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Raspberry Pi in Computer Architecture Education

David Tarnoff
Department of Computing
East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, TN 37614
The complex strategies being incorporated into modern processors to improve
performance and security have forced computer architecture instruction to
become largely theoretical. With the advent in 2011 of the ARM-based
Raspberry Pi, computer architecture students could once again get hands-on
experience using a single-board computer. Resources within the ARM
processor and on the Raspberry PI allow students to practice almost all of the
objectives of the ACM/IEEE computer architecture curriculum. This paper
discusses how the Raspberry Pi was incorporated into a computer architecture
course along with a description of the laboratory setup and examples of student
The use of hands-on laboratory activities has been shown to improve students’
interest in and ability to understand course material [10]. In addition, hands-on activities
give students a clearer picture of what to expect during a professional career. The
challenge is to bring the equipment into the classroom without placing too great a
financial burden on the student.
In the 1980's, students could get hands-on experience using low-cost single-board
computers. The slower clock speeds and interfacing requirements allowed students to
access the system bus, add I/O peripherals, and fully examine the processor’s
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JCSC 30, 5 (May 2015)
architectural features. Since then, the drive for performance and the increasing gap
between hardware and software due to operating system requirements have hindered an
applied study of computer architecture.
This paper demonstrates how the author used the ARM-based Raspberry Pi
single-board computer to design a cost-effective laboratory setup and a set of hands-on
exercises for a course in computer architecture. The concepts presented in these exercises
directly reinforce the objectives for this particular course.
For the past fifteen years, the author has faced a number of challenges when it came
to providing his computer architecture students with the tools to access a processor’s
architectural features. One such attempt was to use laboratory desktop machines. The
modern-day operating system’s “hands off” view of hardware, however, made this nearly
impossible. In addition, the security measures taken by the University’s IT department
made it impossible to boot the laboratory machines from a live CD. Booting from a live
CD containing a more acquiescent operating system would have allowed students to get
closer to the architecture.
Another option attempted was to use emulators to simulate the processor’s
architecture. Challenges arose here too. It was difficult if not impossible to emulate
features such as hardware timers, interrupts, RAM caches, and DMA. In addition,
features such as counters and timers present on real hardware that would allow the
students to measure hardware performance did not exist or were simulated. Similar
challenges occurred when trying to use virtualization.
The challenges outlined in the previous section could be solved by getting hardware
into the hands of the students. Single-board computers, small motherboards containing
all of the components of a full computer system, might provide a solution. Originally,
these devices were used by processor manufacturers to demonstrate new designs or to
provide development platforms for programmers. Over time, hobbyists and educators
began using the boards to create systems of their own. The primary drawback of
single-board computers is their cost. They can be very expensive costing upwards of $150
to $400 each.
In 2011, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released a much anticipated single-board
computer called the Raspberry Pi based on the ARM architecture. At $35 for the top-end
Model B, its intent was to promote basic programming to school-age children [5].
Researchers and developers, however, quickly adopted the device into their own work.
The University of Southampton, for example, built a 64-node cluster from Raspberry Pi
and LEGO [4]. The Raspberry Pi was used as the foundation for an operating systems
development course at Cambridge University [6]. The International Technology
University began including the Raspberry Pi in its introductory course in embedded
system design [9].
CCSC: Mid-South Conference
The typical bootable image for the Raspberry Pi is based on a Debian Linux
distribution containing a lightweight X11 desktop environment and development tools
including gcc, as, and gdb. By connecting an HDMI-ready monitor and a USB keyboard
and mouse, a user can have a fully functional “desktop” computer. Alternatively, the
Raspberry Pi’s I/O header provides a serial port that can be connected to a desktop
machine using a terminal emulator.
A FAT-formatted SD card handles bootable media and persistent storage. Advanced
users can create a custom bootable operating system and store it to the Raspberry Pi’s SD
card [6]. Alternatively, by storing a bootloader to the SD card, a bootable image can be
uploaded to the Raspberry Pi through its serial port [13].
It has been shown that students are more enthusiastic about learning on commonly
used, commercially available hardware because they feel it gives them a better idea of
what to expect in their jobs [7]. At the same time, it is important for professors to
illustrate architectural concepts to the students using hardware that encompasses the
technologies included in a computer architecture curriculum.
During the last decade, CPUs used in desktop and laptop computers counted for only
about 2% of all CPUs sold [12]. One of the most common architectures found in
non-desktop applications is the 32-bit ARM architecture designed by ARM Holdings,
headquartered in Cambridge, UK. According to ARM Holdings, processors based on their
architecture were used in 95% of smartphones in 2013 with manufacturers of chips
containing an ARM core reporting shipments of 4.8 billion ARM-based processors for
the mobile device market alone during that time [1].
