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Automatic Watermark Embedding on Smartphones

The 11th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable
Well-Being (STISWB XI), 29 July -1 August 2019, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Automatic Watermark Embedding for Captured
Images on Smart Phone
Narong Mettripun*, Suwannee Panyot, Pakorn Sereepulvong,
Natthpon Ounyoung, Warawan Inta
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineer,
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiang Rai
99 Sai Khao, Pan, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 57120
*Corresponding Author: mettripun_n@hotmail.com, 660832813598
In this paper, we proposed a method to embedded the watermark image in a captured image
on the smartphone. After the captured image is chosen, an important area such as the structure of
an object or human faces in the captured image will be identified. Then the important area of an
image will be selected in order to embed the watermark logo automatically. The important area can
be identified by using face detection, edge detection and density of edges in an area of the captured
image. The proposed algorithms have been accomplished in a smartphone with the Android
operating system version 5.0. The results demonstrated that with our proposed method, the
watermark logo can be embedded in the important area. The correctness of the embedding is 83%
on average and the accuracy is depended on the type of the captured image. The satisfaction of the
user is 79% on average.
Keywords: Image Processing, Digital Watermarking, Watermark Embedding, Mobile
Application, Android, Smart Phone
1. Introduction
important role in everyday life, especially
smartphone which is a vital tool for most
people. A smartphone is a mobile phone with
an integrated computer and other features not
originally associated in the normal telephones,
such as a camera, an operating system, web
browsing, and software applications. The most
useful function in the Smart Phone is the
camera, it is used to taking pictures, thus a lot
of pictures can be saved and share to the social
network. However, the picture published in the
social networks is easy to be copied and
distributed without any permission from the
genuine owner. It is also very hard to
discriminate the copied version from the
original one. The digital watermarking
techniques have been developed in order to
protect the copyright of the distributed
pictures over the social network.
In this paper, we proposed a method to
embedded the watermark image in a captured
image on the smartphone. After the captured
image is chosen, an important area such as the
structure of an object or human faces in the
captured image will be identified. Then the
important area of an image will be selected in
The 11th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable
Well-Being (STISWB XI), 29 July -1 August 2019, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
order to embed the watermark logo
automatically. The important area can be
identified by using face detection, edge
detection and density of edges in an area of the
captured image. The proposed algorithms
have been accomplished in a smartphone with
the Android operating system version 5.0.
2. Background
There are several watermark embedding
methods for a digital image on social network
or and for the smartphone.
Thongkor, K., et al. proposed a digital
image watermarking for social networking
services based on DWT coefficients
modification. In the embedding process, the
blue component of the original host image is
decomposed by the Discrete Wavelet
Transform (DWT) to obtain the coefficients in
LL sub-band in order to embed watermark. In
the extraction process, original coefficients
prediction based on the mean filter is used to
increase the accuracy of the extracted
watermark. The result shows that the blinded
watermark is robust to the geometrical attacks.
However, this method is still not implemented
in the smartphone. Table 1 shows a
comparison of features of watermark
application on the smartphone, the
InstaMark–photo editing [7], iwatermark
Free[8], and Watermark Photo Free[9], Note
that the automatic embedded is not present in
these applications.
3. The Proposed Method
The idea of the proposed method is to
embedded watermark in the important area of
the host image which it will degrade the
quality of the host image, and finally, it will
discourage the robber who wants to steal the
host image. The important area in the image
can be the human, the high detail area in the
image. If a human is appearing in the host
image, we use face detection to find him then
we will embed the watermark in his/her eyes.
If the human is disappearing in the host image,
we use edge detection to find the edge in the
host image, after that we find the high detail
area by searching for an area that has a
maximum of edges.
The proposed methods can be divided into
2 categories, the first is watermark embedding
process, second is the mobile application
development process.
3.1 Watermark Embedding Process
The flow chart for automatically
choosing the position of watermark
embedding is described in figure 1. below.
Table. 1 A comparison of features of
watermark application on the smartphone
Fig. 1 Watermark embedding process
From a glance we can see that the
process requires six major stages, beginning
with face detection and ending with
The 11th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable
Well-Being (STISWB XI), 29 July -1 August 2019, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
3.2 Mobile App Development Process.
The mobile app development is described
with the function diagram and data flow
diagram level-1 (DFD Level 1).
3.2.1 Functional Diagram
The functional diagram for a
smartphone is described in figure 2. below.
There are 4 menus which are Auto, Manual,
Edit, and Form. Start with the auto menu, when
a user chooses this menu, it’s mean that the
position of watermark embedding will be
automatically chosen. For the manual menu,
the position of watermark embedding will be
chosen by the user. In this case, the embedding
position will be obtained when the user
touches the screen of the smartphone. Edit
menu use for change name, size, color and
intensity of the watermark. Form menu uses
for assign pattern of the watermark to be
embedded. The pattern can be horizontal,
vertical, diagonal and spread. Note that the
spread means a small watermark image will be
spread all the image area.
