Hubei province, to introduce the important role of traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM) and a list of effective drugs in COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control.
TCM has been widely and effectively applied in the treatment of COVID-19 in
Wuhan. My question is for Mr. Zhang Boli. What are the lessons you've learnt in the
course of the medical treatment in Wuhan and are willing to share with the rest of the
Thank you for your question. I arrived in Wuhan on Jan. 27. That is almost two months ago.
When I first came here, the epidemic situation was fairly severe. Hospitals were filled to
capacity. Hundreds of people were waiting in line at fever clinics, and they couldn't get
medical treatment for hours. Patients and accompanying visitors were mixed together, which
was very worrying. Two months later, what is the situation in Wuhan today?
9.1. China’s COVID-19 situation “And so we went out to study the steles”
The number of hospitalized patients has been reduced from over 60,000 to around 5,000, and
that of patients in critical condition has fallen from 12,000 to about 1,800. In particular, until
yesterday, no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported in Wuhan, marking the fifth
day in a row we have seen zero increase, including zero new confirmed cases, zero new
suspected cases, and zero existing suspected cases. Therefore, the situation in Wuhan is
turning for the better, just like Dante Alighieri wrote in Divine Comedy that "E quindi
uscimmo a riveder le stele ["And so we went out to study the steles."]
9.2. I'm worried and sympathize with current situation in Europe and the U.S
However, when I read about the current situation in Europe and the U.S., I'm also very
worried and sympathize with them. Therefore, we are very willing to share our experience
with all our peers around the world. In the light of our experiences with a disordered situation
in Wuhan at the very beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic, the Central Guidance Team
made a decisive decision, seeking to conduct classified management and centralized isolation
of all suspected infection cases. People with fever symptoms, people who need a 14-day
quarantine for medical observation, suspected infection cases, and people who had close
contact with COVID-19 infected cases were totally separated.
9.3. Without medicine, isolation is only half of the battle
Thanks to the great efforts made by local community workers and residents in Wuhan, it only
took a few days to separate the different types of cases for appropriate treatment. However,
without medicine, isolation is only half of the battle. Since there is no effective medicine or
vaccine, we began to give TCM decoctions and proprietary Chinese medicines to our
patients. In the beginning, it didn't seem to go well; we only delivered medicines to some
3,000 patients from 13 districts of the city on the first day.
9.4. TCM have contained the spread of the epidemic which is the foundation of our
fight against COVID-19
The curative effect of TCM appeared after two or three days, however. With the fever gone
and cough reduced, patients began to try TCM on their own initiative, and more than 10,000
bags of TCM decoction were delivered at that time. So far, we have delivered TCM products
to more than 600,000 patients. What's the effect? It has contained the spread of the epidemic.
Let me give you some data:
In early February, over 80% of the four types of people I mentioned previously became
confirmed COVID-19 infected cases. By the middle of February, it dropped to 30%, and then
down to under 10% at the end of February. Centralized isolation of all suspected infection
cases, and enabling our patients to take TCM have contained the spread of the epidemic,
which is the foundation of our fight against COVID-19.
9.5. The central government asked to treat every single coronavirus patient regardless
of cost
The second experience is classified management and scientific treatment. The central
government asked to leave no coronavirus patient unattended, and treat every single one
regardless of cost; however, there weren't enough hospital beds at that time. The Central
Guidance Team then decided to treat severe cases in specially designated hospitals, while
keeping the mild cases in Fangcang* (*A kind of temporary makeshift hospital) shelter
hospitals, and introducing a management standard for the treatment of mild and ordinary
However, Fangcang shelter hospitals are quite different from ordinary hospitals. With
thousands of people living in a super large hall, how to manage them in an orderly way is a
big problem. Under such circumstances, Professor Liu Qingquan and I jointly advised the
headquarters to adopt TCM to treat the patients in Fangcang shelter hospitals. At the same
time, the first temporary TCM hospital was built in the Jiangxia district of Wuhan. In this
temporary hospital, we put service ahead of treatment.
