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Persepolis Chapter Questions & Answer Key

Persepolis Chapter Questions
Name: KEY
Directions: Answer these questions while you’re reading. This will be randomly checked for
participation points.
Chapter 1-“The Veil”-0-9
1. How old is Marji when the book begins?
a. 10
2. What event occurred that the girls were required to wear the veil at school?
a. The Islamic Revolution
3. What other change was made to schooling after the event?
a. Boys and girls were separated
4. Why was it dangerous for Marji’s mother’s picture to be published?
a. The government might seek to punish her for protesting against their rulings.
5. What did Marji aspire to be even as a young child?
a. A prophet
6. Who does Marji confide her religious rules to?
a. Her grandmother
7. Who does Marji talk to at night?
a. God
b. Why do you think this person appears to her?
8. Why do you think Marji hides “her calling” from her parents?
Chapter 2-“The Bicycle”-10-17
1. What did Marji and her friends do when playing?
a. Pretend to be dictators
2. What is the Revolution like?
a. A bicycle. When the wheels don’t turn, it falls.
3. How does Marji describe Marx as compared to God?
a. Marx’ hair was curlier.
4. What catastrophe occurred that Marji overhear her parents talking about?
a. The Rex Cinema burning with 400 victims
5. Who was behind this violence?
a. The government
6. Why do you think God did not come to Marji on the night of the fire?
Chapter 3-“The Water Cell”-18-25
1. What did Marji’s parents do daily?
a. Demonstrated
2. Who told Marji the king was chosen by God?
a. Her teacher and God himself
b. What can you infer about the schools?
3. Who designed a siege to overthrow the emperor?
a. The father of the Shah
4. What did this person want to install as a form of government?
a. A republic
5. Why did the idea not prosper?
a. The “leader” was not that smart/not educated.
6. How is Marji’s family related to the emperor who was overthrown?
a. It was Grandpa’s father-great grandfather.
7. After he was removed, what position did he receive?
a. Prime Minister
8. After meeting other intellectuals, what ideals did he decide to subscribe to?
a. Communism
9. Where was he held in prison?
a. In a cell filled with water
10. Why do you think God came to Marji during her bath?
Chapter 4-“Persepolis”-26-32
1. Why was it so difficult for Marji’s mother, grandmother, and uncles when her grandpa was in
a. Everything had been taken from them. They had no money to live on.
2. What did they eat?
a. Bread
3. Why was grandma ashamed?
a. She didn’t want her neighbors to know that they were living in poverty.
4. How did grandma earn a living to survive?
a. She took in sewing.
5. What promise did the Shah make?
a. He would make this country the most modern of all time, and the people would regain
their splendor.
6. Why do you think Grandma avoids giving details on Grandpa?
7. What does Marji’s dad do at the demonstrations?
a. Take pictures
8. How was the deceased young man honored?
a. Like a martyr-he was worshipped for his sacrifice.
9. What can you infer about the crowd praising the dead bodies?
Chapter 5-“The Letter”33-39
1. Why did Marji read so much during this time?
a. So she could better understand what was going on.
2. Why did Marji like Ali Ashraf Darvishian?
a. He was like a “local Charles Dickens.”
3. What is the reason for Marji’s shame?
a. The difference between social classes
4. Who is Mehri?
a. The Satrapi’s maid
5. How old is she when she went to be with Marji’s family?
a. 8
6. Why did she begin to live with them?
a. Her parents could not care for her.
7. Who did Mehri fall in love with?
a. The neighbor’s son.
8. Why did Marji read and write letters for her?
a. Mehri could not read or write.
9. What did Marji’s dad explain to the neighbor?
a. That Mehri was the Satrapi’s maid—NOT their daughter; therefore, she was of lower
class than the neighbors.
10. What did Marji decide after the break up?
a. She was going to demonstrate due to the injustices.
11. What day did Marji and Mehri decide to demonstrate?
a. Black Friday
12. What happened that day?
a. There were many killed at demonstrations.
Chapter 6-“The Party”-40-46
1. What happened after Black Friday?
a. Massacre after massacre
2. What type of government did the Shah try to institute?
a. A democracy
3. What did the people want?
a. The Shah’s departure
4. What did the country do after he left?
a. Held a big celebration
5. What did President Carter refuse to do?
a. Refused to give refuge to the Shah and his family
6. Who accepted the Shah?
a. Al-Sadat-the president of Egypt
b. Why did he accept Shah?
i. They were friends.
