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Market place- final report

Assessing the
Feasibility of
Building a
Marketplace for
Table of Contents
SWOT Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Key Attributes Determining Business Success......................................................................................... 4
Target Customers .................................................................................................................................... 6
Partners ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Potential Promotional Strategies ............................................................................................................ 7
Risk Assessment & Mitigation Strategies ................................................................................................ 8
Topics of Interest for future research...................................................................................................... 9
Final Recommendation ......................................................................................................................... 10
SWOT Analysis
India’s Renewable and EV sector is one of the most attractive and fastest-growing markets
globally. India ranks fourth globally for total renewable power capacity additions, fourth in
wind power capacity, and fourth in solar power capacity [1]. The country has set an enhanced
target at the COP26 of 500 GW of non-fossil fuel-based energy by 2030, which means that
renewable energy will account for 50% of its electricity needs by then [2]. India also has a
huge potential for electric vehicles (EVs), as it is the third-largest energy-consuming country
in the world, the largest producer of two and three-wheelers, and the second-largest
manufacturer of buses [3]. India aims to have at least 30% of private automobiles as EVs by
2030 [4]. The government has taken several initiatives and incentives to boost the growth of
the Renewable and EV sector in India, such as the Production Linked Incentive (PLI)
scheme, the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (FAME)
scheme, the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP), and various tax benefits and
subsidies [5]
A marketplace for Renewable and EV products and services can be a lucrative opportunity
for entrepreneurs and investors who want to tap into this growing sector. A marketplace can
offer a platform for buyers and sellers of renewable energy solutions, such as solar panels,
wind turbines, batteries, inverters, etc., as well as electric vehicles, such as cars, bikes,
scooters, buses, etc., and their accessories, such as chargers, batteries, etc. A marketplace
can also provide value-added services, such as installation, maintenance, financing,
insurance, etc., to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. A marketplace can benefit from
the increasing awareness and demand for clean and green energy among consumers,
businesses, and governments [6].
However, building a marketplace for Renewable and EVs also comes with challenges and
risks that must be carefully considered. Some of these are:
1. High initial investment: Setting up a marketplace requires a significant amount of
capital to acquire inventory, establish logistics, develop technology, hire staff, market
the platform, etc. The return on investment may take a long time to materialise due to
the nascent stage of the sector.
2. Regulatory uncertainty: The Renewable and EV sector is subject to various
regulations and policies that may change frequently depending on the government's
priorities and objectives. For example, the GST rates on renewable energy products
and electric vehicles vary from 5% to 28%, depending on the category and type. The
PLI scheme for high-efficiency solar PV modules has been approved for only two
tranches. The FAME scheme has been extended till March 2024 with a budget of
INR 100 billion ($1.34 billion). These factors may affect the profitability and viability of
the marketplace.
3. Competition: The marketplace may face stiff competition from existing players in the
Renewable and EV sector, such as manufacturers, distributors, retailers, online
platforms (such as indiagosolar.in), etc., who may have established brands, customer
bases, networks, and economies of scale.
4. The marketplace may also face competition from new entrants offering innovative
products or services at lower prices or better quality.
Key Attributes Determining Business Success
Inc. Demand for EV & RE products
An e-commerce marketplace specialising in renewable
energy products and services can cater to the increasing
demand by providing a convenient platform for consumers
and businesses to access and purchase renewable energy
Government support & incentives
An e-commerce marketplace can capitalise on government
initiatives like FAME & NEMP by offering a wide range of
products eligible for subsidies and incentives, making them
more accessible and affordable to customers.
Infrastructure development across
EV & RE and Value-Added service
The expansion of renewable energy infrastructure, such as
solar and wind power plants, creates a demand for
equipment, components, and services.
Partnerships & Collaboration
Collaborating with manufacturers, dealers, and other
renewable energy and EV stakeholders can help the ecommerce marketplace expand its product offerings and
reach a broader customer base. Partnerships will lead to
exclusive deals, promotional activities, and shared
marketing efforts, boosting growth and visibility.
