It is important for college students to have part time job. They can get money from it and use this money for their universty or college expens .they can buy the books and note books from this money .they also buy their clothes from it the can buy different things srom their salery . they can pay their college fee from it .they can also help their parents and friends . if they done the part job they get a lot of experince and lot of knowledge. They also use their experince in their next voming life from their salery they can enjoy the all charms of life. They make their life independed they can help the poor also.if the start part time job it also help the development of country .if they can play very important role for the devlopment of nation. They can make their nation strong . student are backbone of nation if they are strong then every nation will be strong.if poor people who can not read they start part time job and get education easily. It neccosry part time job for students. Smoking should be banned at country level in hotels in the country.because it creat very bad effect . when some people who comes in our country they observe us thy can see over culture . pakistan is islamic country their for smoking should be banned in our country .smoking creat very bad effect in our body. Many person died because of smoking . many people who stay in country in hotels after dinner they smoking which effect on their lungs. It also waste of money .therefore it is our government duty to banned it in hotels in the country level.