Lecture 5: Large-Scale Path Loss Chapter 4 – Mobile Radio Propagation: Large-Scale Path Loss I. Problems Unique to Wireless (not wired) systems: Paths can vary from simple line-of-sight to ones that are severely obstructed by buildings, mountains, and foliage. Radio channels are extremely random and difficult to analyze. Interference from other service providers out-of-band non-linear Tx emissions 2 Interference from other users (same network) CCI due to frequency reuse ACI due to Tx/Rx design limitations & large # users sharing finite BW Shadowing Obstructions to line-of-sight paths cause areas of weak received signal strength 3 Fading When no clear line-of-sight path exists, signals are received that are reflections off obstructions and diffractions around obstructions Multipath signals can be received that interfere with each other Fixed Wireless Channel → random & unpredictable must be characterized in a statistical fashion field measurements often needed to characterize radio channel performance 4 Wireless Communication Channels From “Wireless Communications” Edfors, Molisch, Tufvesson Communications over wireless channels suffer from multi-path propagation Multi-path channels are usually frequency selective OFDM supports high data rate communications over frequency selective channels ** The Mobile Radio Channel (MRC) has unique problems that limit performance ** A mobile Rx in motion influences rates of fading the faster a mobile moves, the more quickly characteristics change 6 Wave Propagation Basics: Frequency Wavelength 7 Wave Propagation Basics: Frequency Wavelength 8 Statistical Propagation Models Prediction of Signal Strength as a function of distance without regard to obstructions or features of a specific propagation path 9 II. Radio Signal Propagation 10 Radio Propagation Mobile radio channel fundamental limitation on the performance of wireless communications. severely obstructed by building, mountain and foliage. speed of motion a statistical fashion Radio wave propagation characteristics reflection, diffraction and scattering no direct line -of-sight path in urban areas multipath fading Basic propagation types Propagation model: predict the average received signal strength Large-scale fading: Shadowing fading Small-scale fading: Multipath fading 11 Radio Signal Propagation 12 The smoothed line is the average signal strength. The actual is the more jagged line. Actual received signal strength can vary by more than 20 dB over a few centimeters. The average signal strength decays with distance from the transmitter, and depends on terrain and obstructions. 13 Two basic goals of propagation modeling: 1) Predict magnitude and rate (speed) of received signal strength fluctuations over short distances/time durations “short” → typically a few wavelengths (λ) or seconds at 1 Ghz, λ = c/f = 3x108 / 1x109 = 0.3 meters received signal strength can vary drastically by 30 to 40 dB 14 small-scale fluctuations → called _____ (Chapter 5) caused by received signal coming from a sum of many signals coming together at a receiver multiple signals come from reflections and scattering these signals can destructively add together by being out-of-phase 15 2) Predict average received signal strength for given Tx/Rx separation characterize received signal strength over distances from 20 m to 20 km Large-scale radio wave propagation model models needed to estimate coverage area of base station in general, large scale path loss decays gradually with distance from the transmitter will also be affected by geographical features like hills and buildings 16 Free-Space Signal Propagation clear, unobstructed line-of-sight path → satellite and fixed microwave Friis transmission formula → Rx power (Pr) vs. T-R separation (d) 17 Free Space Path Loss Isotropic transmit antenna: Radiates signal equally in all directions. Assume a point source At a distance d from the transmitter, the area of the sphere enclosing the Tx is: A = 4πd2 The “power density” on this sphere is: Pt/4πd2 Isotropic receive antenna: Captures power equal to the density times the area of the antenna Ideal area of antenna is Aant= λ2/4π. The received power is: Pr = Pt/ 4πd2 X λ2/4π. = Ptλ2/(4πd)2 18 where Pt = Tx power (W) G = Tx or Rx antenna gain (unitless) relative to isotropic source (ideal antenna which radiates power uniformly in all directions) in the __________ of an antenna (beyond a few meters) Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) EIRP = PtGt Represents the max. radiated power available from a Tx in the direction of max. antenna gain, as compare to an isotropic radiator 19 λ = wavelength = c / f (m). A term is related to antenna gain. So, as frequency increases, what happens to the propagation characteristics? Effective area (Aperture) Aeff = ηA. Ratio of power delivered to the antenna terminals to the incident power density • : η Antenna efficiency; A : Physical area L = system losses (antennas, transmission lines between equipment and antennas, atmosphere, etc.) unitless L = 1 for zero loss and L > 1 in general 20 d = T-R separation distance (m) Signal fades in proportion to d2 We can view signal strength as related to the density of the signal across a large sphere. This is the surface area of a sphere with radius d. So, a term in the denominator is related to distance and density of surface area across a sphere. 21 ⇒ Path Loss (PL) in dB: 22 d2 → power law relationship Pr decreases at rate of proportional to d2 Pr decreases at rate of 20 dB/decade (for line-ofsight, even worse for other cases) For example, path loses 20 dB from 100 m to 1 km Comes from the d2 relationship for surface area. Note: Negative “loss” = “gain” 23 Example: Path loss can be computed in terms of a link budget calculation. Compute path loss as a sum of dB terms for the following: Unity gain transmission antenna. Unity gain receiving antenna. No system losses Carrier frequency of 3 GHz Distance = 2000 meters 24 Close in reference point (do) is used in large-scale models do : known received power reference point - typically 100 m or 1 km for outdoor systems and 1 m for indoor systems df : far-field distance of antenna, we will always work problems in the far-field df 2D2 d f D d f D: the largest physical linear dimension of antenna 25 Near and Far fields These distances are rough approximations! Reactive near field has substantial reactive components which die out Radiated near field angular dependence is a function of distance from the antenna (i.e., things are still changing rapidly) Radiated far field angular dependence is independent of distance Moral: Stay in the far field! 26 Reference Point Example: Given the following system characteristics for largescale propagation, find the reference distance do. Received power at do = 20 W Received power at 5 km = 13 dBm Using Watts: Using dBm: 27 III. Reflections There are three basic propagation mechanisms in addition to line-of-sight paths Reflection - Waves bouncing off of objects of large dimensions Diffraction - Waves bending around sharp edges of objects Scattering - Waves traveling through a medium with small objects in it (foliage, street signs, lamp posts, etc.) or reflecting off rough surfaces 28 Reflection occurs when RF energy is incident upon a boundary between two materials (e.g air/ground) with different electrical characteristics Permittivity µ Permeability ε Conductance σ Reflecting surface must be large relative to λ of RF energy Reflecting surface must be smooth relative to λ of RF energy “specular” reflection 29 Fresnel reflection coefficient Γ The amount of energy reflected to the amount of energy incidented is represented by Fresnel reflection coefficient Γ, which depends upon the wave polarization, angle of incidence and frequency of the wave. For example, as the EM waves can not pass through conductors, all the energy is reflected back with angle of incidence equal to the angle of reflection and reflection coefficient Γ = −1. 