9.6. We communicated with our patients a lot, celebrated birthdays with them, and
lead them to do exercise together
How did we provide our service? Because of the large space, the temperature inside
Fangcang shelter hospitals was relatively low. We provided every patient with a warm bed,
hot water, hot meals, as well as our hospitable service. At the same time as treatment, we also
tried our best to show our care for the patients. For example, we communicated with our
patients a lot, celebrated birthdays with them, and lead them to do exercise together. Because
of our enthusiasm, the doctor-patient relationship became very harmonious. After staying a
few days at a Fangcang shelter hospital, patients felt it was more like a big community or
extended family instead of a hospital, which was also helpful to the treatment of all patients.
9.7. TCM treatment has significantly reduced the possibility of mild cases turning into
severe and critical cases, which is the key for our fight against COVID-19.
Patients treated in Fangcang shelter hospitals were all mild and ordinary cases. According to
the WHO, severe cases account for 13% of the total COVID-19 infected cases, while critical
cases account for around 7%. So, our goal when treating patients in the Fangcang facilities
was protecting them from developing a severe or critical condition. We adopted a
comprehensive treatment which combined TCM with Western medicine.
In addition to the TCM decoction and oral proprietary Chinese medicine, we also provided
massages, guasha (or scraping therapy), and medicine for external application. What's the
effect? Let me take Jiangxia temporary hospital as an example. There were a total of 564
patients treated, and none developed severe symptoms. We then shared our experience with
other Fangcang temporary hospitals, and treated more than 10,000 patients with TCM. As a
result, only around 2% to 5% of patients treated in Fangcang hospitals developed a severe
condition. Therefore, we could say that TCM treatment has significantly reduced the
possibility of mild cases turning into severe and critical cases, which is the key for our fight
against COVID-19.
9.8. Our conclusion is that TCM injections should be used boldly and early
Another point is that treatment of severe cases is the most important of all. So for severe
patients, we still prioritize the use of Western medicine, while traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM) is used as a supplement – in other words, we use the combination of TCM and
Western medicine. The use of TCM can often have a significant effect despite being
supplementary. It has been used in the treatment of severe cases in Jinyintan Hospital, Hubei
Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, and Leishenshan Hospital,
and have achieved very good results.
So, our conclusion is that TCM injections should be used boldly and early. For example,
Shengmai Injection and Shenmai Injection can stabilize the saturation of blood oxygen and
improve the oxygenation level of patients; Tanreqing Injection and Reduning Injection can
work along with antibiotics; while Xuebijing Injection has some effect on inhibiting
inflammation and controlling disease progression. Thus, the treatment of severe cases and the
combination of TCM and Western medicine have helped reduce mortality rates and
contributed to our victory.
9.9. TCM and Western medicine play their respective roles and their combination is
conducive to the rehabilitation period
Lastly, when patients test negative for the virus, they are discharged from hospital and moved
to isolation centers for rehabilitation. During the rehabilitation stage, patients may sometimes
experience fatigue or a cough, or are not in very good spirits. Their lung inflammation has not
been fully squashed, and the immune function has not been completely repaired. In this case,
we combine TCM and Western medicine to help them do some breathing exercises, in
addition to TCM acupuncture, massage and other comprehensive therapies. This can improve
their symptoms, promote lung inflammation reduction, protect the damaged organ, and repair
immune function. Therefore, we can say that TCM and Western medicine play their
respective roles and their combination is conducive to the rehabilitation period, thus securing
the final victory.
9.10. Although there is so far no specific cure for the disease, TCM has provided
effective treatment plans
The early intervention of TCM and its participation in the whole process of treatment of the
COVID-19 plays an important role. A graph showing the course of COVID-19 looks like a
parabola, and TCM is effective at both ends of the curve. And although there is so far no
specific cure for the disease, TCM has provided effective treatment plans. The combination
of TCM and Western medicine is the highlight of the Chinese approach to the disease.
Currently the epidemic is rampant across the world and the disease knows no border, and
TCM is always ready to help. We are very willing to share the above experience with our
colleagues. Thank you.
