BEARING DIAGRAMS A bearing is an angle measurement between two points that also indicates direction. Three-figure bearings represent an angle measured clockwise from north. TASK 1 Write the bearing Record the three-figure bearing represented in each diagram. TASK 2 Draw the bearings Draw a sketch to show where one town is in relation the other. Use estimation to approximate the correct angles. Read the from and to carefully. Bankstown which is 030 from Albury. Dungog which is 080 from Canterbury. Forestville which is 270 from Gladesville. From Hobart, go 335° to Inglesburn. From Kenthurst, go 185 to Jersey. From Marylands, go 200 to Lincoln. From Oxley, travel 30 km due east to Penton and then travel 60 km due north to Quigley. From Ridgley, travel 20 km 315° to Trent and then travel 50 km due south to Unger. Travel 100 km from Venn on a bearing of 150 to Xavier and then turn on a bearing of 200 and travel 60 km to Yates.