Technical Variance © Rolls-Royce plc (date as shown below). The information in this document is the property of Rolls-Royce plc and may not be copied, communicated to a third party or used for any purpose other than that which it is supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc. Where the recipient of this document works in accordance with regulations under control of the relevant national aviation authority, outside of the EU jurisdiction and no applicable bi-lateral agreement or equivalent exists, it is essential that the recipient ensures that the relevant national aviation authority accepts / approves the incorporation of this Technical Variance. This Technical Variance is only applicable for parts of the Rolls-Royce Engine Type Design and does not apply to parts marked with ‘PMA’ in accordance with the national regulations. (e.g. USA/FAA) The content of this document is supplemental to the Manual(s) specified below and should be suitably stored in accordance with local airworthiness requirements. The content of this customer document is NOT subject to Export Control. TV No. Issue: 244579 Application Type One-off 1 Date: Repeater 09 AUG 2022 Expiry date(If Repeater) Operator / Applicant HAINAN AIRLINES/ HAINAN AIRLINES Original Request No. Engine Type RB211 TRENT772C-60 Part Description Part No. Hours ENGINE Eng/Mod Serial No. N/A Manual Title TV Title Engine Mark/Model (s) AMM Part Serial No. Ref. T F M-TRENT-A330 ATA/DMC Ref. N/A CHH-6539-2 42980 N/A 71-00-00 ACCEPTANCE OF ENGINE WITH NON-COMPLIANCE TO ENGINE PRESERVATION N/A Cycles Existing Requirement N/A A R D Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) TASK 71-00-00-600-803-A “Preservation of the Power Plant”, details the procedure required to preserve the power plant during period of non-operation. Refer to Figure-1 for the preservation requirements for different non-operational conditions. Requested Variance See Page 2. Summary of Investigation and Conclusions See Pages 2 and 3. Declaration of Approval: The technical content of this document is approved under the authority of : DOA ref. EASA.21J.065 TV CLASSIFICATION MAJOR MINOR DOA ref. EASA.21J.031 (Airbus) Repair Design Approval Sheet No: Airframer reference no. a representative of European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Certificate no:. Approval on behalf of Rolls-Royce (TV Approver) Signature, Name & Date X LP MS 6.2-1(A) – 18OCT21 Rolls-Royce plc Proprietary Information – Not for Manufacture Page 1 of 4 Pages Technical Variance Continuation Sheet TV No. 244579 Issue 1 Requested Variance The data provided by the operator on the subject engine is assessed and the reported preservation details on subject engines is summarised as in below: • • • • • The engine was fitted on aircraft B-6539. Last flight of the aircraft was on 04th May 2022. The aircraft was parked in an outdoor environment and the engine was on 30-Day Engine Ground Run (EGR) requirement for 180 day. The 1st 30-Day EGR was performed on 08th Jun 2022 (Lapse of 5 days) The engine is on 30-Day EGR engine preservation regime after the 1st EGR. The EGR are performed within the 30-Day requirement. There is no preservation lapse during this period. This TV request is to accept the preservation non-compliance on the engines and permit return to service & subsequent further fly-on. Summary of Investigation and Conclusions The preservation history on the subject engines have been assessed and concluded that there are no actions to take regarding the fuel, oil system and Core Compressor section. To address the external corrosion and the risk of Foreign Object Damage (FOD), the instructions in Section 1 must be carried out for serviceability. T F This TV accepts the ESN42980 ‘as-is’ on the basis that all the requirements listed below are met. If the requirements are not met, then this TV is invalid and void: • • • • Ensure all the instructions requested in the section 1 and 2 of this TV are completed. The history of the engines as listed in ‘Requested Variance’ section represent the accurate history of subject engines with regards to preservation tasks. If the information in ‘Requested Variance’ is incorrect, then this TV is not applicable anymore and is void. If the engine is to be stored after the tasks required are completed, the engine must be correctly preserved in accordance with the preservation requirements in the appropriate AMM Task or alternatively the engine should return to service. TV244579 must be recorded in the Engine Logbook. A R D Section 1 - Inspection for FOD/ Corrosion: 1. Hand Turn the fan assembly to ensure it rotates smoothly. 2. Carry out an inspection of the front and back areas of the engine to confirm there is no evidence of FOD with a focus on the following areas: a) Engine Section Stator (ESS) intake area b) Tail Bearing Housing area c) If there is any damage noted on the LP Compressor blades, sentence according to AMM TASK 72-31-41-200-801-A. d) Nacelles as appropriate e) P20/T20 probes 3. If there is any evidence of FOD in the inspected area – contact Rolls-Royce Engineering for further assessment. 4. If there is any evidence of external corrosion – Perform the instructions mentioned in section 3. 5. If there is no deterioration, accept the engine. Rolls-Royce plc Proprietary Information – Not for Manufacture Page 2 of 4 Pages Technical Variance Continuation Sheet TV No. 244579 Issue 1 Section 2 – Engine run requirement: Perform the following to confirm the engine runs satisfactorily. a) Perform AMM TASK 71-00-00-700-840-A ‘Test No.13 - The Take-off Power Test’ with the following additional requirements: 1) Run at ground idle for 5 minutes. 2) Additional dwell points are required in between minimum idle and maximum Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) of the day during the test. These are shown in the table below and must be adhered to during acceleration to maximum allowable thrust. Table 1. – Dwell points Dwell Condition (EPR) Dwell Time (Minutes) 1.3 4 1.36 4 1.42 4 1.48 4 3) Hold at max EPR of the day for 60 seconds. 4) After completing the test, shutdown the engine and allow Engine Gas Temperature (EGT) to cool to below 100ºC without cranking to allow a full thermal cycle to occur. T F Section 3 - Compressor Assessment NOTE: This section is required only If the actions of Section 1 cannot be met, 1. Perform the following borescope inspections to ensure satisfactory compressor condition: A R D a) Inspect the IP Compressor Blades according to AMM TASK 72-00-00-200-812-A. b) Inspect the IP Compressor Rotor Path Liners using suitable equipment (Flexible Borescope) to determine the condition of the Rotor Path Liners, using the procedure contained in AMM TASK 72-00-00-200-812-A to gain access. 1) Move the tip of the borescope inspection equipment circumferentially, so that it can go as far as possible around the Rotor Path Liners. Where full 360-degree inspection cannot be achieved, carry out an inspection of the sections that can be seen and then feed/view in the opposite direction. Ensure at least a 120-degree sector, which includes bottom dead centre, is inspected. Look for signs of corrosion or missing liner material. NOTE: Corrosion is visible as “flecks” on the liner surface or blistering of the abradable coating. If there is any evidence of corrosion “flecks”, report findings to Rolls-Royce for further assessment. Depending on the extent of corrosion, replacement of the attrition liners may be required. c) Inspect the HP Compressor Blades according to AMM TASK 72-00-00-200-813-A. d) Inspect the Borescope inspection of the HP Compressor Stage 1 Rotor path lining according to AMM TASK 72-00-00-200-847-A. Rolls-Royce plc Proprietary Information – Not for Manufacture Page 3 of 4 Pages Technical Variance Continuation Sheet TV No. 244579 Issue 1 T F A R D Rolls-Royce plc Proprietary Information – Not for Manufacture Page 4 of 4 Pages