Demographic Information: Age: • Under 18 • 18-24 • 25-34 • 35-44 • 45-54 • 55+ Location: • City • Suburb • Rural area How would you describe your attitude towards social issues? • Very concerned • Somewhat concerned • Neutral • Not very concerned • Not concerned at all Shopping Behavior: How often do you shop at our stores or website? • Daily • Weekly • Monthly • Rarely • Never If you don't shop with us, what is the primary reason? • Price • Style • Quality • Availability • Other (please specify) • Brand Perception: • What three words come to mind when you think of our brand? Brand Perception: What three words come to mind when you think of our brand? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with our products? • Very satisfied • Satisfied • Neutral • Dissatisfied • Very dissatisfied Advertising Preferences: How do you usually hear about our promotions and new products? • Social media • Television • Email • In-store displays • Other (please specify) What type of advertisements do you find most appealing? (Select all that apply) • Humorous • Inspirational • Celebrity endorsements • Product-focused • Lifestyle-focused Online Shopping Experience: How satisfied are you with the online shopping experience on our website or app? • Very satisfied • Satisfied • Neutral • Dissatisfied • Very dissatisfied What improvements would you suggest for our online platform? • Social Responsibility: • Are you aware of our brand's efforts towards social and environmental responsibility? Social Responsibility: Are you aware of our brand's efforts towards social and environmental responsibility? • Yes • No How does a company's commitment to social and environmental issues influence your purchasing decisions? Product Preferences: What factors influence your choice when buying sports clothing? (Select all that apply) • Brand reputation • Price • Style • Comfort • Material quality Customer Loyalty: How likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or family member? • Very likely • Likely • Neutral • Unlikely • Very unlikely What would encourage you to become a more loyal customer? In-Store Experience: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the in-store shopping experience? • Very satisfied • Satisfied • Neutral • Dissatisfied • Very dissatisfied What improvements would you suggest for our physical stores? (Open-ended) Future Preferences: What features or products would you like to see from our brand in the future? (Open-ended) • How do you prefer to engage with our brand in the future? (e.g., events, social media, email newsletters)