Energy Sources Journal Volume 16. pp. 117-128, 1994 Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium SYUKRI HIMRAN ARYADI SUWONO Inter-University Center Bandung Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia G. ALI MANSOORI* Bio & Chemical Engineering Departments University of Illinois at Chicago (M/C 063) Chicago, 111inois 60607-7052, USA (*) Corresponding author, email: mansoori Abstract Latent thermal energy storage is one of the favorable kinds of thermal energy storage methods considered for renewable energy source utilization, as in solar photothermal systems. Heat is stored mostly by means of the latent heat of phase change of the medium. The temperature of the medium remains more or less constant during the phase transition. A large number of materials have been ui,entified for low, intermediate, and high operating temperatures for application as latent thermal energy storage media. In the present paper a method for characteriza­ tion of alkanes (C1 -C100 ) and paraffin waxes for application as the low-temperature (298-323 K) phase change energy storage medium is introduced, A computational technique is introduced by which the alkanes and paraffin waxes could be evaluated, and possibly upgraded, as the phase change energy storage media. It is demonstrated that the family of n-alkanes has a large spectrum of latent heats, melting points, densities, and specific heats so that the heat storage designer has a good choice of n-alkanes as storage materials for any particular low-temperature thermal energy storage application. As an example of the proposed method, a particular paraffin wax for which appropriate experimental data are available is analyzed and the results of the analysis are presented. Keywords alkanes, paraffin waxes, energy storage medium Introduction For uninterrupted utilization of the intermittent renewable energy sources, such as the solar energy, it is necessary to develop a storage medium. Phase change (latent) thermal energy storage is one of the three kinds of thermal energy storage methods (sensible heat, latent thermal energy, and chemical energy) used for this purpos�. In phase change thermal energy storage, heat is stored by means of the latent heat of phase change of the medium. The temperature of the phase change material 777 S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 1 18 ( PCM ) remains more or less constant during the phase transfonnation (Abhat 1 983; Batlet et al . l 979: Garg et al. I 985; Gomez and Mansoori 1 983: Mansoori 1 976: Mansoori and Patel 1 979). Heat storage through phase change materials has the advantage of compactness because the heat of fusion (melting) of PCMs is very much large r than their specific (sensible ) heats. PCMs such as n�alk.anes and paraffin waxes appear to have some attractive features as a medium for storage of thermal energy, especially in direct photothennal solar energy utilization through flataplate collectors. For application of a material as a phase change thermal energy storage medium, information about its latent heat of phase transition as well as densities and specific heats is necessary . High latent heat is required to provide a higher thermal !Storage per unit weight. High density is desirable to al l ow a smaller size of storage container, and higher specific heat is preferred to provide for better sensible heat storage . I n selecting a PCM for a panicular application. the operating temperature of the heating and cooling systems must be matched with the melting ten,perature of the PCM. The PCM melting point range must be chosen at a temperature interva l above the operating temperature. This range must be large enough to provide a sufficient temperature gradient for a satisfactory heat with­ d rawal rate . But the temp�rntYrc rang� :should not be exce55ive, since the heat lm;s will increase and the system efficiency will decrease. Generally, for PCMs the higher the thermal conductivity the more efficient is the rate of heat transfer, and the higher the densi ty the larger is the heat of me lting per unit volume. There are four possibilities in changes of phase: solid-gas, liquid-gas, solid-solid, and solid-liquid. The absolute value of latent heat of phase change for a solid-so lid transition is usually less than that of solid-liquid