Building Materials and Technology UNIT I Topic: Foundations Classification Based on Structure Load Bearing Structures • A structure comprising of slabs, beams and load bearing walls is known as a Load Bearing Structure. • Loads from slab/roof are transmitted through walls to the • sub-soil below the ground through their foundations. • In load bearing structures, thickness of the walls decreases from ground to first and then to second floor to reduce the load on the vertical walls. • As a result, compared to upper floors, lower floors will have less carpet area. • Such types of structures are suited where hard strata of soil is available at low depth. • Individual residential bungalows, tenements, low rise buildings (up to 3 storey), are constructed as load bearing structures. Framed Structures • It is a structure comprising of slabs resting on beams and beams are supported by a network of columns and whole load of the structure is transferred to the sub-soil below the ground through columns and their footings. • Walls don’t bear any load and rest on plinth beams without foundations. • This type of structure has more flexibility. • R.C.C. is the most suitable material to withstand external loads like compressive, tensile, torsion and shear along with moment. • All columns, beams and slabs are connected rigidly and are constructed monolithically. • Carpet area is almost same for all floors and is more than load bearing structure. • Generally, all multistoried buildings or high rise buildings have framed structure. Composite Structures • The structures constructed with combination of both load bearing as well as framed structure is called composite structure. • The load of slabs is transmitted to the sub-soil below ground by load bearing walls and columns through their foundations. • In this type of structure, external walls are treated as load bearing walls and all intermediate supports are in the form of R.C.C. columns. • This type of structure is preferred in buildings having large spans such as workshops, halls, warehouses, godowns, etc.3 • This type of structure have advantages of both load • bearing and framed structure. Building Components Building Components ➢ Sub-Structure • Shallow Foundation o o o o Spread Footings Combined Footings Strap Footings Mat/Raft Foundations • Deep Foundation ➢ Super Structure • • • • • • • • • Plinth Walls, Columns & Beams Floors Sills, Lintels and Weather sheds Doors, Windows & Ventilators Roofs & Slabs Parapet Stairs, Lifts, Ramps Building Finishes Sub – Structure / Foundations W H AT IS A F O U N D AT I O N ? The low artificially built part of a structure which transmits the load of the structure to the ground is calledfoundation. OR A foundation is a structure that transfers the load to the ground. • A structure essentially consists of two parts, namely the super structure which is above the plinth level and the substructure which is below the plinthlevel. • Substructure is otherwise known as the foundation, and this forms the base for any structure. Generally, about 30% of the total construction cost is spent on the foundation. • The soil on which the foundation rests is called the “foundation soil”. OBJECTIVES OF A F O U N D AT I O N A foundation is provided for the following purposes: • To distribute the total load coming on the structure on a larger area. • To support the structures. • To give enough stability to the structures against various disturbing forces, such as wind and rain. • To prepare a level surface for concreting and masonry work. • “To ensure that the structural loads are transmitted to the subsoil safely, economically and without any unacceptable movement during the construction period and throughout the anticipated life of the building or structure” IMAGES TYPES OF F O U N D AT I O N Foundation Shallow Foundation Shallow Foundation: a) Isolated Footing b) Combined Footing c) Raft/Mat Foundation d) Wall or strip footing e) Stepped footing and soon. Deep Foundation Deep Foundation (if D>W) a) Pile Foundation S H A L L O W F O U N D AT I O N Shallow foundations are constructed where soil layer at shallow depth (up to 1.5m) is able to support the structural loads (Depth of foundation islessthan or equal to its width) i. Isolated Footing • • • • • In framed structures where several columns are to be constructed, isolated footings can be adopted. The columns involved can be provided with masonry or concrete footing. If masonry footing is provided, steps are given and the foundation area is thus increased sothat the stresses developed at the base is within thelimit. Concrete can be molded to any shape and hence a concrete footing may be a sloping one to provide sufficient spread. Economical when columns are placed at longer distances. • Spread Footing:-Spread footings are those which spread the super-imposed load of wall or column over larger area. Spread footing support either column or wall. • It may be following kinds • Single footing for column: In which the loaded area of column has been spread to the large size through single spread. The base is generally made of concrete. • Stepped footing for column: This type of footing provided for heavily loaded column which required greater spread with steps. The base is generally made of concrete. • Sloped footing for column: In this type of footing concrete base does not have uniform thickness but is made sloped. • Wall footing without step: It consist of concrete base without any steps