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4th Amendment Legal Outline: Search & Seizure

Architecture of Modern 4th
Categorize 4th
Consensual encounter, Terry Stop, Traffic Stop| Arrest, Search
for Evidence
Did PO have RS or Probable Cause? Was the conduct jus�fied?
Iden�fy type of intrusion
b. Iden�fy level of jus�fica�on
i. RS – required for Terry stop, Terry Frisk, Traffic stop
ii. PC – required for Arrest, Search for evidence, Traffic
Did Police need a warrant?
Warrant required to – search, enter homes to arrest
i. Subject to exigency excep�ons
b. No warrant required to – arrest in public, search incident to
arrest, to search vehicles for evidence, seize evidence in plain
view, or to conduct a terry stop
Did the police need a warrant?
Warrant required to: | enter homes to search or arrest |subject
to exigency
b. No warrant required to: arrest in public | search incident to
arrest |to search vehicles for evidence |seize evidence in plain
view |or to conduct a Terry stop.
Did the police exceed their lawful authority (i.e., did the police stay ‘in
RS jus�fies a stop, but not always a frisk.
b. A good arrest jus�fies a search incident to arrest, but not
necessarily whole house.
A warrant to search for a stolen lawnmower does not jus�fy
rifling desk drawers.
d. A ‘good’ stop may extend into ‘unreasonable’.
If there was an unreasonable search and seizure, should the evidence be
Mapp requires exclusion with excep�ons
b. Excep�ons: Standing – If ‘you’ were not subject to
cons�tu�onal viola�on, ‘you’ do not have standing, e.g.,
warrantless search of someone else’s home does not let you
exclude evidence found there. | Inevitable discovery |
Impeachment | Good faith – Reasonable belief that an LEO
took ac�ons believing they were cons�tu�onal at the �me.
If warrant was required, were the prerequisites for a valid warrant
complied with?
Was it issued by a neutral and detached magistrate?
b. Was there PC supported by oath or affirma�on?
Did the warrant par�cularly describe (1) the place to be
searched or (2) items to be seized?
If warrant was not required, were the prerequisites for a valid warrant
complied with?
Emergency Excep�on
i. Exigency
ii. PC
b. Search Incident to arrest
i. Lawful arrest
ii. Limited to reachable space
iii. Automobiles
Automobile Excep�on
i. Motor Vehicle
ii. Probable Cause
d. Stop and Frisk (Terry Stop)
i. RS to believe criminal ac�vity is afoot
ii. RS to believe subject is armed and dangerous
Administra�ve and Inventory searches
i. Non-criminal Purpose
ii. Limits on police discre�on
i. Voluntary
ii. If third-party, property authority (actual or
Plain view Doctrine
i. Lawful Intrusion
ii. Item immediately apparent as contraband or
9. If a cons�tu�onal viola�on occurred, does the e-rule apply?
Does subject have standing
b. Is the proceeding a criminal trial or other proceeding in which
the rule applies?
Did the officers act in reasonable reliance of a warrant (or
otherwise act in good faith)?
d. Is the evidence offered solely for impeachment?
10. Does the deriva�ve evidence of doctrine apply?
Is the item the fruit of the poisonous tree?
b. If so, does one of the excep�ons apply?
i. Atenua�on?
ii. Independent source?
iii. Inevitable discovery?
11. Evidence Suppressed
Unreasonable search or seizure suppressed – (Mapp extends
to states)
b. Excep�ons: Standing, Inevitable discovery, independent source,
atenua�on, impeachment, GOOD FAITH -> excep�on to
suppression of evidence
Was there a Search?
*PO can search for evidence of crime/drugs even when no detainment or
1. Reasonable Expecta�on of Privacy Test – If PO invades space protected by
REP = Search – KATZ
2. Trespass Test – If PO physically intrudes or occupies cons�tu�onally
protected area (for purposes of acquiring informa�on) = Search (JONES)
3. Vehicles – limited search when traffic �cket rather than arrest (ulterior
mo�ve doesn’t mater)
RS armed  + search power  Protec�ve frisk OR Passenger
compartment (where might be placed)
b. PO can ar�culate factors which would lead officer to RS armed
 protec�ve search (Ex. Plain view doctrine)
K9 while S lawfully detained + PC  can search w/o warrant
i. K9 cannot be used a�er cita�on work (cannot
prolong either)
d. Plain View Doctrine w/ PC  can search/seizure w/o warrant
4. Search is Incident to traffic cita�on  search not allowed - must have
reasonable suspicion or probable cause
5. Search Incident to Arrest – If lawful arrest search powers flow (1) search
of personal effects/containers on person Robinson; (2) search of
clothing/body bc every arrest subsumes privacy right; (3) search of
wingspan / grabbing area
Of the person  can search body or containers on person
b. Effects  cannot search containers not on person
i. If search of container in home  warrant required
Homes – A�er lawful arrest  can search within
wingspan/grabbing distance
i. O removes S from immediate area  can s�ll search
are where S had immediate control
ii. O restrained (HC)  only protec�ve sweep
d. Vehicles – If jus�fied arrest of anyone in/near vehicle  can
search arrestee
i. Mobility If PO has PC to believe evidence or
contraband in car  can search grabbing area w/o
warrant b/c incident to arrest
ii. O usually walks around w/ S w/o handcuffs
1. Search Incident to Arrest + Vehicle - Search requires arrest occurred of a
person in/near a car
If (1) S is unsecured & can access interior or vehicle OR (2) PO
reasonably believes evidence for arrested offense may be found in
vehicle  can search wingspan, passenger compartment, &
b. If PO reasonably believes S or passenger is armed & dangerous 
can search interior for weapons (not trunk)
Plain view excep�on – If PO sees contraband  can seize (no
d. Inventory excep�on – PO can search vehicles that are impounded
May not search – under hood, trunk, digital devices (RILEY) unless
exigent circumstances
6. Digital Devices – Seize because search requires warrant absent exigent
Reasonable Expecta�on of privacy  search requires warrant
7. Home Search  grabbing area/wingspan
8. Protec�ve Search/Sweep – if secured S who could launch atack 
protec�ve search based on mere precau�on (RS or PC not required)
9. Tracking Devices - – Concealing a tracking device in chemicals purchased
by suspect and monitoring the transport of the chemical by vehicle outside
private premises, not a “search.” Suspect voluntarily shared vehicle
loca�on with the public.