30 What are important reflecting surfaces for mobile radio? Fresnel reflection coefficient → Γ describes the magnitude of reflected RF energy depends upon material properties, polarization, & angle of incidence 31 IV. Ground Reflection (2-Ray) Model Good for systems that use tall towers (over 50 m tall) Good for line-of-sight microcell systems in urban environments 32 ETOT is the electric field that results from a combination of a direct line-of-sight path and a ground reflected path is the amplitude of the electric field at distance d ωc = 2πfc where fc is the carrier frequency of the signal Notice at different distances d the wave is at a different phase because of the form similar to 33 For the direct path let d = d’ ; for the reflected path d = d” then for large T−R separation : θi goes to 0 (angle of incidence to the ground of the reflected wave) and Γ = −1 Phase difference can occur depending on the phase difference between direct and reflected E fields The phase difference is θ∆ due to Path difference , ∆ = d”− d’, between 34 From two triangles with sides d and (ht + hr) or (ht – hr) 35 ∆ can be expanded using a Taylor series expansion 36 which works well for d >> (ht + hr), which means and are small 37 the phase difference between the two arriving signals is E0 d 0 ETOT (t ) 2 sin d 2 2 hr ht 0.3 rad 2 d E0 d 0 2 hr ht k ETOT (t ) 2 2 V/m d d d 38 For d0=100meter, E0=1, fc=1 GHz, ht=50 meters, hr=1.5 meters, at t=0 39 note that the magnitude is with respect to a reference of E0=1 at d0=100 meters, so near 100 meters the signal can be stronger than E0=1 the second ray adds in energy that would have been lost otherwise for large distances that it can be shown 40 41 V. Diffraction RF energy can propagate: around the curved surface of the Earth beyond the line-of-sight horizon Behind obstructions Although EM field strength decays rapidly as Rx moves deeper into “shadowed” or obstructed (OBS) region The diffraction field often has sufficient strength to produce a useful signal 42 Huygen’s principle says points on a wavefront can be considered sources for additional wavelets. 43 The wavefront on top of an obstruction generates secondary (weaker) waves. 44 45 Simplified diffraction geometry For large d1, d2, we can use the previous geometry, which assumed ht = hr, to simplify the analysis and it will remain approximately true for ht ≠ hr, provided the separation distance is large compared to the heights. We are interested in finding the received electric field from the diffracted path shown, relative to the line of sight path. Its characteristics depend strongly on the path difference ∆ between the length of the diffracted path and the length of the LOS path. Using the geometry shown ∆ is easily found follows in next slide: 46 47 48 The difference between the direct path and diffracted path, call excess path length Fresnel-Kirchoff diffraction parameter The corresponding phase difference 49 A Fresnel zone is the group of locations where the difference between the length of the direct path and the length of a reflected path is a multiple of a half wavelength (λ/2). Rays from odd-numbered Fresnel zones cause destructive interference (reduction in received signal level) while even-numbered ones cause constructive interference (and an increase in received signal level) Fresnel zones are ellipsoids consisting of all points where the path length difference is n λ /2 as shown in the following diagram from Wikipedia: 50 51 For d1 ≫ r and d2 ≫ r the radius of the nth Fresnel zone radius at distances d1 and d2 can be approximated by: A practical implication of Fresnel zones is that for pointto-point links a simple line of sight is not sufficient. Objects should also be kept out of (at least) the first Fresnel zone (n = 1) to avoid causing destructive interference and signal loss. A rule of thumb for point-to point microwave links is that a minimum of 60% of the first Fresnel zone should be kept clear of obstructions. 52 The excess total path length traversed by a ray passing through each circle is nλ/2 53 The diffraction gain due to the presence of a knife edge, as compared the the free space E-field 54 There is a reasonably good approximation for diffraction gain in dB defined by Lee as follows. 