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PTE Describe Image Practice Examples

PTE Describe Image
PTE Describe Image Practice
Sample Examples
5 years ago • Add Comment • by Superman
Written by Superman
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PTE Describe image is one of the challenging tasks in
PTE speaking. You are required to describe the
important information in a graph, a series of graphs, a
table, a map or a process. Please look at the image for
25 seconds and describe it in 40 seconds. The sample
answers will be provided after each question.
PTE Describe Image Practice
PTE Describe Image Practice 1
Life Cycle of a Frog PTE Practice
The image represents the life cycle of a frog. An
adultery eggs which then get hatched and embryo
emerge out of it and turn into tadpoles clinging to the
water plant. A tadpole uses its external skin to breath
and its tail keeps growing. Hindlegs starts to appear
within few days. A tadpole uses food stored in its tail
for survival. Few days later the front legs start to
appear and tail become shorter. Thus tadpoles turn
into a young frog. After few days it becomes an adult
frog which will lend more eggs.
PTE Describe Image Practice 2
PTE Describe Image Fitness Membership
The images represent fitness membership data for
men and women from the year 1970 to 2000. Until
years 1980 more number of men were the members
of the fitness club. Well if we compare the year 1985
and 1990, more female choose to become a member.
Throughout the year 1995, the membership ratio for
men was dramatically higher than women.
Nevertheless, in the year 2000 least number of men
participated in the fitness club membership. In
conclusion, men were more health conscious
compared to women for the period provided.
PTE Describe Image Practice 3
Describe Image Practice Test
This image represents the recycling process of
aluminium cans. In the first stage, the used
aluminium cans are collected and send to a recycling
center where they are boiled and made into bricks.
Coming to the following stage, they are shredded and
melted before aluminium bars. In the next stage, the
bars of aluminium are rolled into flat sheet. Coming to
the last stage, they are molded into cans which are
ready to be used again. In conclusion, this process
seems to be lucrative and highly e"cient, in addition,
it prevents pollution of used aluminium cans.
PTE Describe Image Practice 4
Ice Cream Scoops Sold PTE
The bar graph represents the number of scoops the
ice cream sold from the month of May to September.
In the month of May, just over 50 scoops of ice cream
were sold. We saw a certain increment in sales during
June with about 130 scoops of ice cream sold. In July
company experienced the most number of ice cream
sales of about 340 scoops. August 210 and September
50 were sold. Therefore we noticed the decline in
sales probably because of the beginning of winter. In
conclusion, July was the most profitable while
September was the least profitable month for this
PTE Describe Image Practice 5
Water Cycle PTE Describe Image
This image represents the natural water cycle. Firstly
water gets evaporated due to the heat of the sun of
the solar radiation. Secondly, water vapor rises in the
sky and condensation occur to form clouds. Thirdly
clouds move according to the wind current in the sky.
In the next stage, clouds come in the proximity of
mountains precipitation occurs in form of snow.
Finally, due to solar radiation, the snow melts and the
melted water flows down towards the water reservoir
to repeat this cycle. In conclusion, this natural cycle is
the reason for all life on earth.
PTE Describe Image Practice 6
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PTE Describe Image Practice
This line graph represents the number of passenger
traveling at the London underground station from 6
am to 10 pm. At 6 am in the morning there is on the
rush with only about 100 passengers. In the next few
hours traveling rises to 400 at 8 am, which is the peak
hour. The number of people traveling fluctuates until
it detains the lowest number at 4 pm. Before rising
dramatically to around 400 people. The number
drops back to it’s lowest between 8 pm to 10 pm. In
conclusion, the two peaks represent the employee
traveling to and from their work.
Gleim CMA Exam Prep
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Most trusted course to pass the CMA exam,
written by professors and industry experts.
PTE Describe Image Practice 7
Deforestation Bar Graph PTE Describe Image
The bar chart represents the deforestation per square
KM in the world from the year 1980 to 2007. During
1980 about 2 million square km land was locked. In
the next 5 year additional 1 million square kilometers
was cleared of the trees. In years 1991, 2000 and 2007
approximately 2 million square kilometers of land was
deforested. In conclusion, the rate at which the land
was deforested was incremental which is not very
promising for a better future.
PTE Describe Image Practice 8
PTE Hydroelectric Dam
This image represents the structure of a hydroelectric
dam. There is water reservoir one side of the dam
where water is stored. The water is taken from the
intake and through penstock, it leads to the turbine
and rotates it. The turbine is connected to the
generator where electricity is generated. The power
powerhouse where the generator is located has the
power lines to distribute the electricity through the
long distances. The water that comes out of turbine is
released in the river. In conclusion, this renewal
source of energy seems to be very lucrative and
e"cient which enlightens our daily life.
PTE Describe Image Practice 9
PTE Describe Image Example Favourite Colour
This bar chart represents the students favorite colour.
The survey includes responses from 25 students.
About 23 students that their favorite colour is red.
While 15 stated that they like the blue colour. About
10 states that they fantasy green. And 5 for black
color. Least number of students liked pink color. In
conclusion, it is clear that red is the most favorite
colour and pink is the least selected color by students
of this survey.
PTE Describe Image Practice 10
PTE Bar Graph Study
The bar graph represents the reasons for study
according to the age of students. About 80 students
under age 26 choose to study to develop their career
while only 10 are doing it because studying is their
interest. There are the equal number of students in
the age groups of 40 to 49 who choose studying is a
hobby and as a career. On the other hand, students
of the age of 49 prefer studying because it is their
interest. In conclusion younger students study for
making their career and older students study because
it makes them happy.
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