lOMoARcPSD|25305666 01 John Meadows - Program 33- High Evolutionary.pdf by john meadows (z-lib Strategic Sports Development (University of Southampton) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 1 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Table of Contents MOUNTAIN DOG HYPERTROPHY PROGRAM 4 PROGRAM DURATION AND SPLIT 5 DELOADS 5 OVERLOAD METHOD 5 WHAT IS FAILURE TRAINING? 5 RECOVERY NUTRITION 6 RECOVERY LIFESTYLE 7 BAND WORK 8 REST BREAKS 8 NUTRITION 10 PROPER INTENSITY THE HIGH EVOLUTIONARY 11 WEEK 1 27 WEEK 2 38 WEEK 3 51 WEEK 4 64 WEEK 5 77 WEEK 6 Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 2 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Mountain Dog Hypertrophy Program The High Evolutionary The High Evolutionary was a Marvel character that sought to advance genetics and create a super race. He developed a serum called Isotope A, an Evolution bomb, a Genesis Chamber, and all kinds of other wacky stuff to do this. Well, I am the High Evolutionary of training . I want to see you all become High Evolutionarys yourselves, so let’s get to work! Oh, and guess who bestowed the Soul Gem to Adam Warlock for all you Marvel fans? Yep, this guy. I am excited to deliver another 6 week all out high intensity program for you all! I have been working hard since our last programs Odin Force and Colossus and am including some of the newer things I am doing and having success with in this one. One thing that I believe more then ever, is the importance of our one set where we go all out on each exercise. The ability to execute these sets, and program them in a way that encourages longevity is the backbone of this program. Let’s get into the specifics of the program. Get ready for The High Evolutionary Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 3 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 PROGRAM DURATION AND SPLIT This program is not a push, pull, legs split, it’s more traditional with a separate arm day. I would consider it moderate frequency. With the intensity I am advocating in this program, I believed it is best to have a separate arm day and slightly more recovery time. You may want to go right home after these back workouts for example, forget training biceps! It’s also nice to have a day to train smaller body parts to allow the larger parts more recovery time. As always, there is a method behind every single thing I do. The weeks are written as 5 days of training. I want 2 days for recovery every week. I built these to take Wednesday and Sunday off, with the thought process of spreading out rest days, but you could take any 2 days off if your schedule dictates it. Tuesday and Sunday, Thursday and Sunday, even Saturday and Sunday, so don’t feel handcuffed to these 2 days. Weeks 1 and 4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Legs Chest OFF Back Arms Legs OFF Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Chest Back OFF Arms Legs Chest OFF Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Back Arms OFF Legs Chest Back OFF Weeks 2 and 5 Weeks 3 and 6 Arm Customization If you want to focus as much on arms as other bodyparts you can work this split in anywhere you like. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Arms Legs OFF Chest Back Arms OFF Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 4 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 DELOADS There will be no deloads during this program given that it is a shorter duration program. Suck it up and push as hard as you can for the 6 weeks, then you can back off if need be. OVERLOAD METHOD We are not increasing training volume (sets and reps) as we go on this as we have in the past on the 12-week programs. The real overload method here is twofold: 1. The 2nd exercise used in the rotation is generally nonrotating so is a great judge of where you are in terms of strength. Trying to improve the weight you can use to achieve your target number reps I lay out is an easy way to judge this. It is important to note that the first exercise may create some fatigue, but it should not have a significant effect on the 2nd exercise. Also, realize that with the lower number of sets in this program, it is CRUCIAL that you take my RPE directions as written. If I say go to RPE 10, your last rep better be true failure. If we go 11 or even a 12, you better dig past failure and be willing to endure some pain. 2. Secondly, we progress getting deeper into sets, working through pain thresholds as weeks go by. This is very heavy in your 3rd and/or 4th exercises. This type of intensity is a method of overload itself, although people rarely do this (they are scared). You will see things like, one week you do a certain number of reps, the next week you add partials to that, and then the next week you might add an isohold in there on top of the partials. It’s all about methodically bringing up intensity as our progressive overload method as well. WHAT IS FAILURE TRAINING? It means doing all the full range of motion reps you can with perfect form. If you have to use sloppy form to do another rep, then stop. If you could have done more reps with good form, it wasn’t to failure. Most people can