7. What causes problems in the Middle East?
a. Oil
8. Why did students tear pictures of the Shah out of their books?
a. He was no longer in charge. There was a new government/ruler telling them what to
9. Why are people coming up with false stories of their lives?
a. They want to feel as if they were part of the movement.
10. Why were Marji and her friends going to attack Ramin?
a. Because he “killed a million people.”
11. What did Marji’s mom threaten to do?
a. Nail Marji’s ears to the wall
12. What does Mother remind Marji in regards to Ramin?
a. It is not Ramin’s fault if his father killed people.
13. What must Marji do?
a. Learn to forgive
Chapter 7-“The Heroes”-47-53
1. How many political prisoners were liberated?
a. 3,000
2. What were the names of the 2 men the family knows that were liberated?
a. Siamak Jari and Moshen Shakisa
3. How did Marji’s family know the one man?
a. Siamak was the husband of mother’s best friend.
4. Why does Marji convince Laly that her dad is dead?
a. She convinces Laly that when someone “is on a trip” it is a euphemism for the person
actually being dead. She uses a personal example, her grandpa.
5. What do the men reveal about the treatment of prisoners?
a. Treatment was extremely harsh and meant to break the prisoners down. Torturers were
versed in how to truly hurt a human.
6. What was the torture intended to do?
a. Break the men down to confess information.
7. What were Marji’s ideas for “games”?
a. To torture whomever loses
8. Why could forgiving people be dangerous?
Chapter 8-“Moscow”-54-61
1. Why is Marji disappointed her father was not a “hero”?
a. She couldn’t boast about him to others.
2. Why has Marji never met Anoosh?
a. He had been in prison.
3. Why is Marji drawn to Anoosh?
a. He has stories that she can tell others.
4. How did Marji’s grandpa view Fereydoon?
a. As a traitor
5. What association did Anoosh have with Fereydoon?
a. He was his secretary.
6. When Anoosh woke, what did he find out about Fereydoon?
a. He was being captured.
7. Why did Anoosh go into exile, and where did he go?
a. To escape capture, to his parent’s house, the to the USSR-Russia
8. What did Fereydoon do when confronted?
a. Gave himself up to the Shah’s army
9. How did Fereydoon leave a legacy?
a. He fathered a son with his girlfriend before his execution.
10. What is Anoosh’s degree in?
a. Marxism-Leninism
11. Why is Anoosh’s wife scratched out of the picture?
a. They are divorced.
12. How was Anoosh captured?
a. He tried to return home.
13. How long was he in prison?
a. 9 years
14. Why does Anoosh say pain from his wife was worse?
Chapter 9-“The Sheep”-62-71
1. What type of discussions were happening at Marji’s house?
a. Political discussions of the highest order
2. What can “really” unite people?
a. Nationalism or religious ethic
3. Why is Marji likened to “ignorant people”?
a. She repeats what she hears—whether she knows it to be truth or not.
4. Why is the boy moving to the US?
a. It is better to leave Iran than to live under the Islamic Regime.
5. Why does Marji think it’s the end of the world?
a. She likes this boy romantically.
6. Why are people leaving for US in droves?
a. To escape Iran while they still can
7. What jobs does father think awaits them in the US?
a. A taxi driver and cleaning lady
8. What causes Marji’s dad to break down?
a. Moshen (previous political prisoner) found dead in his bathtub.
9. Why do they believe it was murder?
a. Only his head was under water
10. Who was executed in Siamak’s place and why?
a. Siamak’s sister
11. How did Siamak and his family cross the border?
a. They disguised themselves as sheep.
12. What did the former revolutionaries become?
a. Sworn enemies of the republic
13. Why is Marji so hurt that Anoosh left for Moscow without saying goodbye?
14. What is the truth about where Anoosh is?
a. He’s in prison.
15. Where does she visit him?
a. In his prison cell
16. What has he made her?
a. A bread-swan
17. What does the government believe Anoosh was?
a. A Russian spy
18. Why is Marji upset with God?
a. God “let” Anoosh die.
19. Why does she feel lost?
20. What event occurs at the end?
a. A bombing
Chapter 10-“The Trip”-72-79
1. Who has occupied the embassy?
a. The Fundamentalists
2. Why can no one go to the US?
a. The embassy is occupied, so no visas will be granted.
3. Why did Marji really want to go to US?
a. To see her friends and family that previously left Iran.
