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Women, Caste, Reform Worksheet - Middle School Social Science

Std. VIII– Social Science (2023-24)
Ch. 7 Women, Caste and Reform
WS No. 15 (AK)
Name: ____________________ Sec.:_______ Roll No.____________ Date:_______________
I. Name the Following:
1. A barbaric practice in which widows immolated themselves on the funeral pyre of their
husbands – Sati
2. The first institution to provide girls the same kind of learning as that of boys - Hindu Mahila
3. A woman reformer who published a book named ‘Stripurushtulna’- Tarabai Shinde
4. The reformer who represented India at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893
– Swami Vivekananda
5. Book written by Jyotirao Phule which criticised slavery of subordinate caste peopleGulamgiri
6. The reformer who quoted the verses from the Quran to support female education- Mumtaz
7. The reformer from Madras Presidency who formed an association that supported widow
remarriage - Veerasalingam Pantulu
8. The founder of Mohammedan Anglo – Oriental College – Sayyid Ahmed Khan
9. Two leaders who promised to provide full suffrage to all after independence - Jawaharlal
Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose
10. According to this Act, no man below the age of 18 and women below the age of 16 could
marry: Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929
II. Choose the correct option.
1. Which organisation was established by Jyotirao Phule for the upliftment of Scheduled castes?
a) Brahmo Samaj
b) Satyashodak Samaj c) Arya Samaj
d) Prarthana Samaj
2. Which of the following statement is CORRECT with regard to reasons people had for not
sending girls to school in the mid-nineteenth century?
i. They feared that schools would take girls away from home, prevent them from doing their
domestic duties.
ii. They felt that travelling through public places to reach school would have a corrupting
influence on girls.
iii. They thought that it was useless to give them education as they need not seek employment
or study scriptures.
iv. They thought it would be harmful for the society to grant them undesirable liberty and that
they should be kept in purdah.
Options a) Only i and ii
b) Only i and iii
c) Only iii and iv
d) All of the above
3. According to Periyar, which Hindu scriptures had been used to establish the authority of
Brahmans over lower castes and the domination of men over women?
a) Codes of Manu
b) Bhagavad Gita
c) Ramayana
d) All of the above
4. Which of the association NOT founded by orthodox Hindus?
a) Sanathan Dharma Sabhas
b) Bharat Dharma Mahamandal
c) Brahman Sabha
d) Paramhans Mandali
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5. Read the clue and identify the reformer:
➢ He proclaimed ideals of unity for his people.
➢ He wanted ‘One Caste, One Religion, One God for Humankind’
a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
b) Periyar
c) Jyotirao Phule
d) Shri Narayan Guru
6. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT with regard to the social reformers using the
ancient texts to promote new laws?
a) Ishwar Chandra Vidhyasagar used the ancient texts to highlight the prevalent social
evils and discouraged widow remarriage.
b) Muslim scholars Mumtaz Ali reinterpreted verses from koran to condemn the illiteracy
among women and supported their education.
c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy emphasised that different social evils against women, particularly
Sati had no saction in ancient text.
d) Swami Dayanand Saraswati quoted the Vedas to show that many social evils that were
practiced had no religious sanction.
7. What kind of treatment were the lower caste people subjected to by the upper caste people?
The lower caste people also called the untouchables were not allowed to enter temples.
They were not allowed to draw water from the wells or bathe in the ponds used by the
upper castes.
They were called superior and allowed to enter into government schools.
They were supposed to sit on the veranda outside the classroom and listen to the lessons.
a) Only i and ii
b) Only i,ii and iv
c) Only iii and iv
d) All of the above
8. Complete the sequence:
Dalit Movement : Dr B. R. Ambedkar : : Satnami Movement : Ghasidas : : Self Respect
Movement : E.V Ramaswamy (Periyar)
a) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Non Brahman Movement, Self Respect Movement
b) Shree Narayan Guru, Self Respect Movement, Non Brahman Movement,
c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Satnami Movement, Self Respect Movement
d) Shri Narayana Guru, Self Respect Movement, Satnami Movement
9. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT with regard to Pandita Ramabai’s
contribution for the emancipation of women?
a) She founded a widows’ home at Poona for the ones treated badly by their husbands and
b) Training was provided to the widows to support themselves economically.
c) She published a book, Stripurushtulana which criticised the social difference between
men and women.
d) She wrote a book about the oppression in Hinduism towards women and the miserable lives
led by upper caste Hindu women.
10. Match the Column A with Column B with reference to reformers who established schools for
girls in various cities:
Column A
Column B
Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar
Jyotirao Phule
Pandita Ramabai
Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain
Patna and Calcutta
a) 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i, 4-iv
b) 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-iv, 4-i
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c) 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i, 4-iv
d) 1-iv, 2-ii, 3-i, 4-iii
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Answer the following questions:
1. Why were the leather workers looked down upon in the Indian society?
Madigas, the leather workers from Andhra Pradesh were looked down upon in the Indian
society as they had to work with dead animals. They were traditionally experts at cleaning
hides, tanning them for use and sewing sandals which was considered dirty and polluting.
2. What opportunities were offered by the army to the lower caste people?
The army offered employment opportunities to several people from Mahar community in the
Mahar regiment. Lower caste people like leather workers and shoemakers were hired to
supply shoes for the army.
3. In the British period, what new opportunities opened up for people who came from
castes that were regarded “low”?
In the British period, various new opportunities were opened for the ‘lower caste people’.
a) Christian missionaries began setting up schools for tribal groups and lower caste
children. These people got jobs in various government offices and British army.
b) Due to expansion of cities, there was a great demand for labour which was required for
digging drains, laying roads, constructing buildings, working in factories and municipalities.
c) Some of them also went to work in the plantations in Assam, Mauritius, Trinidad and
Indonesia. They saw this as an opportunity to get away from the oppressive hold of upper
caste land owners.
4. Why were Jyotirao Phule and Ramasamy Naicker critical of the National Movement?
Jyotirao and Ramasamy Naicker were critical of the national movement as they felt that :
a) The National Movement was more of a political movement than a social and religious
movement to uplift the Indian society and religion.
b) Both these leaders found that the National Movement was more interested in fighting
against foreign imperialism rather than curing the society of all its ills, particularly the
inhuman treatment done to the low caste people.
c) These leaders believed that the national movement was not free from the faults of
casteism.The nationalists could do no good to the lower caste people, who had to fight
for their own case.
Complete the table.
S.No Place
Association / Samaj
Self-Respect Movement
Veda Samaj
Ramkrishna Mission
Social Reformer
E.V. Ramaswamy ‘Periyar’
Swami Vivekanand
Brahmo Samaj
Raja Rammohan Roy
Young Bengal Movement
Henry Louis Vivian Derozio
Satya Shodak Samaj
Arya Samaj
Temple Entry Movement
Jyotirao Phule
Swami Dayanand Saraswati
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Aligarh Movement
Singh Sabha Movement
Sayyid Ahmed Khan
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On the outline map of India identify and mark the social reform associations formed
at the given places.
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