Test Bank Compressed

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the questions. Encircle the best and
correct answer.
1. The area of a normal distribution from 0 to +3
encompasses approximately______ of the curve
7. Face validity refer primarily to
a) 50%
a) The representativeness of test content
b) 68%
b) Evidence of validity from psychometric
c) 95%
d) 99%
c) The superficial characteristics of a test
d) The amount of empirical validation data
2. A television producer hires a director for a new show
accumulated for a test
after viewing samples of the director’s work on other
television shows. Using the language of
8. Which of the following scales of measurement is the
only one that has a meaningful zero point?
psychometrics, we could say that the director was
hired on the basis of:
a) Nominal
a) A portfolio assessment
b) ratio
b) A behavioral assessment
c) ordinal
c) An unstructured interview
d) interval
d) A case study evaluation
9. Paul and Tessa scored at the 60th and 65th percentiles,
3. According to the Code of Ethics, all of the following
respectively, on a language skills test. Mario and
are rights of the test takers, except:
Jose scored at the 90th and 95th percentiles,
a) The right not to have privacy invaded
respectively on the same test. We can conclude that
the difference between Paul and Tessa in terms of
b) The right to be informed of the test findings
c) The right to a non-stigmatizing diagnosis
their language skills is the same as the difference
d) The right to informed consent to testing
between Mario and Jose. The preceding statement is
a) True
4. The true ratio or intelligence quotient was derived
b) False
c) Neither true or false
a) Adding the mental age (MA) and the
d) Either true or false
chronological age (CA) of the test taker
b) Subtracting the CA from the MA and
10. On a test of general ability, a 5-year old child
multiplying the result by 100
obtains a mental age score of 4 years and a 10-year
c) Dividing the CA by the MA and multiplying
old child obtains a mental age score of 9 years. If
the result by 100
one were to compute their age according to the
original ratio IQ formula, the result would be as
d) Dividing the MA by the CA and multiplying
the result by 100
a) Both children would obtain the same ratio
5. Evidence of validity that is based on test content and
response processes is particularly applied to:
b) The 5-year old child would obtain a higher
a) Interest_______________
ratio IQ
b) Personally Tests
c) The 10-year old child would obtain a higher
c) Educational Tests
ratio IQ
d) Clinical Tests
d) They all both have an average IQ
6. In order to get the discriminant validity evidence,
one would correlate the score of tests that purport to
assess _________construct
a) The same
b) Eliminate not the same
c) Different
d) Random
11. Interpret the IQ score of the 4-year old child. Please
refer to item no. 10.
a) Normal
b) Above average
c) Below average
d) None of the above
12. All other things being equal, scores obtained from
longer tests are ______ those obtained from
comparable tests that are shorter
a) Less reliable than
b) More reliable than
c) Just as reliable as
d) More unreliable as
13. Which of the following statements about the normal
curve model is not true?
a) It is bilaterally symmetrical
b) Its limits extends to infinity
c) Its mean, median and mode coincide
d) Its multimodal
14. For testing and many other purposes, the
quintessential or typical index or variability in a
distribution of scores is the
a) The sum of the squared deviation scores
b) The square root of the variance
c) The semi-interquartile range
d) Standard error of measurement
15. Which is the concern of a test developer if he is
trying to establish construct validity
a) He is concerned with how well a test
measures the constructs that it claims to
b) He is focused on how well a test represents
all aspects of the construct that it claims to
c) His object is to determine the extent to
which the test is related to
specific criteria.
d) None of the options are correct.
16. Which of the following coefficient represents the
strongest degree of correlation between variables?
