Uploaded by GW Srabon


 Summary
Senior Web Devoloper specialiuzaition in front end deviolopment
Experinced with all satgesw of the devoi;lopm,ent cyle for bndynamick
web project. Well versed in numsrus preograminmg language including
HTML PHP OOP Java script ,CSS, My Sqal,Strong Bacground in Project
manegment and customar relation.
Md Rakib Hasan Roky
Skill Highlight
Project Menegment
Strong Decision maker
Complex problem solever
Web Devoloper 09/20150to 05/2019
Luna Web design , New York
Coopreate with designers to creates to create clean interfaces
and simple, Intuitive interactions and vexperince.
Develop project consept and mainten op+
Study collections