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Prepositions: In, On, At - Grammar Exercise

1. She stayed in the kitchen.
2. That most of the nutrients are found
in the peel or crust.
3. All fats, always, in any quantity.
4. We believed in our grandmother’s
5. In time -con el tiempo
1. On the way in.
2. On the way out.
3. Our cupboards were filled with food
bough on whims, overpriced foodie
4. We clung to those stories and
depended on them to define us.
5. On morning
6. On evening
7. I’m busy on Monday.
8. Live on some farm
9. I could go on pretending
10. Live on this
11. There are so many gossip magazines
on the newsstand
12. From now on – de ahora en Adelante
13. I got sookie (somebody) on the
14. Depends on where ‘’there’’ is
15. Focus on the situation
16. make it on your own
17. whats going on here?
18. They went on and on about
1. At my grandmother’s house.
2. And once more at the end of the
3. AT night.
4. How about Thursday at 10 o’clock?
5. See you on Thursday at three