4. What is closing at the end of the month and why?
a. The Universities
5. How long were Universities closed?
a. 2 years
6. What does Mother think is happening to the country?
a. The country is moving backwards in traditions and beliefs.
7. What does Marji think her future holds since the schools have been shut down?
a. Misery and 10 children
8. Who accosted Marji’s mother?
a. 2 Fundamentalist men
9. Why do you think that incident affected Mother so drastically?
10. What differences do you see between the fundamentalist and modern woman? Man?
11. Why did ordinary people change too?
a. They were submitting to the government’s ideal to avoid persecution.
12. Why do Marji’s parents want to her say she prays often?
a. So others will think she is very devout.
13. Why did Mother want Marji to attend the demonstration?
a. Mother wants Marji to learn to defend her rights as a woman.
14. Why was it their last demonstration?
a. There was extreme violence toward the demonstrators.
15. Where do they go on vacation?
a. Italy and Spain
16. Why do you think they didn’t stay?
17. What is the black cloud covering the country?
a. An invasion
18. What does grandma reveal about the country?
a. The country is at war.
19. Who is invading?
a. Saddam-Iraq
Chapter 11-“The F-14s”-80-86
1. What do Marji and dad see outside of his office?
a. Fighter jets
2. What did they bomb?
a. Tehran-large city
3. Why does Marji think dad should fight?
a. For honor and nationality
4. Where has the “real” Islamic invasion come from?
a. Their own government.
5. What has happened to all the pilots?
a. They were all jailed or executed.
6. Why do you think Marji’s family was overwhelmed by the Iranian Anthem?
a. Pride in their country
7. Why is Father skeptical of the Iranian news?
a. He believes it bends the truth or tells the citizens what the government wants them to
8. What is confirmed by the BBC?
a. Iran bombed Baghdad
9. What bad news followed?
a. Iranian losses were heavy, at least half of the planes did not return
10. Why was Pardisse’s report the best?
a. It was addressed to her father and expressed how she would take care of their family in
his stead.
Chapter 12-“The Jewels”-87-93
1. What was a casualty of the war?
a. There was not enough food for everyone.
2. What would happen if everyone only took what they need?
a. There would be enough to go around.
3. What can you infer a jerry can is?
a. A gas can
4. What is ironic about the country not having much gas?
a. The country has oil.
5. Why is there a shortage on gas?
a. The gas refineries had been bombed.
6. What was targeted by bombers?
a. The gas refineries. Border towns.
b. Why do you think bombers targeted these areas?
7. Who arrives at Marji’s house?
a. Mali
8. What is their connection to her family?
a. She is mother’s childhood friend.
9. Why is Father not a fan of Mali’s husband?
a. He was too materialistic.
10. What iconic movie are the boys interested in?
a. Star Wars
11. How did Mali’s family “restart”?
a. By selling Mali’s jewelry to get money
12. Why is it intolerable for the woman to speak unkindly to others in the grocery store?
a. It is unacceptable to turn your back on people of your own country.
Chapter 13-“The Key”-94-102
1. What did Iran have a large quantity of?
a. Potential reserves
2. Why were “nuptial chambers” built?
a. So a dead man can symbolically obtain “carnal knowledge”
3. What do you think the quote “When a big wave comes, lower your head and let it pass”
a. Why would they use the analogy of the wave?
4. What were the girls required to do at school?
a. Beat there chest and pay tribute to the fallen
5. What is the symbolization of the flower in the following quote: “The War has taken the flower of
our nation’s youth”?
6. Why are the girls not taking the rituals at school seriously?
a. Because it is SO ritualistic. It’s done so often that they don’t find meaning in it.
7. Why does Marji suggest they refuse to show respect?
a. Her generation had known secular school and still did not like the change.
8. How did Father react to the teacher?
a. He insults her.
9. What was troubling Mrs. Nasarine?
a. Her child had been given a plastic, gold key.
10. What does this item “do”?
a. If the boy dies, the key ensure he will enter heaven.
11. How does the Iranian government make paradise look attractive to young boys?
a. It is full of food, women, and houses made of gold and diamonds.
12. Where do most of the kids who are fighting in the war come from?
a. Poor areas
13. How are the boys convinced to go to war at such a young age?
a. The government convinces the boys that the afterlife is better than Disneyland.
14. What does Shahab suggest is done to the boys to get them to enlist?
a. They essentially hypnotize the boys.
15. What was the fate of many boys?
a. They were killed.