a) -.80
b) 0
c) +1.20
d) +.60
17. If not accompanied by further information, a high
raw score is
a) Meaningless
b) Always better that a low score
c) Reliable when correlated with another
d) Valid when correlated with another variable
18. _________ constitutes the most widely used frame
of reference for test score interpretation
a) Content domain
b) Work samples
c) Criteria
d) Norms
19. When transformed into the Wechsler-scale type of
deviation IQs, a z score of -1.00 would become a
Wechsler IQ of
a) 85
b) 95
c) 105
d) 115
20. Cultural sensitivity in test development is
manifested by
a) Panels of experts who reviews at items for
discriminatory content
b) Test purchase qualification form that require
statements of cultural
c) Behavioral evaluation of test scores from
different cultural background
d) Strict adherence to the guidelines on form in
Tarasoff v Regents of University of
21. Carmen got a z-score of 2.60 in a science test; a zscore of 1.0 in grammar test and score of .50 in a
math test. Evan on the other hand obtained the
following scores, z-score of 2.00 in a science test; a
z-score of 1.00 in grammar test and z-score of 1.50
in grammar test and z-score of 0.85. Cynthia got a zscore of 2.0 in a science test, a z-score of 1.50 in
grammar test and a z-score of 2.50. What is
Carmen’s corresponding CEEB score in Math?
a) 350
b) 550
c) 500
d) 250
22. Refer to the facts in no.21. Which of the following
statements is correct?
a) As regards the three subjects taken by
Carmen, she performed best in science.
b) with regard to Math, Cynthia performed
better than Carmen
c) Evan did better than Cynthia in grammar
d) Evan is just an average student
23. Still refer on the facts in no. 21. Who had a
superior performance in science
a) Carmen
b) Cynthia
c) Evan
d) all of them
24. Test scores can be meaningfully compared when
a) the test or test versions are the same
b) the test or test versions are different
c) when reference group are different, so long
as test versions are the same
d) when derived score are the same, even when
tests are different
25. Which of the following derived scores has M=5.5
and s=1
a) z score
b) T score
c) Sten
d) Stanine
26. The following can be used to establish a test re-test
reliability, except:
a) Scores of each test of parallel forms
administered in two different
b) scores of the same test administered in two
different days
c) Scores obtained in the same test
administered on same day
d) Scores in the first half of the test and on the
second half of the test for different days
27. The following reliability has content sampling as a
source of error, except:
a) Split- half
b) Test re-test
c) Parallel, immediate
d) Equivalent, delayed
28. The following statistical techniques may be
employed for establishing internal consistency
a) Cronbach’s alpha
b) KR20
c) Spearman-Brown
30. The best construct-related evidence of validity
comes from
a) A series of studies of the instrument.
b) A validity coefficient that is near 0.
c) Careful review of the instrument by experts.
d) Data-based predictions that prove to be
31. Which of the following statements accurately
portrays the relationship of reliability to validity?
a) Inferences must be valid before the scores
can be reliable.
b) Scores must be reliable before inferences
can be valid.
c) The more valid the inferences is, the higher
the reliability of the score must be.
d) Score reliability is not related to inference
32. A measure of variability in data indicating the
distance from the lowest to highest score in the set
a) Mode
b) Range
c) Semi-interquartile range
d) Standard deviation
33. A test developer wants to correlate score obtained in
a self-esteem inventory he has constructed with his
two kinds of respondents; students active in extracurricular activities and students who are not. The
test developer is probably establishing
a) Norms
b) Validity
c) Reliability
d) All of the above
34. If Pearson’s correlation coefficient is zero, the value
of two variables are not related.
a) True
b) False
c) Neither true or false
d) Either true or false
29. Which of the following is content-related evidence
of validity?
a) Test items are at an appropriate reading
b) Observed participant characteristics are
consistent with responses on a scale.
c) Scores obtained on two administrations of
the instrument are consistent.
d) Scores are correlated with scores obtained
on another instrument.
35. If each item of a dichotomous scale is to be
correlated with the total score of the same test the
appropriate statistical technique to use the
establishing internal consistency of a 10 item test
would be
a) Rxy
b) Rpb
c) Rho
d) Phi
36. Which of the following statements is correct
a. A phi coefficient is used to establish the
relationship between the score in the
polytomous scale and a dichotomous scale
b) A phi coefficient is used to establish the
relationship between those who answered
true. In every item and the total score in the
10 item quiz
c) A phi coefficient is used when establishing
relationship between the response in the
dichotomous scale among the male and
female respondents
d) A phi coefficient is used when establishing
relationship between the
response in the polytomous scale of
participants from urban and rural
37. Which of the following statements about
measurement using continuous scales is true:
a) Always involves error
b) is always ordinal in nature
c) is always normally distributed
d) All of the above
38. A Pearson r correlation coefficient describes the
______ and the ______ of a linear relationship
between two interval scale or ratio scale variables.
a) Level; amount
b) Similarity; importance
c) Direction; strength
d) Variability; significance
39. In a study examining the relationship between
participant’s age and number of friends, a Pearson r=
-.62 was computed. Which of the following best
describes this finding?
a) As age increases, the number of friends
b) As age increases, the number of friends
c) As age decreases, the number of friends
d) As age increases, the number of friends
stays the same
40. A correlation between college entrance exam grades
and scholastic achievement was found to be a 1.08.
