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COMM 226 Assignment 3: Data Analysis & Recommendations

COMM 226 section AA, Assignment 3
Prof. Marc-Andre Leger
Friday, December 1st 2023
Ibram Tawadroos 40220842
Elena Gavrina 23599485
Part 1
Questions 1 - 4 are answered based on the data shown on the screenshot above, and the
the excel document that are submitted with this assignment
Question 1: total number of trips
It is clear from the data above in pivot table that the total number of trips is 3875 trips
Question 2: average trips duration
The average trip duration as shown in the pivot table above is 741.31 and 1252.88 for the
annual member and the casual member respectively.
Question 3: total number of trips by user type
The pie chart and the data in the table above show that the total number of trips is 941 and
2934 for the annual member and the casual member respectively.
Question 4: pivot chart to visualise the distribution of trips by user type and interpret the chart
This chart and data can be used to visualise the distribution by the user type. It is clear that
the casual member makes significantly more trips than the annual member. Casual members
account for 2934 trips while the annual member accounts for 941 trips for a ratio of 3.1 : 1
respectively. In addition, the trip duration was a total of 3675950 for the casual members
while the annual members account for 697553 with a ratio of about 5:1 respectively.
Question 5
The chart above identifies ten bicycles IDs that are rented most frequently. This
information can improve maintenance and inventory planning. Identifying the most
popular bikes we can plan required maintenance and replacement. Further analysis
might reveal that customers prefer certain types of bikes or the location that these
bikes originate from. These insights might benefit marketing strategies.
Question 6
The histogram depicts an average trip length by casual and annual members. The data
reveals that casual members take significantly longer trips than the annual members.
This insight can help to properly price differentiate between these two categories.
Question 7:
Part 2
Question 6:
Part 3: Executive Report (10 Marks)
Q8: Explore the dataset and identify two distinct questions that can be answered
through visualization/Pivot Tables. Consider using different types of charts, Tables, or
graphs for each question using MS Excel or Power BI. To address these two questions,
you need to analyze the data and interpret the key findings of the analysis. Based on
your findings, propose actionable recommendations for the executives. Please note that
for this part, you will be evaluated based on the clarity and effectiveness of your
analysis of the two identified questions and the ability to extract meaningful insights
and recommendations.
Determine the most used and least used locations.
Determine the most used and the least used bike_id and compard them by
location. This will help us know if locations or a bike type determines higher
Part 3 Deliverable: Write a 1-page executive report to answer each of the two questions
you identified earlier and propose actionable recommendations for the “Cycling”.
Support your recommendations using the required Graphs/Tables you developed to
answer these questions in the Appendix of this executive report (there is no page limit
for the appendix). Make sure to submit the MS Excel / Power BI files that support your
Part 3: Executive report
Question 8:
Part 3: Deliverable