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DB2 Backup Failure SQL2048N on Networker

2023/9/5 16:42
DB2 Backup failing with error SQL2048N on Networker | Dell US
Article Number: 000210737
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DB2 Backup failing with error SQL2048N on Networker
Summary: Backup of DB2 database fails with error Unable to backup database due to backup request
failure,SQLCODE: -2048, SQL2048N An error occured while accessing object "0" Reason code "6"
Audience Level: Internal
Article Content
Backup of DB2 database fails with error
Unable to backup <DB Name> database due to backup request failure,SQLCODE: -2048, SQL2048N An error occured while accessing
object "0" Reason code "6"
This can possibly be down to an application performing a REORG, which is being blocked by an application holding a lock on an
SQL2048N Reason Code 6 indicates that "The object being accessed is a table space and either the table space is in such a state that
the operation is not allowed or one or more containers of the table space is not available.
LIST TABLESPACES will list the current table space state.
In the db2diag.log the following example errors may be seen, where in this case table space SYSCATSPACE is in a state that disallows
the backup to complete:
The BACKUP_IN_PROGRESS state cannot be turned on.
It is not compatible with the current state of the table space.
db2pd -db <database> -reorg -appl -locks showlock -wlock
Replace <database> with the name of the database. This will show if you have a REORG running, you should find it in a Lock-Wait state,
you should then be able to see the application which is causing the Lock-Wait in the same about.
2023/9/5 16:42
DB2 Backup failing with error SQL2048N on Networker | Dell US
DB2 admin need to find the handle of application causing the lock on the object and if it is not required to hold the lock then it needs to
be forcibily stop. Once the lock has been released try online backup again.
Article Properties
NetWorker Family, NetWorker Module for Databases and Applications
Last Published Date
06 Mar 2023
Article Type