You would tell the university that:
a) The students in this school are
b) They should hire a new statistician.
c) The is a poor predictor of success
d) Students who do best in this exam will make
the worst students.
41. The term class intervals is best associated with
a) A socioeconomic status of a sample of test
b) A frequency distribution of test taker scores
c) A grouped frequency distribution of test
takers scores
d) Measures of central tendency
42. A researcher obtained the following regression
equation from a sample of data: y^=5+2x. Using this
equation and an x value of 3, her prediction of the
corresponding y value is:
a) 30
b) 11
c) 8
d) 6
43. A trait or variable, such as reading ability, creativity,
or attentiveness
a) z-score
b) Measurement
c) Test
d) Construct
44. If the shape of the distribution of scores obtained
from a test is significantly skewed, it means that the
test is probably____ for the test takers
a) Too easy
b) Too hard
c) Either too easy or too hard
d) Just right
45. Convergent validity is intended to explain what
a) Premises from conclusions
b) The degree to which an operation is similar
to other operations
c) Scores on a test can be correlated with
scores on any other test
d) High correlations between random test
46. Dr. L reviewed a measurement scale designed to
measure extroversion and said that it appeared to
measure extroversion. The measure has ______
a) face
b) internal
c) convergent
d) predictive
47. _________validity is demonstrated when a measure
is NOT related to variables with which it should not
be related.
a) Convergent
b) Concurrent
c) Differentiation
d) Discriminant
48. Content validity
a) A test which only one-digit of two-digit
b) The emotional principles of a psychological
c) Prima facie face validity
d) Construct validity
49. One way to assess the stability of measures ______
computing a Pearson_______.
a) Coefficient criterion
b) Linear coefficient
c) Correlation coefficient
d) Coefficient of determination
50. A group of students took the cognitive development
test on Monday and then took the same test again the
following week. Most likely researchers were
assessing the reliability of the measure.
a) Test-retest
b) Split-half
c) Odd-even
d) Inter-item
51. Which of the following statements about test-retest
reliability is FALSE?
a) The reliability efficient of a measure should
be at least 80 would be the measure is
accepted as reliable.
b) Sometimes test-retest reliability is
artificially high because people
remember how they answered the first
c) Test-retest reliability is the best form of
reliability measurement.
d) Test-retest reliability is very useful is the
variable being measured is expected to stay
constant over time.
52. My measure allows me to successfully predict
future behavioral outcomes. My measure has:
a) Criterion Validity
b) Face Validity
c) alternate reliability
d) coefficient of stability
53. In its plural form, “norms” is a term used in
psychometrics to refer to the test
performance data of
a) People tested at a different time than another
group of test takers.
b) Test takers who constitute a control group in
an experiment
c) Distributing norms to members of target
d) Putting a carpenter’s personal signature on a
work product
54. Compared to psychological testing, psychological
assessment is generally
a) Simpler
b) More structured
c) More expensive
d) More objective
55. Credit for devising the first successful psychological
testing the modern era is usually given to
a) Francis Galton
b) Alfred Binet
c) Wilhelm Wundt
d) James McKeen Cattell
56. The concept of ceiling and basal age are most clearly
related to the issue of
a) Test validity
b) Test difficulty
c) The type of standard scores used in a test
d) The type of items used in a test
57. With regard to the samples used to established
within-group norms, the single most important
requirement that they should be
a) Gathered locally by the institution or
organization that will use them
b) Very large, numbering in thousands
c) Representative of the group for which they
will be used
d) Convenient to obtain in the process of
58. Which of the following statements about test anxiety
and test performance is correct?
a) The relationship between test anxiety and
test performance is direct.
b) The relationship between test anxiety and
test performance is indirect.
c) The relationship between test anxiety and
test performance is non-linear
d) The relationship between test anxiety and
test performance is non-directional.