including masonry wall. • Stepped footing for wall: It consist of masonry wall have stepped footing with concrete base . • Grillage Foundation • It is special type of isolated footing generally provided for heavily loaded steel column and used in those location where bearing capacity of soil is poor. • The depth of such foundation is limited to 1 to 1.5 m. • The load of steel column is distributed over very large area by means of two or more tiers of steel joints. • Each layer being laid at right angle to the layer below it. S H A L L O W F O U N D AT I O N ii. Combined Footing • • • This type of footing is adopted when the space between two columns is sosmall that the foundation for individual columns will overlap. Combined footings are proportioned in such a way that the center of gravity of the loads coincides with the centre of gravity of the foundation. Hence these footings have either a trapezoidal or a rectangular shape. Generally, preferred when the soil is wet (marshy areas)to reduce the pressure on the ground “Footings are structural members used to support columns and walls and to transmit and distribute their loads to the soil in such a way that the load bearing capacity of the soil is not exceeded. Also excessive settlement, differential settlement or rotation are prevented and adequate safety against overturning or sliding is maintained.” Combined Footing: • A spread footing which supports two or more columns is termed as combined footing. • The combined footing may be of following kinds. • Rectangular combined footing: The combined footings will be provide in rectangular in shape if columns carry equal loads. The design of rectangular combined footing should be done in such way that centre of gravity of column coincide with centroid of footing area. • Trapezoidal combined footing: If columns carry unequal loads the footing is of trapezoidal shape are provided. • Combined column-wall footing: It may be required to provide a combined footing for column and wall. Such combined footing are shown in fig. S H A L L O W F O U N D AT I O N iii. Raft or Mat Foundation • Used to spread the load of the structure over a large base to reduce the load per unit area being imposed on the ground • Particularly useful where low bearing capacity soils are encountered & where individual column loads are heavy. • Used when the subsoil is weak. Raft foundation: • A raft Foundation is a combined footing that covers the entire area beneath a structure and support all the wall and column. • They are used in areas where the soil masses contains compressible lenses or the soil is sufficiently erratic so that differential settlement would be difficult to control. • Raft foundation may be divided in to three types based on their design and construction. • Solid slab system • Beam slab system • Cellular system • All the three types are basically the same, consisting of a large, generally unbroken area of slab covering the whole or large part of structure. S H A L L O W F O U N D AT I O N iv. Strip Footing • • • Used when the soil has good bearing capacity The width of footing deeps on the structural load Transmits the weight of load bearing wall across the area of the soil S H A L L O W F O U N D AT I O N v) Strap Footing: • If a Independent footing of two columns are connected by a beam, it is called a strap footing. • A strap footing may be used where the distance between the column is so great that trapezoidal footing becomes quite narrow. • The strap does not remain in contact with soil and does not transfer any pressure to the soil. DEEP F O U N D AT I O N The shallow foundations may not be economical or even possible when the soil bearing capacity near the surface is too low. In those cases deep foundations are used to transfer loads to a stronger layer, which may be located at a significant depth below the ground surface. Pile Foundation • Can be defined as a series of columns constructed or inserted into the ground to transmit the loads of a structure to a lower level of subsoil • Can be used when suitable foundation conditions are not presented at or near ground level. DEEP F O U N D AT I O N Deep foundation type is of a foundation. Different from shallow foundation by depth they are embedded into earth. There are some reason for set up deep foundation, they are low bearing soil conditions, heavy super structure load and high (height) rise structure. There are variety of foundation available, pile foundations (end bearing pile, friction pile, tensile pile, sheet piles, soldier type pile and etc), slurry walls Pile Foundation Pile foundations are deep foundations. PILE F O U N D AT I O N Pile Foundation classifications Piles may be classified by their basic design function (end-bearing, friction or a combination) or by their method of Installing (replacement (driven) or displacement (bored)). PILE F O U N D AT I O N C L A S S I F I C AT I O N BY INSTAL L I N G Displacement Piles/ Driven Piles Displacement Piles which are driven are termed ‘Displacement Piles’ because their installation methods displace laterally the soils through which they are introduced Installation techniques Dropping weight The dropping weight or drop hammer is the most commonly used method of insertion of displacement piles Example: • Steel pile, concrete spun piles • Precast Concrete Piles , Timber piles PILE F O U N D AT I O N C L A S S I F I C AT I O N BY INSTAL L I N G PLACEMENT OF PILE INSTALLATION OF PILE REPETITION OF PROCESS