CH 6 Sourcing • • • • Describe the role of sourcing in the staffing process Sourcing helps firms ID target markets for hiring or promoting new/old employees. If used effectively this can create a strategic advantage for a firm. Sourcing helps a firm locate talent whether it’s online, locally, or in a different city. The type of sourcing method used may also help find different types of talent./ Marketing but for jobs instead of products. Explain what makes 1 source more effective than another Some resources such as social media are better at attracting younger talent, newspapers are better at targeting older talent, External helps find fresh blood, Internal helps build loyalty, some types of sourcing produce better results than others. Some types of sourcing are better for recruiting lots of low skilled laborers that are constantly being replaced while others are better at targeting high skilled talent that will stick with a company for a long time. List alternative sources & match them with specific jobs Non-traditional sources: workers with disabilities, veterans, older workers, welfare recipients. Create a sourcing plan 1) Profile desirable employees 2) analyze effectiveness of different recruiting sources on an ongoing basis 3) Utilize different recruiting sources based on the firm’s staffing goals and employee profiles Analyze your current employees and ID traits, characteristics, skills, talents, etc. that you like. Always keep track of where you recruited someone, how you recruited them, why, how well they are doing, etc. to use for future metrics when trying to source a new employee. Applicant flows – how many & what type of applicants come from which recruiting source. Selection ratio – of the applicants considered from each recruitment source, how many of them are hired Recruitment yield analysis – tracks recruiting sources that produced each applicant & evaluates each source based on the number of qualified applicants. Ch 7 Recruiting • • • • • • • • Describe the purpose of recruiting To help a firm employ talented employees who contribute to the business and build a competitive edge. What are recruitment spillover effects – How an applicant is treated during the interview will affect how they view the firm afterwards (whether they get the job or not.) In turn the applicant may tell their friends or post online which can affect more people’s views of the firm. Explain Employer Value Proposition – the image that a firm creates about what it is like to work there for both internal and external perceptions. Various stages used to attract applicants Advertise for the open position(s), receive & analyze applications, invite desired applicants in for an interview, invite preferred candidates in for another interview if needed, send candidates a formal job offer, once job offer has been accepted then recruiting is done. Describe effective recruiting – The recruiter should appear welcoming, knowledgeable, and be able to answer any questions the applicant has. Personality of recruiter, demographics of recruiter, recruiter profile/specialty (is 1 recruiter better at certain people/tasks than another). Factors influencing a recruiters effectiveness are: The labor market, organizations characteristics, characteristics of the job, hiring managers, coworkers. Training topics appropriate for recruiters – recruiters can be trained to improve their interpersonal skills, presentation skills, be more familiar with firms goals & recruiting objectives, legal issues, assess for multiple job opportunities, EVP, etc. Recruiting metrics that are used o New hire job performance o NH failure rate o Turnover rate of NH o Hiring mgr. satisfaction w/ NH o NH satisfaction with the job they got o NH time to productivity o NH training success CH 8 Measurement • • • • • Explain why measurements and assessments are important in staffing Describe data patterns Correlation & regression, how they’re used Practical and statistical significance and their importance Reliability & validity and how they affect evaluation • • • • Standardization & objectivity importance Importance of evaluating assessment methods & ways to evaluate Moral courage High quality measurement’s importance -Ghadir questions random error - error that is not due to any consistent cause systematic error - error that occurs because of consistent and predictable factors deficiency error - error that occurs when you fail to measure important aspects of the attribute you would like to measure contamination error - error that occurs when other factors unrelated to whatever is being assessed affect the observed scores predictive data - data is information about measures used to make projections about outcomes. critereon data - is information about important outcomes of the staffing process. Scoring - The process of assigning numerical values during measurement raw scores - the unadjusted scores on a measure Normal curve - a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve representing the distribution of a characteristic percentile score - a raw score that has been converted into an expression of the percentage of people whose score falls at or below that score central tendency - describes the midpoint or center of data variability - describes the spread of the data around the midpoint Correlation coefficient - also called “Pearson’s r” or the “bivariate correlation,” is a single number that ranges from -1 to +1 that reflects the direction (positive or negative) and magnitude (strength) of the relationship between two variables multiple regression - statistical technique that predicts an outcome