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Introduction to Geography Course Syllabus

course title: introduction to geography
Introduction to Geography and Earth System science:
Definition; Scope and subject mater; Development of
Geography as a discipline.
Concepts in Geography: Fundamental themes and concepts;
Major Approaches; Geographical Data; Tools and Techniques;
Analysis of Human-Environment system; Dualism; Points and
Circle of Reference
Environment: Meaning, types and components; Environment
and society; Ecology; Sustainability.
The Physical Dimension: Solar System and Celestial Objects;
Galaxies & Physical Cosmology; Landforms and Processes.
The Human Dimension: Philosophical and theoretical
approaches; Human dynamics; Man-Environment relation;
Human impact and Environmental systems
Practicing Geography: How geographers work; Relevance and
application; Communities; The present and future.
GE-1102 Introduction to Physical Geography
Definition, subject matter, scope and branches of physical geography
Earth as a planet: Size and shape, rotation and revolution, tilt
of the earth's axis, solar altitude, Solstices and equinoxes,
Geographic grid, World time zones.
Origin and evolution: Theories of Earth origin, geologic time
scale, continental drift and plate tectonics, the Gaia
Structure of the Earth: Interior structure (core, mantle,
crust). crustal structure (rocks and minerals)
Processes of Land formation: Endogenic Process
(Diastrophism, Volcanism, Earthquakes); Exogenic Process Group discussion,
(weathering, Erosion, Mass wasting, Deposition)
Earth’s Spheres: The Lithosphere (Rock cycle, soil
formation, crustal formation and deformation process), The Atmosphere (Compositions of atmosphere,
elements and
factors of weather and climate; global Scale circulation of the
atmosphere), The Hydrosphere (The hydrological cycle and
processes, Distribution of oceans and seas on the Earth), The
Biosphere (Component of biosphere, Organization of Life-Species, Populations, Communities, and
Earth as a system with subsystem: System approach to
physical environment; System Typology: Morphologic,
cascading, process-response, systems and ecosystems, open,
closed and isolated systems; System feedback.
GE-1103 Reading and Cartography Core Course
Introduction to Cartography: Definition, historical
evolution and development of cartography; Emergence of
GIS; Map as a tool of geographical study.
Understanding Maps: Definition; Background;
Classification; Importance and applications; Basic
Elements. Conventional signs and symbols, marginal
Map Scale: Types and applications of different map scales
(graphical, verbal, R.F)
Cartographic Designing: Principles of map design;
Symbology; International Color Scheme; Map production
and reproduction.
Thematic Map: Definition and Concept; Thematic
mapping methods (Choropleth, Isopleths, Dot, Flow,
Proportional symbol, Isarithmic and Diagrammatic method,
Basic Map Reading and Interpretation: The Language of
Maps; Determination of latitudes and longitudes;
Measurement of time and distance in maps; Data extraction
from maps; Familiarity with maps (physical, topographical,
geological, weather, political, regional, and economic) in
Bangladesh and World perspective.