PILE F O U N D AT I O N C L A S S I F I C AT I O N BY INSTAL L I N G Replacement Piles / Bored Piles Replacement Piles that are formed by creating a borehole into which the pile is then cast or placed, are referred to as ‘Replacement Piles’ because existing material, usually soil is removed as part of the process. Examples: Bored Piles PILE F O U N D AT I O N C L A S S I F I C AT I O N BY INSTAL L I N G PILE F O U N D AT I O N C L A S S I F I C AT I O N BY F U N C T I O N I N G These piles transfer their load on to a firm stratum like rock. Installed when soil bearing capacity is low. Pre fabricated files and auger type pile can be used. Friction piles carry the major part of loads only by means of friction developed between pile shaft and soil. DEEP F O U N D AT I O N DEEP F O U N D AT I O N DEEP F O U N D AT I O N More About the Deep foundation • • • • • Deep foundation are those in which is very large in the depth of foundation comparison to its width. Deep foundation may be of following types Pile foundation Pier foundation Caissons or Well foundation • Pile Foundation • • • • • • Pile Foundation is that type of foundation in which the loads are taken to a low level by means of vertical members which may be timber, concrete or steel. Pile foundation may be adopted when no firm bearing strata is available and the loading is uneven. Piles may be of following types End bearing piles Friction Pile Compaction pile • End bearing piles: This types of piles are used to transfer load through water or soft soil to a suitable bearing stratum. • Friction Pile: Friction piles are used to transfer loads to a depth of friction load carrying material by means of skin friction along the length of piles. • Compaction pile: Compaction piles are used to compact loose granular soils, thus increasing their bearing capacity. Pier foundation: • A Pier Foundation consist of cylindrical column of large diameter to support and transfer large superimposed load to the firm strata below. • Generally, pier foundation is shallow in depth than the pile foundation. • Well Foundation: • Well Foundation or Caisson are box like structures which are sunk from the surface of either land or water to the desired depth. • They are much larger than the pier foundation or drilled caissons. • Caisson foundations are used for major foundation works like • Bridge piers • Docks • Large water front structure such as pump house. • Foundations on Black Cotton Soil • • • • • • • • Black cotton soils and other expansive soils have typical characteristics of shrinkage and swelling due to moisture movement through them. When moisture enter between the soil particles under some hydrostatic pressure, the particles separate out, resulting in increase in the volume. This increase in volume is commonly known as swelling. If this swelling is checked or restricted high swelling pressure, acting in the upward direction, will be induced. This would result in several cracks in the walls and may some times damage the structural such as lintels, beams, slabs etc. During summer season, moisture moves out of the soil and consequently, the soil shrinks. Shrinkage cracks are formed on the ground surface. These shrinkage cracks some times also known as tension cracks, may be 10 to 15 cm wide on the ground surface. Black cotton soils and other expansive soils are dangerous due to their shrinkage and swelling characteristics. In addition, these soils have very poor bearing capacity, ranging from 5 t/m2 to 10 t/m2. For designing footings on these soils, the following points should be kept in mind: • The safe bearing capacity should be properly determined, taking into account the effect of sustained loading. The bearing capacity of these soils may be limited to 5 to 10 t/m2. • The foundation should be taken at least 50 cm lower than the depth of moisture movement. • Where this soil occurs only in top layer, and where the thickness of this layer does not exceed 1 to 1.5 m, the entire layer of black cotton soil should be removed, and the foundation should be laid on non-shrinkable nonexpansive soil. • Where the soil is highly expansive, it is very essential to have minimum contact between the soil and the footing. This can be best achieved by transmitting the loads through deep piles. • Where the bearing capacity of soil is poor, or soil is very soft, the bed of the foundation trench should be made firm or hard by ramming mooram. Types of foundation in black cotton soils. Foundation in black cotton soils may be of the following types: 1.Strip foundation. For medium loads, strip foundation may be provided, along with special design features. 2.Pier foundation Piers are dug at regular interval and filled with cement concrete. The piers may rest on good bearing strata. 