Back to TOC
P1. Medscape Medical News, April 06, 2020, Sharon Worcester, “Is protocol-driven COVID19 ventilation doing more harm than good?” https://wb.md/2A3Akyf
P2. Poynter, April 30, 2020, Alex Mahadevan “Reports of 88% death rate for COVID-19
patients on ventilators need context.” https://bit.ly/3fnyuZg
Chapter 1
C1. Legal Studies Program, “Sources of Law, 1: The Bible,” University of WisconsinMadison https://bit.ly/2XgPhom
C2. Wikipedia, Medellin vs. Texas, https://bit.ly/2WX7Ejo
C3. People’s Daily Online, Mar. 26, 2020, “Traditional Chinese medicine plays major role in
fighting epidemic.” https://bit.ly/2AMWiWF
C4. China News.Net, Jan. 28, 2020, “Siddha doctor from TN claims to have invented cure for
Coronaries.” https://bit.ly/2XMADHA
C5. Witty Dao, Mar. 3, 2020, “Traditional Chinese medicine, in this battle "epidemic,” a
powerful card,” https://bit.ly/2XQN4Cf (Note: this ref. had been removed but the fact
C6. People’s Daily, May 13, 2020, “Traditional Chinese medicine helps fight COVID-19
around the globe with eastern wisdom.” https://bit.ly/2TTg9tR
C7. China.org.cn, Mar. 26, 2020, “SCIO briefing on TCM's important role and a list of
effective drugs in COVID-19 prevention and control” https://on.china.cn/3aUm8UX
C8. Sixth Tone, Mar. 10, 2020, “WHO explains deleting ‘herbal remedies’ as ineffective
COVID-19 measure.” https://bit.ly/3fLx5vH
C9. FRANCE 24 English, May 12, 2020, “Exclusive: Madagascar's president defends
controversial homegrown COVID-19 cure.” https://bit.ly/3dbruwV
C10. Worldometer, Coronavirus, June 11, 2020, https://www.worldometers.info/
C11. PR Newswire, April 14, 2020, “Lianhua Qingwen capsule (granule) was approved as an
additional indication of COVID-19” https://prn.to/3hm4s9e
C12. 3w Market News Reports, May 12, 2020, “Covid-19 Traditional Chinese medicine
treatment market size, business revenue forecast, leading competitors and growth trends
2026.” https://bit.ly/3cRVEod
Chapter 2
C13. Chennai Press Club & Jaya Plus, Jan. 27, 2020, “Siddha Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam
announces: We have found medicine for coronavirus treatment,” https://bit.ly/2yFwESQ
C14. Rathna Siddha Hospital & Herbal Research Center. http://rathnasiddhahospital.com/
Chapter 3
C15. What! Mar. 23, 2020, “I Have Medicine for Coronavirus! Cries Siddha Doctor!”
C16. Thailand Medical News, Mar. 13, 2020, “MUST READ! China’s Secret To Controlling
The Covid-19 Outbreak Is Traditional Chinese Medicine Concoctions Used Alone Or In
Conjunction With Antiviral Protocols,” https://bit.ly/2Ki7xYA
C17. Jaya TV, Kaalaimalar Episode - Mooligai Magathuvam, https://bit.ly/3aFFmgN
Chapter 4
C18. TSP YouTube Channel. https://bit.ly/2A3eaMG. This video has been removed from
TSP netwrk. which is available from SENPEDIA TV, Mar. 30, 2020, “Dr. KTTSpeech at
UNO in Geneva, Switzerland Part-1,” https://bit.ly/2xMu4Km
Chapter 5
C19. Aadhan Tamil, Mar. 30, 2020, “What is to be done urgently - Dr. Thiruthanikasalam”
Chapter 6
C20. Neerthirai, Apr. 4, 2020, “Ka Thiruthanikasalam Siddha Maruthuvam Update,”
C21. The Economics Times, Jan. 28, 2020, “China virus death toll jumps to 106; confirmed
cases climb to over 4,500,” https://bit.ly/3bMM1Yg
Chapter 7
C22. Vision 83, Apr. 29, 2020, “I have Amrita (Nectar) to Heal COVID-19 Patients!”