Face Detection
Edge Detection
& High Detail
Choose Embedded
Adjust Size
Adjust Color
3.2.2 Dataflow Diagram
The data flow diagram for the smartphone
is illustrated in figure 3. First, the user chooses
the host image from the gallery. The image
will be displayed on the mobile screen. Then,
the user can select the method to embed the
watermark which is ‘Auto’ or ‘Manual’. If user
select ‘Auto’, the face in the host image will be
searched. If the face is found, the watermark
will be embedded in the eyes of that face. If the
face is not found, then watermark will be
embedded in the high detail area. However, if
the user selects ‘Manual’ the watermark will be
embedded manually. Note that the menu Edit
and Form in Fig. 2 does not include in this
- User
Choose Image
Select & Update
Choose Image
Image Gallery
Host Image
- User Select Method
Select & Update
Select Method
- Display
Watermarked Image
watermark embedding. First, after input image
is acquired by the user, it will be processed by
face detection in order to find the human face
in the image. If the face is present,
positions/ area of the human eyes will be
searched and collected. In the other hand, if the
face is not present, positions/area of the high
detail in the image will be searched and
collected. After that, the watermark will be
embedded in those positions/ area to get the
watermarked image.
Watermarked Image
- User Save File
Save File
Fig. 3 Data flow diagram
4. Experimental Setting and Results
The automatic watermark embedding
for captured images on a smartphone is
implemented with Android studio in Java
language. In the application is run on the
Android operating system version 5.0.
4.1 Result of Functional Testing
In this part, the results of the
functional testing of the proposed method are
illustrated in Fig.4- Fig. 6.
Fig. 2 The functional diagram
The 11th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable
Well-Being (STISWB XI), 29 July -1 August 2019, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Fig.7 Then use our proposed method to embed
the watermark image. The examples of the
result are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig.9.
Fig. 4 (a) Home of the application
(b) Choose the image form gallery
Fig. 7 Example of the testing images
Fig. 8 Example of correct embedding
Fig. 5 (a) Auto embedding the watermark in
high detail area (b) Auto embedding the
watermark in the eyes of human
Fig. 9 Example of incorrect embedding
Fig. 6 (a) Manual embedding the watermark
(b) Save the watermarked image file
4.2 Performance Evaluation
The evaluation is set by using 50
human images and 50 general images. The
examples of the testing images are shown in
Fig. 10 Accuracy of automatic watermark
The result of the proposed method is
shown in Fig. 8, Fig. 9, and Fig. 10. The
automatic watermark embedding in the
The 11th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable
Well-Being (STISWB XI), 29 July -1 August 2019, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
face(eyes) obtain the correctness of 44 from 50
images and the automatic watermark
embedding in high detail area obtain the
correctness of 39 from 50 images. As a result,
the accuracy of the automatic watermark
embedding is 83% on average.
Notice that the accuracy of embedding
accuracy is depended on the details of the host
4.3 Satisfaction of The User
In order to evaluate the satisfaction of our
proposed method. 10 volunteers have been
used the Auto-watermark application on their
Android smartphone. The questionnaire is
divided into three parts which are the
satisfaction of appearance, usability, and
quality of the application in their smartphone.
The result is shown in Fig. 11 which the
satisfaction score is 3.87, 4.03, and 3.95 from
the full score of 5. Thus, the satisfaction of the
user is 79% on average.
Fig. 11 Satisfaction of the user
5. Conclusion
We have proposed a method to embedded
the watermark image in a captured image on
the smartphone. The important area of an
image will be selected in order to embed a
watermark image automatically. The results
demonstrated that with our proposed method,
the watermark logo can be embedded in the
important area. The correctness of the
embedding is 83% on average. The satisfaction
of the user is 79% on average.
6. References
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[2] Thongkor, K., Mettripun, N., Pramoun,
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Watermarking Based on DWT Coefficients
Modification for Social Networking Services",
Proceedings of IEEE on ECTI- CON 2013,
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[ 3] Ingemar, J. Cox et al. ( 2008) . Digital
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[4] Shih,F.Y. (2007) Digital Watermarking
And Steganography Fundamentals and
Techniques, 1st Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton,
[5] The USC-SIPI Image Database, “Signal
and image processing institute,” University of
Southern California( June2010) .
http: / / sipi. usc. edu/ database, access on
[ 6] Add watermark ( Application) , URL:
oj_msc_thesis.pdf, access on 9/11/2014.
[7]InstaMark–photo, editing(Application)
?id=com.rcplatform. instamark&hl=th , access
on 20/11/2014.
[8] iwatermark Free(Application), URL:
details?id==com.plumamazingfree.=th access
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[ 9] Watermark Photo Free ( Application) ,
?id=com. teapps.watermarklite.& hl=th, access
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