If a beeper, voluntarily put in chemicals by an informant, is used
to inform police that the chemicals are inside par�cular private
premises, the use of the beeper is a search requiring a warrant
and PC.
10. Airport – properly-trained drug-detec�ng dog  not a search
11. Garbage – Combing through garbage  not a search
12. Thermal Imager = Search b/c not widely used
13. Technological Informa�on Gathering – Shi� from Katz
Is the technology general public use – REP is taken into account
What is the nature of the informa�on that police obtain using
this technology?
i. Mass gathering of info can reveal private info may
be a search (mosaic theory)
If device allows the police to access informa�on that they
otherwise could not obtain  gathering of info = search
14. CARPENTER – Iden�fied cell sites his phone used to make calls for 4-month
period (100 logs). Rule - Compelling wireless carriers to turn over data
that tracks users’ movements for long periods of �me requires a warrant,
absent exigent circumstances. *Government needs PC then a warrant!
Roberts opinion – Use Technology REP laws. Voluntarily give
info to a third party = no reasonable expecta�on of privacy.
Arguing w/ Alito – cell phone use is not similar to business
records bc they are a necessity and don’t require any
affirma�ve ac�on except turning it on
b. Gorsuch dissent – Agrees w/ Thomas NO REP A persons has
privacy expecta�ons to keep things private regardless of
whether someone else has access to the personal informa�on
since complete ownership is not necessary to maintain privacy
rights. Federal & State legislatures are working on these laws.
(example expecta�on of privacy for leters – this is a
cons�tu�onal minimum degree of privacy protected under 4th).
Must create modern analogies. Reject Smith & Miller (phone
call info & financial records). Don’t use REP (lower courts
waived this based on tradi�onal property & common law)
Alito dissent – Use Third Party Doctrine. Historically, court used
“trespass” approach, which clarified difference between
interests in privately held info and info held by third par�es.
Majority would require PC. Under third party doctrine, no REP,
so no PC need. Thus no warrant required
d. Kennedy dissent – 3rd Party Doctrine - Is it a person, house or
affect under 4th?. Court only needs to determine whether the
informa�on gathered (searched) belonged to Carpenter when it
it was obtained from wireless carriers. Records belong to third
par�es (Miller & Smith) & governments can compel third
par�es to disclose records in their possession & control.
Subpoenas are reasonable if they serve a relevant purpose and
the scope of the direc�ve are sufficiently limited and
specific.This will hamper effec�veness if important
inves�ga�ve tool used to solve serious crimes
Thomas – Tradi�onal physical trespass
Was there a Seizure?
Reasonable person believed not free to leave (physical force or asser�on
of authority)  Seizure (Objective Reasonable Observer Test)
Factors: # of officers, display of weapon, physical touching, language/tone
of officer, patrol car siren/lights, physical restraint, odd behavior of PO, PO
“free to go”, holds ID
In General: Standard of suspicion – Probable cause to believe suspect has
commited a crime.
Warrant required to enter private premises to arrest, but not to
arrest in public.
b. Search incident to arrest allowed on person, in car, and to a
limited degree in home.
Limit on excessive use of force, par�cularly deadly force.
Categorize 4th
Consensual Encounter or Search – no RS needed (not classified as seizure)
Terry Stop – IF RS crime occurred or about to occur (to dispel suspicion for
THAT crime)  can STOP
Terry Frisk - If TOTC based on specific & ar�culable facts +
ra�onal inferences from them can warrant “intrusion”  can
FRISK for weapons without warrant but subsequent
eviden�ary searches are not allowed
b. Time – seizure ends when tasks �ed to seizure are completed
or reasonably should be completed.
Avoid defacto arrests
Rou�ne Traffic Stop – If PO sees viola�on  has PC to pull over – needs RS
terry suspicion for something to develop (can have ulterior mo�ve ie.