Chapter 8
C23. China News.Net, Jan. 28, 2020, “Siddha doctor from TN claims to have invented cure
for Coronavirus,” https://bit.ly/2XMADHA
C24. XinhuaNet, Feb. 17, 2020, “Traditional Chinese Medicine Effective in COVID-19
Treatment,” https://bit.ly/3eJOynY
C25. Witty Dao, Mar. 3, 2020, “Traditional Chinese medicine, in this battle "epidemic,” a
powerful card,” https://bit.ly/2XQN4Cf (Note: this reference link is not working now).
C26. ActiveHerb, Mar. 12, 2020, “The Official TCM Formula That’s Successfully Treating
COVID-19 Patients in China, https://bit.ly/3eGtUow
C27. Thailand Medical News, Mar. 13, 2020, “MUST READ! China’s Secret to Controlling
the Covid-19 Outbreak …,” https://bit.ly/2Ki7xYA
C28. Hong Kong (CNN), March 16, 2020: “Beijing Is Promoting Traditional Medicine as a
Chinese Solution' to Coronavirus …,” https://cnn.it/2zdqpWi
C29. The Star Online, Mar 24, 2020, “Chinese Traditional Medicine, Recipes Used to Treat
Covid-19 in Wuhan,” https://bit.ly/3eFEADX
Chapter 9
C30. China.org.cn, Mar. 26, 2020, “ SCIO briefing on TCM's important role and a list of
effective drugs in COVID-19 prevention and control” https://on.china.cn/3b2WAoN
Back to TOC
Further References
A1. People's Health Publishing House, Mar. 11, 2020, “Guidance for Corona Virus Disease
2019: Prevention, Control, Diagnosis and Management.” https://bit.ly/3b1Zqug
A2. Military Medical Research, Feb. 06, 2020, “A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis
and treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infected pneumonia (standard
version). See 6.4 TCM Treatment: https://bit.ly/2WkFEVp
A3. J Integr Med. Apr. 15, 2020, Shi-xin Wang, et al., “Diagnosis and treatment of novel
coronavirus pneumonia based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.”
A4. China.org.cn, Mar. 26, 2020, " SCIO briefing on TCM's important role and a list of
effective drugs in COVID-19 prevention and control" https://on.china.cn/3aUm8UX
A5. Xinhua, Feb. 19, 2020, “Traditional Chinese medicine offers oriental wisdom in fight
against novel virus.” https://bit.ly/2Wr8svl
A6. China Daily HK, Apr. 3, 2020, “TCM expert takes experience to front line.
A7. Chinadaily.com.cn, Mar. 3, 2020, “Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Novel
Coronavirus Pneumonia (Trial Version 7),” https://bit.ly/2Ynw3zQ
A8. China Daily, Mar. 24, 2020, “6 effective TCM recipes for COVID-19.”
A9. University of Nairobi, Alice A Odingo, May. 27, 2020, “COVID-19: Can Herbal
Medicine provide the much-needed cure?” https://bit.ly/3gsfyZO
Back to TOC
About Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam
Dr. KTT (2nd L) presents his book, Autism Solution to
former AP Chief Minister & TN Governor, Konijeti Rosaiah (C)
Dr. K. Thiruthanikasalam (Dr. KTT) has been one of the renowned experts in the field of
Siddha medicine for more than 25 years. He is the founder president of Rathna Siddha
Hospital & Herbal Research Center in Chennai. Dr. KTT discovered the drug to cure autism
by Siddha herbal treatment and he is the author of Autism Solution from Nature.
https://bit.ly/2yTCMGQ. He has received many distinguished awards in medicine from many
prominent leaders of India including, Former President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee. In
2017–2018, Dr. KTT was featured in Jaya TV’s Kaalaimalar (Morning Flower) episode
Mooligai Magathuvam (Herbal Wonders). Through his many episodes, Dr. KTT displayed
the healing power of Ayurvedic medicines which are priceless teaching materials regarding
food as medicine!2 https://bit.ly/3aFFmgN. Dr. KTT through his Natural Cure Live Rathna
TV program, patients consulted him directly from their home: https://bit.ly/3cdEX6j
In 2019, when dengue viral fever broke out in Tamil Nadu and particularly in Chennai, Dr.