Customer Convenience
Marketplaces provide the convenience of online shopping,
enabling customers to browse, compare, and purchase RE
products and EVs from the comfort of their homes.
Marketplaces also promise comprehensive product
information, customer reviews, and transparent pricing,
Target Customers
*WTP = Willingness to Pay
✓ Electric vehicle manufacturers: Collaborating with EV manufacturers can provide
access to a wide range of EV models and technologies for the marketplace. One can
establish partnerships to promote and sell their vehicles on the platform. This
collaboration can include offering test drives, arranging special deals or discounts,
and providing detailed information about the features and benefits of each EV model.
Example: OLA, Ather, etc.
✓ Charging infrastructure providers: Partnerships with companies that provide
charging stations are crucial for offering comprehensive charging solutions to
customers. These partners may offer different charging stations, such as Level 2
chargers, DC fast chargers, or ultra-fast charging solutions that one can supply.
Example: Bolt, Revos etc.
✓ Renewable energy companies: Partnering with renewable energy providers allows
one to offer integrated packages that combine EV charging solutions with renewable
energy sources. This can involve collaborating with solar panel installers, wind power
developers, or other renewable energy providers. By bundling EV charging
infrastructure with renewable energy generation, one can offer customers a holistic
solution that aligns with their sustainability goals.
Examples: Tata Power, Suzlon etc.
✓ Service and maintenance providers: Teaming up with service centres and
maintenance providers specialising in electric vehicles is essential for providing
customers with after-sales support, repairs, and maintenance services. These
partners should have expertise in EV diagnostics and battery maintenance. You can
enhance the customer experience and build long-term relationships by offering
reliable service and maintenance solutions.
✓ Government agencies and utilities: Collaborating with government agencies and
utilities can involve partnerships for promoting EV adoption and sustainability
initiatives. These partnerships can provide access to subsidies, grants, or incentives
for EV purchases, charging infrastructure installations, or renewable energy projects.
Additionally, working with utilities can facilitate integration with the smart grid
infrastructure, enabling demand response programs and grid-balancing initiatives.
Example: Municipal Corporations, RWAs etc.
Potential Promotional Strategies
 Digital Marketing:
• Website Optimization: Ensures that the website is user-friendly, informative, and
optimised for search engines.
• Content Marketing: Create valuable educational content, such as blog posts, articles,
and videos, to establish thought leadership and engage the target audience.
Newsletters are a great way to create a community around a specific theme.
• Social Media Marketing: Leverage popular social media platforms to share updates,
customer success stories, and educational content.
• Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers, bloggers, or industry experts who
have a strong following in the EV and renewables space to promote your offerings.
 Partnerships and Collaborations:
• Cross-Promotions: Collaborate with complementary businesses, such as EV
dealerships, renewable energy installers, or eco-friendly organisations, to crosspromote each other's products and services.
• Strategic Alliances: Partner with EV manufacturers, renewable energy developers, or
utility companies to offer joint promotions or bundled solutions.
• Government and NGO Collaborations: Collaborate with government agencies and
non-governmental organisations working towards sustainable transportation and
renewable energy adoption to leverage their networks and initiatives.
 Events and Trade Shows:
• Participate in industry-specific events, trade shows, and conferences to showcase
the products and services, network with potential customers and partners, and stay
updated on industry trends. host or sponsor EV test-drive events, charging
infrastructure demos, or renewable energy workshops to provide hands-on
experiences and engage directly with the target audience. College Fests are a great
way to create a buzz amongst the younger population.
 Incentives and Referral Programs:
• Offer incentives, discounts, or rewards for customers who purchase EVs, install
renewable energy systems, or refer others to your business.
• Collaborate with local governments or utility companies to promote incentives such
as tax credits, rebates, or reduced electricity rates for EV owners or renewable
energy adopters.
Risk Assessment & Mitigation Strategies
✓ Security Breaches: Implement robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls,
encryption, and intrusion detection systems, to protect the marketplace platform and
user data. Regularly update software and systems to patch vulnerabilities. Conduct
regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address potential
security breaches. Educate employees and users about best practices for data
protection and privacy.
