Uploaded by Sylvia Law

Field Trip Advocacy Letter

Like us, students learn in many various ways. Some people learn better by seeing colors, some
people learn better by actually experiencing things first-hand, and some people learn better by
hearing noises. Everyone learns in a different way. If all you do is study from a book, you won't
get the full experience and knowledge. We therefore encourage schools to plan at least three to
four field trips each year.
Field trips help improve classmate relationships and a clearer understanding of the world for
students. This includes embracing the culture, respecting differences, and forming new
friendships with their peers to enlarge their social circle and gain new perspectives. Both
students and teachers can gain from it!
I suggest that schools permit us students to visit museums, zoos, historical sites, or perhaps
even forests. We have a lot to learn. Visiting these locations will definitely improve our thinking
process and probably increase our knowledge.