59. The standardization sample is composed of 1200
college student; 600 are male and 600 are females.
Approximately how many will get a score above a
CEED of 500?
a) 600
b) 300
c) 300 males and 300 females
d) 250 males and 350 males
60. It is considered as the breakthrough in the creation
of modern tests.
a) The development of the woodworth’s
Personal data Sheet
b) The development of the Simon- Binet
Intelligence Test
c) The use on China of the tests for selection of
public officials
d) The use of tests in Greece to further
educational system.
61. Which of the following characteristics of the bell
shaped curve tells that the lines do not touch the
a) It is symmetrical
b) It is asymptotic
c) It is asymmetrically asymptotic
d) It is bilaterally asymptotic
Date of submission of psychological report:
a) 11 years, 6 months, 28 days
b) 11 years, 6 months, 29 days
c) 11 years, 5 months, 28 days
d) 11 years, 5 months, 29 days
66. Correction in which expects an examinee’s degree
of psychological defensiveness is perhaps the most
sophisticated of the _____________ scale
a) Clinical
b) Testing
c) Reliability
d) Validity
67. Which of the following is a projective technique?
a) Block Design
b) Bender test
c) Army Beta
68. Equal to the square root of the averaged squared
deviation about the mean, this statistics is called
a) The range
b) The standard deviation
c) The average deviation
d) The semi-interquartile
62. He coined the term mental tests
a) James Mckeen Cattell
b) Raymond Cattell
c) Lewis Terman
d) Alfred Binet
63. The MMPI gives a quantitative measurement of an
individual’s _________
a) IQ and mental health
b) Reality testing
c) Internal psychodynamic adjustment
d) Emotional adjustment
64. If can be argued that all validity measures are
a) Content validity
b) Criterion validity
c) Construct validity
d) Predictive validity
65. In the following age-calculation, what would be the
correct age given the following information:
Date of testing: 2009 / 10 / 25
Date of birth: 1998/ 4 / 27
Date the test were scored and interpreted:
69. With regards to the “do’s” and “don’ts” of cultural
sensitivity in assessment and test use, which of the
following list of “do’s” is actually a “ do not” ?
a) Assume that a test that has been translated
into another language is automatically
equivalent in every way to the original
b) Strive to incorporate assessment methods
that complement the worldview and lifestyle
of assesses who come from specific cultural
and linguistic population
c) Consideration of cultural hypothesis as
possible explanation for findings
d) Be aware of the cultural assumptions on
which a test is based.
70. Which is a criterion- referenced test?
a) The final competition in the Your Face
Sounds Familiar
b) An examination for entry in a faculty union
c) A teacher made midterm examination scored
on a curve
d) None of the above
71. Which of the following assumptions about
psychological assessment is most controversial?
a) Psychological traits and states can be
b) Test-related behavior predict non-testrelated behaviors
c) Testing and assessment can be conducted in
a fair and unbiased manner
d) Various sources of error are part of the
assessment process
72. Meta-analysis is a term used to describe
a) A tendency of scores to fan out from the
b) A graphic technique for representing
c) A variant of psychoanalysis developed by
Can Jung
d) A method of combining information across
73. Test construction, test administration, and test
scorning and interpretation are
a) Sources of error variance
b) The sole responsibility of a test publisher
c) Facets according to the true score theory
d) Variables affected by inflation of range
74. A key difference between the terms “ psychological
testing” and “ psychological assessment” is that
“psychological testing” refers to a process that
a) Involves more problem-solving than
psychological assessment
b) Is more technician-like than psychological
c) Was first described by Maloney and Ward in
the mid-1970s.
d) Is much broader in scope than psychological
75. In contrast to a power test, a speed test
a) Has a time limit designed to be long enough
to allow all test takers to attempt all items.
b) Can yield a split-half reliability estimate
based on only one administration a test
c) Tends to yield a score differences among test
takers that are based on performance speed.
d) Tends to yield spuriously inflated estimates
of alternate forms of reliability
76. The theoretical basis for the Edwards Personal
preference schedule is
a) The socio-cultural perspective proposed by
b) The needs system proposed by Murray
c) The factor analytic approach by Cattell
d) The psychodynamic approach by Freud
77. A person’s accumulation of stored information,
called _____ intelligence, generally ______ with
a) Fluid; decreases
b) Fluid; increases
c) Crystallized; increase
d) Crystallized; decrease
78. A test that was developed for a particular use with a
particular population is said to be
a) Valid
b) Reliable
c) Standardized
d) Sensitive
79. A test developer designed a test that will indicate
which applicants are likely to perform on the job.