If RS for PO to believe S is armed + dangerous  can FRISK for
weapons (further search not allowed)
b. PO Allowed to: Ask ques�ons about guns & drugs | Check for
outstanding warrants | Ask for consent to search car | Lead a
drug-sniffing dog around a car | Ask driver & passenger to exit
car | No search incident to cita�on (w/o other factors -RS, PC)
Time – �me to address stop (15 min); 80 min for drug dog
d. Avoid defacto arrest
Arrest – If PO believes reasonably trustworthy facts & circumstances to
warrant a reasonably prudent person to believe S has commited crime 
can arrest w/o a warrant in public (not private homes unless exigent
Requirements: PC S commited crime @ �me of arrest
b. Factors: First hand observa�on (no stale) | From other police
|By vic�m or witness to PO (vic�m speaks directly to PO  PC
i. Mother �ps  maybe PC (inves�gate further)
ii. PO at work must take facts as true unless prove V is
Tips – Reliable CI  PC – Vague anonymous �p  NO PC –
Specific anonymous �p  PC likely
d. Brightline Arrest – “you’re under arrest”
Defacto arrest (w/o consent)
Facts indica�ng arrest – Time, Removing S from scene w/o
consent (objec�ve observer standard)
Search for evidence – PO can search for evidence that is not part of Terry
or traffic stop
Requirements – S cannot be restrained.
b. If no PC but RS that evidence of crime of arrest in vehicle  can
Did PO need a warrant?
Did PO actually have RS or PC in their ac�on?
Reasonable Suspicion – TOTC – Suspicion must be based on informa�on
w/ sufficient indica of reliability based on less reliable informa�on than PC
Officer observa�on v. informa�on supplied from 3rd-party
b. Anonymous v. iden�fied source of informa�on
Personal v. electronic communica�on of informa�on
d. Informa�on would subject informant to retalia�on
Time elapsed from criminal event
Crime rate in the area (high crime area)
Suspect’s ac�ons a�er being confronted by the police may be
considered under reasonable suspicion analysis (major chicken
& egg problem here, but court doesn’t seem to mind)
h. Bulge that could be a weapon
Matching Descrip�on
Time of day
Evasive behavior/Flight from cops
Aggressive Behavior
m. Loca�on (high crime, open street v. closed area)
n. Suspect’s criminal history
Tip: Face-to-Face more likely to be sufficient to establish RS bc
informant is exposed to risk of retalia�on
Probable Cause – Facts & condi�ons where a reasonable PO can form a
reasonable basis to suspect a (1) crime has been commited OR (2) there is
evidence to suspect a crime is about to be commited and therefore
deprive an individual of his privacy/property/liberty
Factors: PO sees it | Info from other PO | Statement from
vic�m or witness
Warrant required: (1) Enter homes to arrest | (2) Search (subject to
exigency excep�ons)
No warrant required if:
PO has PC that S commited misdemeanor/felony (in public spaces
not private homes unless exigent circumstances)
b. Search incident to arrest (look above)
Search vehicles for evidence
d. Conduct a Terry Stop
Hot pursuit of fleeing felon | Imminent destruc�on of evidence |
Risk of danger to police or others  warrantless entry
Valid Warrant Requirements – *PC within 48 hours of arrest is fine
Probable Cause: it establishes a substan�al basis for concluding
that a search will uncover evidence of wrongdoing  warrant
applica�on valid
i. Conclusions which must be supported by evidence are: Specific
to items to be searched are connected w/ criminal ac�vity.
These items will be found in the place to be searched. Crime
vic�ms are presumed to be honest. Police can choose who to
believe in he said/she said swearing contest?
ii. Relevant facts for PC: Anonymous �pster (1) knew schedule and
(2) had specific detail (not openly observable). Some �ps were
corroborated prior to warrant.
iii. Relevant facts against PC: Anonymous �pster not correct about
every fact.
iv. Factors to consider: (1) veracity or reliability of the informant,
and then look to (2) how the informant came to know the
b. Neutral & Detached Magistrate: Warrant must be issued by neutral
and detached magistrate (ex. Judicial clerks qualify as N & D for
purposes of issuing warrants) – no conflict of interest
Par�cularly Describing – Adequate descrip�on of place
i. Test - Requires the descrip�on to be sufficiently precise so that
the officer execu�ng warrant can “with reasonable effort
ascertain and iden�fy the place intended
ii. Catch All  forbidden
iii. Riley excep�on – phones & computers
iv. Body – Requires jus�fica�on (like exigent circumstances). If only
RS  not allowed to search (let nature take course)
v. Electronic Surveillance – PC must show no other reasonable
method + approved by U.S. Atorney
d. Veracity/honesty of the Affadavit –
i. Informant lies - If informant lies to the stage agent but the PO
truly believes the informant  warrant may s�ll be valid.
ii. PO lies - If the PO does not believe the informant and/or lies to
the magistrate, the warrant is invalid. Disclosure of the
informant’s iden�ty is required.
GOOD FAITH EXCEPTION – If officer believe warrant is good but
was incorrect  can s�ll rely on the warrant
Deadly Force – If PO has PC to believe suspect poses a significant threat of
death or serious physical injury to the officer or others + deadly force is
necessary to prevent escape  may use deadly force (GARNER)
Excessive Force – TOTC for reasonableness (Alleged crime’s severity |
Threat a suspect poses | S’s effort to resist/evade arrest)
If (1) actual physical or emo�onal injury that is not de minimis +
(2) officer ignored S �mely complaints  not reasonable
Warrant Required for Search
Reasonable Expecta�on of Privacy Test – If government invades a space
where there is a reasonable expecta�on to privacy = Search  search
requires a warrant
Requirements – (1) person has exhibited an actual (subjec�ve)
expecta�on to privacy and (2) that expecta�on is one that
society is prepared to recognize as reasonable
b. Technology - Use of inves�ga�ve techniques that ONLY reveal
informa�on w/o REP (cannot show anything illegal)  not a
search (no warrant required)
i. If tech not used by generally public  Warrant
ii. GPS on car for 28 days = Search, so warrant is likely
required (JONES)
Trespass Test – If PO physically intrudes or occupies cons�tu�onally
protected area (for purposes of acquiring informa�on) = Search (JONES)
Did Police Exceed their Authority
Safe Harbors for Government = Search w/o warrant required
Open Fields – If trespass  search does not require a warrant | If REP 
warrant required
Cur�lage: proximity of area claimed to be cur�lage to the home
– Factors: where the area is included w/in an enclosure
surrounding the home, nature of uses to which area is put,
steps taken by resident to protect the area from observa�on by
b. Uninvited K9 Sniffing front porch = Cur�lage  Search requires
PC & search warrant
Magic Bullets – If open to public  search does not require a warrant
Assump�on of Risk – trust “informants” at own risk  no REP
Friends can turn into government accomplice  they can turn
them recording or transmissions to government  no REP
(wiretapping & bugging in KATZ)
Third Party Doctrine – If voluntarily give info to a third party  no REP
*Establishes 4A protects people not things (KATZ)
b. Financial records  no REP (credit card companies, electric/gas
Telephone Info (number you dial/who you call)  No REP
d. Technology - Google wallets, phone companies tracking data
loca�on, cell-site loca�on stored in third party  warrant
required b/c they have REP
Tower dump okay, Public video camera okay
If collect historical loca�on data over a 7-day period  REP, so
warrant required (CARPENTER)
Consent – If consent given  allows reasonable search w/o warrant or PC
Tainted Consent (force or fraud): If S is illegally detained/arrested
w/o PC & evidence found  product of illegal ac�on  Suppress
b. Consent a�er Taint - If consent follows a tainted 4A event, that does
not cure the taint. Consent is okay, but everything that follows is bad.
(no gun in toilet)
Types: (1) Implied (2) Voluntariness (not coercion – TOTC)
d. TOTC Factors: Age, educa�on, and IQ of subject, whether subject was
advised of cons�tu�onal rights, length of encounter, repe��on or
dura�on of ques�oning, number of LEOs present, and use of physical
Scope (objec�ve test): Search must be reasonable for PO’s search
Revoca�on: can revoke, but if Plain View  PO can act upon evidenc
Plain View Doctrine: If PO has legal right to be there, finds incrimina�ng
evidence and incrimina�ng S is immediately apparent  may seize
evidence w/o warrant - HICKS
Automobile Excep�on – Kelly – PC to believe evidence, weapons,
contraband, or fruits of instrumentali�es of crime  can search a car (even
if impounded)
Terry Stop-and-Frisk – (see above)
Search Incident to Arrest (see above)
Stolen goods
Probable Cause
Exigent Circumstances - Need to prevent escape (Hot Pursuit), imminent
destruc�on of evidence, risk of danger to PO or third par�es.
Manner of execu�ng a warrant – Reasonable Standard incorporates
common law rule
Knock & Announce – PO (while execu�ng a warrant) must
announce authority, purpose,& wait for admitance before
using force to enter unless exigent circumstances OR HOT
b. “No Knock Entry” allowed when (1) a reasonable officer could
have had reasonable suspicion / or probable cause that
knocking and announcing his presence would have been
dangerous under the circumstances and (2) destruc�on of
evidence due to exigent circumstances
Incidental Deten�on & Search Powers –
Search Unnamed Persons - Search warrant doesn’t authorize
PO to search persons unnamed on warrant unless they have
independent PC to arrest
b. Search Incident to arrest - If PO have PC to arrest a person to be
searched  search incident to arrest can occur (* violent
crimes = jus�fica�on to seize weapon during search)
Contraband + Detain - If warrant to search for contraband
founded on PC  carries limited authority to detain people on
premises while property search is conducted
d. Detainment – In a poten�ally dangerous loca�on while
conduc�ng a legal search, detaining uninvolved inhabitants is
reasonable for the dura�on of the search to ensure safety. Also
RS not needed to ask Immigra�on status ques�on
Pat down + Par�cular Premise - If possession of warrant to
search par�cular premises  cannot jus�fy pat-down of
persons alone at �me of execu�on. (I think they’ll need
independent reasonable suspicion or probable cause)
i. Balancing Test: Law enforcement interests (safety)
vs. intrusion that may jus�fy limited seizure pursuit
(1) general interest in crime preven�on & detec�on
(2) interest in flight preven�on if incrimina�ng
evidence found (3) interest in orderly comple�on of
search (* present when occupants are there to open
secured doors or containers)
Search Incident to Arrest + Detainment – Probable Cause to Arrest
Detainment of All: Warrant to search premises does not allow
detainment of all individuals at loca�on
i. If RS (armed)  Terry Frisk allowed  let leave
b. Homeowner: If the homeowner allows the PO to search while
he lives, this behavior is sufficient to allow detainment b/c an
ordinary person would not want to be absent for search.