3.Under-reamed pile foundation. An under-reamed pile is a pile of shallow depth (1 to 6 m) having one bulb at its lower end. • Under-reamed Pile Foundation • Under-reamed piles are bored cast-in-situ concrete piles having bulk shaped enlargement near base. • These piles are commonly recommended for providing safe and economical foundations in expansive soils such as black cotton soil having poor bearing capacity. • In these type of foundation the structure is anchored to the ground at a depth where ground movement due to changes in moisture content negligible. • A pile having one bulk is known as single under-reamed pile. It is seen that the load bearing capacity of the pile can be increased by increasing the number of bulk at the base. • In such a case the pile is named as multi-under-reamed pile. The increase in the bearing capacity of the pile can also be achieved by increasing the diameter and the length of the pile. • The method of construction of under-reamed pile is very simple. The holes for casting piles in the ground may be bored by using hand augers. • After boring is carried out at the required depth, the base of the bore hole is enlarged in the form of a bulb near its base by use of a tool, known under-reamer. • After the pile holes are ready for concreting, reinforcement cage are lowered in the holes and concrete is poured. • The piles should be cast at least 200 to 400 mm above the cut-off level. Later on, when the concrete is hardened, the extra length of each pile is broken and the pile top is brought to the desired level. • Thus, besides relative saving in direct cost (when compared with conventional isolated footings) it is possible to have overall saving in time of completion of a work by adopting under-reamed piles. F U N C T I O N S OF F O U N D AT I O N • Distribution of loads • Stability against sliding & overturning • Minimize differential settlement • Safe against undermining • Provide level surface • Minimize distress against soil movement Functions of foundations : 1. Reduction of load intensity. Foundations distribute the load of the superstructure to a larger area so the total intensity of load doesn't exceed the SAFE BEARING CAPACITY of soil. 2. Even distribution of load. Foundations distribute the non uniform load of the super structure evenly to thesubsoil. 3. Provision of level surface. Foundations provide a levelled and hard surface over which a super-structure can be built. 4. Lateral stability. It anchors the super-structure to the ground thus imparting stability to thebuilding. 5. Safety against undermining. It provides safety against undermining or scouring due to burrowing animals & flood water. 6. Protection against soil movements. Special measures prevent or minimise the distress (cracks) in superstructure, due to expansion or contraction of sub-soil. BASIC DESIGN PROCEDURE Sizing the chosen foundation in the context of loading, ground bearing capacity & any likely future movement of the building / structure Choosing the foundation type, should consider: 1.Soil condition. Calculation of anticipated structural loading Assessment of site conditions in the context of the site & soil investigation report 2. Type of structure. 3. Structural loading. 4. Economic factors. 5. Time factor relative to the proposed contract period. 6. Construction problem. F O U N D AT I O N FAILURE Essential requirements for a good foundation 1. The foundation shall be constructed to sustain load and transmit these to subsoil in such a way that pressure on it will not cause settlement which would impair the stability of the building. 2. Foundation should be rigid so that the differential settlements are minimised. Specially for the case when superimposed loads are not evenly distributed. 3. Foundations should be taken sufficiently deep to guard the building against damage or distress caused by swelling or shrinkage of sub-soil. 4. Foundations should be so located that its performance may not be affected due to any unexpected future influence. Sub-soil exploration • Since the foundations have to transfer the load of the sub-soil, surface conditions at any given site must be adequately explored to obtain the information required for the design and construction of the foundations. • Sub- soil exploration is done for following purposes : a) For New Structures : 1. The selection of type and depth of foundation. 2. The determination of the bearing capacity of the selected foundation. 3. The prediction of settlement of the selected foundation. 4. The determination of the ground water level. 5. The evaluation of earth pressure against walls, basements etc. 6. The provision against constructional difficulties. 7. The suitability of soil and degree of compaction of soil. b) For Existing Structures : 1. The investigation of safety of the structure. 2. The prediction of settlement. 3. The determination of remedial measures if the structure is unsafe or will suffer detrimental settlement. Site Exploration The objective of the site exploration is to provide reliable, specific and detailed information about the soil and ground water conditions of the site for a safe and economic design of foundations. The exploration should yield precise information about the following : 1. The order of occurrence and extent of soil and rock strata. 2. The nature and engineering properties of the soil and rock formation. 3. The location of ground water and its variation. Methods of site exploration The various methods of site exploration may be classified as follows : a) Open Excavation. b) Boring Methods. 1.Auger Boring. 2.Auger and Shell Boring. 3. Wash Boring. 4.Percussion Boring. 5.Rotary Boring. c) Sub-surface soundings. d) Geo-physical methods. 1.Seismic refraction method. 