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IEEE Bus 13 System Model Development Report

Report on the Development of a model using the IEEE bus 13 system including a regulator and a
The main class this semester is to ensure we develop a test program for a distribution system which can
operate on the IEEE bus13 model to anylyse the entire bus 13 distribution system .I have chosen to write
my programs in mathlab since coding with matlab comsume comparatively less time when compared
with phyton and thye program is an integrated form of various functions which simulates each
conditions in the distribution system .Hence we are able to analyse the model with the program .
The model has been simulated to compute the distribution analyse of a distribution system considering
the cost effectiveness when developing our system so that we can spend less as we build an effective
and an efficient distribution system.The program has several functions which can be modified in case of
future expansion in the network .It can also make debugging of the system to be effective since
individual functions can debugged incase we need to look out for an error in the system.
The flow chat of the system has been developed to show the flow of each of the component program in
the model .the flow chat is as shown below.
One of the strength of the model I built is that it can be expanded to a higher bus system for example in
the class we built using a seven bus system but at the end we are able to test the simulation using ieee
bus 13 test system. Another strength is that we are able to simulate a model which will create an
effective and efficient distribution system.
Each assignment from assignments one to six has been geared towards a successful model which can
perform the distribution power flow analysis
One of the limitation of the system is the need to concentrate for few minutes when the test program is
being run so that there wont be error when computing the power flow analyses.
Another limitation is the need to have shorter lines of codes which can reduce the test run time of the
The improvement that can be made is that we can expand the program to include more impedance and
admittance matrices so that we can have a larger bus system in the model. Also we can use a for loop or
a while loop to reduce the test run time of the model.
The forward backward sweep using the ladder method had been used in this program an the loop goes
through each of the loop in the forward sweep and goes back in the backward sweep.
The user manual for running the program has been attached with this report and the result of the test
program are as stated below