✓ Competition: Differentiate the marketplace by offering unique features, such as a
wide range of renewable energy and EV products, competitive pricing, exceptional
customer service, and value-added services. Continuously monitor the market and
adapt the offerings to meet evolving customer needs. Build strong partnerships with
suppliers and manufacturers to secure exclusive product offerings. Develop a strong
brand identity and engage in targeted marketing and advertising campaigns to gain a
competitive edge.
✓ Pricing & Discounting Pressure: Conduct thorough market research and analysis
to determine competitive pricing strategies. Develop pricing models considering cost
structure, customer demand, and market trends. The focus should be on providing
value-added services and unique offerings rather than solely competing on price.
Implement dynamic pricing mechanisms that can adapt to market fluctuations. Build
long-term relationships with suppliers to negotiate favourable pricing terms.
✓ Scalability: Plan for scalability from the beginning by designing a flexible and
scalable marketplace platform. Implement cloud-based infrastructure that can handle
increased traffic and transactions. Continuously monitor and optimise the platform's
performance to ensure scalability. Develop strategic partnerships with logistics
providers and service contractors to accommodate increased demand. Regularly
assess and update business processes to support scalability.
✓ Refunds & Client Disputes: Establish clear refund and dispute resolution policies
and communicate them transparently to customers. Provide excellent customer
service and promptly address any customer complaints or disputes. Implement a
robust feedback and review system to monitor customer satisfaction and identify
areas for improvement. Regularly train and empower customer service
representatives to handle refunds and disputes efficiently and effectively.
✓ Logistical Constraints: Optimise the supply chain by establishing strong
relationships with suppliers and logistics partners. Streamline processes and
leverage technology to automate and streamline logistics operations. Continuously
monitor and optimise inventory management to ensure efficient order fulfilment.
Regularly review and improve the logistics network to handle increased demand.
Topics of Interest for future research
1. Strategic Tie-ups:
• OEM collaborations: Assessment of the benefits and challenges of forming strategic
partnerships with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of electric vehicles and
renewable energy equipment providers to offer integrated solutions and capture
synergies in the marketplace has to be done.
• Logistical & financial partnerships: Research should be done to identify potential
partnerships with financial institutions to facilitate financing options for customers,
such as attractive loan schemes, leasing arrangements, or energy performance
contracts, to encourage the adoption of renewable energy systems. Additionally, a
partnership with an efficient logistical company for the timely delivery of goods must
be forged before the business's launch.
2. Market dynamics and trends: A continuous study of the evolving dynamics and
emerging trends in existing EV and renewable marketplaces to understand customer
preferences, business models, pricing strategies, and innovative approaches
adopted by emerging players can provide insights into the state of market and
strategy formulation.
3. Competitor Analysis: India currently has only one player operating in the RE & EV
Marketplace- indiagosolar.in. Further analysis specifically done on the said player will
present valuable insights relevant to our operations.
Final Recommendation
Applying the concept of industry life cycle theory, the renewable and EV industry is still in a
nascent stage, as it has not reached the peak of its growth potential yet. Therefore, this idea
should not be pursued immediately but after some time when the industry is more mature
and stable. Pursuing this idea too early may expose the business to high risks and
uncertainties, as well as fierce competition from other entrants who may have more
resources and experience. Waiting for the industry to mature may allow the business to
benefit from economies of scale, customer loyalty, and established standards and
*Source: Corporate Finance Institute
The report finds that once the industry has gone through the ‘shake-out’ phase, the strengths
and opportunities of the project outweigh the weaknesses and threats and that the project
will be capable of generating significant economic, environmental, and social benefits for the
stakeholders involved.
1. REN21 Renewables 2022 Global Status Report. https://www.ren21.net/gsr/
2. India's COP26 Pledge: 500 GW Non-Fossil Fuel Capacity by 2030.
3. Electric Vehicle (EV) sector in India to boost both the economy and the environment.
4. India's electric vehicle goals being realized on two wheels.
5. Renewable Energy in India - Indian Power Industry Investment.
6. Renewable Energy Industry in India - IBEF. https://www.ibef.org/industry/renewableenergy.aspx