55 Diffraction gain as a function of v A steep drop in gdiff is observed as commencing at v = -1, which corresponds to φ = π/2 or a quarter wavelength of path difference between the tip of the obstruction and the LOS path. 56 The actual height of the obstruction depends on the geometry of the problem. However, if the obstruction is very close to the receiver (d1 >> d2), Solving when v = -1 gives which is the critical obstacle height. If the height is below this value, minimal diffraction effects will occur 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Multiple Knife-Edge Diffraction If the propagation path is obstructed by more than one obstruction, the total diffraction loss of all the obstacles must be computed. This is obviously a challenging task that is realistically simplified by using computers to raytrace and compute the diffraction. But a very (overly) simple approach can be obtained by replacing a series of obstacles with a single equivalent obstacle, as shown in Figure on next slide 64 Multiple Knife-Edge Diffraction 65 66 67 68 VI. Scattering Received signal strength is often stronger than that predicted by reflection/diffraction models alone The EM wave incident upon a rough or complex surface is scattered in many directions and provides more energy at a receiver energy that would have been absorbed is instead reflected to the Rx. Scattering is caused by trees, lamp posts, towers, etc. flat surface → EM reflection (one direction) rough surface → EM scattering (many directions) 69 70 VII. Path Loss Models We wish to predict large scale coverage using analytical and empirical (field data) methods It has been repeatedly measured and found that Pr @ Rx decreases logarithmically with distance ∴ PL (d) = (d / do )n where n : path loss exponent or PL (dB) = PL (do ) + 10 n log (d / do ) 71 “bar” means the average of many PL values at a given value of d (T-R sep.) n depends on the propagation environment “typical” values based on measured data 72 At any specific d the measured values vary drastically because of variations in the surrounding environment (obstructed vs. lineof-sight, scattering, reflections, etc.) Some models can be used to describe a situation generally, but specific circumstances may need to be considered with detailed analysis and measurements. 73 Log-Normal Shadowing PL (d) = PL (do ) + 10 n log (d / do ) + Xσ describes how the path loss at any specific location may vary from the average value has a the large-scale path loss component we have already seen plus a random amount Xσ. 74 Xσ : zero mean Gaussian random variable, a “bell curve” σ is the standard deviation that provides the second parameter for the distribution takes into account received signal strength variations due to shadowing measurements verify this distribution n & σ are computed from measured data for different area types any other path loss models are given in your book. That correlate field measurements with models for different types of environments. 75 76 Log-normal Shadowing, n and σ The log-normal shadowing model indicates the received power at a distance d is normally distributed with a distance dependent mean and with a standard deviation of σ. In practice the values of n and σ are computed from measured data using linear regression so that the difference between the measured data and estimated path losses are minimized in a mean square error sense. 77 Example of determining n and σ Assume Pr(d0) = 0dBm and d0 is 100m Assume the receiver power Pr is measured at distances 100m, 500m, 1000m, and 3000m, The table gives the measured values of received power 78 We know the measured values. Lets compute the estimates for received power at different distances using long distance path loss model. Pr(d0) is given as 0dBm and measured value is also the same. mean_Pr(d) = Pr(d0) – mean_PL(from_d0_to_d) Then mean_Pr(d) = 0 – 10logn(d/d0) Use this equation to computer power levels at 500m, 1000m, and 3000m. 79 Average_Pr(500m) = 0 – 10logn(500/100) = -6.99n Average_Pr(1000m) = 0 – 10logn(1000/100) = -10n Average_Pr(3000m) = 0 – 10logn(3000/100) = -14.77n Now we know the estimates and also measured actual values of the received power at different distances In order approximate n, we have to choose a value for n such that the mean square error over the collected statistics is minimized 80 81 82 83 84 Path Loss Models Path-Loss Models The most general case of signal reception might consist of a direct path, reflected paths, diffracted paths, and scattered paths (which makes mathematical analysis cumbersome) Path-Loss models are empirical models that are based on fitting curves or analytical expressions that recreate a set of measured data Note: 86 A given empirical model might only be valid within the environment where the measurements used to estimate such model have been taken Log-Distance Path-Loss Model Theoretical and Measurement-based Propagation suggest that the average received signal power decreases logarithmically with distance PL (d): Average path-loss for an arbitrary separation n : Path-loss exponent 87 Path-Loss Exponent for Different Environments Environment Free-Space Urban area cellular radio Shadowed urban cellular radio Path-Loss Exponent n 2 2.7 to 3.5 3 to 5 In building line-of-sight 1.6 to 1.8 Obstructed in building 4 to 6 Obstructed in factories 2 to 3 88 Log-normal distribution A log-normal distribution is a probability distribution of a random variable whose logarithm is normally distributed: Thus, if the random variable X is log-normally distributed, then Y = ln(X) has a normal distribution. 89 Log-normal Shadowing Distance between two nodes alone cannot fully explain the signal strength level at the receiver Shadowing has been introduced as a means to model the variation of signal propagation behavior between two different signal paths assuming the same propagation distance P L d P L d X d P L d P L d 0 1 0 n lo g X d0 PL (d): Path-loss model for an arbitrary separation d Xσ : Shadowing parameter (zero mean Gaussian distributed random variable in dB with standard deviation σ also in dB) 90 Received Power in Path-Loss Models PR d PT PL d PT PL d X σ d dB d 4 3 PT - PL d d d 1 91 2 1 2 3 4 Positio n Index Received Power in Path-Loss Models PR d PT PL d PT PL d X σ dB PR d d d X1 4 3 PT - PL d X 2 X 4 X3 d d 1 92 2 1 2 3 4 Positio n Index Reception Quality PR d PT PL d PT PL d X σ dB PR d d d X1 4 3 PT - PL d X 2 X 4 X3 d d 1 2 1 2 3 4 Positio n Index γ: Desired received power threshold 93 Pr PR d γ Pr X σ PT PL d γ Probability of Bad Reception Quality Pr PR d Pr X PT PL d Pr X σ xth 1 2πσ 2 e x2 2 2σ Xσ follows a normal distribution with zero mean and standard deviation σ dx xth x Let z = σ Pr X σ xth fX x 1 2π e z2 2 dz σ2 xth σ x Pr X σ xth Q th σ xth 1 erfc 2 2σ PT PL d γ Pr PR d γ Q σ 94 x xth Note: Q(x)= 1 2π e x z2 - 2 2 -u 2 dz erfc(x )= e du π x Percentage of Coverage Area Due to the random effects of shadowing some locations within the coverage area will be below a particular desired received signal level So, its better to compute how the boundary coverage area relates to the percent of area covered within the boundary h R’ R PR d 0 d R' PR d 0 d R' R: Radius of Coverage Area required for Transmitter 95 Calculation of Percentage of Coverage Area Assume h (height of antenna) is Negligible, then, U(γ) depicting the percentage of area with received signal strength equal to or exceeding γ may be calculated as follows 1 U γ πR 2 1 U γ πR 2 P r P r dA r dθ γ d A R R 2π R P r P r R 0 r γ r d r d θ 0 PT PL r Pr PR r Q PT PL r 1 Pr PR r erfc 2 2 R: Radius of Coverage Area required for Transmitter P PL d 10nlog r d T 0 0 1 Pr PR r erfc 2 2 96 Calculation of Percentage of Coverage Area P PL d 10nlog r d 0 0 1 T Pr PR r erfc 2 2 P PL d 10nlog R d 10nlog r R 0 0 1 T Pr PR r erfc 2 2 1 U γ πR 2 2π R 1 U γ πR 2 R 2 U γ 2 R Pr P r γ rdrdθ R 0 0 2π 2 Pr P r γ r d r d θ 0 R 0 R2 R r 0 Pr P r γ rdr R 0 1 r erfc a b ln d r 2 R γ PT PL d 0 10 n log R d 0 a 2σ 97 R b 10 nloge 2σ Calculation of Percentage of Coverage Area It can be shown that 1 U γ 2 1 2ab 1 ab 1 e rf a e x p 1 e rf 2 b b By choosing the signal level such that P R R γ i .e ., a 0 Therefore for the case when Boundary Coverage = 50 % U 98 γ 1 1 1 1 e x p 2 1 e r f 2 b b Calculation of Percentage of Coverage Area “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice 2nd Edition”, T. S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, 2001 99 Outdoor Propagation Models Longley-Rice Model (Read) Durkin’s Model (Read) Okumura’s Model Hata Model PCS extension to Hata Model Walfisch and Bertoni 100 (Read) Okumura’s Model Okumura’s model is one of the most widely used models for signal predictions in urban and sub-urban mobile communication areas This model is applicable for frequencies ranging from 150 MHz to 1920 MHz It can cover distances from 1 km to 100 km and it can be used for base station heights starting from 30m to 1000m The model is based on empirical data collected in detailed propagation tests over various situations of an irregular terrain and environmental clutter 101 Okumura’s Model L50 dB L F A mu f , d G h te G h re G AREA L50 is the median value or 50th percentile value of the propagation path loss LF is the free space propagation path loss Amu is the median attenuation relative to free space GAREA is the gain due to the type of environment G(hte) is the base station antenna height gain factor G(hre) is the mobile antenna height gain factor 102 Okumura’s Model: Amu Curves “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice 2nd Edition”, T. S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, 2001 103 Okumura’s Model: GArea Curves “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice 2nd Edition”, T. S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, 2001 104 Okumura’s Model: G(hte), G(hre) The empirical model of Okumura assumed hte = 200m, hre = 3m h te G h te 2 0 lo g 3 0 m h te 1 0 0 0 m 200 h re G h re 1 0 lo g h re 3 m 3 G h re 105 h re 2 0 lo g 3 3 m h re 1 0 m Hata Model L50 urban dB 69.55 26.26log f c 13.82log h te a h re 44.9 6.55log h te log d 106 L50 is the median value or 50th percentile value of the propagation path loss fc (in MHz) is the frequency (15MHz to 1500MHz) hte is the effective transmitter height in meters (30m to 200 m) hre is the effective transmitter height in meters (1m to 10 m) d is the T-R separation in Km a(hre) is the correction factor for effective mobile (i.e., receiver) antenna height which is a function of the size of the coverage area Hata Model: a(hre) For a Medium sized city, correction factor is given by: a h re 1.1log f c 0.7 h re 1.56log f c 0.8 dB For a Large city, correction factor is given by: 2 a h re 8.29 log 1.54h re 1.1 2 a h re 3.2 log 11.75h re 4.97 107 dB for f c 300MHz dB for f c 300MHz Hata Model Path loss in suburban area, the equation is modified as 2 L 50 dB L50 urban 2 log f c / 28 5.4 For path loss in open rural areas, the formula is modified as 2 L 50 dB L50 urban 4.78 log f c 18.33log f c 40.94 Hata Model is well-suited for Large cell mobile systems 108 PCS Extension to Hata Model An extended version of the Hata model developed by COST-231 working committee for 2 GHz range L50 urban dB 46.3 33.9log f c 13.82log h te a h re 44.9 6.55log h re log d CM 109 fc is the frequency (1500MHz to 2000 MHz) hte is the effective transmitter height in meters (30m to 200 m) hre is the effective transmitter height in meters (1m to 10 m) d is the T-R separation in Km (1 Km to 20 Km) CM=0 dB for medium sized city and suburban areas, CM=3 dB for metropolitan centers Indoor Propagation Models The indoor radio channel differs from the traditional mobile radio channel in the following aspects Much smaller distances Much greater variability of the environment for a much smaller range of T-R separation distances Difficult to ensure far-field radiation Propagation within buildings is strongly influenced by specific features such as 110 Building layout Construction materials Building type Open/Closed doors Locations of antennas Partition Losses (Same Floor) “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice 2nd Edition”, T. S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, 2001 111 Partition Losses between Floors “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice 2nd Edition”, T. S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, 2001 112 Log-Distance Pathloss Model The lognormal shadowing model has been shown to be applicable in indoor environments 113 Ericsson Multiple Breakpoint Model Lower bound on the pathloss Upper bound on the pathloss “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice 2nd Edition”, T. S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, 2001 114 Attenuation Factor Model This was described by Seidel S.Y. It is an in-building propagation model that includes 115 Effect of building type Variations caused by obstacles nSF represents the path-loss exponent for the same floor measurements FAF represents the floor attenuation factor PAF represents the partition attenuation factor for a specific obstruction encountered by a ray drawn between the transmitter and receiver Attenuation Factor Model FAF may be replaced by an exponent that accounts for the effects of multiple floor separation 116 nMF represents the path-loss exponent based on measurements through multiple floors