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Smart Crop Protection System Prototype

Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering
Volume 4 Issue 2
Developing a Prototype of Smart Crop Protection System
from Animals
R. K. Munje*, Pratik Warungase, Manish Sarode, Vishal Lohar, Aniket Mehare,
Department of Electrical Engineering, K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering
Education and Research, Nashik, India
*Corresponding Author
E-Mail Id: rkmunje@kkwagh.edu.in
India is an agrarian country. Agriculture has perpetually been India’s most significant
economic sector. However, farmers are facing many issues. One of them is the destruction of
the crops by animals. This leads to huge losses for the farmers. Considering this scenario an
automatic crop protection system is suggested in this paper. In this, first of all, an animal
detection system is developed which gives a warning and diverts the animal from the farm
without harming it. Further, it informs the farm owner about the entry of animals on the farm.
This is achieved with the help of an Arduino Uno-based system using a microcontroller. The
system continuously checks the activity of animals. The passive infrared sensors and
ultrasonic sensors are used to detect animals and birds and they send the signal to the
controller. In this prototype, the complete safety of crops is ensured from animals without
harming animals and with minimum loss to the farm. Also, an attempt is made to cover all
kinds of animals and birds. Deployment of the system may result in a significant increase in
the yield of crops.
Keywords: Arduino, Animal Detection, GSM Module, IR Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor
Agriculture is still one of the most crucial
sectors of the Indian economy. About 50%
of the population of India depends upon
contributes a huge amount to the country’s
growth. It is important for human as well
as economic growth. To date farmers in
India have experienced many issues.
Because of overpopulation deforestation
happens and because of this water, food,
and asylum in woodland regions are
Consequently, the interruption of animals
in neighborhoods is rising step by step
which is influencing human existence. This
is the fundamental purpose for the
contention among animals and humans.
The angel's vision of humans toward
animals has changed nowadays. This
would result in massive crop loss due to
the intrusion of animals into agricultural
land. Elephants and other animals coming
into contact with humans have a negative
impact in several ways, such as crop
destruction, damage to food storage, water
supply, homes and other properties,
causing injury and leading to human death.
Farmers additionally confronting the
hardest test which is an animal interruption
into the farmland.
Animals like deer, wild pigs, hares, moles,
elephants, monkeys, and numerous others
might make serious harm crops. can harm
the plants by benefiting from plant parts or
basically by running over the field and
Subsequently, wild animals may handily
cause huge yield losses and incite
additional monetary issues. One more
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Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering
Volume 4 Issue 2
perspective to consider is that wild animal
crop security requires an especially wary
methodology. The main objectives of the
proposed work are to:
Provide alert signals for farmers or
owners in case of entry of wild animals
into the farmland and take necessary
Prevent the destruction of crops on
farmland from wild animals.
Help farmers to focus more on
increasing the productivity of crops
rather than focusing on crop protection
from animals.
In [1], a smart intrusion detection system
for crop protection using Arduino is
manifested. Here, the author focuses on
proposing a system that detects the
intruder, monitors any malicious activity
and then reports it to the owner of the
system. It is easy to implement without
causing any harm to animals or humans
also it is economical and efficient and it
keeps a record of movement in its
surrounding area. However, the range of
applications is limited. In [2], IoT solutions
for crop protection against wild animal
attacks are demonstrated. In this, the
author presents the development of the
Internet of Things application for crop
protection to prevent animal intrusions in
the crop field. This technique solves the
issue of [1] using advanced IoT.
In the particular peripheral part, there are
wireless technologies such as 6LoWPAN,
Wi-Fi, Zigbee, etc. In this, the system
architecture for the ultrasound repeller
device, the weather monitoring system and
the back-end system implementation are
presented. There is a separate application
for the weather monitoring system and one
for the repeller System.
However, at night times, this technology
can face a major issue. In [3], smart crop
protection from animals using PIC is
demonstrated. In this, the system uses a
motion sensor to detect wild animals
approaching near the field. In such a case
the sensor signals the microcontroller to
take action. The microcontroller sounds a
caution to charm the animals from the field
as well as sends a SMS to the farmer with
the goal that he might be aware of the issue
and come to the spot in the event that the
animals don't dismiss by the alert. This
guarantees the total security of harvests
from animals accordingly preventing the
farmer's loss. But the system uses a lightdependent resistor (LDR) which focuses
light on animals which harms the eyes of
animals. In [4], a smart crop protection
system for animals is presented. The
problem in [3] is overcome in [4].