using one or more predictor variables; it identifies the ideal weights to assign each predictor to maximize the validity of a set of predictors CH 9 & 10 Assessing internal & external candidates • Multiple assessment methods are used because 1 method might be biased. Multiple methods also help cover any deficiencies cause by 1 method and can give you a more well-rounded approach when assessing a candidate • • • • • • Try to create a person-job fit. Creates a match between a persons abilities and the demands of the job as well as the fit between a persons desires/motivation and the jobs attributes/rewards. Person-group fit. The match between an individual and their work group, including the supervisor. Person-organization fit. The match between an individuals values, beliefs, attitude, etc. and the organizations. Person-vocation fit. Fit between a persons interests, abilities, values, and their occupation regardless of employer. Possible hiring outcomes: False positive (Hired, poor performer, frowny face). True positive (hired, good performer, happy face). True negative (not hired, poor performer, happy face). False negative ( not hired, good performer, frowny face, hard to know unless you hear about it in the news etc.) Stereotype threat – awareness of subgroup differences on standardized tests that creates frustration among minority test takers and ultimately lowers test scores. • • • Evaluative assessment methods – evaluate the entire pool of candidates in depth Contingent assessment method – a job offer is extended upon a candidate passing a contingent assessment ex SAT test. Used when firm ID’s who it wants to hire and just needs them to pass a specific assessment Structured interview – uses a series of standardized questions, job related questions w/ predetermined scores for different answers. Top tier assessment method, also by being structured you can plan it ahead of time and avoid a lot of potential legal trouble. o Semi-structured – same as structured, but allows for follow up questions to get more information. • • • Unstructured interview – not nearly as good as structured, but allows you to move away from a standardized set of questions and ask more personal questions to the candidate. Can lead to legal trouble quickly if not careful. Behavioral interview questions – asks applicants what they have done in the past to give an idea of how they will act in the future. Situational interview ?s – asking how you might react to a hypothetical situation. • • • • • STAR method for answering interview ?s o Situation or Task: that you had to deal with o Action: how you responded to the situation/task o Result: what was the result of your action? Succeed yes/no? The above are evaluative assessment methods These are contingent assessment methods, ana employee must pass these none, one, or all of these assessments before they can get the job: medical/drug tests, background check Internal recruiting-----------------------------Internal assessment methods include o Mentor o o o o o Skills inventory Performance reviews Knowledge test Assessment center Clinical assessment – psychologist analyzes employees attributes and values • CH 11 Choosing and hiring candidates • • • • • • 2 common ways to choose and hire a candidate. Combine their scores and then perform either o Multiple hurdle method – Candidates must receive a passing score on every assessment method to continue moving forward. This is the most common practice and the most useful method for most jobs. o Compensatory approach – Candidates only need to pass specific assessments and can fail other less necessary assessments before moving forward. This can be good for specific jobs and/or when you already know who/what you are looking for and want to hire. Unit weighing – gives multiple assessments equal weight when computing overall score Rational weighing – assign a different subjective weight to each assessment Statistical weighing – may use multiple regression to weigh each assessment method o Overall score = c + (b1 x a1) + (b2 x a2) + … o C = constant number o B = the % importance place on each assessment method, i.e. 15% importance in determining how well this assessment can determine the worth of a candidate. o A = candidates test score After a way to determine each candidates worth is chosen you can use on of these methods to choose which candidates are valid for hiring o Cut scores – candidates who place below this threshold are not considered, candidates who place above can continue o Ranking – rank your candidates in the order of their scores, only top rank(ed) can move on o Banding – band candidates scores together from high-low and only the top band can move forward Laws in regard to hiring o FLSA Fair Labor Standards act of 1938 – 1st of its kind, non-exempt employees must be paid 1.5x salary for over time, exempt employees are exempt o FMLA Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 – provides for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave (in CA the law mandates employees receive 50%-60% of their pay while one leave) ▪ Birth ▪ Care for an immediate family member ▪ A serious health condition, etc… o UGESP Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures – o EEO/C • • The employment contract o Legally binding contract once accepted o Common contract content (401k, retirement, insurance, etc.) o Additional agreements such as ▪ Non-compete – don’t go to rival company for employment ▪ Non-disclosure NDA – don’t discuss company secrets ▪ Non-solicitation – prevents employees from taking current customers with them when they leave ▪ Mandatory arbitration