do more than they think with proper focus and motivation. RECOVERY NUTRITION With this focus on intensity, comes the need for hyper focus on recovery to get maximum results. I highly recommend using an amino, electrolyte, and carb drink intra for maximum recovery. This will stimulate insulin response and you will drive more aminos and carbs into muscle and the recovery process is heightened. It also Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 5 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 increases blood flow and supports your immune system fyi. Most males would do well with 6-10 grams of essential aminos, and 40-50 grams of carbs. Titrate the carbs up or down depending on your size. The goal is to greatly reduce soreness. When you do this, all of the right things are happening internally. My product choices are: • Recovery from Granite Supplements • Intra Carb from Granite Supplements (if you need extra carbs) New customers can use code GraniteStrong25 to get a massive 25% off their first order. RECOVERY LIFESTYLE With this focus on intensity Also, make it your mission in life to reduce stress outside of the gym, and to get a full night’s sleep every single night. This will greatly enhance recovery as well. Generally, you want to get 5 full sleep cycles. Every cycle is about 90 minutes. As you can see from the chart below, earlier sleep cycles are heavier in non-REM sleep. Later sleep cycles are heavier in REM sleep (indicated in red). This is important because of these benefits: • Non-REM is physically restorative. You release GH, clear waste products, and resupply energy stores just to name a few things • REM is mentally restorative. Your memory is especially impacted positively Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 6 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Some tips for better sleep include: • Turn off all electronics 2 hours before bed, or at a minimum turn off the blue light on your mobile devices 1-2 hours prior • Make your bedroom as dark as possible • Make the temperature in your room around 65 (keep it cool) • Read a book or do something that relaxes you before retiring • Do not take later afternoon naps, 20-30 minute naps around lunch are ok BAND WORK Band work is sprinkled into the program lightly at various points as well. Using bands is optional. Here are the bands you will need from EliteFTS.net if you also want to incorporate them: • 1 orange micro mini band (for face pulls and for women to use on chest press machines often but order 2 in this case) • 2 red long pro minis (for chest presses and pullovers) • 1 red short pro mini band (for spidercrawls) • 1 pro light band for assisted chins, pullovers, and banded good mornings • 1 pro average band for assisted chins and banded good mornings Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 7 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 REST BREAKS Rest breaks should be as follows unless I state specifically what I want Base Work Phase 1 – Activation and pump – 2 minutes Phase 2 - Training explosively – 3 minutes Phase 3 – Supramax pump – 2 minutes (the last set frequently employs a high intensity technique that calls for very little rest during the set). Phase 4 – Train the muscle from stretch position – 90 seconds NUTRITION I wrote this program with the intention of it being used to gain size. If you are looking for a starting point, then try this: Multiply your bodyweight x 20 for your total calories. For example, Charles weighs 200 lbs., so this is 4,000 calories daily. Multiply your bodyweight x 1.25 for daily grams of protein. The 200 lbs. person thus needs 250 grams of protein daily. Multiply your bodyweight x .5 for daily grams of fat. The 200 lbs. person thus needs 100 grams of fat daily. The rest of your calories should be consumed as carbs. In this example, the 250 grams equal 1,000 calories (a gram of protein = 4 calories.) The 100 grams of fat equal 900 calories (a gram of fat = 9 calories.) 4,000 total calories minus the 1,900 calories from protein and fat leaves Piotr with 2,100 calories. 2,100 calories / 4 = 525 grams of carbs. * a gram of carbs equals 4 calories. Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 8 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 I’ll add another example below for your daily macros. Our Hero Bodyweight Total Calories Protein Fat Carbs Charles 200 4,000 250 100 525 Emma 125 2,500 156 63 327 LEANER GOAL: If you are looking for a starting point for getting leaner, actually start with all the above to gain weight! This may be higher than your normal intake but it’s important to build your metabolism so that you have “somewhere to go” with your calories as you hit plateaus. I would advise this for 2 weeks before starting the cutting process. Many times, people are not eating much, so the 1st week is really tough. Once you make it through week 1, week 2 isn’t so bad in terms of getting food down. Then you start the cutting! So, in the above example Charles’ adjustments will be something like this: 10% net total difference in calories in vs. calories out 5% from a reduction in calories via diet changes (200 calories reduced) 5% from an increase in caloric expenditure from adding cardio (200 calories expended via cardio) Continue to make changes more or less aggressively based on results. You may want to not adjust at all, or do another 5%, etc. If you want a more customized 1-time plan or weekly coaching to get you started, you should have been prompted with an option upon making your purchase of the training program. Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 9 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 PROPER INTENSITY It is also critical to work at the right level of intensity regarding going to failure, especially with a lower volume plan. Going too hard or too easy can compromise results. I have taken the guesswork out of this and will give you an “RPE” on every exercise to tell you how close to failure you should go. Follow the RPE suggestion for each exercise to ensure you are training at the correct intensity level. ***FEEDER SETS – I will mention feeder sets often in the program. They are extremely important. These are low rep sets designed to just get you to your working sets carefully, so you do not get injured, but to not exhaust your muscles. Not doing these sets is why many people have been injured executing low volume/high intensity workout plans. These are not official sets as the intensity is extremely low on these. Rate of Perceived Exertion Flow Chart Fairly easy like a warm-up weight @ 6.0 You can do 4-6 more reps @ 7.0 You can do 2-3 more reps @ 8.0 You have 2 more reps left in the tank @ 8.5 You have 1 more rep left in the tank @ 9.0 Went to failure at perfect form @ 10 Went to failure with loose form after perfect reps completed @ 11 Used a high intensity technique to push beyond failure @ 12 Used multiple high intensity techniques/go apeshit set! @ 13 Click on any one of the tags for an example Generally, (not always) I count sets that are 7.0 and above as working sets. Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 10 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Week 1 Monday - Leg Workout Friday - Leg Workout (Pump style) Upper legs 5 exercises 6 sets Biceps 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 2 sets Triceps 3 exercise 9 sets 6 exercises 8 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 7 exercises 22 sets Tuesday - Chest (lower pec emphasis), Shoulders, Abs Chest 4 exercises 8 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 8 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 8 exercises 20 sets Saturday - Leg Workout Upper Legs 5 exercises 9 sets 5 exercises 9 sets Sunday - OFF - Family Day Wednesday - OFF Thursday Back 6 exercises 13 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 7 exercises 17 sets Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 11 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 1 - MONDAY Upper legs 5 exercises 6 sets Calves 1 exercise 2 sets 1/ Upper legs | Lying leg curls Do 2 sets of 20 here to get the blood moving, and then just feeder sets of 4 until we get to our work set. I want you to do 8 hard reps where you can barely get the 8th rep with good form, then drop the weight 30% (ish) and go to failure again, and then do 10 slow partials from the stretch position. Watch in the video how Ken, Terrance and I continue with slow partials at around the 5:40 mark. Work through the pain. 1 total work set Vlog 7 - Brutal Old School EliteFTS Leg Workout | Day in The Life #7 This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Activate and pump This is an example of what it would look like: 60 x 20 80 x 20 100 x 4 120 x 4 140 x 8, followed by 110 x 6, followed by 10 partials (Work set) Pro Tip If you want maximum hamstring development, specifically the biceps femoris, work leg curls hard as part of this muscle only crosses the knee and is purely a knee flexor. Hip extension will do nothing for this muscle. 2/ Upper legs | Squats This is your base leg movement. Our target reps on this program for the first 3 weeks is 10 reps. Each week the goal is to use more weight to get your 10 reps. Take your time warming up, but don’t fatigue yourself as you do. Use feeder sets, and then I want 2 work sets. I want one set where you leave 2-3 reps in the tank, and then 1 set where you leave 1 rep in the tank. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 10 185 x 10 225 x 6 275 x 6 315 – 10 (2-3 reps left in tank) 345 – 10 (1 rep left in tank) Note: If you have a low back injury and prefer to not do these, use a machine that supports your back. I want the squat motion simulated. These sets are an RPE of 8, and 9 Goal – Train explosively Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 12 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 3/ Upper legs | Leg press Now it’s time to break out the cluster set. This means maximum pump and effort. Work up to a weight that is really tough 10 reps. Use low rep feeder sets to get you there, so you have plenty of strength. Now It’s time to go to work. Do your 10 reps leaving a rep or two in the tank, then rack the weight and count to 20, and do what you can, then rack the weight and count to 20 and do it one more time. This means you are doing a