Those who were selected obtained with high scores
in their performance appraisal six months after are
hiring, the test has
a) Low reliability
b) Low content validity
c) Not been standardized
d) Low predictive validity
80. Anna has superb social skills, manages conflicts
well, and has empathy for her friends and coworkers. Which of the following is true about
Anna possesses a high degree of
a) Societal intelligence
b) Social intelligence
c) Practical intelligence
d) Emotional intelligence
81. The _____ classifies people according to Carl Jung’s
personality types
a) Myer’s Briggs Type Indicator
c) Locus of Control Scale
d) TAT
82. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is
a) A projective technique
b) Empirically derived and objective
personality test
c) Personality test developed mainly to assess
job applicants
d) Personality test used primarily to assess
locus of control
83. A 5-point Liker scale is most likely to commit
a) Halo effect
b) Severity error
c) Central tendency error
d) Random error
c) Normative data
d) Standardization
84. When 35 out of 40 tests takers answered item no.7
correctly said statement is describing
a) Item difficulty
b) Item discrimination
c) Validity of the item
d) Reliability of the item
85. If 30 % of the upper item and lower 27% of the item
no.7 in __________ examination were answered
correctly said statement is describing
a) Item difficulty
b) Item discrimination
c) Validity of the item
d) Reliability of the item
86. A primary use of group tests of ability or
a) Screening large number of people
b) Measuring reading ability
c) Gauging applicant’s ability by means of a
power test
d) All of the above
87. The personality test Maria is taking involves her
describing random patterns of dots. What type of test
is she taking?
a) An empirically derived test
d) A projective test
88. Which of the following psychological tests make use
of a theory of personality in its construction and
a) Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
b) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
c) 16 Personality Factor Test
d) Gullford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey
89. A psychologist developed an instrument that will
determine successful marriages. Using the said
instrument she found that 85% of those who scored a
T score 70 remained married for about 20 years and
above and 75% of those who score below 30 got
annulled or separated in bed and board. The
psychologist conclude that the test has high
a) Reliability
b) Validity
90. Which of the following self-report inventories
include items for measuring mental ability?
a) MMPI-1
b) MMPI-2
c) 16 PF Test
91. Which statement is true?
a) Validity sets the limit on test’s reliability
b) Validity sets a limit only on a test’s interrater reliability.
c) The validity if a test is limited only by the
test’s inter-rater reliability.
d) The validity of a test is limited by its
92. Which is true about the Army Alpha test?
a) Its correlation with the SB was unacceptable
b) Its correlation with officer ratings were
c) It was designed for the use of the illiterate
d) It was developed for use in a matter of
93. A senior instructor at the Air Force Academy insists
that his “personnel test” for officer candidate school
need only consists of one question: “ Did you ever
fly a model airplane that you built yourself?” if this
one item test was actually used to select proper
candidates, we could assume that the test
a) Invalid due to the informal nature
b) Based on formal factor analytic procedures
c) Based on informal empirical criterion
d) None of the above
94. If you regularly buckle your seatbelt, the exam are
good that you would score
a) High on measure of sharpening
b) Low on measure of cognitive style
c) High on measure of internal control
d) Low on measure of situational competence
95. More likely, the first developer please refer to item
no. 102 is busy establishing
a) Cognitive validity
b) Concurrent validity
c) Construct validity
d) Content validity
96. The test developer please refer to item no. 102 is
influenced by the theory of
a) Rotter
b) Rogers
c) Beck
d) Bandura
solve when you top the Psychometrician Board
a)Directive, unstructured
b) Directive, structured
c) Non- directive, structured
d) Non-directive, unstructured
97. A psychological report should
a) Directly and adequately answer the referral
b) Be at least 10 pages long
c) Use jargon
d) be read only by the client
98. Which of the following is true about internal
consistency reliability?
