Saint Louis College City of San Fernando, La Union BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL PAASCU Level III Accredited ENGLISH 7 SECOND QUARTER PERFORMANCE TASK SY 2023-2024 PERFORMANCE TASKS GRASPS Goal: Make a one to two minute reaction video to educate others about the harmful effects of bullying. Role: You have been assigned the role of an anti-bullying advocate, you are prepared to convince people that bullying is wrong and shouldn't occur in everyday situations. Audience: Prospective students – Louisians. Situation: You have been tasked with being an anti-bullying ambassador with the goal of using your voice to inform others about bullying. Thus, you produce a reaction video regarding the detrimental impact of bullying on youth mental health. Products: Mini Task: Utilizing a Venn diagram, compare and contrast the information in the article (The Happiest Day of My Life?) and video (To This Day… for the bullied and beautiful). Big Task: Make a reaction video about the video and the article from your mini task, lasting one to two minutes. Take a look at the provided guide questions. To avoid having to memorize your answers, you can use a cue card during your presentation. Standards: Ideas and Content (5 points) Posture and Eye Contact (5 points) MINI TASK: Venn Diagram RUBRIC Grammar Mechanics and Originality (5 points) (5 points) BIG TASK: Reaction Video RUBRIC Confidence Fluency and Pronunciation (5 points) (5 points) Promptness (5 points) Promptness (5 points) MINI TASK: VENN DIAGRAM MAKING DIRECTIONS: Watch the Shane Koyczan video, "To This Day... for the Bullied and Beautiful," which is included in the lesson package to learn about the negative impacts of bullying. Next, read the article "The Best Day of My Life?". After which, use the following Venn diagram to compare and contrast the contents of each. Indicate at least three similarities and three differences. (20 points) VIDEO SIMILARITIES ARTICLE BIG TASK: REACTION VIDEO DIRECTIONS: Make a one to two minute reaction video regarding the article and the video clip from your mini task. You could use your reaction video to address the following questions as a guide. To avoid having to memorize your answers, you can use a cue card. (30 points) GUIDE QUESTIONS: 1. In the article you read and the video you watched, what key ideas are they emphasized? 2. Do you agree with the information that the article and video present? Why, and why not? Justify your answer. 3. What would you add, if you could, to the article and video? Could it be an idea, a viewpoint, a lesson learned or a lesson in life? 4. Whom will you suggest the video and article, and why? Saint Louis College City of San Fernando, La Union BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL PAASCU Level III Accredited ENGLISH 7 PERFORMANCE TASK FIRST QUARTER SY 2023-2024 CN: _______ Name: _____________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________________________________ Date: _________________ MINI TASK: Venn Diagram RUBRIC Ideas and Content Grammar Mechanics & Originality Promptness EXCELLENT 5 Your content was always accurate. GOOD 4 Your content was essentially accurate. FAIR 3 Your content was mostly unclear. POOR 2 Not enough information was presented or was not relevant. Poor grammar and minimal vocabulary. No grammatical errors. Uses appropriate words and expressions. Has a wide range of vocabulary. Venn diagram has engaging ideas. It is evident that the writer put thought into the diction and was innovative in conveying the ideas. Submitted before the deadline. Strong grammar and a varied and relatively complex vocabulary. Basic grammar and not-varied basic vocabulary. Venn diagram is thoughtful and creative. A couple of phrases or ideas may be revisited, but the overall product is carefully written. Venn diagram shows a fair amount of originality and thoughtfulness, yet it is sprinkled with cliche ideas. Venn diagram shows virtually no originality or voice. Submitted on the deadline. Submitted one day after the deadline. Submitted two days after the deadline. SCORE Teacher’s Feedback: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Saint Louis College City of San Fernando, La Union BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL PAASCU Level III Accredited ENGLISH 7 PERFORMANCE TASK FIRST QUARTER SY 2023-2024 CN: _______ Name: _____________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________________________________ Date: _________________ BIG TASK: Reaction Video RUBRIC Creativity and Elements of Design Confidence Fluency and Pronunciation Promptness EXCELLENT 5 Excellent sense of design with effective camera technique. Your confidence was contagious. GOOD 4 Good use of graphics and other designs. FAIR 3 Minimal use of design emelents. POOR 2 Use of elements detract from video and content. Your confidence was good, no wonder everyone likes you. Speaks fluently, with few to no breaks. Your confidence was okay. You lacked confidence. Speaks somewhat fluently, with frequent short and a few long breaks. Does not speak fluently, frequent short and long breaks. Accurate pronunciation and intonation in most instances. Pronunciation and intonation are generally accurate, errors do not cause misunderstanding. Some inaccuracy in pronunciation and intonation. The output was performed on time. Performed one day after the given time. Performed two days after the given time. Frequent inaccuracy in pronunciation and intonation. Mother tongue interference is apparent. Performed three days after the given time. Can express himself/herself fluently and spontaneously, almost effortlessly. SCORE Teacher’s Feedback: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________