Uploaded by Redwan Rahman

"The Fault in Our Stars" Book Review

Name: Redwan Rahman
ID: 2330521
Course: ENG 102
Faculty: Sumaiya Islam
The Author
John Green is the skilled and well-known author of the best-selling novel
"The Fault in Our Stars." Green's journey into the literary world began
after graduating from Kenyon College with a double major in English and
Religious Studies on August 24, 1977, in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Green's writing often makes fundamental subjects such as love, pain,
teenage years, and the human condition. He is known for his strong
storytelling and unique narrative style. Before becoming a mainstream
superstar, he worked as a publishing assistant and as a chaplain in a
children's hospital, one of of which definitely inspired his writing and
empathy for young characters enduring misfortune.
"The Fault in Our Stars," published in 2012, quickly gained critical
acclaim and became a cultural phenomenon. The novel follows Hazel
Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters, two cancer-stricken teenagers, as
they navigate life's intricacies and the existential concerns that come with
facing mortality.
Green's YouTube channel "Vlogbrothers," which he co-created with his
brother Hank Green, is a known online presence in addition to his writing.
Their YouTube channel has a big and devoted fanbase known as
"Nerdfighteria," who share a love of learning, intellectual curiosity, and
John Green's impact on young adult literature is profound, and his books
continue to resonate with readers of all ages worldwide. His genuine,
heartfelt portrayals of his characters and their struggles have earned him
numerous awards and a devoted following, solidifying his place as one of
the most influential contemporary authors of his time.
"The Fault in Our Stars" is a heartrending and poignant novel written by
John Green. The story focuses around the lives of two cancer-stricken
youngsters, Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters.
Hazel, a 16-year-old girl, has been battling fatal thyroid cancer which has
spread to her lungs, requiring her to inhale through an oxygen tank. She
meets Augustus, a lovely and funny 17-year-old who had a leg removed
due to osteosarcoma but is now in recovery, during a cancer support
As Hazel and Augustus spend time together, they form a deep and
meaningful connection. Their shared experiences with illness and
mortality strengthen their friendship, and they go on an adventure filled
with love, humor, and conversations about the meaning of life and death.
Augustus gets introduced to Hazel's favorite novel, "An Imperial
Affliction," written by the reclusive author Peter Van Houten and about
the difficulties of a cancer-stricken girl. They become obsessed with
knowing what happens to the characters following the novel's abrupt end.
In a bid to meet the elusive Van Houten, the two travel to Amsterdam
with Hazel's mother, but their encounter with the author is disappointing
and disillusioning. Despite this setback, Hazel and Augustus love their
time together and make the most of their limited time together.
As their bond grows stronger, Augustus reveals that his illness has
returned and is now serious. Hazel and Augustus are both dealing with
the difficulties of love, loss, and the impending end of their lives.
In the end, Augustus succumbs to his illness, leaving Hazel devastated.
Through her grief, she learns to find solace in the memories they shared
and discovers that love can transcend even the darkest moments.
"The Fault in Our Stars" is a moving tale that explores the fragility of life,
the beauty of love, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of
adversity. It has touched the hearts of readers worldwide, leaving a lasting
impact on those who have experienced its emotional journey.
Character Analysis
"The Fault in Our Stars" features a compelling cast of characters, each with their
unique traits and struggles. Here is a character analysis of some of the novel's
important characters:
Hazel Grace Lancaster: The story's heroine, Hazel, is a 16-year-old girl who has
thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. She is sensitive, logical, and has a
sarcastic sense of humour. Hazel is determined to have a meaningful life despite her
condition. She is a serious thinker who often considers logical themes regarding life
and death. Her love for the novel "An Imperial Affliction" reflects her desire to
understand and relate to the experiences of those who have endured comparable
Augustus Waters (Gus): Gus is a 17-year-old child in remission from osteosarcoma, a
type of bone cancer that resulted in the amputation of one of his legs. He is
charismatic, exciting, and smart, with a fondness for metaphors and philosophical
debates. Gus is extremely kind and altruistic, eager to go to any length to make Hazel
happy and make a positive difference in the lives of others around him. His previous
cancer experience has made him reflect on the transient nature of life and the need of
leaving a lasting impression.
Isaac: Isaac is a friend of Hazel and Gus who is suffering from retinoblastoma, a type
of eye cancer that may eventually blind him. He is smart and sardonic, and he
provides comic relief in the narrative. Despite his difficulties, Isaac shows tenacity
and loyalty, and his connection with Hazel and Gus serves as a support system for all
of them.
Peter Van Houten: Peter Van Houten is the recluse author of "An Imperial Affliction,"
the book that Hazel and Gus find so compelling. He is portrayed as a mysterious and
bitter character. When Hazel and Gus visit him in Amsterdam, he disappoints them
with his harsh behavior, testing their preconceptions of him and the meaning of his
.Hazel's Parents: Hazel's parents were caring and supportive throughout her cancer
battle. They are concerned about her needs, but they also experience anxiety and
powerlessness in the face of their daughter's condition. Their actions and decisions
show their undying love for Hazel.
John Green expertly creates these characters, making them feel true and accessible.
Their personal difficulties and relationships add to the novel's emotional depth and
power, making "The Fault in Our Stars" a profound look into life, love, and mortality.
At the end of "The Fault in Our Stars," Augustus Waters
tragically dies from a return of his cancer. His death had a
profound impact on Hazel, as well as their friends and relatives.
Augustus had written a letter to Van Houten, the reclusive author
whom they had met earlier in the story, in which he expressed
his views about the pain of oblivion and his wish to leave a
lasting impression.
Overall, the novel's ending stresses the complexities of human
emotions, the passing of life, and the impact that love and
connection may have even in the face of loss.
 "I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at
 "You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world... but
you do have some say in who hurts you."
 "That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt."
 My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.