a) It measures the consistency over time or
b) It’s measurable using the split-half
c) It’s measurable via test-retest format
d) It’s measurable using alternate forms
99. An online “IQ” test that provides result based on the
performance on a single task, such as Block Design,
is said to be a poor intelligence test even if it
correlates well to school success because it is said to
have low _________.
a) Criterion-related validity
b) Content validity
c) Concurrent validity
d) Reliable
100. Which of the following is FALSE about stability,
a)It is measures the consistency over time in
b) It is measurable with test-retest format
c)It’s measurable using alternate forms
d) It’s measurable using split-half procedure
101. What type of intervention was used by the
psychologist in the example below:
PSYCHOLOGIST: Athena, please tell me a little
bit of yourself.
ATHENA: Well, I graduated from the Greatest
University where I obtained a BS degree in
Psychology and at the moment I want to top the
Psychometrician Board Exams so I can solve the
problems of the world.
PSYCHOLOGIST: Oh that’s great Athena. Can
you identify a worldwide problem that you can
102. The area of the normal distribution for a T
distribution encompasses approximately _____ of
the curve
a) 50%
b) 68 %
c) 95 %
d) 99 %
103. Evidence of psychological testing can be traced
back to
a) Cavemen challenging each other to lift
heavy stones
b) Selection of candidates for the Roman
c) Public service examinations in ancient
d) Hammurabi’s code of civil law
104. The Deviation IQ is based on the notion of
a) A delinquency as a factor affecting the
development of intelligence
b) Mental age versus chronological age
c) A z-score
d) Verbal versus performance scores
105. Empirical keying’ refers to
a) Scoring a test based on its ability to
discriminate between certain identifiable
groups of people
b) Scoring a test based on the theory of what
is being measured
c) Scoring a test using a scorning key made
out of cardboard in which small holes
reveal the correct answers
d) Empirically validating test scores via
106. Objectives tests are objective because
a) They are scored in a simple,
straightforward manner
b) Scoring is a heavily dependent in the
judgment of the scorer
c) Different scorers are likely to produce the
same test score from the same test
d) All of the above
Research have noted that a decline in cognitive
functioning as people age (Bartus,1990)
However, the results from other research suggest
that the antioxidants in food such as berries may
reduce and even reverse age related declines
(Joseph,et.al). To examine the phenomenon,
suppose that a researcher obtains a sample of
n=16 adults who are between the ages of 65 and
75. The researcher used a standardized test to
measure cognitive functioning for each
individual. The participants then begin a-month
program in which they receive daily doses of
blueberry supplement. At the end of the twomonth period, the researcher measures the
cognitive performance for each participant.
107. A psychological test can become obsolete when
a) Psychological theory develops to render the
basis of the test obsolete
b) Society changes to render the content of
items less appropriate
c) Society changes to render the tests norms
d) All of the above
108. What is psychological assessment primary used for
a) Legal decision making
b) Report writing
c) Research
d) Answering referral questions(s)
109. Before administering a psychological test, a
psychologist should ensure that
a) The test has local norms
b) The test does not have any copyright
c) The test has been reviewed in the Mental
Measurements Yearbook
d) The test is appropriate whose with
particular client in terms of his/her
110. To ensure that the materials required for a
psychological test session are in the test kit and the
test materials are intact can result ina) a waste of time for the psychologist and
b) a shorter testing time
c) Higher testing fees
d) The need to use more tests
111. Results for a client on a psychological test
a) Should not be interpreted by a computer
b) Should be interpreted in isolation
c) Should be interpreted by a computer
d) Should not be interpreted in isolation
112. Projective tests are not objective because
a) They are scored in a simple,
straightforward manner
b) Scoring is heavy dependent on the
judgment of the scorer
c) Different scorers are likely to produce the
same test score from the same test
d) They are based on responses to ambiguous
For items 113-116 please refer to the research below
113. To determine if the blue berry supplement reduced
cognitive decline which of the following should
the researcher do?