conversion. Solid·gas and liquid-gas transitions are generally not employed for energy storage, in sp ite of their high latent heat. because gases occupy large volumes, requiring a big space for storage. Solid-liquid transition has comparatively smaller latent heat than solid�gas; how­ ever. sol id-liquid transition involves only a small change in vo l ume and therefore i t is quite promising for phase change energy storage. The candidate PCMs are generally divided into two groups: organic and inorganic comPQunds. Inorganic compounds show a volumetric latent thennal energy storage capacity twice that of organic compounds. But the organic · substances couid serve as important heat storage media because of their several advantages, inch.idmg their ability to melt congruently. their self-nucleation. and the noncorrosiveness of the conventiona l materials of construction. Alkanes and paraffin waxes are in the latter category . In comparison to inorganic PCMs. paraffin wax PCMs have no problems of phase �i;::paration on melting and have good self-nucleating properties on freezing. so that nucleating agents are not required. They also do not have corrosion problems of the conventional materials of construction, so that they have long4enn performance . A large n um ber of PCMs have been identified for low, intettrtediate, and high operating temperatures for appl ication as latent thermal energy storage (Batlet et al. 1 979: Abha� 1 983 ). The pre:Jent report is intended to discuss the chara�eri:i;a­ tion of alkancs and paraffin waxes for appl ication as low-temperature phase change energy storage medium. A low-temperature PCM should operate in the 273-393 K temperature range. In the fi rst pan of this repon we present and characterize the pecu l ia r thermophysical propenies of paraffin hydrocarbons (alkanesl. which comprise the paraffin waxes. In the second part of this re p ort we introduce a method to ana lyze S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 JI9 and characterize paraffin waxes from the point of view of their use as PCMs. Then we introduce ;_i compurarional technique by which the paraffin waxes can be evaluated. and possibly upgraded. a.s PCMs. As an example of the proposed method. a particular paraffin wax for which appropriate cxpcrimemal data are available is analyzed and the results of the analysis are presented. Paraffin Hydrocarbons ( Alkanes) Paraffins are mineral oil (petroleum) products. consisting mostly of the organic family of heavy hydrocarbons cailed alkan(:s, with the chemical formula C H zn,. 2, with n ;;:_ 16. Presence of paraffins in crude oil could cause plugging problems due to wax buildup inside conduits (well, pipeline, etc.) during production. transporta­ tion. and storage of petroleum crude {Kawan:aka ei aL 199 l ). However, paraffin and microcrystalline waxes are important petroleum refinery products. According to the statislks published by the petroleum industry, demand for these products continues to increase (International Petroleum Encyclopedia 1993). As a result, paraffin hydrocarbons can be a primary product rather than a by-product of a refinery. Pure paraffins contain only :),lkanes. The first four alkanes of the series (from methane. CH., up to butane, C � H w) are gaseous at room tempetature and atmospheric pressure. Tne compounds between C�H 1 : and C 11 H�r, are liquids and compounds with more than l 7 carbon atoms per molecule are waxy solids at room temp�rature. The melting points and the heats of fusion of alkanes increase with their number of carbon atoms. In Table l we have compiled the data on molecular weights. melting points. latent heats of fusion, denstties (at 20° C), specific heats in solid and liquid states. and boiling points of the normal alkanes from C I to C 1\/{1, all at atmospheric conditiorts. Most of the property data in this table are from Domalsky et JI. (1984). Garge et al. 0985). Lane ( 1986), Marsh et aL (1988). and Timmermans ( 1965). For alkanes for which these experimental data were not available, they were estimated using estimation techniques (Chom and MarniiOOri 1988). discussion of which is beyond the scope of the present report. Because of "�.u�ric·· effects. caused by the arrangement of atoms in the molecule. there is a difference between alkanes with odd and even