Re-enter Home: deten�on is allowed from reentry of a home (*
due to exigent circumstances - destroying of evidence)
d. Mena - Is it reasonable to detain a teenage girl outside while
they search the drug house?
Excessive Force – Police must arrest & execute warrant reasonably
Deadly Force – If to (1) necessary to prevent escape + (2) PO
has probable cause to believe S poses a significant threat of
death or serious physical injury to officers or others  may use
deadly force - GARNER
b. Nondeadly but Excessive – Reasonableness depends on factors:
(1) alleged crime’s severity, (2) threat a suspect poses, and (3)
suspect’s efforts to resist or evade arret
i. Only to defend against imminent threat of death or
serious bodily injury (ex. Firing at or has taken a shot
at police)
b. Prong 2 (FED): If offense in arrest or any violent crime is one
which involves sexual assault, great bodily harm, or murder
i.  If human life is at risk (hostage or shoo�ng at) 
can use deadly force
ii. If forced required to arrest  reasonable force
The Exclusionary Rule – A�er Midterm
Burden of Proof: Suppression Hearings
Defendant has burden of proof by preponderance of the evidence
that: (1) police commited a search or seizure & (2) D has “standing”
to complain about the search & seizure
b. Prosecu�on has the burden of proof by preponderance of the
evidence that the search was (1) reasonable OR (2) an excep�on to
the e-rule (other than standing) applies
Standing – In order to have standing, the person moving for suppression
must be the individual whose 4A rights were violated. (*Only vic�ms can
complain & have evidence excluded. Third par�es not subject to
uncons�tu�onal search & seizure cannot have evidence suppressed)
Exclusionary Rule – Moving party must show his rights were violated
& must show standing to challenge the search/seizure from viola�on
of her own reasonable expecta�on of privacy under TOTC test,
considering factors such as: ownership of place searched & loca�on
of item seized.
b. REP Test (Atkins/Rakas Test) – Courts must determine whether
appellant objec�vely had a REP at the �me & place of the disputed
search (TOTC) – Factors:
i. Whether defendant had a property or possessory interest
in the place invaded;
ii. Whether defendant was legi�mately in the place invaded;
iii. Whether defendant had complete dominion or control
and the right to exclude others;
iv. Whether, prior to the intrusion, defendant took normal
precau�ons customarily taken by those seeking privacy;
v. Whether defendant put the place to some private use;
vi. Is defendant’s claim of privacy is consistent with historical
/ tradi�onal / customary no�ons of privacy?
Automobile Searches
i. Stop – Everyone has standing to contest stop, BUT stops are
almost always legal
ii. Search (Passenger) – A passenger has not standing to complain
about the search of a vehicle if: (1) the passenger does not own
the vehicle, (2) claim possessory interest in the thing seized or
container holding the thing seized, & (3) does not have a preexis�ng, long-standing rela�onship w/ the vehicle’s owner (ex.
spouse or child).
iii. Driving Alone: If you don’t own it  likely have standing/REP
d. House Searches/Private Premises
i. Overnight guest + stayed in past  standing
ii. Hotel boyfriend not on room  no standing
iii. Having Sex  REP  Standing
Categorical Excep�ons
Causa�on Excep�ons): Even when the suspect has standing to challenge the
fruit of the poisonous tree, the evidence could s�ll be included under the
following excep�ons:
Inevitable Discovery (Included) - If the prosecu�on can show that the
police would have discovered the evidence whether or not they had acted
uncons�tu�onally, the evidence is admissible
Ex. PC Vehicle Search  PO find during inventory search; or D has a
warrant  excuses all evidence up to the point under ID
Independent Source (Included) - If the prosecu�on can prove by
preponderance of the evidence that informa�on obtained through 1 illegal
source + 1 legal source, it will NOT be penalized & evidence admissible
Atenua�on (Included/Excluded) - An intervening act of free will by the D
will break the causal chain b/w the evidence & the original illegality & thus
remove the taints. Factors: (1) Temporal proximity – The shorter the �me
between challenged conduct and discovery of evidence, the more likely it
is that the evidence will be tainted. (2) Presence of intervening
circumstances – Circumstances such as Miranda warnings, change of
loca�on, delibera�ve acts by defendant, and acts by third par�es are
relevant in determining whether the chain of causa�on was broken. (3)
Purpose of flagrancy of the official misconduct – The greater the impact on
the defendant, and the more serious the misconduct, the more likely it is
that it will taint subsequently obtained evidence
Impeachment Excep�on – Prosecu�on may use suppressed evidence
(illegally obtained) to impeach tes�mony of a noncredible witness
Ex. Perjury, reckless police (not negligent) believing warrant exist, PO
making false statements, (reliance on govt’s disability to challenge
credibility doesn’t count)
b. Illegally obtained confession: Voluntary statements made in viola�on
of Miranda may be used for impeach or rebut the fac�inder
Collateral Proceedings - Illegally obtained evidence can be used in the
following proceedings: Grand jury delibera�ons, Immigra�on/Deporta�on,
Civil Tax, Habeus Corpus, Proba�onary Revoca�on (no Forfeiture)
Good Faith Excep�on - If the PO arrest or search someone erroneously
but in good faith, thinking they are ac�ng pursuant to a valid arrest
warrant, search warrant, or law, the exclusionary rule does NOT apply
Experience & knowledge may be taken into considera�on
b. Examples: Judge approved warrant + detailed affidavit for reasonable
PC, jus�fied reliable info from another PO,
Excep�ons to GF Excep�on: A police officer cannot rely on a
defec�ve search warrant in good faith if the: (1) Affidavit underlying
the warrant is so lacking in PC such that reasonably police officer
would have relied on it; (2) Warrant is defec�ve on its fact (e.g., it
fails to state w/ par�cularity place to be searched or the things to be
seized); (3) Police officer or government official obtaining the
warrant lied to or misled the magistrate; or (4) Magistrate has
“wholly abandoned his judicial role”
Remedies for 4A Viola�ons
Habeus Corpus
42 U.S.C. § 1983 – Civil Ac�on for Depriva�on of Right – State actor
violates individuals cons�tu�onal (ac�ng under color of state law);
contrary to clearly established law; Plain�ff has damages  S can bring
Tort suit
CA Penal Code 835 Common Law Rule: If trying to arrest a fleeing felon 
can use deadly force
Two Prongs: Civil: Both (FED); Prong 1 (CA) --- Criminal – Prong 1
Prong 1 (FED or CA): Suspect poses clear & present danger to
human life  can use deadly force on fleeing S
Ins�tu�onal Reform Li�ga�on
5th Amendment – Right Against Self Incrimina�on
“No person…shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against
himself” – Privilege against Self Incrimina�on
Self-Incrimina�on Elements
Compulsion - Compel disclosure of….Coercion??
i. Examples: (1) Judicial process backed by the contempt sanc�on,
Torture, (2) Denial of substan�al government benefits (Garrity v.
New Jersey), (3) Inference of guilt from silence (Griffin v.
California), (4) Custodial interroga�on absent Miranda
safeguards  compulsion (under arrest and being held by
Voluntary waiver = Answering ques�ons without claiming
Tes�monial Evidence = Answering a ques�on
i. The act of produc�on itself is tes�monial – admi�ng
possession and authen�city.
ii. Govt Knew documents existed: If the government already
knew documents existed & is just compelling their
produc�on  the act of produc�on is NOT tes�monial
iii. Nontes�monial Evidence examples: (while there is
coercion, there is no “braking of the will” of the suspect,
as with torture or denial of rights), Blood samples,
Physical appearance at a lineup, DNA swab, Property (ex.
clothing or a car) can be used against the D
Tending to incriminate the suspect - INCRIMINATION
i. Forbids the court from inquiring why the one is claiming
such a privilege.
1. D’s privilege is limited to incrimina�ng
evidence, not just embarrassing informa�on..
2. Don’t need to explain how it would incriminate
you, b/c it would defeat the witness’s privilege.
Has to be more than just “mere say so,” but
not much
Immunity – If you want to COMPEL tes�mony, it must be immunized
Transac�onal Immunity (Federal Courts) - where the witness cannot
be held responsible for any crime rela�ng to the subject mater, 
their tes�mony can be compelled.
i. When the witness has been granted transac�onal
immunity  CANNOT be prosecuted for what he tes�fies
about once the transac�onal immunity order has been
ii. Cannot refuse transac�onal immunity
iii. Most states only allow this
b. Use (+ Fruits) Immunity - The deal is that the police do not charge
the ∆ with everything they could (give him a small sentence) and in
return the ∆ gives tes�mony about the larger criminal ac�vi�es to
the grand jury. Thus, he just gets the single charge w/o the fear of
implica�ng himself in a greater criminal conspiracy
i. Example: Bodyguard get charged with possession of illegal
guns and 2 keys of drugs. The π just charges the ∆ with a
single passion charge, and in exchange the ∆ tells the
police/π about the “stash house” where more drugs can
be found. Otherwise, w/o this immunity, the ∆ could be
charged not just with passion of 2 keys, but everything
found at the stash house.
Pre-exis�ng Documents Issue
Where the government would not have known about the existence,
loca�on, or authen�city of the pre-exis�ng documents without the
target’s disclosure in response to a subpoena, documents are derived
from compelled tes�mony and must be excluded from evidence
together with evidence derived from them. – Hubbell
b. Anything derived from the immunized confessions is fruit of the
forbidden tree. The government is free to use a piece of informa�on
that appears in an immunized document if it can accomplish its
affirma�ve duty of proving that the informa�on was derived from a
legi�mate source wholly
i. Rule: Whether an act of produc�on is sufficiently
tes�monial to implicate the 5th Amendment depends on
the government’s knowledge regarding the documents
before they are produced.
