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A Christmas Carol: Ghost of Christmas Past Worksheet

How is the Ghost of Christmas Past Introduced?
Do Now
1.Why must Marley forever carry around a chain?
A.To remind him of Scrooge
B.To remind him of the burdens he forged in life
C.To symbolise that he is in Hell
2. What does the ghost imply will happen to
Scrooge if he does not change?
A. He will lose his money
B. He will be isolated
C. He will be unhappy
D.He will be damned as the ghost is
Answer the multiple choice
questions based on the end
of stave 1.
‘’He had been quite familiar with one old
ghost in a white waistcoat, with a
monstrous iron safe attached to his ankle,
who cried piteously at being unable to
assist a wretched woman with an infant,
whom it saw below upon a doorstep.’’
How does Scrooge know this ghost and
why is this ghost crying? Zoom in on key
words to support your answer.
3. What does Scrooge see through the window
from which Marley exits?
A. Nothing but blackness; not a single star in the
Today’s Questions
1.Can I recall key events from the end of Stave 1?
B. Tiny Tim
2. Can I analyse an extract on the Ghost of Christmas Past?
3. Can I write a response to an exam style question?
How is the Ghost of Christmas Past Introduced?
Activate and Discuss
In your groups:
It was a strange figure -- like a child: yet not so like a child as like an old man, viewed through some
supernatural medium, which gave him the appearance of having receded from the view, and being
diminished to a child's proportions. Its hair, which hung about its neck and down its back, was white
as if with age; and yet the face had not a wrinkle in it, and the tenderest bloom was on the skin.
The arms were very long and muscular; the hands the same, as if its hold were of uncommon
strength. Its legs and feet, most delicately formed, were, like those upper members, bare. It wore a
tunic of the purest white and round its waist was bound a lustrous belt, the sheen of which was
beautiful. It held a branch of fresh green holly in its hand; and, in singular contradiction of that
wintry emblem, had its dress trimmed with summer flowers. But the strangest thing about it was,
that from the crown of its head there sprung a bright clear jet of light, by which all this was visible;
and which was doubtless the occasion of its using, in its duller moments, a great extinguisher for a
cap, which it now held under its arm.
Read through the following extract
and answer all the questions on
your sheet.
Even this, though, when Scrooge looked at it with increasing steadiness, was not its strangest
quality. For as its belt sparkled and glittered now in one part and now in another, and what was
light one instant, at another time was dark, so the figure itself fluctuated in its distinctness: being
now a thing with one arm, now with one leg, now with twenty legs, now a pair of legs without a
head, now a head without a body: of which dissolving parts, no outline would be visible in the dense
gloom wherein they melted away. And in the very wonder of this, it would be itself again; distinct
and clear as ever.
Challenge: How is this spirit different to Marley’s
Ghost? Why do you think Dickens has done this?
Today’s Questions
1.Can I recall key events from the end of Stave 1?
2. Can I analyse an extract on the Ghost of Christmas Past?
3. Can I write a response to an exam style question?
How is the Ghost of Christmas Past Introduced?
Apply and Practice
How does Dickens present the Ghost of
Christmas past?
Success Criteria
❑ W1: I identify how Dickens uses
language to describe Scrooge
❑ W2: I use a relevant quote[s] to
support my ideas.
❑ W3: I analyse ideas at phrase and
word level using subject
terminology in my analysis
❑ W4: I explain the effect of Dickens
language choices and explore
reader reactions and effectiveness.
❑ W5: I have considered a range of
sophisticated interpretations.
❑ W6: I consider the historical
context to which the text as
written with the inclusion of
writers intentions.
Today’s Questions
1. Can I recall key events from the end of Stave 1?
2. Can i analyse an extract on the Ghost of Christmas Past?
3. Can I write a response to an exam style question?
How is the Ghost of Christmas Past Introduced?
Apply and Practice
How does Dickens present the Ghost of Christmas past?
Dickens introduces the Ghost of Christmas Past to symbolise a
new hope for Scrooge. The Ghost is described to be strange with
‘ a clear jet of light, by which all this is visible’ coming from its
head which Scrooge can’t bear and actually asks the ghost to
put his ‘cap’ on. Dickens uses Scrooge’s response to the light t
show us that he is uncomfortable in its presence. Light is
traditionally associated with purity, goodness and truth and are
traits often linked to childhood. So here, Scrooge’s reaction to
the ‘light’ coming from the Ghost might indicate that he
recognises the difference how he was as a child and his current
approach to life that is associated with dark, coldness and fog.
Furthermore, Dickens use of light imagery hints at self discovery
and a possibility of redemption for Scrooge …
Success Criteria
❑ W1: I identify how Dickens uses
language to describe Scrooge
❑ W2: I use a relevant quote[s] to
support my ideas.
❑ W3: I analyse ideas at phrase and
word level using subject
terminology in my analysis
❑ W4: I explain the effect of Dickens
language choices and explore
reader reactions and effectiveness.
❑ W5: I have considered a range of
sophisticated interpretations.
❑ W6: I consider the historical
context to which the text as
written with the inclusion of
writers intentions.
Today’s Questions
1. Can I recall key events from the end of Stave 1?
2. Can i analyse an extract on the Ghost of Christmas Past?
3. Can I write a response to an exam style question?
How is the Ghost of Christmas Past Introduced?
Review and Feedback
Exit Ticket:
You will now answer the questions on your exit
ticket. On the way out of the door, you will give
your teacher your sheet.
Who is the Ghost of Christmas Past?
-What appearance does the spirit take?
-Why does the spirit shine light upon Scrooge?
-Why does the spirit wear a cap?
-What is the purpose of the spirit?
-How is the ghost different to Marley’s ghost?
Today’s Questions
1. Can I recall key events from the end of Stave 1?
2. Can i analyse an extract on the Ghost of Christmas Past?
3. Can I write a response to an exam style question?