Farmers experience extreme dangers in
rural parts of India like harm done by birds
and animals. Subsequently, to conquer this
a system is planned in which sound is
played to terrify the animals and birds so
they will naturally take off. The GSM
module settles on a decision to the farmer
to caution him. Thusly, the planned system
is reasonable and valuable to the farmers.
The planned system isn't unsafe to animals
and individuals, and it safeguards the farm
The proposed system can be further
enhanced by a wireless sensor network. To
measure the soil moisture content,
humidity, etc. various sensors can be
implanted in this system. In [5], an animal
detection system in farm areas is
demonstrated. In this, the animal detection
system is intended to distinguish the
presence of animals and deal an
Here PIR and the ultrasonic sensors are
utilized to distinguish the development of
the animal and convey a message to the
controller. It redirects the animal by
communicated to GSM and gives a caution
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Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering
Volume 4 Issue 2
to animals and the forest division right
Proteus software tool is used for
simulation. The electrical fence suggested
in this is a disadvantage because it is
harmful to animals. In [6], a smart crop
protection system from living objects and
fire using Arduino is discussed. The main
aim of the author is to protect the crops
from damage caused by an animal as well
as divert the animal without any harm. The
PIR sensor is used to detect the movement
of the animal and send the signal to the
controller, then it diverts the animal by
producing sound using a buzzer to alert the
farmer. The crop vandalization by animals
can be reduced by using this method. It is
claimed that the presented method will
help in achieving better crop yields thus
leading to economic wellbeing.
In [7], a smart crop protection system is
presented. This method detects the
presence of animals and offers a warning.
In this, the microcontroller and camera are
used to detect the movement of animals
and send a signal to the controller. It
diverts the animal by producing sound and
signals. Further, the signal is transmitted to
GSM and which gives an alert to the owner
of the crop immediately. The proposed
monitoring scheme is to provide an early
warning about possible intrusion and
damage by animals. The issue of yield
vandalization by wild animals and fire has
turned into a significant social issue in the
ongoing time. It requires critical
consideration as no viable arrangement
exists till date for this issue.
In [8], smart crop protection against animal
attacks is discussed. In this, the system
method detects the presence of animals and
offers a warning. In this, the same method
of [7] is used. Further, the proposed
monitoring scheme provides an early
warning about possible intrusion and
damage by animals. It needs no human
observation. It causes no damage to
animals or humans. It is a extremely
flexible system. It is also highly
economical. It is an effective, accurate and
adaptive system. In [9], Sneha Nahatkar
has proposed a home embedded security
system that evaluates the development of a
low-cost security system using a small PIR
(Piezoelectric Infrared) sensor built around
a microcontroller with ultra-low alert
power. PIR sensor detects the presence of
individuals not at thermal equilibrium with
the surrounding environment.
On detecting the presence of any
unauthorized person, it triggers an alarm &
calls to a predefined number through a
GSM module. After the MCU sends the
sensor signals to the embedded system, the
program starts the Web camera which
captures the images that can be viewed and
analyzed later. In [10], M. Sathish Kumar
has proposed the surveillance system is
based on an embedded system along with a
GSM module and sensor networks. The
movement of the warm body is detected by
the PIR sensor. The system triggers an
alarm detecting the presence of a warm
body and simultaneously sends how many
people have intruded via sending an SMS
through GSM Module. When the security
system is activated, additionally the CCTV
camera is activated. In [11] “IoT Solutions
for Crop Protection against Wild Animal
Attacks” here author describes the
synchronization among heterogeneous
sensors and actuators interacting with the
cloud to provide a supporting platform for
new services in the domain.
In particular the peripheral part, wireless
technology such as 6LoWPAN, Wi-Fi,
Zigbee, etc., cooperating with the data
center by an advanced IoT gateway.
Another important feature that had
considered is the lifespan of the device
before placement. As such a selected low
energy consuming bit is equipped with
batteries and solar panels for energy bring
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Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering
Volume 4 Issue 2
in, to achieve farm protection.
In [12] P. Uma Maheswari and Anjali Rose
Rajan proposed that bird intrusion is being
detected by the use of wireless sensors and
buzzers which produce acoustic sounds.
When a bird is being detected by the
sensors in the agricultural area the acoustic
sounds get activated. This sound irritates
the birds. Hence when these sounds are
generated the birds will fly away as they
cannot accommodate that sound. Thus, the
destruction caused by the birds in the
agricultural fields can be avoided.