Case 1: Police coerce S to write out a confession -- At that point, the
crea�on of the document has been compelled  confession is
tes�monial  compelling self-incrimina�on & cannot be used
Case 2: S keeps a private diary. The police learn of its existence &
obtain a warrant to seize it, by force if needed. It’s tes�monial & it’s
incrimina�ng, but it was NOT compelled.
Foregone Conclusion
i. If the new communica�on implicit in the act of produc�on (AOP)
does NOT incriminate (because the government knows it already
or could easily find it independently)  the government need
NOT immunize the act of produc�on
Biometric Key Issue – 11/9
Miranda Rights & 5A Ini�a�on
Dripps’ Miranda Flowchart
Does Miranda apply? (Find custody +
Was the warning itself good?
Was the warning given before the statement
was made?
After warning, did suspect waive or invoke?
Miranda Level 1 Analysis: Does Miranda apply  Was S subject to a
custodial interroga�on?
Presump�on of Uncons�tu�onal Compelled Tes�mony = Custody +
b. Valid Miranda Warning or Voluntary Wavier dispels presump�on
Custody occurs when a reasonable person would feel as though they were
not free to leave.
Objec�ve Test (not subjec�ve by PO):
i. The amount of officers
ii. The loca�on of the ques�oning
iii. Whether or not they are restrained
iv. Whether or not they are free to leave once ques�oning is
v. Whether or not weapons are present
vi. Where the suspect is being moved to a loca�on coercively
where he would not normally be.
vii. Where the change in loca�on interrupts your daily life
viii. Where a reasonable person would find that you have
been moved somewhere against your will.
Interroga�on includes any words or ac�ons on the part of the police (other
than those normally atendant to arrest & custody) that the police should
know are reasonably likely to elicit an incrimina�ng response from the
vic�m (ie. “Express ques�oning or its “func�onal equivalent”)
i. California case – People against Mirado?? – warning to
remain silent & right to consult an atorney, but didn’t say
we’ll pay for it. In absence of “right to appointed counsel
if he can’t afford a lawyer”, it’s ineffec�ve.
Excep�ons where Miranda Warnings are not required
Only Tes�monial evidence is protected – not fingerprints, blood
samples, handwri�ng samples, voice sample
b. Jail House Snitch Excep�on - : Conversa�ons b/w suspects &
undercover agents do NOT require Miranda warnings
Public Safety Excep�on – A�er shown evidence for your home 
incrimina�ng statement is not considered interroga�on
Miranda Level 2 Analysis – if Custody + interroga�on  the next ques�on
is whether the warning was valid  any statement w/o waring is invalid. If
the warning is defec�ve  invalid
Valid Miranda Warning Examples - Was the Warning Good?
Including right to cut off ques�oning at any �me  valid warning
b. Sta�ng that suspect could not have lawyer at the �me b/c none were
on duty but could have one on court  valid warning
Suspect Responses: S in custody + PO plans to interrogate + gives a valid
warning. S can waive both right to counsel & right to silence at any
subsequent point during ques�oning, BUT PO is s�ll subject to due-process
TOTC voluntariness TEST. Receiving the warning is 1 factor in the TOTC.
Responses include:
i. Express Waiver – “I waive my right….”
ii. Implied Waiver – If S don’t expressly invoke right to both silence
counsel – “I want to remain silent or don’t want to talk to PO”
iii. Invoca�on of silence
iv. Invoca�on of counsel
Waiver 2-Prong Test: A waiver must be (1) Voluntary and (2) Knowing
Voluntary – Waiver was a product of a free & deliberate choice rather
than in�mida�on, coercion, or decep�on.
i. TOTC – Examples?
b. Knowing – Waiver was made w/ a full awareness of both the nature
of the right being abandoned & the consequences of the decision to
abandon it
5. Invoca�on must be (1) Express (2) Unequivocal (3) Unambiguous
Invoca�on of Right to Silence means the PO has to stop ques�oning
BUT are allowed to reapproach with the following factors:
i. Cleaning warning
ii. Significant passage of �me
iii. Other factors – whether the officers are the same before,
crime in ques�on, loca�on of ques�oning
d. Invoca�on of Right to Counsel means PO must stop interroga�on
un�l the S is given counsel. Hutchinson
i. When S can make an admissible statement regardless of
prior invoca�on of right to counsel: Edwards Rule
1. S released from custody b/c no coercion
Let out on bail
b. Released & slept in own bed
2. S voluntarily re-ini�ates communica�on w/ PO
OR counsel has been made available to him
2. Incarcerated People & Reproachment - Edwards Prongs
Prong 1: Bars police interroga�on following invoca�on of right to
counsel even regarding different crimes not the subject of the
current interroga�on
b. Prong 2: As the Court announced in Minnick v. Mississippi once a
suspect in custody invokes his Miranda right to counsel, the police
must not only permit the suspect to consult with an atorney prior to
ques�oning but they may not reini�ate ques�oning unless counsel is
present. Unless the suspect reini�ates and gets a cleansing warning
However, this shield is removed if the defendant suspect ini�ates
further communica�ons, exchanges with the police and the police
obtain a valid waiver.
