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BadUSB Commands

Watch Dogs Cybersecurity
List of Commands (DigiKeyboard.h)
● digiKeyboard.update();
○ Initiates digiKeyboard to the code
● digiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(“Key Combinations”);
○ Executes a key combination (WIN+R)
● digiKeyboard.println(“STRING”);
○ Inputs a string into a textbox
● digiKeyboard.delay(MILLISECONDS);
○ Adds a time gap between commands
○ Used to let the system “catch up” with the payload
Special Keys:
MOD_CONTROL_LEFT = Left Ctrl key
MOD_SHIFT_LEFT = Left Shift key
MOD_ALT_LEFT = Left Alt key
MOD_GUI_LEFT = Left Windows key
KEY_[Any letter, Number, Symbol, F1- F12]
(You can change the key position from LEFT TO RIGHT)