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Mathematics IV: Reading & Writing Large Numbers

Date: ___________
I. Objective:
❖ Read and write numbers through millions/billions in symbols.
II. Learning Content:
Reading and writing numbers through millions/billions in symbols.
References: BEC-PELC I A. 1.3
Enfolding Mathematics IV
Materials: flashcards, number cards, place value chart
III. Learning Experiences:
A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Read the following numerals.
834 173
b. 629 495
186 342
c. 784 341
2. Review:
Give the place value and the value of the underlined digit.
a. 8 473 180
b. 789 184 743
c. 196 347
d. 3 480 786
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Show and discuss the place value chart
2. Presentation:
Show another numbers written on flashcards. Put each number on
each corresponding place in the chart.
3 498 765 021
a. How many digit are there in one periods?
b. What are they? How many ones? Tens? Hundreds?
c. How about in the thousands period? Millions? Billions? Read your
work. Can you write them in words?
3. Practice Exercises:
Write the following in standard form?
1. One billion, three hundred forty-eight million, five hundred twenty-six
thousand, three hundred eleven
2. Three hundred eight billion, two hundred nine million, six hundred
seventy-nine thousand, six hundred
3. Seven billion, eighty-three
4. Generalization:
What are the rules in writing large numbers?
5. Application:
Write the following in standard form.
1. One billion, three hundred forty-eight million, five hundred twenty six
thousand, three hundred eleven.
2. Three hundred eight billion, two hundred nine million, six hundred
seventy-nine thousand, six hundred.
IV. Evaluation:
Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the blank provided for,
___ 1. five billion, three thousand two
___ 2. five billion, three million, two hundred
___ 3. fifty billion, three million, twenty
___ 4. five hundred billion, thirty million, two thousand
___ 5. five billion, three hundred million twenty thousand
50 300 000 020
5 000 300 002
5 300 020 000
5 003 000 200
500 030 002 000
V. Assignment:
Write ten numbers in the standard form up to millions/billions.