6. Requests for Counsel related to UNRELATED CRIMES
7. What if S actually talks to counsel?
9. Inadmissible Statement: A person’s statements during custodial
interroga�on are inadmissible at trial unless the prosecu�on can show that
D “knowingly & voluntarily” waived his or her Miranda rights prior to
making the statement.
10. Ini�a�on Escape Hatch: If S ini�ates police & wants to talk, gets a new set
of warnings, signs waiver card  ini�a�on  nothing wrong about it
Miranda E-Rule :
What happens when the Defense catches prosecu�on improperly
reinterroga�ng, breaking the rules of Miranda, a�er the suspect defendant
Statements: Obtained in viola�on of Miranda are admissible to impeach
the Δ’s inconsistent tes�mony &
Physical Evidence: The fruits of any Miranda-tainted statements are
admissible at trial
Other Fruit & Tree Cases
6th Amendment: Right to Counsel
6A guarantees - Right to atorney & right to due process in criminal defense trial
Dripps’s 6th Amendment Procedure
Did right atach
Was evidence obtained at a cri�cal stage of the proceeding
Did D waive 6th Amendment right at the point in �me at which
evidence was obtained
If atached + invoked + cri�cal stage  is D being tried only for
charge that was pending?
D can s�ll lose if government files new, different charge
Pretrial Procedure: Chronology from Arrest to Trial
Crime  Inves�ga�on  Arrest  Booking  Ini�al
Appearance/Preliminary Arraignment (Bail)  Preliminary Hearing
(right to counsel) Indictment of informa�on  Pretrial Mo�on 
Arraignment  Trial (Grand Jury + Enter Plea/Plea Bargaining)
Atachment: 6A only applies when the right to an atorney ataches and
during cri�cal stages of the adjudica�on process
Four situa�ons in which the right to counsel ataches:
i. Trigger: (1) Indictment (2) Preliminary hearings (where if
witnesses tes�fy, the tes�mony is admissible at trial) (2)
Accusa�on by complaint or informa�on (3) Arraignments
ii. Don’t trigger: (1) Tes�fying before a grand jury, (2) being asked to
consent to search, (3) ID lineups
Cri�cal Stages:
Right to an atorney exists only during a “cri�cal stage.” Cri�cal stages
are stages that resemble the trial itself where there may be a judge,
witness, tes�mony given, or prosecutors present
i. Cri�cal stages
1. Trial (Powell v Alabama), Prelims where tes�mony is taken
(Coleman v. Alabama; Pointer v. Texas), Ques�oning of Δ by
police or prosecutors (Escobedo; Brewer), “Deliberate
elicita�on” by informants directed by the govt (Ventris;
Alexander), Corporeal ID procedures where Δ confronts
eyewitnesses (Wade)
Hidden mics don’t count if you are recording natural
ii. Not Cri�cal Stages
1. Police and prosecutors interviewing witnesses, Crime scene
inves�ga�ons, Forensic tests, Non-corporeal ID procedures
(Ash v. United States)
b. Main thing: any ques�oning of a defendant by police or prosecutor =
cri�cal stage. Witness interviews are not cri�cal stage. Preliminary
hearings = cri�cal stage. Post-atachment lineups = cri�cal stage
i. If what occurs at a proceeding will affect, be disposi�ve,
of what occurs at trial such as: police ques�oning,
prosecutor communica�on with defendant, please
When does S go from being a S in inves�ga�on to a D in a criminal
Waiver of RTC – Much stricter standard to waive than Miranda
If one doesn’t know the right has atached, right has atached, and
the person has waived their Miranda rights  they don’t waive their
b. Once you’ve met with, formally requested an atorney, or an atorney
has acted on your behalf  you can no longer waive the right.
In order to waive the RTC before the counsel has acted on your
behalf  you must do so (1) Knowingly (2) Intelligently & (3)
i. Knowing & Intelligent – If D is made aware of dangers of
represen�ng himself by use of Miranda Warnings  his
waiver of right to counsel during post-indictment
ques�oning is “knowing” and “intelligent”
ii. The 6A right to counsel is not violated if a defendant, a�er
being appointed counsel, validly waives the right to
counsel outside of the counsel’s presence and confesses
(even a�er the defendant's Sixth Amendment rights have
atached and become opera�ve). – Montejo
6A + E-rule
Double Jeopardy for Mini Trial: If the DJ dismisses the case  D is subject
to re-arrest & the case can be taken before another DJ & it is not
considered double jeopardy.
If any period of incarcera�on is imposed as a penalty  Due process
requires appoin�ng misdemeanor counsel
b. Prosecu�on has to decide whether or not they’re pursuing a
correc�onal sentence.
Uncounseled misdemeanor convic�on can enhance under a
recidivism statute.
d. A suspended or proba�onary sentence of incarcera�on for an
uncounseled misdemeanor convic�on is void.
Effec�veness of Counsel – Two prongs:
Has to act professionally, doesn’t have to be a tac�cally proficient
b. Lawyer’s performance cannot prejudice the defendant with regards
to the ruling/outcome against them.