a) Correlate cognitive function before and
after the two-month period taking the
blueberry supplement
b) Correlate the cognitive function of the
control and experimental group following
the two month period
c) Compare the cognitive function of the
participants before and after the two-month
period of taking blueberry supplement
d) Compare the cognitive function of the
control and experimental group following
the two month period
114. What kind of experimental design was used?
a) Pre- experimental
b) Quasi-experimental
c) Between subjects design
d) Within subjects design
115. Which of the following threats to interval validity
is more likely to be encountered by the researcher
a) History
b) Instrumentality
c) Regression toward the average
d) Both a and b
116. The difference in test performance between
percentile score of 60 and 55
a) Is equivalent to that between percentile
scores of 15 and 10
b) Cannot be readily equated to all other 5
point differences in percentiles
c) Is equivalent to that between percentile
scores of 60 and 70
d) Is twice that between percentile scores of
15 and 10
117. Mental Status Examination is what type of
a) Work samples
b) Portfolio assessment
c) Behavioral observation
d) Structured interview
118. Systematic error in a test exerts what kind of effect
on test scores?
a) Random
b) Consistent
c) Unknowable
d) Inconsistent
119. Another way if talking about the reliability of a test
for a particular purpose is to talk about its
a) Dependability
b) Validity
c) Utility
d) Discriminability
120. Which of the following procedures does not yield
an estimate of the reliability of a test?
a) Correlating the total of all even-numbered
items with the total of all odd-numbered
b) Correlating the total of items in the first
half of the test with the total of items in the
second half of the test
c) Correlating each item with the total score
on the test
d) Finding the average of the correlation of
each item with every other item.
121. In a two-choice decision problem ( the person
belongs to the criterion group or they do not), a fair
negative decision would be that
a) The individual belongs to the criterion of
group when they do not
b) The individual does not belong to the
criterion group when they do
c) The individual belongs to neither group
d) The individual belongs to the criterion
group when they do
122. The first step in constructing a psychological test is
a) Determine the sample size to which the test
is administered.
b) Review the relevant literature
c) Identify a likely publisher for the test
d) Be clear about the construct or constructs to
be assessed with the test
123. Multiple choice tests provide more than two
options for each question to overcome the problem
a) Faking
b) Carelessness
c) Defensiveness
d) Guesting
124. Test construction
a) Is a linear process with one stage following
the other without variation
b) Is a relatively inexpensive process
c) Follows a sequence of steps but these steps
may need to be retraced from time to time
d) Can be done quite quickly using modern
125. The clinical interview is a useful psychological
assessment technique for psychologists who work
in a mental health setting because
a) A lot of information about the client can be
collected very quickly
b) It is more accurate than other psychological
assessment techniques
c) It is more valid than psychological
assessment techniques
d) In enables psychologists to exit information
that is not readily available from the
client’s record or file
126. Although it is used to include exams for different
groups in item appropriation we need to bear in
mind the
a) Increasing number of groups decreases the
overall sample size required
b) Increasing the number of groups increases
the overall sample size required
c) Increasing the number of groups increases
the overall standard deviation
d) Increasing the number of groups decreases
the overall standard deviation
127. The term ‘social desirability’ when used with
respect to construction of a personality test refers
to the fact that
a) People differ in their tendency to create a
favorable impression of themselves when
answering test items
b) People differ in how strongly they are
drawn to the company of others
c) People differ in how attractive they find
social activities
d) People differ in terms of their tendency to
agree rather than disagree with personality
128. Forensic assessment is considered different from
therapeutic assessment because
a) The validity of the tests used is different
b) The time required to conduct assessment is
c) The test used for assessment are different
d) The purpose of assessment is different
c) The incorrect scoring of a psychological
test leading to someone being appointed
who shouldn’t have been
d) The use of a test with negative validity
133. An examinee who sacrifice speed for accuracy
a) Quality over quantity
b) Quantity over quality
c) Reliability over validity
d) Relevance over interpretation
134. ______________
129. Which of the following areas are usually covered
in a Mental Status Examination?
