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Socio-Economic Factors in Track Selection

Chapter 1
Background of the Study
Life is full of interplay, a series of possibilities one as an individual could take in his or her
lifetime that would have a significant impact for the rest of his or her life. One choice could
lead to a different possibility, a minimal change to that choice could lead to a bigger shift
or turnout of events in the future, and maybe a different course of path taken could lead
to the same destination. However, whatever choices or paths we take today that would
lead us to the future we aim, the bigger question to be answered is “what”? What are the
causes or the factors that lead us to conclude on what choices or paths to take, knowing
that these decisions are the defining point of our future? This study is what it aims, to
uncover the societal impact over our chosen career paths. In a more specific sense, to
study about the socio-economic factors that affect the Grade 11 Senior Highschool
Students of ACLC Tacloban City in choosing their tracks.
In recent years, socio-economic factors correlation in different aspects of humans’ dayto-day transactions or dealings had been a popular subject of scholar’ studies in different
fields. In a study conducted in 2007 it found out that found that racial, ethnic, and
socioeconomic barriers generally hinder individuals’ vocational development. Likewise,
career barriers are significantly higher for those from the marginalized sector such as
those from poor backgrounds, people of color, women, those who are disabled, and
LGBTIQ-identified individuals (Deimer and Blustein, 2007). In addition, a study found out
that those from higher social class backgrounds tend to be more successful in developing
career aspirations and are generally better prepared for the world of work because of
access to resources such as career offices, guidance counselors, better schools, high
level “social actors,” and familial experience with higher education (Diemer & Ali, 2009).
In the advent of K to 12 or the addition of 2 academic years in the curriculum in the
country, the academic terrain has significantly shifted. The K to 12 Program
covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four
years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School to provide sufficient time
for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary
education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. Though this huge
move from our law makers aim to achieve a higher standard in our future work force, many had
varying opinions over it. Families from lower socio-economic background cries for the burden of
additional years in sending their children to school before they go to college when they can barely
afford the cost of it.
Moreover, K to 12 is a program of specialized upper secondary education; students may choose
a specialization based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will
define the content of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. Each student in Senior
High School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and
Sports and Arts. The Academic track includes three strands: Business, Accountancy,
Management (BAM); Humanities, Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology,
Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).
In choosing these career tracks for their course choices when they reach college it is important to
know the certain factors that lead students to follow or enter in a certain track. These socioeconomic factors are what this study wants to unravel, to determine the correlation of socioeconomy to the decision making of students in choosing a certain track when they entered Grade
11 or Senior Highschool as they have the first-hand experience how these factors had affected
their choices .
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the socio-economic factors that affect the track selection of
Grade 11 Highschool students of ACLC, Tacloban City. This is possible through the
conduct of data gathering from those students such us the use of survey.
Specifically, this study aims to seek answers to the following questions:
1. What socio-economic factors affect senior highschool students’ academic
track selection?
2. What are the most significant socio-economic factors in selecting an
academic track?
3. What is/are the impact of socio-economic status of a student’s household
in his/her academic track?
Objectives of the Study
This present study on the socio-economic factors that affecting track selection of Grade
11 Senior Highschool students of ACLC Tacloban City aims to achieve the following
1. To know the socio-economic factors that affect senior highschool students’
academic track selection
2. To know the most significant socio-economic factors in selecting an
academic track
3. To know the impact/s of socio-economic status of a student’s household in
his/her academic track
Significance of the Study
This present study on the socio-economic factors that affects the track choices of Grade
11 students in ACLC, Tacloban City would generally help the government to further take
a step in tackling socio-economic issues in our country that has significant effect in future
generations’ career-development choices as it would further affect our goal in reaching a
better nation in the future. Furthermore, this would be beneficial to the following:
The Teachers of Grade 10 students. The results of this study would give an
enlightenment to teachers on how to conduct a rounded overview in preparing their Grade
10 students to choose their career tracks as they transition to Senior Highschool. Also, it
would help the teachers to provide mechanisms of teaching that would cater not only the
diversity on the learning ability of students, but also on the differences of their economic
and social status which has an integral role in their career-development.
The Academe and School Administrators. The Academe’s role in addressing this issue
would focus on providing rules and regulations that would cater a more inclusive and
informative aspect in promoting the offered academic tracks in their schools or institutions
that would not be biased by their life’s standing or socio-economic status. Hence, the
result of this study would be beneficial to the academe as it would help in creating school
policies that would create measurements to support the student to really choose what
track they truly desire.
The Law Makers. In national building, the law makers are the forefront in creating policies
that would be implemented on a country-wide level. Hence, the results of this study would
be able to provide an outline for law makers to create a law that will address the current
social economic issues that are affecting students. This law would help not only the
students but would generally help the nation in its step to have an empowered and
efficient workforce in the future.
The Future Researchers. This present study would be beneficial to future researchers
who would wish to venture on the socio-economic factors that highly impacts on career
choices, not only is Senior Highschool, but also in college.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study is limited and would focus mainly on the Grade 11 Highschool students of
ACLC Tacloban City for School Year 2022-2023. This method of conducting the research
would allow them to conduct the research efficiently and safely as they will merely focus
within their school campus.
Furthermore, to adapt to the needs of our current health terrain, the researchers will be
using a mixed of online and face-to-face form of surveying the research respondents to
mitigate the possible transmission of Covid-19. The researchers would also do a semistructured interview to the respondents in the similar form mentioned above.
Framework of the Study
Theoretical Framework
This research is anchored to Neo-Institutional theory established by Douglass C. North.
Neo-institutional theory is one of the main theoretical perspectives used to understand
organizational behavior as situated in and influenced by other organizations and wider
social forces—especially broader cultural rules and beliefs. (Lounsbury and Zhao, 2013).
On a layman’s term, it basically explores on the effects and influence of social factors
which includes, socio-economic status, religion and beliefs, health, gender etc. in
person’s daily choices. This explains why this theory is used for this research, to
understand what socio-economic factors are significantly affecting or influencing students
when they choose their career tracks when they enter Senior Highschool. Why these
socio-economic factors prevail when they choose their career tracks.
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the present study. This current study
investigates on the socio-economic factors that affect the track choices of Grade 11
Highschool students of ACLC, Tacloban City. On the figure, the first box shows the socioeconomic factors pointing towards the second box which is the Grade 11 students then
finally directing towards their track choices.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
This part of the study shows the paradigm of the study or the visual flow of how the
researchers would conduct this present study. In Figure 2, it shows the first two variables
which are the two important correlated variables, the socio-economic factors and the
senior highschool academic tracks. The correlation between the two would be analyzed
through the conduct of survey questionnaire with the aid of a semi-structured interview to
finally conclude how the first variable: socio economic factors, affect the second: the track
selection of senior highschool students.
Figure 2.
This part of the study would address the research questions by giving hypothetical
answers to the statement of the problem as a guide for the researchers as they go a long
with the study.
1. The social-economic factors that affect senior highschool students’ academic track
selection, include but are not limited to the following: family income, social status,
family education and occupational background, social support, and living and
environmental condition.
2. The most important socio-economic factor in selecting track is economic or
financial status.
3. The impact of a students’ household status in choosing an academic track is varied
depending on the socio-economic factors present within said household. In an
instance a low-income household tend to ground on career paths that are familiar
or that leans towards government service, and in the contrary, upper class
household grounds toward business management, accountancy, and the likes.
With the presence of varied socio-economic factors its impact towards students
track selection may also vary.
Definition of Terms
Socioeconomics. It is primarily concerned with the interplay between social processes
and economic activity within a society. Social economics may attempt to explain how a
particular social group or socioeconomic class behaves within a society, including their
actions as consumers.
Socio-economic Factors. Are the factors that affect our ability to make healthy choices,
afford medical care and housing, manage stress, and more. These factors include but are
not limited to income, education, employment, community safety, and social supports can
significantly affect how well and how long we live.
Grade 11 Students. Students who enter the first year of Senior Highschool, this is the
point of academic level where students get to choose their career tracks, whether it is
related to Humanities and Social Science; Science, Technology, Engineering and Math;
Accountancy, Business and Management; General Education; and or Technical
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