2.Electrical resistivity method. a) Open Excavation (Open Trial Pits) • Trial pits are the cheapest method of excavation in shallow deposits. • In this method, pits are excavated at site, exposing the sub-soil surface thoroughly. Soil samples are collected at various levels. • The biggest advantage of this method is that soil strata can be inspected in their natural condition and samples can be taken conveniently. • The method is generally suitable for shallow depths, say upto 3 m. The cost of open excavation increases rapidly with the depth. Trial Pits b) Boring Methods 1. Auger Boring • • • • • • Augers are used in cohesive and other soft soils above water table level. Augers are either mechanical or manually operated. Hand augers are used for upto an depth of 6m. Mechanically operated augers are used for greater depth and they can also be used in gravelly soils. Augers are of two types : a) Spiral augers. b) Post-Hole auger. Samples recovered from soil brought up by augers are badly disturbed and are useful for identification purposes only. Post – hole auger Helical auger (Mechanical) 2. Auger and Shell Boring • • • Cylindrical augers and shells with cutting edge or teeth at lower end can be used for making deep borings. Hand operated rigs are used for depth upto 25 m and mechanized augers are used for 50 m depth. Augers are suitable for soft to stiff clays, shells for very stiff and hard clays, and shells or sand pumps for sandy soils. 3. Wash Boring • • • • • • For test boring over 3 meter in depth, this method can be conveniently used. In this method a hollow steel pipe known as casing pipe or drive pipe is driven into the ground for a certain depth. Then a pipe usually known as water jet pipe or wash pipe, which is shorter in diameter, is lowered into the casing pipe. At its upper end, the wash pipe is connected to water supply system while the lower end of the pipe is contracted so as to produce jet action. Water under considerable pressure is forced down the wash pipe. The hydraulic pressure displaces the material immediately below the pipe and the slurry thus formed is forced up through the annular space between the two pipes. The slurry is collected and samples of material encountered are obtained by settlement. In this process the particles of finer material like clay, loam etc. do not settle easily and the larger and heavy particles of the soil may not be brought up at all. Moreover, the exact position of a material in the formation cannot be easily be located. However the change of stratification can be guessed from the rate of progress of driving the casing pipe as well as the color of slurry flowing out. Yet the results obtained by wash boring process give fairly good information about the nature of the sub-soil strata. This method can be adopted in soft to stiff cohesive soils and fine sand. 4. Percussion boring: • • • • This method consists of breaking up of the sub-strata by repeated blows from a bit or chisel. The material thus pulverized is converted into slurry by pouring water in the bore. At intervals the slurry is bailed out of the hole and dried for examination. This method can be adopted in rocks and soils having boulders. However this method is not recommended for loose sand or clayey soils. 5. Rotary drilling: • • • • • When rocks or hard pans are to be penetrated for examination, core drilling is done toget undisturbed samples of the formation. In this process a hole is made by rotating a hollow steel tube having a cutting bit at its base. The cutting bit makes an annular cut in the strata and leaves a cylindrical core of the material in the hollow tube. Two types of cutting bits are generally used, namely, diamond bit and shot bit. Diamond bit consists of industrial diamonds set in the face of the bit and in shot bit, chilled shot is used as an abrasive to cut the hardpan. When core samples of small diameter are needed, diamond bit is preferred. Percussion boring Rotary Boring machine c) Sub-surface sounding • The sounding method consists of measuring the resistance of the soil with the depth by the means of penetrometer under static and dynamic loading. • The penetrometer may consist of sampling spoon or cone or any other shaped tool. • The resistance to penetration is correlated with some engineering properties of soil such as density index, consistency, bearing capacity etc. • Thus in this method by using sounding , the resistance of soil is measured which is useful for general exploration of erratic soil profiles , for finding depth to bed rock or stratum. • We can have an approximate induction of strength and other properties of soil. • The two commonly used tests are standard penetration test and the cone penetration test. d) Geo Physical Methods • Geo physical methods are used when the depth of exploration is very large, and also when the speed of investigation is of primary importance. • Geo physical investigations involve the detection of significant differences in the physical properties of geological formations. • The most commonly used methods of geophysical investigation are : 1. Seismic Refraction Method : • The seismic refraction method is based on the property of seismic waves to refract (or be bent) when they travel from one medium to another of different density or elasticity. • In this method, shock waves are created into the soil at their ground level or a certain depth below it. • The radiating shockwaves are picked up by the vibration detector (Geophone or seismometer) where the time of travel of shock waves get recorded. • Direct waves or primary waves travel directly from shock point along the ground surface to be picked up by geophone. • Refracted waves travel through the soil and also get refracted at the interface of two soil strata. The refracted waves are also picked up by the geophone. • If the underlying level is denser the refracted waves travel much faster and at longer distances, the shock waves reach faster than the direct waves. • Hence by distance-time graphs and analytical methods, the depth of various strata can be evaluated by using the time of travel of primary and refracted waves. • Seismic refraction method is fast & reliable in establishing the profile of different strata. • Different material such as gravel, clay hardpan or rock have characteristic properties and hence can be identified by distance-time graphs. • But for exact recognition and exploration, boring or sounding methods should be supplemented along. 