Uploaded by Therese Ignace Delamou

God's Chosen Group: Faith-Based Drama Script

Style: voice acting/dance drama
Scene 1
The narrator begins the story
Narrator: This is a story about Brother Martins, you see, he is
going through a whole lot of issues. Perhaps you can identify
with him.
Martins is seen walking to the stage and appears to be in deep
thought. He paces up and down the stage. The audience don't
see Martins talking but can hear his thoughts.
Martins: Omo, where do I start from? No, what have I done
wrong? I have been faithful in serving you God but it is almost
as though there's nothing to show for it.
Lord, you said in your word that those who know their God will
be strong and do exploits, so why am I being exempted? Except I
don't know the meaning of exploits again, perhaps the definition
has changed (Martins appears to be confused). Maybe being
chased out of hostel cause I can't afford the rent has become an
exploit or compulsory fasting just so that having nothing to eat
will at least lead to profit.
Yes, if that's now the meaning of exploits, then I am doing well
(Martins nods his head in affirmation). God this is not it oh ,
can't be it. There are problems everywhere I turn to, somebody's
child can't even rest. (With a look of resignation on Martins
Nevertheless, who else can I turn to except you God, I'll keep
praying and trusting in you, cause you have said that we are
unbreakable and I know you will do it because you are a man of
your Word and a covenant keeping God.I'm even hungry but
there's nothing to eat.
(Martins appears to be checking around the house for food
moves off the stage and seats or he could still be on the stage but
not the center of attention).
* Song starts playing in the background-Man of your Word by
Maverick city while he searches for something to eat and exits
the stage. Song gently fades off.
Narrator: Martins soon drifts off to sleep, and shortly after he
starts to dream.
Scene 2
On the stage there is a table and three chairs. We have the CEO
and three other workers.
CEO- Good day, this meeting was called to determine whether
Mr Martins can be promoted to the next level. Secretary, are you
ready to take down the minutes of this meeting.
Secretary-Yes sir, we can proceed.
CEO- Alright thank you, so from the files
here(there are some documents in his hand and He appears to
be going through them), Mr Martins seems to have been due for
his promotion for some time now.That being said, are we in
agreement to promote him?
Mr J: Yes sir
Mr D:No sir
Ceo: For you to say no, I assume you have a reason for your
Mr D: As a matter of fact , I do sir. Mr Martins does not deserve
this promotion.
Mr J: Sorry to cut in sir, but that is not true. Mr Martins has
gone through all the requirements we have for promotion in this
company. He believes in You, your vision and he works hard to
advance the mission of this company. He undergoes training
everyday by the help of Your assistant and he continues to
improve. He works diligently and because you are fair, we have
to give him this promotion.
Mr D(shakes his head in disagreement): No sir, your company is
not so easy to gain employment in. I don't see why Mr Martins
was even employed in the first place.
Mr J: He has been bought with a price and now has connection
to the CEO, that is why he was employed.
Mr D: Apparently it's only some of us that don't have access to
work in your company, we are not worth buying.
Mr J: I see, is this why you don't want Mr Martins to be
promoted, you are jealous that he has the opportunity you
recklessly threw away. This meeting can be ended sir, cause Mr
D's intentions are obviously not pure.
Mr D: No sir, I'm not done presenting my case. Mr Martins has
been known to lie, cheat and he has shown signs of pride when
he is among his colleagues. We all know that you detest pride
sir, I'm living
testament of that fact. Mr Martins can not be promoted.
CEO(Again, checks through the files on the table):
There's no record of this allegations in his case file.
Secretary: Well yes sir, that's because that record has been
wiped clean. We have a company rule and it is written in our
constitution, we don't hold an employee's past against them
provided they don't cling to their past. I have been working with
Him daily and can confirm Mr Martins has learnt from his past
but he doesn't allow his past to influence his work in our
CEO: You are right, according to our regulations, Mr Martins
past should not be held against him. Do you have any other
reason to oppose his promotion, cause from all the facts
presented He deserves it.
Mr D(stands up and tries to negotiate):
Give me more time sir, to prove that he is not worthy of this
Mr J: You have had more than enough time, putting him
through one temptation to another. He has remained steadfast,
he should be promoted now. Mr D: but, but...(stammers)
Mr J (cuts him off): But nothing, you have to face it, face reality.
This man is unbreakable, unstoppable, unshakeable,
unshatterable, indomitable regardless of what you do.
Ceo: You are right, Mr Martins deserves this promotion and I'm
giving it to him. (Turns to the Secretary):
Give him some more company privileges to compensate for all
Mr D has made him go through.
They all stand to leave as the meeting is over. On the Ceo's way
out, he stops and turns to the Secretary
Ceo: You should start with food, the young man is starving and
starting to think of it is as an exploit.
(He smiles at the crowd knowingly and leaves)
At this point a song starts playing: I overcame by Ada Ehi
Scene 3
We hear Martins phone ringing and that wakes Martins up from
sleep. His phone is somewhere on the stage and he rushes to
pick it. While on the phone, he seems excited and when he is
through with the call, he is seen celebrating. He exits the stage
Narrator: Martins finally got his breakthrough and yours is on
the way too, provided you have an unbreakable spirit. We have
been dealing with this series in church, how much have you put
into practice? Can you confidently say that you are
End of play
1. Martins- Male
2. Narrator-female
3. Ceo- A male
4. Mr J- male worker 5. Mr D-male worker 6. Secretary- female
Synopsis: A voice over/dance drama structured to depict an
unbreakable life. Martins is seen pacing and the voice over
expresses his thoughts. Then he seats on a chair and falls asleep.
He dreams of a meeting between the Trinity and the devil.
Members: Dominion Faith
Therese Betrand