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Educational Toolbox Assignment Instructions

EDS200: Learning Through the Lifespan
Educational Toolbox (40%)
Virtual Experience Reflection (10%) DUE September 29th @ 8pm
Educational Tool #1 (15%) DUE October 27th @ 8pm
Educational Tool #2 (15%) DUE December 1st @ 8pm
Through the integration of your different experiences in this course, you will be creating
hypothetical educational tools targeted for specific lifespan stages.
The second educational tool is focused on either adolescence OR early adulthood
OR middle/late adulthood. Please select 1 of the following options for your educational
A. Designing a field trip with educational components for Middle School or Early
Highschool students (adolescents ages 12 to 15)
B. Designing an educational app for Highschool students (adolescents ages 16
to 18)
C. Designing a workshop for College/University students that addresses current
obstacles that impede learning
D. Designing an appropriate learning activity for Middle to Late Adults
Your educational tool can be based on pre-existing field trips, apps, workshops, or
learning activities, but it needs to incorporate elements that make them unique and set
them apart.
You will present your hypothetical educational tool in a report where you are to provide
a full detailed description of your educational tool supporting the design decisions
you made by providing detailed evidence from your course work (textbook readings,
lecture/lecturette material, discussions/activities/reflections, and the virtual
experiences). In your rationale, explain with depth why your educational tool is
appropriate for the intended lifespan stage by connecting your educational tool to the
growth/progression/improvement of 4 developmental skills/concepts (e.g., fine motor
skills, language development, self-confidence, etc.) from different developmental
domains (e.g., physical, cognitive, or socioemotional) that you will focus on
developing/refining/enhancing for the intended lifespan stage. In your rationale, it should
be evident that the educational tool promotes the development of the 4 selected
developmental skills/concepts. You are welcome to include visuals or charts to help you
describe your educational tool and explain your rationale.
By December 1st at 8pm submit your report through Quercus. Your report should be
submitted as a Word document or PDF, 3-pages MAXIMUM, 1” margins (all sides), 12point font (Times New Roman or Arial), and double spaced (APA format). Please
include a title page with an interesting title and a reference page ONLY if needed
(neither the title page or reference page is included in 3-page maximum). Please note
that textbook and lectures do NOT need to be included as citations or referenced;
references are ONLY necessary for material obtained outside the course content.
Your Educational Tools will be evaluated using the following rubric:
Educational tool is described with clarity and in detail. Objectives are
articulated well and properly supported with course material.
Educational tool is creative, unique/original, and are well suited
for the intended lifespan stage.
Rationale and support for the intended developmental lifespan stage
is fully developed with clarity, detailed explanation, and aided by
course material.
Educational tool clearly demonstrates the growth, improvement,
and progression of 4 developmental skills/concepts
Writing is clear, cohesive, organized, concise, and convincing.
Write-up is properly formatted according to APA guidelines and
does not exceed page limit.