2. Electrical resistivity method • The electrical resistivity method is based on the measurement and recording of changes in the mean resistivity of various soils. • Each soil soil has its own resistivity depending upon its composition , compaction,water content etc. • In this method , four metal spikes serve as electrodes which are drive into the ground along a straight line at equal distance. • A direct voltage is imposed between the outer two electrodes, and potential dropis measured between the inner electrodes. • The mean resistivity Ω (ohm-cm) is calculated by : Ω = 2ΠD E/I D = Distance between electrodes. (cm) E = Potential drop between inner electrodes. ( volts) I = Current between outer electrodes. (ampere) • The depth of exploration is roughly proportional to the electrode spacing. • So to study greater depths, the electrode spacing is increased gradually and maderoughly equal to depth of exploration required. This method is know as resistivitysounding. Settlement of foundations • The vertical downward movement of the base of a structure is called settlement. • Its effect upon the structure depends on its magnitude, its uniformity, the time over which it takes place, and the nature of the structure. • Settlement of foundation may occur due to : 1. Elastic compression of the foundation and underlying soil. 2. Inelastic compression of underlying soil, which is much larger than the elastic compression. 3. Ground water lowering. Due to changing water level soil tends to compact and causes settlement of ground surface. Lowering of water level in fine grained soil causes settlement. 4. Vibrations due to pile driving, blasting and oscillating machineries may cause settlement of granular soils. 5. Seasonal swelling and shrinkage of expansive clays. 6. Ground movement on earth slopes, such as surface erosion or landslide. 7. Other causes such as adjacent excavation, mining subsidence, underground erosion etc. • A certain amount of elastic and inelastic settlement of foundations is unavoidable, and should be taken into account in design. • • If the settlement is uniform over the whole are of building and is not excessive, it does little damage. If however, the amount of settlement varies at different points under the building, differential settlement occurs which results into stresses being setup in the building. • It is suggested that the allowable pressure should be selected such that the maximum settlement of an individual foundation should be 2.5 cm. CAUSES OF FAILURES OF FOUNDATIONS AND REMEDIAL MEASURES 1. Unequal settlement of subsoil : Unequal settlement of the sub-soil may lead to cracks in the structural components. unequal settlement occurs due to : i) Non uniform nature of soil . ii) Unequal load distribution on soil strata. iii) Eccentric loading. Remedy : i) Resting foundation on rigid strata. ii) limiting pressure in soil. iii) Avoiding eccentric loading. 2. Unequal settlement of masonry : The portion of masonry, situated between the ground level and concrete footing has mortar joints which may either shrink or compress, leading to unequal settlement of masonry. Remedy : i) Use mortar of proper strength. ii) Using thin joints. iii) Properly watering the masonry. iv) Limiting height of masonry to 1 m per day for lime mortar and 1.5 m per day for cement mortar. 3. Sub-soil moisture movement : • • When the water table drops down, shrinkage of sub-soil takes place and hence lack of sub- soil support is encountered and cracks develop in thebuilding. When water table rises swelling takes place inducing swellingpressure. 4. Lateral pressure on the walls : • • The walls transmitting load to foundation may be subjected to lateral pressure or thrust from a pitched roof or arch or wind action. The foundation may fail by overturning or generation of high tensile stresses on one side and high compressive stress on the other side. 5. Lateral movement of sub-soil : • • • This is applicable to very soft soil which moves out laterally due to verticalpressure. Such a situation may arise if ground is sloping or in granular soil where a big pit is being excavated nearby. Due to excessive settlement , the building may even collapse. Remedy: • In such a situation, sheet piles shouldbe driven to prevent lateral movement or escape of soil. 7. Atmospheric action: • • • Atmospheric agents such as sun, wind, rain may adversely affect the behavior of the foundation. If depth of foundation is shallow , moisture movements may cause scouring. If water is stagnant, it will result into dampness which ultimately decreases the strengthof the footing or foundation wall. Remedy: It is recommended to provide suitable plinth protection along external walls by: i) Filling back the foundation trenches with good soil and compactingit. ii) Provide gentle ground slope away from the wall. iii) Providing a narrow , sloping strip of impervious material