These acoustic sounds that are being
generated will be produced only when the
birds are detected and continue for a while
until the birds are been driven away. In
[13] “Ultrasonic Bird Repeller” here author
described the ultrasound used for repelling
birds from the farm area to reduce the loss
of crops due to birds. Many attempts have
been made to develop a bird deterrent
system with only a few achieving desired
results. The ultrasonic frequency range of
15-25 kHz is known to be disturbing for
birds and a device operating at that range
was developed. The devices were tested
and the results obtained proved that the
ultrasonic beam from the piezo speakers
was able to drive birds away from areas.
Further tests conducted with the unit
showed a wider reach of the waves on a
dull day than on a sunny day.
About 5-6 devices are expected to cover
one hectare of field. The system is solarpowered, to reduce the cost of fuel, and it
is eco-friendly. “Solar Powered Smart
Fencing System for Agriculture Protection
using GSM & Wireless Camera” presents
how the solar energy supplied to the fence
for crop protection from animals. A GSM
module is used to alert the farmer about
any interference occurred on the farm. The
advancement in science and innovation is a
constant procedure. New things and
innovations are being created. As the
innovation develops step by step, we can
envision the future in which thing we may
involve each spot. The proposed
framework dependent on the Atmel
microcontroller is observed to be
progressively reduced, easy to use, and
less unpredictable, which can promptly
be utilized to perform. Even though it is
structured by remembering the requirement
of the industry, it can reach out for
different purposes, for example, business
and research applications. Because of the
likelihood of high innovation (Atmel
microcontroller) utilized this "sun oriented
fencing unit and caution for creature
equipment circuit. In [14] “Automated
Alert Fencing System Using Arduino and
GSM SIM Module” here author proposed
the system with a user login system
through a mobile application, here user
gets access to control the functionalities of
the microcontroller.
Users can manually turn on the solar
fencing for the required period. The solar
fencing provides the first layer of defense
against animals to protect the farm from
intrusion. If the animal happens to come in
contact with any wire of the fence, then it
is given a shock of minimal intensity
(unharmful) to ward it off. If in a certain
scenario it manages to surpass the fence,
then ultrasonic sensors come into use as
they detect the presence of the animals.
The existing system primarily provides
surveillance functionality. In addition to
this, these systems do not come with the
assurance of acting as a barrier between the
farm and wild animals, especially in these
areas of application. The existing systems
also need to take into consideration the fact
that not all the animals have the same size
and based on the threat level imposed by
the animals trespassing the farmland
different measures are to be undertaken to
prevent the entry of animals into the area.
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Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering
Volume 4 Issue 2
Many crop monitoring systems exist but
rarely do they help in intrusion detection.
Here, we suggested an automatic crop
protection system for animals. This is a
microcontroller-based system using a PIC
family microcontroller. These systems use
a PIR sensor and Ultrasonic sensor to
detect wild animals and birds approaching
near the field. In such a case the sensor
signals the microcontroller to act. An
automatic crop protection system has
several positive approaches. Once it is
installed on the farmland then it will be an
easy job to control all the entry points of
farmland from the wild animals. For
farmers, it is not easy to stay on the
farmland for 24 hours and to protect it.
Through this proposed system it will be
easier for the farmers to maintain the safety
of their crops and from that, they can
increase their productivity of yields. In the
proposed system, crop monitoring is done
by placing sensors in the agricultural field.
In the proposed system PIR sensor,
ultrasonic sensor, and GSM module are
used. When animals come near the PIR
sensor and it detects the animal movement.
After getting that input signal it will be
given to the Arduino microcontroller for
further processing and then the system will
activate immediately, it will be on the APR
board and the sound is being played to
divert the animal, at the same time it makes
a call to the owner. This system will help
farmers in a very adaptive manner.
Fig. 1: System Block Diagram.
To automate the animal ward off system a
block diagram is proposed in Figure 1.
When the intruder tries to come into the
farm field then the PIR sensor detects the
motion of the animals or human beings.
PIR sensors then send the signal to the
microcontroller and the system will be
activated immediately. Generally, passive
infrared sensors use a pair of pyroelectric
sensors to detect the heat energy in the
surrounding environment. It receives the
infrared radiation from the human body
and this signal is sent to the Arduino
microcontroller to activate the alarm
system (speaker). A sound recording
module is used to record sound for up to 20
seconds, from this device we can record
the sound of any animal or human. A
microcontroller is the main element of the
system which is operated by the power
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Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering
Volume 4 Issue 2
supply module. A relay unit is used for
voltage control. The ultrasonic sensor is
mounted on the servo motor. It rotates at
360 degrees therefore; an ultrasonic sensor
detects the presence of birds in all
directions and sends the signal to the
controller. The display is used for showing
the signal. The GSM module is used for
making calls to farmers when movement is
detected. It alerts the farmer that some
animals or birds try to enter the farm.
