Basic project report format for class 11 and class 12 students I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. Title page Front page consists of project title, name of group members (registration number) and the name of department Approval Sheet(Certificate) to prove that the students have passed the requirements needed for the project signed by the subject teachers(for project approval) Acknowledgement Thank subject teachers and friends who helped in carrying out the project Abstract an outline/brief summary of whole project highlight major points of the project and explain why your work is important what your purpose was, how you went about your project, what you learned, and what you concluded. Table of Content list the major headings, titles, or chapters of the project with page number. List of Figures identifies the titles and locations of visuals (figures, drawings, photos,diagrams) except those in appendices. Introduction tells the reader what the report is about provides the background information the reader needs to understand the report. Objective describe concisely what the project is trying to achieve.(2 or 3) Application application areas of project Scope and limitation characteristics of design or methodology that impacted or influenced the application Methodology(code and diagrams) basic block diagram of the project or flowchart and explain it paste code and expain different components of code. Tools and Platform Enlist the name of tools/softwares used with certain description. Discussion and Conclusion Discuss about the findings of the project and talk why they are important summarizes the report Appendix Attach screenshots of project output and write certain description below each screenshot. References lists all the sources used in your project so readers can easily find what are cited Heading font size:14px Heading font style:bold Normal font size:12px Font-family:Times New Roman Margin:1.5inch in left side and 1inch in every other side Page number:footer of the page Note:- This format is not rigid. Students can change slightly in this format as per their requirement to make the report more presentable.