Common use, however, doesn’t necessarily mean that the architecture supports the
concepts that are important to a computer architecture course. An examination of the
capabilities of the ARM core reveals a long list of features applicable to the computer
architecture curriculum [2].
o 16 general purpose registers with a directly accessible program counter
o A robust 32-bit fixed-width instruction set architecture including conditional
execution for all instructions, pre-shift operations for literals as part of all
instructions, pre- or post- auto incrementing or decrementing indexed addressing,
and block load/store operations
o Ability to switch between 32-bit ARM and 16-bit Thumb instruction sets
o Full implementation of interrupts with a shadow register file
o Ability to switch between Harvard and von Neumann architectures
o Superscalar architecture (single integer pipe plus a floating point pipe)
o A substantial cache including virtual or physical addressing, process ID support for
context switching, ability to lock at the way-level, pseudo-random or round-robin
replacement algorithm, and write-back or write-through operation
o Robust memory management unit including configurable page sizes from 4K to
16M, a translation look-aside buffer, memory access permission control, 1- or
2-level page translation tables, memory attribute control, and process ID support for
context switching
JCSC 30, 5 (May 2015)
There is not sufficient space in this paper to cover the capabilities of the ARM
architecture. Examination of the topic list for computer architecture available from the
ACM, IEEE Computer Society, “Computing Curriculum 2013,”[3] however, shows that
the ARM architecture can provide students with experience in all areas but SIMD,
complex bus arbitration, and multiprocessor cache coherence algorithms.
Committing to a single platform inevitably has its drawbacks. One of the drawbacks
for the ARM architecture is that its RISC-style load/store addressing limits the students’
experience with addressing modes. In addition, the granularity of its interrupt structure
forces most interrupts to be served by a single ISR. Lastly, in order to reduce memory
accesses, the architecture uses the RISC-style subroutine call method by storing return
addresses in register r14 instead of on a stack.
Prior to the beginning of the semester, each student is asked to purchase their own
Raspberry Pi Model B. The cost for this device is $40, but there are hidden costs. The
student still needs to purchase an SD card for persistent storage and a 1 amp micro-B
USB power supply. There are vendors that offer these pieces as a package with the
Raspberry Pi and a clear plastic case for about $60. A few of the laboratory exercises
require the students to create a primitive operating system and store it to their SD card,
so they will also need an SD card reader.
The laboratory facilities posed a few challenges too. Approximately half of the
exercises utilize the Debian-based Linux installation for which a monitor and keyboard
are required. The other exercises used the serial port to communicate to a rudimentary
bootloader or operating system. Either way, a method of I/O was going to be necessary
for the students to perform the lab.
It was first thought that the computer monitors in the lab could be used for displays.
Unfortunately, the monitors took DVI input and were not HDMI-capable. This meant that
an adaptor would be required for each machine. The students would also need to unplug
the USB keyboards from the desktop machines in the lab to use them for input.
Understandably, the IT administrator did not want this arrangement due to maintenance
issues and the fact that many students would leave without putting the laboratory
machines back in their original configuration.
The solution was to purchase individual FTDI TTL-232R3V3 USB to serial adaptors
at about $16.50 each. This allowed each student to plug a Raspberry Pi into the USB port
of the laboratory computer and use the computer as a serial terminal.
Any number of terminal emulators could have provided serial communication
between the laboratory computer and the Raspberry Pi. The author was limited in his
selection, however, due to the fact that he was only able to find one bootloader that
worked with the Raspberry Pi. That bootloader, written by David Welch, utilized the
XMODEM protocol to download an image to the Raspberry Pi [14]. As a result, the
open-source terminal emulator Tera Term was selected.
Lastly, although the Linux image came with a compiler, assembler, and linker,
development of a custom bootable image required a cross compiler. The author selected
CCSC: Mid-South Conference
the YAGARTO (Yet Another GNU ARM Toolchain) suite of tools providing an EABI
cross compiler and Make utility for development on Windows-based desktops.
It is important to note that in July of 2014, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released an
updated version of their original Raspberry Pi Model B. Called the Model B+, it
contained more general purpose I/O pins, two additional USB ports, a Micro SD slot
instead of the full-sized SD slot, lower power consumption, and improved audio [11].
Some things were removed too including the old analog video output and an “OK” status
LED on which most introductory labs were based. This caused some incompatibility
problems for a couple labs when some of the students had the older Model B and others
had the Model B+.
The Raspberry Pi’s versatility provides a foundation for a wide variety of labs
ranging from simple I/O to the implementation of a cluster. The following is an overview
of some of the laboratory exercises that the author developed for students in the computer
architecture course that he teaches at his university.
The first few labs focus on the basics of the ARM architecture, its development
environments, and the Raspberry Pi. This includes studying the ARM instruction set
through an examination of the assembly language output from the gcc cross-compiler,
how gcc assigns segments, and the effects of different levels of gcc optimization. These
labs also present the ARM register file and how the application binary interface defines
the use of these registers. The GNU tools hexdump, objdump, and gdb are vital to the
success of these labs, and the students gain significant experience with them.
The next group of labs introduce the students to hardware peripherals. They start by
studying basic digital I/O, then move onto system timers and serial communications. For
each of these peripherals, the students start with polled I/O to interact with the hardware.
Once this is mastered, they move to interrupts and DMA.