numbers of carbon atoms. The even-numbered homologs have higher latent he;;i,t than the odd-numbered homologs. Humphries ( 1974) showed that alkanes with an even number of c::arbon atoms (between 20 and 32) and alkanes with odd number of carbon alOrns (higher than 7) exhibit a lattice transition in the solid state. The even-numbered qrbon. atom alkanes exhibit this transition closer to their melting point than the odd-numbered alkanes as demonstrated in Figure 1. Also shown in Figure l is the boiling point of normal alkanes for the temperature range of the figure. The lattice transition in alkanes is accompanied by the release of heat of transition. Genera.) ly. lattice transition occurs in the solid state at about 2-5 K below the melting point. The difference between the transition t�mperature and melting temperature becomes smaller with increasing molecular weight and finally disappears for alka.nes v,,ith more than 36 carbon atoms ( Mozes 1982). as demon­ strated in Figure 1. Tne heat associated with this solid-solid transition is subtracted from tht: larenI heat of melting. Figures 2 and 3 show variations of the latent hea1 of melting, melting point. and density of normal alkanes versus increasing number of carbon atoms in their structures. Accordm� ro ihese figures. while the melting point and density versus 11 S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 - Table I Thermodynamic Properties of n-Alka:nes Specific Heat 1l-Alkanes Melhanc Ethane Propane Butane Pentani; HeKane J Ieptane Octane Nonane Decane Undecane Dodecane Tridecane Tetradecane Pentadecane Hexadecane He ptadecane Octadecane Nonadecanc Eicosane Heneicosane Docosane Tricosane No.of C Atoms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t1 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 Mlol. Weight 16 3(1 44 58 72 86 100 114 128 142 156 170 184 198 2t2 226 2-40 254 268 19 20 282 22 310 21 23 296 324 Melling Point Lati;nt Heat of Fusion (kJ/kg} Lkm;ily at 21fC (kg/m 1 ) 90.68 90.38 85.47 58 95 80 105 117 152 0.658 (g} tU 24 {g) 1.834 {g) 2.455 Cg) 621 (I) 655 (I) 649(1) 699 (I) 714 (I) 726(1) 737 (I) 745 (I) 753 (J) 759()) 765(1) 770UJ 775 (s) 779 (sJ 7B2 (s) 7H5 (s) 788 (s) 7�Jl (s} 7�>3 (s) (K} 134.79 143.45 177.83 182.55 216.37 219.65 243.SO 247.55 263.55 257.75 278.95 283.05 291.25 295.05 301.25 305.15 309.75 313.35 317.15 320.65 141 181 170 202 177 216 196 227 207 236 214 244 222 248 213 252 234 Solid (J/mol.K) al 298 K - - - - - - - - - 485.4 514.6 .. 544.3 570.7"' 598.1"' 625.0 11 Liquid 0/mol.K) at 353 K -· --- Boiling Point (K) J67_2 I l (•Ji IS4.6 231.l 272.7 309.0 341.9 406_9 438.5 470.0 501.5 534.J 564.4 398.8 424.0 447.3 469.J 489.5 508.6 52ti.7 �i4J.8 560.0 575.2 589.5 603.J 617.0 629.7 641.8 653.4 195.4 225.0 254.2 284-5 314.5 345.0 376.0 6]8 11 658 11 698 11 739.0 772.0 31!.6 S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 Tctracosanc Pen taco.sane I ic1aros:rnc • 0 ct,1cns an e Ncinacc}.sa nt.: 'J'riilrnnlane • knlriacnn taru: Dolriacontane Tritriacon tane Tetratriacontanc Penla:tri acontane ilexalriuconlane I [eptat riaconlan c Oct.itriacontane Nmiatriacontanc Tetrncuntane Dotelrncontanc Tritetracontane Tetrateracontane Hextetracontane Octatetracuntane Pentacontanc llexacontane Beptacontane Hectane 24 25 26 27 28 29 J[J 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 338 352 366 380 Jt)4 408 422 436 450 464 478 492 5(}6 520 534 548 562 590 43 604 46 646 44 48 50 60 70 JOO 618 674 702 842 982 1402 323.75 326.65 }29.45 JJLIJS J34.JS ]36.35 J.3!:{.55 341.IIS 342.85 344.55 346,.25 347.85 349.35 350.85 352.15 353.45 354.65 357.32 358.65 359.55 361.45 363.45 365.15 372.15 378.65 388.40 "Estimated values-experimental data not available. 255 238 2sn 235 254 2]1) 252 242 26fl 256 258 2S7 269 259 271 271" 272 273 .r 273 274 276 276 276 279 281" 285" 7%, (s} 798: (s} HflH ls) 802 b) HCJJ (s) 8ll5 (s) 806 (s) 808 (s.) 809 b) 8 IO (s} 8J l (s) 812 (s) 814 (s) 815 (s) 815 (s) 816(s) 817 (s) 817 (s) 819"1 {s) 820'' (s) 822'1 (s) 823 (s) 825" (s} 831"' (s) 836" (s) 846" (s) ' hSl .4' 670.4" 677.8 728,I'' 752.8" 777.2" 801.2" 824.5" 867.4 871.11" 887.4 916.() 937_5� 959.1" 4u 980. 1 [Ml 1 ° 1022� Hl62� Hl85Q 1l02 ° (1 4 0 a 1177 1213" l380� !526 u 1869 a 805.11 fll5.9 �7n.n 92!