a) Appearance, orientation, affect, thought
content and process, insights
b) Appearance, orientation, tendency to lie,
thought content and process, insight
c) CT scan, appearance, orientation, affect,
d) Orientation, affect, thought content and
process, insight, CT scan
130. In norming a test we need to bear in mind
a) How we ensure the sample is normally
b) How we ensure everyone in the sample is
c) What we expect the average response to be
d) How the test is to be used
131. A test of scholastic aptitude is administrative as the
beginning of first semester and the academic
performance of the sample is examined at the end
of the first year of university (i.e two semester
later). A failure to find a high-to-perfect
correlation between test scores and academic
a) Indicates the test lacks predictive validity
b) Indicates the test lacks concurrent validity
c) Is highly unlikely
d) May indicate a lack of test validity but may
also reflect intervening effects unrelated to
scholastic aptitude
132. A false positive in personnel selection is
a) The rejection of an applicant who could
have been successful
b) The appointment of someone whose job
performance turns out to be substandard.
For problems 135-138 please refer to the
situation below
A Test developer is establishing the local
norms for 120 mental ability test where the
target sample includes 1000 Caucasians. In
localizing the norms, the test was Tagalized and
given to 1500 students. The mean score of the
800 boys was 78 with a standard deviation of 2.5
while the means of the 700 girls was 79 with sd
of 2.45.
135. The performance of the normative sample is:
a) Average
b) Below average
c) High average
d) Poor
136. The test developer also wants to find the Tagalized
version measures the same as the original in testing
this statement pertains to
a) Reliability
b) Validity
c) Norms
d) Stability
137. To correlate the score in the original and the scores
in the Tagalized versus the statistical technique
will be used?
a) Kr20
b) Alpha
c) Rxy
d) Rpn
138. What is the standard item sample in the above
given situation?
a) 1000 Caucasians
b) 1500 Filipinos
c) 800 Filipino boys
d) 700 Filipino girls
139. Transforming scores on psychological test is done
primarily to
a) Protect the privacy of the test taker
b) Aid interpretation of the scores
c) Make the scores more manageable
d) Make the scores available for research
145. Which of the following is not a Level C test?
a) MMPI-2
b) Bender Test
c) Wechsler Scales
d) Rorschach Inkblot Test
140. Which of the following statements about norms is
a) For every psychological test there is one
and only one set of norms
b) The size of the sample used in developing
norms is been developed
c) Different norms may apply for the different
purposes for which a test score is used
d) Norms are best developed using a criterion
referencing approach
146. In psychological testing and measurement, who is
the user a test/psychological test?
a) Examiner
b) Examinee
c) Test constructor
d) Test developer
141. The Flynn effect refers to the observation that
a) The raw score mean in intelligence tests
has remained constant over the years
b) The standard deviation of score on
intelligence test has remained constant over
c) The raw score mean on intelligence tests
has been increasing over the years
d) The raw score mean on intelligence tests
has been decreasing over the years
142. An assessment center is
a) A place where assessment are conducted
b) Comprised of many different activities
c) A place where assessment information is
d) An index of central tendency of a large
number of assessments
143. If a mental ability is to be given to Filipino adults
living in a highly urbanized city and asks a
question as part of information subscale: “Who is
the 6th President of America?” the said item is can
be best describes as:
a) Valid
b) Internally consistent
c) Culture free
d) Reliable
147. If a supervisor evaluates the performance of his
subordinates by following the rule of distribution
such that there must be 8% of them who should
obtain an average performance; 13% who should
obtain above average; 13% below average; 2%
superior and 2% poor performance. Which of the
following is true about the supervisor way of
a) Supervisor is summing a Horn effect
b) Supervisor is very strict
c) Supervisor is in the norm referenced testing
d) Supervisor is committing the central
tendency error
148. If the court issues a subpoena to a psychologist to
attach the protocols to the psychological report, the
psychologist should
a) Tell the court that he cannot do so as said
data are confidential
b) Tell the court in writing that he will release
after he has secured consent from the client
c) He will readily obey the court as part
d) He will obey the court with mental
149. Which assessment technique will be the most
appropriate basis for selection of a film director?
a) Observation
b) Work samples
c) Psychological test
d) Interview
150. Who demands for the following ethical standards
like informed consent, confidentiality, competence
a) Researcher
b) Examinee
c) Examiner
d) Professional organization
144. The following is a speed test, except:
a) SRA
c) RPM