along the exteriorwalls. • The soil supporting a building must be strong enough to carry the super imposed load. After the prelimanary and detailed investigation of the type of soil, depth of bed rock, Elevation of ground water etc., the next step is to select a suitable foundation to be used for the building. • The depth to which the foundation is to be taken and its bottom dimension so that it can be safely transmit the load from building to under lying soil with out any failure or significant settlement. • For the determination of this, a knowledge of the safe allowable pressure on the soil is necessary. • The ability of the soil to support the super imposed load without excessive settlement or failure is called Bearing capacity. Ultimate bearing capacity:-The gross pressure intensity at the base of the foundation which would cause shear failure of the soil. Safe bearing capacity:- maximum pressure which the soil can carry without the risk of shear failure. ultimate bearing capacity Safe bearing capacity = Factor of safety Determination of ultimate bearing capacity in the field Simplest and widely field test- plate load test used A square pit of sides equal to five times the width of test plate is dug up to the required depth. Test plates are iron plates of size 60cm square for clayey soil 30cm square for sandy soil. At the centre of the pit, a square hole of size equal to the test plate is dug.The bottom of the test plate should be along the proposed foundation level.(b1/d1=b2/d2) • Seat the plate accurately over the centre of pit and it should be in contact with the soil over the whole area • A loading post and hydraulic jack is provided above the test plate.Hydraulic jack support a gravity loading platform. The loading is done with sand bags,concrete blocks. • Load is increased in regular increments of 250kg or 1/5th of ultimate bearing capacity whichever is less • Each loading increment is kept in postion until no further measurable settlement occurs. Settlement of the plate is measured by two sensitive dial guage of sensitivity 0.02mm. • Plot a graph between settlement and load. • From the graph measure maximum load upto which settlement is proportional • Ultimate Bearing capacity of soil = Maximum load / Area of test plate • Safe bearing capacity Safe bearing capacity = ultimate bearing capacity factor of safety Factor of safety may be 2 or 3 Methods for improving bearing capacity of soil • Increase the depth of foundation • By draining the soil – Water content in soil will decreases its bearing capacity – By draining sandy soil and gravel by gravity pipe drainage system-improve bearing capacity • By compacting the soil – Reduces the open spaces between the individual particles • By grouting – Cement mortar can be injected under pressure into the subsoil to seal off voids in between subsoil and foundation. • By confining the soil – Sheet piles are driven around the structure to form an enclosure – Sheet piles are sections of sheet materials with interlocking edges that are driven into the ground to provide earth retention and excavation support. Sheet piles are most commonly made of steel, but can also be formed of timber or reinforced concrete. – Which will prevent the movement of soil. • Chemical treatment – Chemical solution are injected under pressure into the soil – Forms a gel and keep soil particles together to form a compact mass. Types of Loads Acting On Buildings Types of Loads Acting on a Building Dead Load Live Load Wind Load Snow Load Load due to Rain Earthqua ke Load Dead Load • The dead load includes loads that are relatively constant over time, including the weight of the structure itself, and immovable fixtures such as walls, roof, immovable furniture, etc. • Dead load is permanent, immovable and untransferable load of a structure. • The dead load of floors, roofs, beams, ceilings, etc. is proportionately transmitted on the surrounding walls. Weights of common construction materials of a building Sr. No. Material/Structure Weight (in kg/m3) 1. Brick Masonry Walls : 10 cm thick 20 cm thick 192 384 2. Plain Cement Concrete (P.C.C.) 2300 3. Reinforced Cement Concrete (R.C.C.) 2400 4. Bricks 1600 – 1920 5. Steel 7850 6. Cement Plaster, 25 mm thick 52 7. Sand 1760 – 2000 Live Load • This is the movable, temporary and transferable load on the floor and hence it is variable. • The weight of furniture, stored materials, humans, etc. • are examples of live loads. • It is also known as superimposed load. • The live loads are assumed to be acting uniformly over the whole floor area and is distributed proportionately on the wall foundations. Wind Load • Tall buildings are subjected to wind pressure on their exposed faces and inclined or sloppy roof surfaces. • The effect of wind pressure is to reduce the pressure on the foundation on the windward side and to increase the pressure on the leeward side. • Wind pressure can be measured by the formula : P = kV2 p = wind pressure in kg/m2 V = velocity of wind in km/hr k = coefficient whose value depends on various factors such as wind speed Temperature of air, etc. k= 0.0006 (as per building code) Snow Load • Snow load acts on roofs. • Actual load due to snow will depend on the shape of the roof and its capacity to retain the snow. • Mountain regions in northern parts of India are subjected to snow fall. Houses in this region experience snow load. • The load of snow maybe taken as 2.5 kg/m2 per cm depth of snow. Load due to Rain On