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ADAPP Evaluation Plan

1. Training evaluation for the North American Transportation Company's Alcohol/Drug Abuse
Prevention Program will include both summative and formative assessment programs, which are
as follows:
Summative Evaluation: The North American Transportation Company established the
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program to reduce workplace accidents, employee absenteeism,
and near-accidents caused by alcohol/drug issues. A summative evaluation program will aid in
determining the overall efficacy of the Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program in promoting
appropriate supervisory behaviour and decreasing employee absenteeism, workplace accidents,
and injuries.
1. When pre- and post-training comparisons are made, NATC can comprehend the
employee absence graph related to alcohol and drug use with ease.
2. Evaluating incident reports relating to pre-testing, post-training injuries, and accidents
can help ascertain whether, similar to absenteeism, drug- and alcohol-related
incidents have decreased.
3. To determine the impact of the program and evaluate any modifications, NAC may
speak with supervisors and employees through questionnaires or interviews.
Formative Evaluation: The formative assessment will be utilized for NATC in the
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program to evaluate the values of the training materials and
procedure, with the main purpose of identifying changes in small areas to make the zerotolerance policy toward workplace alcohol and drug misuse more successful.
1. NATC can remove program elements that aren't working properly by getting input on
how well certain training components are working.
2. By gathering feedback on how well particular training components are doing, NATC
can eliminate program aspects that aren't operating as intended.
3. NATC can make minor tweaks to increase the program's overall efficacy by assessing
and comprehending the relevance and realism of role-playing scenarios.
2. The decision-based evaluation model of training evaluation would be appropriate to use in the
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP) based on the factors given in the case study
because, unlike the COMA and Kirkpatrick models, the decision-based Evaluation model helps
to target three key areas such as:
1. In this instance, NATC supervisors would inform their staff members about the zerotolerance stance on drug and alcohol usage at work. Supervisors can use various datagathering methods, including surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and more, to gain a
basic understanding of employees' opinions regarding this policy. This will enable them
to make necessary changes based on program requirements.
2. To prevent any accidents or significant property damage, NATC can set zero-tolerance
policy targets for its employees in workplace areas. Those who do not adhere to the
company's code of conduct will be temporarily removed from their position. This can be
done with the aid of a decision-based evaluation model.
The primary goals of the Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP) will also be
established for staff members, and assessment factors such as behaviour, responses, motivation,
self-efficacy, and perception will be assessed.
Given the size of North American Transportation Company, it would be challenging for an
organization to adhere to a single strategy; however, NATC will have more flexibility if it uses a
decision-based evaluation methodology.
Organizational perceptions: Through standardized questionnaires, NATC should recognize and
reward employees who follow policy requirements.
1. Motivation variable: Through questionnaires, NATC must assess staff motivation regarding
accident and injury rates both before and after the adoption of (ADAPP).
2. Behaviour variable: Through questionnaires, NATC must assess staff motivation regarding
accident and injury rates both before and after the adoption of (ADAPP).
3. Variables such as Reactions, Behavior, and Organizational Perception, will be measured in
relation to The Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP) in North American
4. Transportation Company. By understanding these variables, questionnaires, self-reports, and
records will be able to better understand employees' perceptions of the new zero-tolerance policy
toward workplace drug and alcohol abuse, as well as their behaviour.
B. Given are some options to gather information:
1. Obtaining supervisor input on The Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP) can
assist NATC in comprehending qualitative input on the training program's strengths and areas for
2. By gathering suggestions for improving the clarity and effectiveness of training material from
employees of NATC.
3. Follow-up surveys and interviews with supervisors to assess the continued application for
ADAPP abuse help NATC gather important data related to the new zero-tolerance toward
workplace alcohol and drug abuse
4. Feedback: By using surveys, talks, or interviews, all employees of the organization can
provide ongoing input that will assist NATC in enhancing the program.
4. The time series design is the most suitable data collection that NATC can use to test the
program: do the post-training results persist? This is true even though they have access to a
variety of data collection designs, including only data collection designs, pre-post data collection
designs, and casual evaluation data collection designs. This would enable them to gather
objective performance data following recurrent incidences, such as the number of accidents
caused by drugs or alcohol, the proportion of employees missing work, and the number of
incidents reported to The Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP).