5 State Optinality prínciple, What is a Sink tree? 3 Explain the Cnto infinityprtlem in istaee vednn routing. 3 5 Illustrate the optimality principle in routing. 3 6 Identify two methods by which multicast routing is handled by network layer. 3 In Ip the checeun o0werg onk tha baodar ond n t +ha doto LAntiG, 15 a) Consider the following subnet. B D E Distance yectór routing is used, and the following vectors have just come in to router C: from B: (5, 0, 8, 12, 6, 2); from D: (16, 12, 6, 0, 9, 10); and from E: (7,6, 3, 9, 0, 4). The measured delays to B, D, and E, are 6, 3, and 5, respectively,. What is C's new routing table? Give both the outgoing line to use and the expected delay. b) Illustrate the packet routing process of mobile hosts. 16 a) What is meant by congestion in networks? How does it affect network 6 8 performance? Describe any five congestion control techniques for datagram networks. b) Explain the steps involved in Multicast routing. 6 Module -3 15 a) Compare the features oflink state routing with distance vector routing. b) Differentiate between the implementation of datagram subnet and virtual circuit 8 6 subnet. 16 a) What is count to infinity problem? Describe two techniques to solve the count to 6 infinity problem in distance vector routing algorithm. b) Identify and describe the scheduling techniques to improve the Quality of Services (QoS). 8 7 In IP, the checksum covers only the header and not the data. Identify the reason 3 Differentiate between Open loop and Closed loop approaches for congestion 3 for selecting this design. 8 control. Give one example for each. 7 A network on the Internet has a subnet mask of What is the 3 maximum number of hosts it can handle? 8 What is the function of RARP? 3 Module4 17 a) Illustrate the sub-netting concept. A company is granted the site address (class B). The company needs 1000 subnets. Find the number of subnets possible and hosts which can be connected in each subnet. b) Identify the characteristics of BGP. 18 a) Describe how does OSPF perform routing in larger networks? Also explain the different types of OSPF messages. b) Explain the purposes of using ARP and RARP in the network layer. Also describe the working of each. 8 6 7 7 Module4 17 a) Draw and explain the header format of IPv4 packets. b) What is the function of ARP? Explain its working. 18 a) What is meant by exterior gateway routing protocol? Explain the working of 8 6 8 BGP? b) What is internet multicasting? What is IGMP? Explain any three IGMP messages. 6