-l'' 937.11 Jnlll" IOJ7" 1073" l[J95 1113 11.:19 12 tn" 1206 1276" 1305 11 1341" J 411 1435 1465 "' 1495" 1553 "' 1595 1665" 1916 "' 2131" 2598" hM.S 675.1 f-.HS:.4 hlJ.5.3 704.8 7t4.0 722.9 731.2 740.2 74H..2 755.2 763.2 770.2 777.2 784.2 791.2 795.2 804.2 813.2 818 .. 2 829 .. 2 838.2 848.2 888.2 919.2 935.2 - N S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 122 sz...CD ::I e ....m 500 I ' 450 400 350 El MP TrT BP 300 2!SO 200 150 100 5 Hi ici 20 35 -.v 4V Nllmber cf cart>on atoms :.!!:I Figure I. Variation of melting point {MP). transition temperature (TrT). and boiling point (BP) of normal alkanes with their number of carbon atoms. the number of carbon atoms have a smooth variations. the latent heat of tnelting goes through Dw;:tuations. Because of the steric effects ( the solid-solid phase transitions mentioned above) the latent heats of melting of two consecutive alkane:s do not always increase with increasing number of 1;arbon atoms. as demonstrated in Figure 2. Each cvcn·numbered (with 8 carbon atoms or higher) exhibits a lower latent heat than the odd-numbered alkane having one carbon less than it. This fluctuation of latent heat of melting vanishes as the number of carbon atpms - �250 4 200 � ... C .!IIJ 150 100 ----r---.,.....--...--.......-------------1100 +--�.-----.......... 0 20 40 60 BO Number of c:arbon 41,t1;1m, Figure l. Variation of the latent heat of melting of normal alkanes with the number of carbon atoms in alkar\c$ and e.xhibitiM of the steric effect. S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 123 -.... ...... 400,--------------...... ::..:: .5 0 c.. a:: M 300 ....c:: :i ·- ;:,... 200 400 -· 100 ...... 1,11 i::; Gol C l)!NlffY o•--------------'-1'1 O 20 40 60 50 100 Number of carbon atoms Figure 3. Variation of lhe melting poim and density (.at 20"Cl of normal alkanes with the number or carbon atom� in alkanes. approaches 40, and after that the latent heat of melting increases with increase of the number of carbon atoms. Paraffin Wax Paraffin waxes consist of mixtures of mainly normal alkanes. The amount of normal alkanes in a paraffin wax usually exceeds 75% (and may reach almost 100%), with the rest consisting of mostly iso-alkanes, cyclo-alkanes. and alkyl benzene (Turner r::t al. 19.55). The molecular weight of hydrocarbons in a paraffin wax is in the range o( about 280-560 (Cw-C 40 ), with each specific wax havi�g a range of about 8 to 15 carbon numben (Encyclopedia of Poiymer Science and Technology 1971). There exists a wealth of information on the thermophysical propenies of paraffin waxes (Haji-Sheikh et aJ. 1983; Melpolder et al. 1964; Mozes 1982; Timmennam; 1965). As an example, a wax sample produced by the Sun Refining and Marketing Company (Suntech Pl 16) which contains almost 100% nonnal alkanes is used here for analysis. The thermophysical propenies and chemical composition ( Haji-Sheikh et al. 1983) of Suntech P116 arc presented in Table 2. According io this tabie. the hydroc:arbons with carbon chain lengths of 20 to 32 constitute 99% of the mixture. The hydrocarbons with carbon chain length longer than 32 constitute the remaining 1 % with �nentially reducing fraction. Paraffin waxes generally polydisperse compounds for which polydis.perse­ solution theox-ics must bt: used for characterization (Mansoori et al. 1989). We have constructed the distribution of n�alkanes in Suntech Pl 16 Faraffin wa.J1; as a function of the number of carbon atoms using the data of Table 1. This distribution is shown in Figure 4, With knowledge about the thermophysical propenies of pure alkanes and paraffin waxes. it is possible to design a thermal energy storage mc:dium comprising these compounds. S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 124 S. Himran ec al Table 2 Chemical Composition and ThermophY$ical Properties of Suntech Pl 16 Paraffin Wax Hydrocarbon Weight(%) 2.0 n-C-20 n-C-21 n-C-22 n-C.23 n-C�24 n-C-25 n-C-26 n-C-27 n-C-28 n-C-29 n-C-30 5.!i 14.0 23.0 22.0 14.0 6.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 n-C-31 n-C-32 �1elting range Heat of fusion Liq1,1id specific he:a.t Solid specific heat Liquid thermal conductivity Solid thermal conductivity Liquid density Solid density Liquid viscQsity Molecular weight 1-7 1.5 1.3 "'"'n 'f.,. .nu-.J.t.:t l\. -,1 Ii! 266 kJ/kg 2,51 kJ/kgK 2.95 kJ/kgK 0.24W/mK 0.24 W /mK 760kg/m ;i 818 kg/m 3 l,90kg/ms 332 g/rnol Latent Thermal Energy Storage .. (T -r,:,:a ...,., ........ ., ........................,.., ; ...........oti ku 11:tnt"'!iltr latent th�rm:;il In -------•••• "I.,. ...... PnPrav .,. ...... �J ..... u&ue, ... \.&...,I..._, ..... , "'.7"'"..... ,u.,. 1.1.1'-'.lllU&I .... u ... ,� 1�'\ .3LUl""\,I U] means of phase change in the storage tnedium (PCM). Two thermal processes which are relevant to phase change storage are melting and freezing phenomena. During the melting process, added heat is stored as latent heat of fusion, and during the freezing process this latent heat is liberated. In melting and freezing cydes. a circulating fluid, such as air or water, stores (and extracts) heat to (and from) the storage unit. causing the storage medium to exhibit a change in phase. ,A.ny LT'='.....S system must possess the following thiee components: (1) a heat storage material (PCM). (2) a container for holding the PCM, and (3) a heat-exchanging surface for transferring heat from the heat source to the PCM and from the PCM to the requir�d point of use. In storing heat. the LTES utilizes :!iome sensible heat storage below and above the PCM melting temperature. The total heat Q stored by material can be calculated from the foUow�i:ig equation: -·· (1) where m is the mass of the PCM; L is its latent heat of melting; T 1 , T�. and Tm are S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 125 25,-------------------, ';:: QI • u Cl,. 20 � 15 I • • 10 s • • • . "' • • • • 0 -------------,------20 21 22 2J 24 25 26 27 '.18 29 30 31 32 Number of ;arbon atoms 1 re 4, Distribution or n·::llkanes iri Sun1ec;h Pt 16 paraffin wax as a function of the ber of carbon atoms. initial. final. and melting absolute temperatures: and C 1>� and Cpl are the sp ciflc heat.s of solid and liquid PCM phases. respectively. The first tenn of Eq. 1 re resents the sensible: heat of the solid PCM phase (below its melting point), the se end term is the PCM latent heat of melting, and the third term is the sensible h t of the liquid PCM phase (above its melting point). In practical LTES systems. th latent-heat tenn predominates. Using Eq. 1 and the data of Table 1, we have calculated the thermal energy st red per unit volume of the storage, Q/V, in the family of pure n-alkanes ( -C10 ) . The calculations reported are for three heating temperatures of 323. 0 6 3 , and 373 K (with the reference temperature of 298 K). The results of calculation :ue presented in graphicai form in Figure 5. This fi ure shows. for example, that at 323 K. the n-alkanes in the range of C 111 through C store a higher amount of thennal energy (about 226 MJ/m .1 ) than the rest of th n-alkanes. This is due to the fact that their melting transition occurs in the te perature range 298 K s T MP s; 323 K. At 348 K the n-alk.anes in the range of C 6 through C 35 still store a larger amount of thermal energy than the rest of the n- lkanes (about 279 MJ/m�). At the temperature of 373 K the series C 18 through 3 . \,, can store even more thermai energy (about 331 MJ /m ). According to this ry y fi re. eve alkane h drocarbon is useful as a PCM material for a rather narrow te perature range. This figure also indicates that the amount of energy stored in al anes (due to phase rhange and/or sensible heat) is a rather weak function of al ane molecular weight. In order to calculate the total heat stored in a paraffin wax. assuming that the al anes present in paraffin wax: form an ideal solution. Eq. l will assume the fo lowing fonn: (2) S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 126 ---..., 4001--------------------------- C") E .la:: 300 'C Ql .....5 en >t:n � -- 200 Q) C: w ... tn E 323 I< 348K UilK 100 al ..t::. I- O+------i-----r----"""T----,------,-----' 0 20 40 10 ,o · No. of carbon Atoms 100 12 figurt 5, Variation of the thermal energy stored in n-alkanes with their number of carbon atoms and temperature with a reference temperature of 298 K. In this equation the summation is over the components of the paraffin wax and every term with subscript i stands for propenies of the ith component (alkanes) of the paraffin wax. An important thermal energy storage characteristic of a paraffin wax is its ··cumulative thermal energy storage." Cumulative thermal energy is defined as the thermal energy stored in a wax by raising