Uploaded by Afsar Shaikh

MYP Key Concepts Poster

The IB MYP emphasises conceptual learning. It says, “conceptual learning focuses on powerful organizing ideas that
have relevance within and across subject groups”. Therefore, MYP Key Concepts serve both disciplinary and
interdisciplinary learning. Each subject group engages with the MYP Key concepts in unique ways where each key
concept provides interdisciplinary breadth and points of contact for transferring understanding across subject groups. These posters were designed to help educators make conceptual learning come alive in their classrooms. Please Note: The IB MYP provides educators with a list of Key Concepts that should necessarily be covered at least once a year in
specific subject groups. This list is provided on the next page. However, our MYP Key Concepts Through Subject Lens
Posters are not limited to these subjects. Instead, we have visualised how a particular Key Concept can be viewed
across a multitude of subjects where it is relevant, significant, and meaningful. You will find discipline-specific
definitions for all the Key Concepts on the respective posters and we hope this enables meaning-making for your
students and you. We encourage educators to not think of this resource as a list but as a starting point to expand your
thinking around Key Concepts.
Disclaimer - This resource has been developed independently of and is not endorsed by the International
Baccalaureate (IB).
Structures, Sets and Orders of Components
Understanding the interacting and interdependent components that
structure and order human, natural and built environments
Products and solutions that combine
components to carry out specific
functions; structured open loop and
closed loop processes; the design cycle
Individuals and Societies
Tools to understand equilibrium and vulnerability
in natural and human environments & the role of
individuals and forces within/outside them
Groups of interrelated elements
Sets of components that function
due to their interdependence or
complementary nature
Physical and Health Education
Components working together to provide
structure and processes for individuals and
teams to function
Conversions, Transformation or Movements
Understanding how going from one form, state or value to
another involves causes, processes and consequences
The metamorphosis or
The differences - in a system’s state, a
transformations in appearance,
The variation in size, amount or
numerical variable, or the structure,
form and nature that are
behaviour or level of an entity- when
reflected in or inspired by art
Physical and Health Education
observed at different times
Individuals and Societies
Attending to changing adolescent bodies and
The natural and artificial forces that shape
abilities, shifting tactics during game play in
our world’s past, present and future- in
response to stimuli
positive, negative or neutral ways
Exchanging Signals, Ideas and Symbols
Engaging with the act of conveying information or meaning using a common language (written, spoken or non-verbal)
Language and Literature
The exchange, expression and
transformation of information,
facts, ideas, meanings and
opinions through texts
Studying how, why and when we need to
ensure clear messages are given and
received throughout the design process
The messages between the artist
and an audience, or between
Language Acquisition
The exchange, expression and
transformation of information,
facts, ideas, meanings and
opinions through texts
Physical and Health Education
Utilizing, creating, adapting and
understanding a variety of strategic tools
to transfer information during gameplay
Physical and Health
Events, Positions and Locations
Inquiring into where and when people, objects and ideas are located and the construction of absolute or relative positions
Individuals and Societies
The significant events of past, present
and future (time); where places and
landscapes are (space); the social
construction of locations (place)
The frame of geometrical
dimensions describing entities
(space), time series
The physical dimensions of a play area;
distance between people or objects; the
opportunity to experience something;
something used, taken, won or lost
Exploring scientific perspectives on
the definition, measurement and
meaning of time, place and space
Groups Defined by Space, Time or Relationship
Understanding the characteristics, beliefs or values shared by people or habitats of interdependent organisms living in proximity
Understanding that solutions or
problems affect different groups
differently, both in terms of scale (local
to global) and nature (positive or
Shape and Underlying Structure
The properties that distinguish the
underlying structure and shape of
an entity; the nature of constructs
Noting the organization, essential nature & external
appearance of an entity or piece of work
The features of an object that can
be observed, identified, described,
classified and categorized
The overall shape and configuration
of a product with aspects such as
aesthetics, shape, colour and texture
Language Acquisition
The linguistic structure
communication may take:
grammatical, lexical and
Beauty, Taste and Appreciation
Appreciating and analyzing art, culture and nature by studying their characteristics, creation, meaning and perception critically
The rules and principles of beauty
which include cultural perspectives and