Chapter 14-“The Wine”-103-110
1. Where did Marji and her family go during the bombings?
a. The basement
2. What would people do after the bombings?
a. Call to check if their loved ones survived
3. Why do you think Marji’s parents still have parties even though there is risk of being arrested?
4. Why do others say the parties go on?
a. “Without them, it wouldn’t be psychologically bearable.”
5. What do they do for music when the power goes out?
a. Dad plays the zarb.
6. Why does Marji question “maternal instinct” in general after the party?
a. A party goer abandoned her baby.
7. What sets Father apart as a “modern” man to the guards?
a. His tie
8. How old are the guards doing the questioning?
a. 16(?)-young
9. What plan does Marji’s family make to avoid getting in trouble for having alcohol?
a. Marji and grandmother will flush the alcohol.
10. How was father able to get the guards to leave them alone?
a. By giving them some money
11. What does that say about the guards’ devotion?
Chapter 15-“The Cigarette”-111-117
1. What do the girls surmise about information the new reports?
2. What “rule” does Marji break during this time?
a. She skips school.
3. What were her “friends” truly interested in?
a. Seeing boys
4. Why do you think Mother is so upset about what Marji did?
5. What do you think “to die a martyr is to inject blood into the veins of society” means?
6. What was the regime becoming?
a. More repressive
b. What does that mean for the citizens?
i. Stricter limits and behaviors
7. What happened to those who were currently against the war that was happening?
a. They were executed.
8. How did Marji “seal [her] rebellion”?
a. By smoking a cigarette
9. Why does she think that particular act makes her a grown up?
Chapter 16-“The Passport”-118-127
1. How is the internal war in Iran “bigger” than the war with Iraq?
a. Any citizen showing the slightest resistance was persecuted.
2. When were the borders closed?
a. 3 years, 1980-1983
3. Explain the quote: “Up to a certain age, you need your parents, then later, they need you.”
a. What is it symbolic of?
4. What caused Uncle Taher’s 3rd heart attack?
a. There was a grenade.
5. Why is he at risk of not being allowed to go to England for treatment?
a. He has to receive special permission from the hospital director because the borders are
closed. The director used to wash their windows. (Rise to power by submitting to the
6. How much does a fake passport cost?
a. $200
7. Why did Taher fail to receive the illegal passport?
a. The passport maker fled when he stow away was discovered.
8. What was the result?
a. Uncle Taher died.
Chapter 17-“Kim Wilde”-126-134
1. Where do Marji’s parents go once the border is open?
a. Turkey
2. Why do you think they took this trip?
3. How did Mother and Father get posters through customs?
a. They put them inside the lining of a coat.
4. Why were they willing to risk punishment to bring these things to Marji?
5. What were the “Guardians of the Revolution” supposed to do?
a. Arrest woman who were improperly veiled
6. How was Marji able to get away from them?
a. She told lies until they let her go.
Chapter 18-“The Shabbat”-135-142
1. What are Iranians champions of?
a. Gossip!
2. Where did the “scuds” target?
a. Tehran
b. Why is this significant?
i. That’s where they live.
3. What event happens while Marji is out shopping? Where?
a. A bombing at the apartment building across the street.
4. Why is Mother trying to change the subject?
a. To keep Marji from seeing the wreckage
5. What causes Marji utter shock?
a. She saw dead body parts.
Chapter 19-“The Dowry”-143-152
1. Why is Marji more rebellious than ever?
a. Nothing scared her anymore
b. How could that be dangerous?
2. Why was she expelled?
a. She “hit” the principal.
3. What is Marji accused of when speaking out in class?
a. Lying about the treatment of prisoners
4. What happens to a young girl before she is executed?
a. A male Guardian of the Revolution marries her and rapes her first.
5. How much is a life worth to the regime (in dollars)?
a. $5
6. What do Marji’s parents tell her?
a. They are sending her away.
7. Where is she going and why to that specific place?
a. Austria, it’s easier to get a visa for their, and mother has a friend Marji can stay with
8. How old is she?
a. 14
9. What causes Marji to realize how important her parents are to her?
a. The fact that they are sending her away for safety. She realizes this while packing and
cleaning out her room.
10. What is there nothing worse than?
a. Bitterness and vegeance
11. Why were so many young boys leaving Iran?
a. They had to leave before they were 13 and could be recruited for the army.
12. Explain the final frame.
What are your final thoughts on the book as a whole? You must provide at least 1 positive item.