PitcherProspects D1 Workout Program Questions Email: pitcherprospects@gmail.com Dynamic Warmup Child Pose 45 seconds 45 Degree Hip stretch 45 seconds Quad pulls Knee Hugs Lunge with twist Rdls Leg swings Side lung Jog High Knees Butt kickers Karaoke Skips ( Jump high be explosive) Mobility Rountine Single leg squats Lateral lunges Hamstring Pulls Back Bridges T-Spine Stretches Hip Stretches Shoulder Stretch WORKOUT PLAN Day 1: FULL BODY POWER Dynamic Warmup / Hip Mobility A1: Broad Jumps 3x3 A1: Medball Rotation Throw 3x3 B1: Speed Deadlift 3x5 C1: Reverse Dumbell Lunge 3x8 D1: Incline Dumbell Bench 3x8 D2: Incline Dumbel Row 3x12 E1: Incline T/Y With TRX or Light Weights Day 2: Rest/ Cardio Day 3: UPPER BODY STRENGTH Dynamic Warmup / Hip Mobility A1: Bench Press 3x10 (Choose either DB, BB, or SWISS) A2: Plyometric Push-up 3x10 B1: Pull-ups 3x5+ B2: Med Ball Slams 3x5 C1: Landmind Press 3x8 C2: BearCrawls 15yds 3x D1: Rope face pulls 3x12 Day 4: Rest/Mobility Day 5: LOWER BODY STRENGTH Dynamic Warmup / Hip Mobility A1: Lateral Broad Jump (Skaters) 3x6 A2: Shuffle Medball Throw 3x6 Back Squat 3x8 Band Junps or Box Jumps 3x5 C1: Single Leg DB RDLs 3x12 C2: Lateral Lunge 3x8 D1: Single Leg Squat 3x10 Day 6: ACCESSORY WORK/ CORE Russian Twist 3x 30 seconds Plank 3x 1min Side plank 3x 30 seconds Curls 3x10 Tricep Pull-down 3x10 Hanging Ab Raises on the Pull-up Bar 3x10 Single arm hangs 3x Sprints Day 7: Rest THROWING PROGRAM OFF-SEASON -Throwing every day (listen to your body and arm) Dynamic Weight Room Warmup J Band Routine/ Plyo Day 1(Light Catch) First day go to 100-120ft (20-30 throws) *no pulldowns Day 2(Medium Catch) Second day go to 180 (40-50 throws) *no pulldowns Day 3 (Max Intent and Long Toss) go as far as you can 300ft+ *10 hard pulldowns when coming in Always do a couple warmup pull downs before going 100% intensity **if you have weighted balls 4 throws with 6oz 4 throws with 5oz, then 4 with 4oz (for a total of 12 pull downs) Cycle repeats, make sure to take at least one day off from throwing a week Nutrition: Calorie Surplus + Take Creatine Lots of meat and eggs / rice potatoes Limit gluten/ bread products Fruit/ Vegetables Drink Lots of Water No Seed Oils, garbage processed food, fast food, high sugar