perception through the senses
Patterns of Behaviour and Ways of Knowing
Exploring a range of learned and shared beliefs, values, interests,
attitudes, products by human communities
Language Acquisition
Developing sociocultural competence, embracing
diversity and interacting with sensitivity and
empathy through language learning
Language and Literature
The general customs, beliefs and way of life of
particular groups that form the context and setting in
which a text or work is produced and valued
Individuals and Societies
Behaviours and values shared in places/ transmitted
across time; languages, customs, beliefs, dress, images,
music, food and technology of people
Exploring connections between art, history, philosophy,
and anthropology; focusing on aspects of culture that rely
on image and performance
The connections between quantities,
properties or concepts; be expressed
Associations and Interactions
as models, rules or statements;
exploring patterns
Studying mutual associations between properties, objects, people
and ideas—including humans’ connections with the world
Physical and Health Education
The connections among variables
The personal and social connections
The interactions between elements of
found or tested through observation
human beings need in order to
an artwork, roles and characters in
or experimentation.and represented
function and interact effectively and
performances and of the artist with
using models
develop interpersonal skills
various audiences
Whole World Relationships
Studying relationships of
individuals and communities
with built or natural
environments and one-another
from a global perspective
Individuos y Sociedades
Los conflictos y la cooperación
entre personas que conviven en un
mundo altamente interconectado;
la interdependencia de la
comunidad humana
Novel Responses, Products and Solutions
Generating new ideas, considering existing ideas from new perspectives and developing innovative responses to problems
Language and Literature
Synthesizing ideas with language; the result
of interaction and reflection with the self or
wider community
Creating solutions, novel products or
unique features of a product
Language Acquisition
Learning language through divergent
thinking, applying ideas, taking risks and
expressing ourselves
The originality in functions and ways of
working; altered interpretations of or
experiments with ideas, techniques and media
Physical and Health Education
Enhancing well-being, improving
Growth, Progress or Evolution
competencies and confidence;
motor skills and life skills
Studying positive changes or growth that sometimes occur gradually or through iterative improvements
Individuals and Societies
Refining ideas and solutions to
The increase of well being for
Applying theory to observations
become successful, appropriate
all persons in an economic or
to improve or further scientific
and feasible
social system
The process in making decisions
about numbers, shapes, and
Reasons, Principles and Arguments
Building arguments and reaching conclusions through
methods of reasoning or a system of principles
variables; methods to explain the
validity of conclusions
State or Fact of Being the Same
Defining individuals, groups, things, eras, places, symbols
and styles by observed, constructed or asserted features
The features of a genre, style, movement,
artist or place; exploring the self and
Language and Literature
The expression of one’s feelings, thoughts or
ideas; exploring personal voice, inspiration and
critical stance
Individuals and Societies
The values, beliefs and experiences that
define, shape and inform who “we”/ “they”
are; how perceptions of the self form,
evolve and are expressed
The numerical, abstract or spatial reasoning around
objects with common properties; studying sets
factors or geometric identities
Links and Bonds
Understanding how people, objects, organisms or ideas link
Language and Literature
The linguistic/literary links within and across cultures
and narratives and the relationships between text,
creator and audience
Physical and Health Education
Exploring personal opportunities and risks
related to people, places, communities,
climate and cultures
Language Acquisition
The linguistic connections within/across cultures and
across oral, visual and written texts and the
relationships between text, creator and audience
Exploring numeric relationships through
number bases, pattern sequences, venn
diagrams or functions
Positions and Points of View
Exploring how different individuals, groups, cultures or disciplines observe situations, objects, facts, ideas and opinions
Language and Literature
Individuals and Societies
Identifying, analyzing and
reconstructing diverse opinions and
points of view in texts; responding
to over-simplistic or biased
The relationship between the viewer
and the historic or socio-cultural
thing being viewed; understanding
different sides of an event
Physical and Health Education
Listening to others, putting yourself in their
place and striving to understand opinions and
disposition; considering difference
The points of view of various
stakeholders such as clients, target
audiences, focus groups, consumers,
manufacturers and experts
Language acquisition
The particular view(s) brought by a composer,
responder or character within a text; positions
from which events of a story are presented
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