surfaces of roofs whose positioning, shape and drainage systems are such as to make accumulation of rain water possible, the load due to the rain water is known as the Load due to rain. Earthquake Load • Earthquake causes shaking of ground resulting in shaking/motion of building at its base. • Forces acts on the building due to the earthquake especially in horizontal direction. • This fore can damage or even collapse the building. • Nowadays earthquake resistant buildings are constructed which can resist the severe earthquakes also. Building Components, Their Functions and Dimensions Super Structure Plinth On surfaces of roofs whose positioning, shape and drainage systems are such as to make accumulation of rain water possible, the load due to the rain water is known as the Load due to rain. Walls, Columns & Beams On surfaces of roofs whose positioning, shape and drainage systems are such as to make accumulation of rain water possible, the load due to the rain water is known as the Load due to rain. Floors On surfaces of roofs whose positioning, shape and drainage systems are such as to make accumulation of rain water possible, the load due to the rain water is known as the Load due to rain. Sills, Lintels & Weather Sheds On surfaces of roofs whose positioning, shape and drainage systems are such as to make accumulation of rain water possible, the load due to the rain water is known as the Load due to rain. Doors, Windows & Ventilators On surfaces of roofs whose positioning, shape and drainage systems are such as to make accumulation of rain water possible, the load due to the rain water is known as the Load due to rain. Roofs & Slabs On surfaces of roofs whose positioning, shape and drainage systems are such as to make accumulation of rain water possible, the load due to the rain water is known as the Load due to rain. Parapet On surfaces of roofs whose positioning, shape and drainage systems are such as to make accumulation of rain water possible, the load due to the rain water is known as the Load due to rain. Stairs, Lifts & Ramps On surfaces of roofs whose positioning, shape and drainage systems are such as to make accumulation of rain water possible, the load due to the rain water is known as the Load due to rain. Building Finishes On surfaces of roofs whose positioning, shape and drainage systems are such as to make accumulation of rain water possible, the load due to the rain water is known as the Load due to rain. Building Components and their Functions Sr. No. Building Components Functions Foundation It transmits the load coming from the superstructure on to the sub-soil below it. Plinth It protects the building from rain water, damp or moisture, insects and transmits the load of superstructure to the foundation. 3. Walls Provided to enclose or to divide the floor space into rooms as per requirement and also provide privacy, security and protection against sun, rain, etc. 4. Column Transmits the load coming from the beams on the sub – soil below it. 5. Sill Supports window frame at bottom. 1. 2. Sr. No. Building Components Functions 6. Door Provides access into the room, offers privacy of sight and sound. 7. Window Opening made in wall for providing light and ventilation. Ventilator Small opening made in wall, provided at lintel level for removal of exhaust air or foul smell. Roof/Slab It is the uppermost part of a building to cover the space below and protect it from sun, wind, rain and snow. Beam Media by which all loads of slab are transferred to vertical supports of a building. 8. 9. 10. Sr. No. Building Components Functions Lintel Supports the weight of the wall above the openings of doors, windows and ventilator. Stair Means of vertical transportation between the floors. Provides access between various floors. Floor Provides plane surface and supports the occupants, furniture, fixtures and equipments of a building. 14. Watershed/Chajjas Generally combined with lintels to protect doors, windows or ventilators from sun, rain, wind, etc 15. Parapet Acts as a protective solid balustrade for the users. 11. 12. 13. Building Components and their Nominal Dimensions Sr. No. Building Components Functions 1. Foundation Shallow foundations: Depth≥2T+30 Width=2T+30; T=wall thickness Deep foundations: Depth-10 to30m Width as per design 2. Plinth Height above ground : 30, 45, 60, 75 or 90 3. Walls Load bearing walls : 20, 30, 40 cm Partition wall : 10 cm 4. Column Square : 20 x 20cm, 30 x 30 cm Rectangular : 20 x 30cm Circular : 20 Ø, 30 Ø Footing: 1x1x1 m pit as per design 5. Sill Sill height : 70, 80 or 90 cm above floor Sr. No. Building Components Functions 6. Door Width : 0.80(min.), 0.90, 1.0, 1.20 m Height : 1.80 (min), 2.0, 2.10 m 7. Window Width : 0.60, 0.70, 0.90, 1.00, 1.20 m Height : 1.20 m 8. Ventilator Width : 0.60, 0.70, 0.90, 1.00, 1.20 m Height : 0.20 or 0.30 m 9. Roof/Slab R.C.C. slab thickness : 10, 12, 15 or 18 cm 10. Beam Depth:30, 45 or 60 cm Width : wall thickness or 30, 45, 60 cm Sr. No. Building Components Functions Lintel Length=width of door/window opening + min. 10 cm bearing on both ends Width = thickness of wall 12. Stair Tread : 25 cm, 30 cm Riser : 115 to 20 cm Width of stair := minimum 1.0 m 13. Floor Ground floor = plinth height Upper floor = slab thickness Watershed/Chajjas Tapered in shape: Front : 7 to 10 cm At lintel side = height of lintel = 10 to 15 cm Parapet Height : 1.0m(min.), 1.10, 1.20 or 1.30 m (approx.) Width : 10, 20 or 30 cm 11. 14. 15. THANKYOU