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My child is transitioning gender, but I feel the system makes it too easy (3)

My child is transitioning gender, but I feel the system makes it too easy
National LGBT
This was published 7 months ago
My child is transitioning gender, but I
feel the system makes it too easy
Early last year, my teenage daughter told me she was trans and wished to transition to being
It has been a rollercoaster ride ever since. Her father and I want to support her in making the
right choices for herself, but what has happened so far has been very troubling.
I am not conservative – in fact, I despise most of the items on the right-wing wish list – but I
believe that it is too easy to get medical treatment for children to change gender.
"There are two big aspects of adolescent development which in my experience are not being adequately
considered." ISTOCK
In our experiences with healthcare professionals in this field, it seems the current approach is
to assume that all patients are genuinely transgender and the only path for them is to
physically transition. There does not seem to be any real consideration that the child may be
My child is transitioning gender, but I feel the system makes it too easy
experiencing a number of other psychological factors that may lead them to declare themselves
This kind of idea seems to be kryptonite in the current discussion about transgenderism,
however, this is not a simple medical issue that is easily diagnosed and easily understood. We
are actually talking about emotions and psychology, and a very turbulent and vulnerable time
in the development of a human being from child to adult.
My daughter showed absolutely no sign of being unhappy with her gender until her early teens.
Until then, she played with "girls' toys" and had only female friends. She has lots of males
around her in our extended family, so there was never any time that she did not have access to
"boys' toys", or boys to play with, but never showed any interest at all. Her father and I wonder
if she is moving into a world that she truly understands.
We know that in the past transgenderism was rare and barely understood, with a lot of stigma,
and little agreement on treatment. Trans people often battled to be heard, to seek treatment
and to be accepted.
But now everything has changed. Trans rights are front and centre of many political
discussions. Transgenderism is a topic that infuses plenty of youth culture. There are
transgender celebrities who have identified themselves and even completed the change. It is
everywhere in our current consciousness, and when you talk to people under the age of 30 you
will find a lot of focus on transgenderism and sexual identity.
So the conditions for transgender children are very different to how they have been throughout
history. And here is the issue: transgenderism has now become fashionable to young people.
I work with teenagers, and know them very well. It is normal now for 14-year-olds to say they
are non-binary, gender fluid or pansexual. At that age, it's often not really possible to
understand what those things mean, and all the complexities involved.
There are two big aspects of adolescent development which, based on my experience, are not
being adequately considered. First, teenagers need to break away from their parents and form a
separate identity. Part of that is developing their own unique culture that adults can't possibly
be part of.
There is an enormous amount of pressure to agree, whether it's
being told that your child is at high risk of suicide, or that you are
harming your child and suppressing their identity.
This is normal – there have been beatniks, hippies, punks, goths, emos, and many other groups
young people have embraced to shut out the older generation. Previously, teenagers dyed their
hair, wore short skirts, rejected materialism, got tattoos and piercings, took drugs and listened
to their own version of rock 'n' roll.
But where do young people go now, considering that their parents and grandparents have
already indulged in plenty of rebellion? Right now, playing with concepts around sexual and
gender identities seems to be the way that teenagers are rebelling against expectations.
My child is transitioning gender, but I feel the system makes it too easy
Second, this transition into adulthood is a real danger point for many women. The reality is
that men are larger and stronger, and while most are decent people who do the right thing,
there has always been a significant portion who target women.
So when a woman's body starts to develop in puberty, she moves from the relatively safe
position of childhood into a world where she will be the object of male sexual attention,
including sexual harassment, and may include sexual violence (sadly, this can also be fatal
This can be overwhelming for teenage girls. While some will be confident and secure, and look
forward to sex, relationships and potentially motherhood, others can be frightened and feel
We know that the teenage years are when issues like anorexia, body dysphoria, anxiety and
depression can develop. I suspect that nowadays a conflicted young girl can reject her
vulnerability by rejecting her femaleness.
Unfortunately, this complicates things a lot more. What is really happening inside someone's
heart and mind is ultimately inaccessible for other people. Only time will tell how a child's
feelings will develop. Some will passionately want to transition, and it will be the right thing
for them. But I am absolutely convinced, because of the reasons I've listed, that a number will
change their feelings over time.
However, I have found the professionals we have dealt with completely dismissive of this
possibility. There seems to be a relentless motion towards permanent medical changes.
Even worse, there is an enormous amount of pressure to agree, whether it's repeatedly being
told that your child is at very high risk of suicide, or an implication that, by not agreeing to
their concepts around gender change, you are harming your child and suppressing their
identity. This seems to be part of a new approach to gender distress, which I believe is highly
ideological and far too simplistic.
Popular culture adds to this pressure, with any dissenting voices drowned out and a wealth of
online material to reinforce to an adolescent how right they are, and how wrong we are.
We consented to testosterone treatment at the start of this year after some awful fights, and
because the school support worker, whose judgment I trust, said the most important thing I
have with my child is the relationship between us, and this was becoming seriously in danger.
We are the adults here, and we must make the right decisions for children. If we get it wrong,
the results will be devastating in the long run, and the sense of betrayal and damage to
relationships will be incredibly deep.
But in the meantime, our voices seem to have been overshadowed by shallow thinkers on both
sides of the debate who want to push a particular ideology that suits the way they feel about
this incredibly difficult situation.
The writer is anonymous to protect the identity of her child, who is a minor.