KTT treated more than 500 poor dengue patients with his herbal medicines free of cost. The
experiences gained by his team of research doctors about various viral fevers (dengue,
chikungunya, etc.) made them courageous to meet any viral epidemic challenges!
When Dr. KTT heard “Chinese officials have confirmed Wuhan’s COVID-19 cases rose to
2,862, as the death toll reached 81,” he immediately announced in a Press Conference3
https://bit.ly/2yFwESQ that his team is ready to go to Wuhan to help China. When his
announcement reached China’s media,4 https://bit.ly/2XMADHA the Chinese Ambassador
along with his Scientific advisor,
Mr. Shan Zuhua met Dr. KTT who gave them prescription along with some herbal medicine
kits. And thus, he saved Chinese people!
Even though he submitted his patented medicine (which had been effectively proved in
China) to AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy),
WHO, and UN, both Tamil Nadu and the govt. of India ignored him; but he still persuade
them, saying, I have medicine to cure COVID-19!
At the end of March 2020, when the world’s COVID-19 pandemic death toll exceeded some
thousands, Dr. KTT lost his manliness and cried like a child! At the end of April 2020, when
the death toll crossed 200,000, the spirit of Dr. KTT in his anger and passion for justice set
forth many evidences against those who are responsible for this death toll. Having medicine
in his hand Dr. KTT couldn’t be content to see people dying daily. So, he decided now (0505-2020) to freely give his medicine to all those COVID-19 positive patients anywhere in the
On May 6, 2020, Dr. KTT was arrested by the Tamil Nadu Police’ Central Crime Branch
under section 54 of Disaster Management Act, Section 188 of the IPC (disobedience of an
order promulgated by a public servant). https://bit.ly/2ztvJFC
About the Book
This book, The Secret of China’s Battle and Its Victory Against COVID-19 Pandemic! is
about an Indian Siddha doctor, K. Thiruthanikasalam (Dr. KTT) who played a major role in
China’s battle against COVID-19. The Section 1: Indian Prescription of this book relates the
story of this heroic doctor’s attempt to free India and the world from COVID-19 and finally
got arrested and kept in jail by the Indian government. When Dr. KTT heard that Wuhan’s
COVID-19 death toll had reached 81, he immediately announced in a Press Conference (on
27th Jan. 2020) that his team is ready to go to Wuhan to help China. When his announcement
reached China’s media, the Chinese Ambassador met Dr. KTT and he prescribed three
different types of herbal medicines (for mild, serious, and very critical stages) detailing all
their ingredients.
At the end of January, these prescriptions reached the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Department Heads of China and when they tested these medicines they were amazed by the
results! Dr. KTT says that after 20 days, (around Feb. 20, 2020) he received a letter with a
Chinese Visa from the Embassy of China, New Delhi. In this letter they stated that “we will
collaborate with India in the field of Siddha medicine, we will visit your hospital in Chennai
and let you visit China and share your experiences with our TCM team”.
Knowing his medicines’ success story in China, Dr. KTT with great hope submitted his
findings and clinical trials of his medicines to the key medical divisions, health minister,
prime minister and also to the WHO. On March 10, 2020, Dr. KTT shared his findings with
the UN at Geneva and also submitted his papers. On 4th April, in his video message
addressed to the Indian PM, Dr. KTT said, “India will be a Corona-Free-Country in 15 days!”
In this book we attempted to verify whether Dr. KTT’s claims and challenges are genuine or
not. To our surprise, we found enough evidences from the Chinese media that China was
helpless until Dr. KTT’s medicine arrived at the end of January. And also, the ingredients that
comprise the medicines used in China match those recommended by Dr. KTT that are
provided in this book 100 percent. Section 2: The Chinese Version of this book talks about
the medicines and their modified versions used by the TCM doctors of China; and the path
they traversed while combating the deadly enemy, COVID-19. So, we conclude that this
book provides a pathway to a COVID-19-free world!
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Johns Cyrus
About the Author
I am a publishing professional, publisher, publishing service provider, filmmaker,
macroeconomic author, employment consultant about job creation. My interests range from
writing to innovation and entrepreneurship.
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