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Public Management & Governance 3rd Edition Excerpt

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Public Management and Governance 3rd edition
Book · October 2015
2 authors:
Tony Bovaird
Elke Loeffler
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
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Public Management and Governance: 3rd Edition (Paperback) ­ Routledge
Public Management and
3rd Edition
Edited by Tony Bovaird
author=Tony%20Bovaird), Elke Loeffler
© (Copyright) 2016 – Routledge
395 pages | 19 B/W Illus. (Black and White Illustrations)
Purchasing Options:
Paperback: 9780415501866 (ISBN: 978‐0‐415‐50186‐6)
£ (GBP)31.99
pub: 2015­10­13 (Publication Date: October 13th 2015)
Hardback: 9780415501859 (ISBN: 978‐0‐415‐50185‐9)
£ (GBP)100.00
pub: 2015­10­19 (Publication Date: October 19th 2015)
C o mp Exa m C o p y (h ttp s://w w w .ro u tl e d g e .co m/re so u rce s/co mp co p y/9 7 8 0 4 1 5 5 0 1 8 6 6 )
About the Book
Public Management and Governance examines the factors which make government
critically important and the barriers which often stop it being effective. It questions what it
means to have effective policies, efficient management and good quality public services,
and it explores how the process of governing could be improved. Key themes include:
the challenges and pressures facing governments around the world;
the changing role of the public sector in a ‘mixed economy’ of provision;
governance issues such as ethics, equalities, transparency and citizen engagement.
This revised and updated third edition includes eight new chapters which provide in­depth coverage
of key new aspects of public management and governance. It also features a wide selection of
international case studies and illuminating examples of how public policy, management and
governance can be improved – and what happens when they fail. Each chapter is supplemented with
discussion questions, group and individual exercises, case studies and recommendations on further
Public Management and Governance: 3rd Edition (Paperback) ­ Routledge
Public Management and Governance is one of the leading student textbooks in its field, featuring
contributions from top international authors and covering a wide range of key topics in depth. It is an
essential resource for all students on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in public
management, public administration, government and public policy.
‘This book is already an established and highly regarded text in its field. This revised version
further strengthens its comprehensiveness, quality and relevance for aspiring and practising
public managers.’ ­ John Alford, Australia and New Zealand School of Government, co­author of
‘Rethinking Public Service Delivery’
‘Countries around the world are wrestling with complex budgetary and political challenges
related to the effective and efficient delivery of public services to the citizenry. Consequently,
this new book, Public Management and Governance, edited by Tony Bovaird and Elke
Loeffler will be especially welcomed by public managers, policymakers, and scholars
interested in the improvement of the public services. The book is a terrific resource for
classroom use, public management reform, and future scholarship on the changing public
services.’ ­ Steven Rathgeb Smith, George Washington University and Director, American Society of
Public Administration (ASPA), USA
‘This book provides essential reading for those interesting in transforming our public
services. The challenges are great and this book helps us think through what needs to
change. We need to understand better what works and the debates and evidence reviewed in
this book take us a long way down that path.’ ­ Gerry Stoker, University of Southampton, UK and
University of Canberra, Australia
Table of Contents
Part I: From Public Management to Governance 1. Understanding Public Management and
Governance (Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler) 2. The Changing Context of Public Policy (Tony Bovaird
and Elke Löffler) 3. The Changing Shape of the Public Sector (Peter M. Jackson) 4. Public
Management Reforms Across OECD Countries (Nick Manning) Part II: Public Management 5.
Strategic Management in the Public Sector (Tony Bovaird) 6. Marketing in Public Sector
Organizations (Tony Bovaird) 7. Contracting for Public Services (Andrew Erridge and Carsten Greve)
8. Financial Management in Public Sector Organizations (Yunxiao Xu and James L. Chan) 9.
Managing Human Resources in the Public Sector (Elke Löffler and Catherine Staite) 10. Digital
Technology, Information Policy and Social Media in Public Services (Christine Bellamy and Dominic
Campbell) 11. Performance Measurement and Management in Public Sector Organizations (Geert
Bouckaert and Wouter Van Dooren) 12. Quality Management in Public Sector Organizations (Tony
Bovaird and Elke Löffler) 13. Process Management in Public Sector Organizations (Kuno Schedler
and Utz Helmuth) 14. Public Services Inspection (James Downe and Steve Martin) Part III: Public
Governance 15. Public Governance in a Network Society (Elke Löffler) 16. Democratic Governance:
The role of politics and politicians (Abena Dadze­Arthur and Chris Skelcher) 17. Partnership Working
Across Public and Private Sectors (Tony Bovaird and Erik Hans Klijn) 18. Decentralized Management:
Agencies and ‘arm’s­length’ bodies (Christopher Pollitt) 19. Managing Networks and Complex
Adaptive Systems (Christopher Koliba and Joop Koppenjan) 20. Public Leadership (Mike Broussine
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Public Management and Governance: 3rd Edition (Paperback) ­ Routledge
and Richard F. Callahan) 21. The PerformanceStat Leadership Strategy (Robert D. Behn) 22. Citizen
Engagement (Elke Löffler and Steve Martin) 23. Co­Production of Public Services and Outcomes
(Elke Löffler) 24. Transparency in Government (Alasdair Roberts) 25. Changing Equalities: Politics,
policies and practice (Janet Newman and Rachel Ashworth) 26. Ethics and Standards of Conduct
(Howard Davis and Suzanne J. Piotrowski) 27. Evidence­Based Policy and Practice (Annette Boaz
and Sandra Nutley) Part IV: … And Finally 28. Public Management and Governance: The future?
(Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler)
About the Editors
Tony Bovaird is Emeritus Professor of Public Management and Policy at the University of
Birmingham and a Director of Governance International, UK. He has published widely in strategic
management, public policy evaluation, and public services management.
Elke Loeffler is Chief Executive of Governance International, UK. She has published widely in public
governance, quality management in the public sector and user and community co­production of
public services.
Subject Categories
Economics, Finance, Business & Industry (https://www.routledge.com/products/SCEB)
Industry & Industrial Studies (https://www.routledge.com/products/SCEB04)
Civil Service & Public Sector (https://www.routledge.com/products/SCEB0409)
Business, Management and Accounting (https://www.routledge.com/products/SCEB03)
Public & Nonprofit Management (https://www.routledge.com/products/SCEB0362)
Public Management (https://www.routledge.com/products/SCEB036210)
Politics & International Relations (https://www.routledge.com/products/SCPI)
Government (https://www.routledge.com/products/SCPI40)
Governance (https://www.routledge.com/products/SCPI4015)
Public Administration & Management (https://www.routledge.com/products/SCPI85)
BISAC Subject Codes/Headings:
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Nonprofit Organizations & Charities
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Affairs & Administration
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / General