AFM LIMITATIONS CRJ 900LR AFM LIMITATIONS Refer to the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for the complete set of limitations. The limitations contained within the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) take precedence. 2 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS RVSM Required Equipment List 3 Autopilot (1) Must be Operational Altitude Alerting System Must be Operational Altitude Reporting Transponder (2) One (1) Must be Operational Air Data Computer (2) Two (2) Must be Operational CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS 4 Condition Weight (LBS.) Maximum Taxi and Ramp Weight _______ 85,000 Maximum Takeoff Weight _______ 84,500 Maximum Landing Weight _______ 75,100 Maximum Zero Fuel Weight _______ 70,750 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Max airport pressure altitude for takeoff & landing is 10,000 feet. Maximum operating altitude is 41,000 feet. Maximum ambient air temperature for takeoff and landing is ISA + 35 C. Minimum ambient temperature approved for takeoff is - 40 C. 5 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Cowl Anti-Ice System Ground Operations: The cowl ant-ice system must be ___ ___ OAT is 10 ON when the ____ C or below and visible moisture in any form is present (such as fog with visibility of _____ 1500 meters [ _______ one mile ] or less, rain, snow, sleet and ice crystals). The cowl ant-ice system must also be ___ ON when the ____ OAT is __ 10 C or below when operating on runways, ramps, or taxiways where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush is present 6 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Cowl Anti-Ice System Flight Operations: Icing conditions exist in-flight at a ____ __ C or below, TAT of 10 and visible moisture in any form is encountered (such as clouds, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals), except when the ____ SAT is ____ - 40 C or below The cowl anti-ice system must be ON: When in ____ Icing conditions, or When ____ ICE is annunciated by the ice detection system. 7 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Wing Anti-Ice System Ground Operations: The wing ant-ice system must be ON ___ when the ____ OAT is ___ 5 C or below and visible moisture in any form is present (such as fog with visibility of _____ 1500 meters [ _______ one mile ] or less, rain, snow, sleet and ice crystals). The wing ant-ice system must also be ON ___ when the OAT ____ is __ 5 C or below and the runway is contaminated with surface snow, slush or standing water. 8 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS When Type II, Type III or Type IV anti-icing fluids have been applied, the wing-anti-ice system must only be selected ON just prior to ____________ thrust increase for takeoff. 9 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Wing Anti-Ice System Flight Operations: Icing conditions exist in-flight at a ____ __ C or below, TAT of 10 and visible moisture in any form is encountered (such as clouds, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals), except when the ____ SAT is ____ - 40 C or below The wing anti-ice system must be ON: When ____ ICE is annunciated by the ice detection system, or When in ____ Icing conditions and the airspeed is less than 230 KIAS. 10 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Super-Cooled Large Droplet Icing Continued operation in areas where SLD icing conditions exist is _________. prohibited The ____ wing and ____ cowl anti-icing systems must be ___ ON in SLD icing conditions. 11 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS The maximum runway slopes approved for takeoff and landing are; + __ 2 % - __ 2 % The maximum tailwind for takeoff and landing is 10 __ knots. 12 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Cold Weather Before the first flight of the day, when the airplane is coldsoaked at an ambient temperature of -___ 30 degrees C or below for more than 8______ hours : the engines must be motored for __________ 60 seconds and fan ______ must be verified before engine start is initiated. rotation Thrust reversers must be actuated until the deploy and stow cycles are less than __ 2 seconds. 13 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Oil Temperature Minimum for Engine Start ___ - 40 C Maximum Continuous ___ 155 C Maximum Permissible ___ 163 C (15 min maximum) Oil Pressure 25 psi minimum Steady-state Idle ___ CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Continuous engine ignition must be used during the following: ► __________________________________________________ Takeoff and landing on contaminated runways ► __________________________________________________ Flight through moderate or heavier intensity rain ► __________________________________________________ Flight through moderate or heavier intensity turbulence ► __________________________________________________ Flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms 15 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS The starter must not be used if indicated ___ N2 rpm exceeds ___%. 45 At initiation of thrust lever movement from SHUT OFF to IDLE: ITT must be 120 ___ degrees C or less for all ground starts. ITT must be 90 __ degrees C or less for all air starts. 16 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS The maximum fuel imbalance for takeoff is 300 ___ Lbs. The minimum fuel quantity for a go-around is 600 ___ lbs per wing (with the airplane level) and assuming a maximum airplane climb attitude of 10 __ degrees nose up. Total fuel capacity for pressure refueling ______ 19,594 . Takeoff with a fuel load in excess of ___ 500 lbs in the center tank is not permitted unless: • Each main wing tank is above 4,400 _____ lbs. • Each main wing tank is above _____ 2,000 lbs., and the allowable zero fuel weight of the fuel in the center tank in excess of 500 lbs. and the center of gravity in this configuration is verified to be within the allowable CG envelope. 17 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Takeoff with engine fuel temperature indications below _ 5 degrees C is prohibited. ________ Powered crossflow and ______ OFF gravity crossflow must be ____ for takeoff. 18 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Oil The maximum duration without engine oil servicing is __ 36 operating hours. For airplane operations in excess of 36 operating hours (without engine oil tank servicing), the engine oil level must be checked from the flight compartment ENGINE OIL LEVEL panel within 3 _ minutes to 2 _ hours after every engine shutdown. If the use of the oil replenishment system is required, then the engine(s) should be replenished within 15 __ minutes to _ hours after engine shutdown. 2 19 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Minimum ambient temperature for starting a cold-soaked APU on the ground is ____ - 40 C. Maximum RPM: 106 ___% Maximum EGT not to be exceeded under any operation: ____ C. 1038 Maximum APU starting altitude: ______ 37,000 Maximum operating altitude: ______ 41,000 Maximum APU generator load in-flight: 40 __ kVA. 20 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Bleed air extraction from the APU is not permitted above ______ 25,000 ft. ____ Each engine may be started using the APU as a bleed air source during ground operations. The maximum altitude for single pack operation is ______ 25,000 feet. 21 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS APU Start Cycles A Two ______ (2) minute delay must be observed between cranking attempts to allow for cooling of starter and starter contactor and APU fuel drainage. Do not perform more than ________ Three (3) starts/start attempts in (1) one hour. 22 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS The maximum differential pressure: ___ 8.7 psi. The maximum negative differential pressure: -____ 0.5 psi. During taxi, takeoff and landing, the pressure differential must not exceed: ___. 0.1 The airplane must be completely ____________ depressurized prior to opening any of the airplane doors. 23 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Automatic Flight Control System Operation with the autopilot engaged is prohibited at altitudes below 600 ___ ft AGL, except when performing the following: For visual and non-precision approaches, the minimum height for autopilot is 400 ___ ft. For precision approaches, the minimum height for autopilot is ___ 80 ft. (Both engines operating) The ADC source coupled to the active FCC must be the same as that coupled to the ATC transponder during flight in ______ RVSM airspace. 24 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Altitude 0 to 41,000 Load Limitations Main Generator APU Generator ___ 40 kVA ___ 40 kVA CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Electrical Systems The maximum continuous load on each TRU is ____ 120 amps. To protect the flight deck CRT displays, the maximum permissible time for ground operations with DC power only is 5 _ minutes. Thrust Reversers Do not attempt a _________ go-around maneuver after deployment of the thrust reversers. During preflight check of the thrust reversers with the airplane stationary, reverse thrust must be limited to ___________. reverse idle 26 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Wheel Brake Cooling Limitations Brake cooling limits must be observed between a landing or _______ ______ and a subsequent takeoff, to ensure rejected takeoff that sufficient brake energy is available to bring the airplane to a complete stop, if the subsequent takeoff is rejected. The taxi lights must be switched off whenever the airplane is stationary in excess of 10 __ minutes. 27 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS VMO ____ 335 MMO ____ .85 VFE (flaps 20) ____ 220 VFE (flaps 30) ____ 185 VFE (flaps 45) ____ 170 VLE ____ 220 VLO (extension) ____ 220 VLO (retraction) ____ 200 Tire speed limit ________________ 195 Ground Speed Turbulence Penetration ______________ 280 or .75 mach Windshield Wiper Operation ____ 250 28 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information AFM LIMITATIONS Maneuvering Limit Load Factors Maximum ‘G’ Loading Condition 29 Flaps Retracted -1.0 to +2.5 Flaps Extended 0.0 to +2.0 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information Thank you 30 CAE Inc. Confidential and/or Proprietary Information