its temperature from a reference temperature (298 K in the present case) to a higher ternperature, taking into account the composition effects of all the hydrocarbons present in the wax. By using Eq. 2. the composition distribution data of P116 paraffin wax, and the thermophysical properties of alkanes reponed in Table 1, we have calculated the cumulative latent heat, 0/d m;L;. and the cumulative heat stored, Q/V, at differern temperatures in Pl 16 paraffin wax, considering 298 K as the reference temperature. The results of these calculations are shown in Figure 6. At present, no experimental data for cumulative thermal energy of paraffin wax are available to compare with the theoretical values reponed here. The difference between the cumulative latent heat and cumulative heat stored in this figure is due to the sensible heat stored in the wax. According to this figure, the sensible heat contribution to the heat stored could reach as much as the 30% of the total heat stored in a paraffin wax and it must be taken into account for any design calculation. t Discussion In this report the:nnophysical properties of n-alkanes (C 1 -C i o0) and paraffin waxes are analyi:i::d and characterized from the poim of view of their use as low.tempera­ ture phase change energy storage media. It is demonstrated that the family of n 6 alkanes have a large spectrum of latent heats. melting points. densities. and ?;pecific heats so that the heat storage designer has a good choice af n-alkanes as storage materials for any particular low-temperature (298-323 K) thermal energy storage application. S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 127 Gt � E ::I u :,oo • o Cum.Heat Stored Cum.L..itent Heat 305 315 32=:'i 335 346 355 375 365 Temperature K Fi(l:UR 6. Y.iriatlon of che cumulative heat and latent heat stored in Pl 16 paraffin wax with tempcrniurc with a rcforcni;c temperature of 298 K. Although paraffin waxes exhibit desirable properties as PCMs. they have rather low thermal conductivity. This may reduce the rate of heat storage and extraction during melting and solidification cycles. In order to compensate the low thermal conductivity of an alkanc-based PCM, its container must be designed with an adequate surface-to-volume ratio and container material must have a suatable heat transfer coefficient. The paraffin wax low thermal conductivity can also be enhanced hy embedding a metal matrix structure in it. It is also possible to choose the comainN :md heat transfer system configuration to ensure more efficient extraction \or addition) of heat from (or to) alkane/paraffin wax PCMs. Another 1,m di:sirablc c;:haracierislic of alkane /paraffin wax material is their potential hazard because of being flammable materials. However, a fire barrier�rated container would be sufficient to remedy this ptoblem. Because the melting pojms of n-alkanes are higher than those of iso- and cyclo-alkanes with the same carbon numbers. the melting point of waxes tends to rise with the increase of n-alkane components in paraffin wax (Melpolder et al. 1964). The meltirig point of waxes can also be increased, even with a low content of n-alkanes. if the iso- and cyclo-alkane components arc present in large amounts at the higher carbon atom number. The data. analysis. and cha.racterization reported hen: are the basic infonna­ tion with regard to computational sources necessary for the design of a PCM storage system based on paraffin wax and generally heavy alkane hydrocarbon blends. Depending on the specific need for the energy storage, the present procedure c:.1n he used for sdccting the appropriate composition of the alkane;paraffin wax mixture to achieve a suitable PCM. Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Professor M. R. Riazi and Mr. M. R. Ekhtera for their helpful reviews and comments. This research is supported by the Indonesia Second Univeri;1ty Development Project of The:: World Bank. S. Himran, A. Suwono, G.A. Mansoori Characterization of Alkanes and Paraffin Waxes for Application as Phase Change Energy Storage Medium Energy Sources J., 16, 117-128, 1994 References 128 Abhat, A. 1983. Low temperature latent heat the rmal energy storage:. Heat storage materi­ als. Solar Energy 30(4):313-332. A singer, R. 1968. 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