The open-source Arduino Software (IDE)
makes it an easy way to write code and
upload it to the board. This software can be
used with any Arduino board. Arduino
Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) is a cross-platform application for
(Windows, MacOS, Linux) that is written
in functions from C and C++. It is used to
write and upload programs to Arduino
compatible board.
Fig. 2: Arduino IDE.
This system is high on efficiency in
preventing the animals from the
agricultural fields and keeping them away.
Animals will be warded off from the farm
field by using a sound recording module. It
has the provision of playing the different
sounds for 10 seconds. The PIR sensors
covered the square area from the
corresponding cross corners of the farm
field up to 30cm distance and covers the
90-degree angle, so it is easy to cover a
square area of the field.
The ultrasonic sensor is mounted in the
middle of the prototype to control the
activity of birds and other things which is
passed over the prototype. Its range is up to
2m in radius, it rotates in a 180-degree
direction. It covers both the inside and
outside areas of the farm. Also, our system
provides the benefit of reduced human
supervision, as it can be controlled from a
remote place. The system is flexible so that
it can fit in any appropriate place. Cost
efficiency is maintained as all components
used are both environment and humanfriendly.
Thus, unnecessary expenses are avoided.
The farmer can see the real-time situation
of the farm. The system detects the
presence of an intruder as soon as any
unauthorized entry into the farm field.
Hence, the system is precise in its output
and keeps the farmer updated with real-
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Volume 4 Issue 2
time situations. The main feature of the
system is the low power requirement. The
system is completely safe for animals and
humans. It does not cause any injury to any
animal. The system requires only basic
wiring for the connection of components.
The GSM module transmits the call or text
message to the owner's mobile wirelessly.
The testing results of the PIR sensor and
the ultrasonic sensor are given also the
SMS of activity detection is given below.
Fig. 3: Input through SMPS.
In Fig., the input AC voltage is taken
through an SMPS adapter. The SMPS steps
down the 230V AC voltage to 12V AC.
This voltage is fed to PCB through an AC
supply, and the step- down voltage is taken
from SMPS and is fed to PCB.
Fig. 4: PCB and Display Unit.
In Figure 4, The PCB converts the 12V AC
to 5V pure DC. The PCB is then connected
to the display unit for output purposes. The
ATMEGA 328P chip is used for
programming PIR sensors, ultrasonic
sensors, and GSM modules. Instead of the
use of Arduino kit, the PCB module is
used. By using the Atmega chip the
internal circuitry is operated.
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Volume 4 Issue 2
Fig. 5: PIR and Ultrasonic sensor.
In Figure 5 the PIR sensor is mounted at
the corner of the prototype for the animal
detection and the ultrasonic sensor is
mounted at the center for the bird's activity
Fig. 6: Animal detection.
Fig. 7: Bird detection.
In Figure 6 and 7, the display is used here
for showing the output of detection. The
display shows the message of bird detected
and animal detected.
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Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering
Volume 4 Issue 2
Fig. 8: APR, GSM, and speaker.
In Figure 8 the GSM and APR module
with the speaker is shown. GSM is used for
sending SMS to the owner of the farm. An
APR module has the facility to record the
sound for up to 20 seconds and the
recorded sound is played by the speaker.
Fig. 9: SMS of activity detection.
In Figure 9 the screenshot of SMS to the
mobile of animal and bird detection is sent
to the owner’s mobile through the GSM
This paper helps farmers in protecting their
crops and yield fields from animals and
save them from significant financial losses
and will save them from the unproductive
efforts that they endure for the production
of their fields. This will save them from
achieving better crop yields thus leading to
their economic well-being. The hardware
details and working are given in the above
sections and also the software used is also
discussed. The ultrasonic sensor and PIR
sensor are used for animal and bird
detection. The performance of the system
totally depends upon the Arduino
microcontroller processor and the sensors.
The power supply module is used for the
step down of the AC supply voltage to DC
supply voltage for continuous supply for
the module. This proposed system will
help farmers in protecting their crops and
farm fields from the animals and
eventually save them from significant
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Volume 4 Issue 2
financial losses. This will also help them in
achieving better crop yields.
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