There is also a laboratory exercise where gcc is used to compare the 32-bit ARM
assembly language with the 16-bit Thumb language. (There is a one-to-one mapping of
each Thumb instruction to a corresponding ARM instruction.) During this lab, students
are asked to compare how the different instruction sets affect compiler optimization,
memory usage, addressing, and the number of instructions.
Another lab examines the superscalar properties of the ARM processor. In this lab,
the students are asked to create a C program with a large loop that takes a long time to
execute. They are then asked to compare the execution times of instructions that are
independent with instructions that have true dependencies. They are also asked to mix
data types and see if that has an effect on performance.
An important part of the ARM architecture is its use of a coprocessor to evaluate
performance. Some of the exercises utilizing this coprocessor had the student make minor
changes in the configuration of an architectural feature and evaluate the resulting change
in performance. This could be used to evaluate the effects of disabling the cache, locking
lines in the cache, using to the Thumb instruction set, changing virtual memory page size,
JCSC 30, 5 (May 2015)
and changing number of page table levels. This coprocessor also allows the programmer
to directly access cache contents, tags, and status bits.
In the last laboratory exercise of the semester, the students are asked to work
together in groups to create small Raspberry Pi-based clusters. The steps for this exercise
are based on the work by Simon Cox et al. from the University of Southampton in the
United Kingdom [8]. The process uses the MPICH portable implementation of the
Message Passing Interface (MPI). The majority of the work involves downloading,
compiling, and installing MPICH2 on the Raspberry Pi, configuring the Raspberry Pi for
use on a small IP network, running code on the MPICH2 installation, and comparing the
execution times. The specific application they use is the parallel computation of pi, which
is included as one of the examples in MPICH2. In the end, the students are often surprised
how much of an effect communication overhead has on the performance of their clusters.
While it is possible to teach computer architecture from a purely theoretical point
of view or teach it using an abstract processor, students receive a clear benefit from
implementing code on a commercially available architecture. The Raspberry Pi provides
a cost effective solution to bringing that architecture into the classroom. The combination
of the ARM architecture with its depth and breadth of architectural features and the wide
range of experiments that can be performed on the Raspberry Pi suggest that it may be
difficult if not impossible to exhaust the possibilities.
[1] ARM Holdings plc, Annual Report 2013: Strategic Report, Cambridge: ARM
Holdings plc, 2013.
[2] ARM Holdings plc, ARMv6-M Architecture Reference Manual, Cambridge,
[3] Association for Computing Machinery/IEEE Computer Society, “Computer
Science Curricula 2013,” 20 December 2013. [Online]. Available: http://
www.acm.org/ education/CS2013-final-report.pdf. [Accessed 6 December 2014].
[4] Bal, M., “A Supercomputer made with Raspberry Pi and LEGO,”
Engineering.com, 22 February 2013. [Online]. Available:
ElectronicsDesign/ElectronicsDesignArticles/ArticleID/5357/A-Supercomputermade-with-Raspberry-Pi-and-LEGO.aspx. [Accessed 6 December 2014].
[5] Cellan-Jones, R., “A 15 Pound Computer to Inspire Young Programmers,” BBC,
5 May 2011. [Online]. Available:
rorycellanjones/2011/05/a_15_computer_to_inspire_young.html. [Accessed 6
December 2014].
CCSC: Mid-South Conference
[6] Chadwick, A., “Baking Pi - Operating Systems Development,” Cambridge
University, July 2013. [Online]. Available: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/projects/
raspberrypi/tutorials/os/. [Accessed 6 December 2014].
[7] Clements, A., “ARMs for the Poor,” in Frontiers in Engineering Education
Conference, Washington, DC, 2010.
[8] Cox, S., “Steps to make Raspberry Pi Supercomputer,” Computational
Engineering and Design Research Group, University of Southampton, UK,
January 2013. [Online]. Available:
pi_supercomputer_southampton.htm. [Accessed 6 December 2014].
[9] ITU, “ITU Offers Embedded Systems Design with Raspberry Pi and Arduino in
Python and C,” 24 July 2013. [Online]. Available:
ino-in-python-and-c/. [Accessed 6 December 2014].
[10] Medaris, K., “Study: Hands-on projects may be best way to teach engineering
and technology concepts,” 28 January 2009. [Online]. Available: https://news.
uns.purdue.edu/x/2009a/090128DarkStudy.html. [Accessed 6 December 2014].
[11] Raspberry Pi Foundation, “New Product Launch! Introducing Raspberry Pi
Model B+,” July 2014. [Online]. Available:
http://www.raspberrypi.org/introducing-raspberry-pi-model-b-plus/. [Accessed 6
December 2014].
[12] Turley, J., “The 2% Solution,” Embedded System Design, 18 December 2002.
[13] Welch, D., “Baremetal,” 17 April 2014. [Online]. Available:
https://github.com/dwelch67/raspberrypi. [Accessed 6 December 2014].
[14] Welch, D., “Bootloader 05,” 13 September 2012. [Online]. Available:
https://github.com/dwelch67/raspberrypi. [Accessed 6 December 2014].