lot of really tough reps, and essentially 3 sets in one. 1 total work set This is an example of what it might look like: 5 plates per side x 4 6 plates per side x 4 7 plates per side x 4 8 plates per side x 10, rest 20 seconds and do 7, rest 20 seconds and do 5 Note: It is very important on all cluster sets that you leave a rep or two in the tank on the first set. If you go all the way to failure, you will have nothing left on the subsequent sets after your 20 second breaks. This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump 4/ Upper legs | Stiff legged barbell deadlift Here we are doing 2-3 feeder sets of 6 reps, before doing our hard set. I want you to lower the bar slowly, for a 3 count, and then come up ¾ of the way before going back down. I want you to find a weight that you can do for 10 reps. You should fail around 10. Now let me be really clear here. Do NOT use bad form as you fatigue. If you lose form, drop the bar and stop. I want 10 perfect reps. That is what I define as failure. It will take some experimenting the first week to find the right weight. 1 total work set This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 6 185 x 6 225 x 6 275 x 10 (barely got 10th rep with good form) Note: If you have a low back injury and prefer to not do these, I want you to do banded hyperextensions. Follow the same target of around 10 reps hitting failure. You will need bands to make 10 reps hard. 3 Exercises To Strengthen Your Lower Back check 2 minutes in. This set is an RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 13 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Upper legs | Bulgarian drop set of death Here’s how you finish off your legs if there is anything left and take your glutes out in the process. On this set you will do 8 reps where you go down with a 3 second decent and then come up ¾ of the way. On the 8th rep pause for a 3 count isohold ¾ of the way up, then drop the weight and repeat for another 8 reps, and finally drop one more time and repeat again. You are going to do these one leg at a time. I want you to do one leg, then rest 2 minutes and then do the other leg. Use your opposite hand for balance so you can focus on fighting through the pain. 1 total work set Bulgarian Drop Set Of Death - Hardcore Leg Workout This is an example of what it could look like: 55 lb dumbell x 8 then 8 second isohold, drop down to 35, and do 8 with an 8 second isohold, and then do bodyweight only. Pro Tip Glutes fire hardest at 90 degrees down, which is where you will likely feel this confirming the studies done on the topic. Try to hit 90 degrees on all reps. This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Calves | Standing calve raises I want you to do a couple high rep warm up sets and then hit your 2 hard sets. You are going to do 2 sets of 10. After you do 10-12 reps, do 10 more partials, and then sit in the stretch for 10 more seconds. Do this on both work sets. 2 total work sets Note: In between all calve work sets in this ENTIRE PROGRAM (even feeders), do tibia raises. This means simply raising your toes (dorsiflexing foot). I like to let my toes hang off an aerobic step bench when doing these to get some tibialis stretch. Do sets of 20. This is an example of what it could look like: 50 x 20 100 x 20 150 x 5 175 x 4 200 x 10, then 10 partials, then 10 second stretch 200 x 10, then 10 partials, then 10 second stretch Here is a version using a short band if you do not have a tibia machine also. Exercise Index - Tibia Raises These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump and train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 14 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 1 - TUESDAY Chest 4 exercises 8 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 8 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets Chest: For people who have a really difficult time feeling your pecs, this is your chest activation sequence. I fully expect you to not need these after a few weeks as your mind muscle connection should be very good. I think you will find it extremely effective for enhancing the mind muscle connection in your chest. Watch the video and enjoy! Do the 2 exercises in the video below, in between warm up sets on the presses. Do 3 rounds of this before starting your working sets. Feel free to do these before all chest workouts in the program. Chest Activation | How To Feel Your Chest 1/ Chest | Slight decline dumbbell press These are probably my favorite dumbell exercise currently for chest. As you can see in the video, just prop one side of the bench up with a 25 lb. plate. Do a few warmups, then low rep feeder sets until you get to your big set. Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there where you try to match the number, and then drop the weight 30% and go to failure again. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - Slight Decline Dumbbell Press These sets are RPE of 10 and 11 Goal – Activation and start pump This is an example of what it would look like/what I did: 25’s x 20 45’s x 15 65’s x 6 85’s x 6 105’s x4 120’s x 8 (fail at 8) 120’s x 8. Dropped to 90 and got 6 more 2/ Chest | Smith decline press (slight angle) If you don’t have a Smith, set up a regular bench in a power rack with a slight decline. Ok so I sat here and stared at my computer for 20 minutes debating putting this in or not. Now I love this particular movement, but I was concerned that some people would use improper form which can cause harm in a Smith machine. Then I thought to myself, you all know your stuff, and you can dang sure learn it form my video linked below, so go with my gut, and put it in there. The video talks about the decline Smith at about 2:45. Notice the slight angle, and the form specifically. Lock these out and flex. I think you will be amazed at how the pump is so targeted in your lower and outer pecs on these. We are going to work these for 3 weeks. Let’s try to build the weight we can get for our target heavy set of 8 reps each week! We will count the last 2 sets as work sets. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it would look like/what I did: 185 x 6 205 x 4 225 x 8 (2-3 reps in the tank) 265 x 8 (failed at 8) Pro Tip The bar should hit right below nipple level. Don’t let the bar ride up high or you risk injury. The Perfect 3 Exercise Lower / Outer Chest Workout These sets are an RPE of 8 and 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 15 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 3/ Chest | Cable crossovers Let’s get a little more blood in those pecs before we finish with our stretch exercise. Check out the form at 9:40 in the video. I want you to do 1 big cluster set of these. Shoot for about 10 reps with perfect form, rest 20 seconds then go to failure, then rest 20 seconds and do it again. On each rep hold and flex at the bottom for 1 full second. Think about driving as much blood into your pecs as you can. 1 total work set The Perfect 3 Exercise Lower / Outer Chest Workout This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Chest | Dips I love these dips. I know these can be tough, so feel free to use an assist machine if need be. Check out the form. Check out the form at 6:40 in the video. Chin on chest and your feet out in front. I want you to do 3 sets to complete failure. Don’t take these to full lockout, keep tension on your pecs. Get a nice deep stretch at the bottom. 3 total work sets The Perfect 3 Exercise Lower / Outer Chest Workout These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 5/ Shoulders | Rear delt flyes We are going to start on rear delts as we normally will. On this simple exercise I want you to do 3 sets of 20. I want the 20th rep to be brutal. You may in fact, have to shorten the range of motion and even do partials to get the last 5 or so reps. That is A-OK! Form is at 1:20 in the video linked below. 3 total work sets The Perfect 3 Exercise Shoulder Workout for “Massive Rear Delts” These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Shoulders | Dumbell side lateral partials This is an old school exercise here meant to cause massive pain, for your enjoyment. Do 3 sets of 20. See the video linked below at about 2:15 on form and loading. Feel the burn. 3 total work sets The Perfect 3 Exercise Shoulder Workout for Capped Delts These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 16 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 7/ Shoulders | Incline raise Make sure you watch the video below so that you are doing the right kind of incline raise. This is where you are leaning face toward the bench, not away. Do 2 sets of 15 here. Try to get the weight up and hold for a split second flexing your delts as hard as you can at the top. The form is at 4:10 in the video linked below. 2 total work sets Let’s finish our delts by burning them up. The Perfect 3 Exercise Shoulder Workout for Capped Delts These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 8/ Abs | Rope crunches Do 4 sets to failure here. I try to use a weight that allows for about 12-15 reps. 4 total work sets Rope crunches Pro Tip If you want to practice vacuuming, do this 4x per week the entire program! How To Stomach Vacuum Like a Pro These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 17 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEDNESDAY OFF DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 18 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 1 - THURSDAY Back 6 exercises 13 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets Those of you familiar with my programs have grown to love these activations. To be clear, once you do them a few times you should be good to go on your lat work. The goal is to not have to do them. I think you will find it extremely effective for enhancing mind muscle connection in your lats. Watch the video and enjoy! Do the 2 exercises in the video below, in between warm up sets on the rows. Do 3 rounds of this before starting your working sets. Back Activation | How To Feel Your Lats 1/ Back | Meadows row Let’s get you started right with a movement that builds your entire back, my Meadows Rows. This is going to be your base movement for back the first 3 weeks of the program. Next week I’ll want a weight bump but the same rep count on your work sets. Do 2-3 warm up sets, then a set to failure with 12 reps. Then for your last set, add some weight and hit failure with around 8 reps. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - Meadows Row These sets are all RPE of 10 This is an example of what it could look like: 1 25 lb plate for 15 2 25 lb plates for 10 3 25 lb plates for 12 (work set) 3 25 lb plates and a 10 for 8 (work set) The numbers are just targets, the most important thing is that the sets are to true failure with good form. You can be off a rep or two. Goal – Supramax pump 2/ Back | Banded chins I want you to do 3 sets to failure here. Count your total reps, because next week I am going to ask you to beat it. See the video below on exactly how to do these! I use an orange band from EliteFTS. If you are a strong chinner you might use a long red band, if you are really weak at chins, you would need the grey band. If you can, try to get a really good lat stretch at the bottom. The band will help with that. These give me an amazing pump that is really hard to get with traditional chins, probably due to being able to get higher into the movement. 3 total work sets Pro Tip Keep your sternum arched. In other words, don’t let your chest cave in, that engages your biceps more, and your lats less. Drive your elbows down to lift your body, don’t think of pulling with your arms. Flex your lats hard throughout the range of motion! Exercise Index - Banded Pull Up These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 19 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 3/ Back | Dumbell pullover with band Do 2 sets of 10 here. Leave 1 rep in the tank on each set. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - Banded Dumbbell Pullovers These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Back | Supinated pulldowns Do 2 sets of 10 here. See the video for the setup. This is a little unique. I love the angle because you can drive your elbows straight down and really flex your lats. Don’t worry so much about the stretch here, as you are not anchored down, and the weight won’t be heavy enough, but this is excellent for continuing to drive blood into the lats to pump them up. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - Single Arm Pulldown These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 5/ Back | Incline dumbell rows I love these for rhomboids, rear delts, and lower traps. I really like using kettlebells as you will see in the video, but I know many gyms don’t have them heavy enough for our work sets. I want you to do a hard set of 12 for your first set. Then on your second set do a hard 12, and then drop the weight about 30% and go to failure. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 50 lb dumbells x 12 70 lb dumbells x 8, then 45’s x failure Exercise Index | Incline Dumbbell Rows These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Back | Hyperextensions Let’s finish up today with 2 sets to failure on hyperextensions. The video shows a version with bands, and one with a barbell. For this week, no extra weight is needed, just use your bodyweight. 2 total work sets 3 Exercises To Strengthen Your Lower Back These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 20 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 7/ Abs | Decline bench leg raises Pro Tip Do 4 sets to failure here. 4 total work sets I like to put abs in after lower back to get some of that blood out of your lower back and into your abs. If I would have only done this in my younger years instead of driving home with a nasty low back pump after endless reps of hypers! Also, as you do these, think about curling yourself up into a ball, and uncurling yourself as well to keep tension on abs, and of hip flexors. Decline bench leg raises These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 21 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 1 - FRIDAY Biceps 3 exercises 9 sets Triceps 3 exercise 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Biceps | Drag curls Do a warmup set here, then do 3 hard sets of around 12 reps going to failure. These should be easy on your elbows and fire up your biceps quickly. Watch the video below for proper form. Take note of how much weight you are using for next week. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Drag Curls These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 2/ Biceps | Concentration preacher curls Sorry about the poor name on these, but I didn’t know what to call them. I had to put these in the plan though because they are absolutely awesome. As I say in the video, smash the dumbells together and flex hard as you do these! Do 3 sets of 10. Again, take note of how much weight you are using. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Concentration Preacher Curls These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Biceps | Hammer curls On this sit down and put your back against a pad. What I do is sit down in a lat pulldown bench, and face away from the pad so I can lean back against it a little to keep upper arm from moving, and to create a really nice safe stretch at the bottom. These are my absolute favorite version of hammer curls. Do 3 sets of 12. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Triceps | Dual rope pushdown These are a great way to start your tri workout and crush that inner/long head. Watch the video below for perfect form and hit 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Dual Rope Tricep Extensions These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 22 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Triceps | Dual handle pushdown Now switch out your ropes to spongy grip type handles. Notice the spongy grips in the video. Use these if you can, the metal D handles don’t feel nearly as good as these handles do. Let’s do 3 sets of 12 here. 3 total work sets Tricep pushdowns with single handles These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Triceps | Kettlebell lying extensions On these if you don’t have kettlebells you can use dumbells. Do 3 sets of around 12 here. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Kettlebell Lying Tricep Extensions Skull Crusher These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 7/ Calves | Standing calve raises We are going to double up on the sets that we did Monday here and do 4 sets. I want you to get these out of the way, as tomorrow, you are in for upper leg oblivion. I want you to do a couple high rep warm up sets and then hit your 4 hard sets. You are going to do 4 sets of 10. After you do 10 reps, do 10 partials, and then sit in the stretch for 10 more seconds. Do this on all work sets. 4 total work sets Note: One more reminder here. In between all sets (even feeders), do tibia raise. This means simply raising your toes (dorsiflexing foot). I like to let my toes hang off an aerobic step bench when doing these to get some tibialis stretch. Do sets of 20. Here is a version using a short band if you do not have a tibia machine also. Exercise Index - Tibia Raises These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump and train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 23 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 1 - SATURDAY Upper legs 5 exercises 9 sets 1/ Upper legs | Lying leg curl Hopefully your legs are good and rested, we are taking it up a notch from Monday. Do 2 sets of 20 here to get the blood moving, and then just feeder sets of 4 until we get to our work sets. I want you to do 10 hard reps where you can barely get the 10th rep with good form. That’s 1 set. Now do it again for set 2, then drop the weight 30% (ish) and go to failure again, and then do 10 slow partials from the stretch position. Work through the pain. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 60 x 20 80 x 20 100 x 4 120 x 4 140 x 10, failing at 10 (work set) 140 x 10, followed by 110 x 6, followed by 10 partials (Work set) This sets are an RPE of 10 and 11 Goal – Activate and pump 2/ Upper legs | Squats This is your base leg movement. Remember we want to try and increase the weight we do for 10 reps. Take your time warming up, but don’t fatigue yourself as you do. Use feeder sets, and then I want 2 work sets. I want one set where you leave 2-3 reps in the tank, and then 1 set where you leave 1 rep in the tank but you should be able to use a little more weight than on Monday even if it’s just 5 lbs. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 10 185 x 10 225 x 6 275 x 6 320 – 10 (2-3 reps left in tank) 350 – 10 (1 rep left in tank) Note: If you have a low back injury and prefer to not do these, use a machine that supports your back. I want the squat motion simulated. These sets are an RPE of 8, and 9 Goal – Train explosively 3/ Upper legs | Hack squat Now it’s time to break out the cluster set, again. You can see one of my cluster sets at 17:00 in the video below. Work up to a weight that is really tough 10 reps. Use low rep feeder sets to get you there, so you have plenty of strength. Now It’s time to go to work. Do your 10 reps leaving a rep or two in the tank, then rack the weight and count to 20, and do what you can, then rack the weight and count to 20 and do it one more time. This means you are doing a lot of really tough reps, and essentially 3 sets in one. 1 total work set This is an example of what it might look like: 2 plates per side x 4 3 plates per side x 10, rest 20 seconds and do 7, rest 20 seconds and do 5 Note: It is very important on all cluster sets that you leave a rep or two in the tank on the first set. If you go all the way to failure, you will have nothing left on the subsequent sets after your 20 second breaks. Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 24 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Vlog 7 - Brutal Old School EliteFTS Leg Workout | Day in The Life #7 This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump 4/ Upper legs | Stiff legged barbell deadlift This is the same as last week but we add a work set. Here we are doing 2-3 feeder sets of 6 reps, before doing our hard sets. I want you to lower the bar slowly, for a 3 count, and then come up ¾ of the way before going back down. I want you to find a weight that you can do for 10 reps. You should fail around 10. Now let me be really clear here. Do NOT use bad form as you fatigue. If you lose form, drop the bar and stop. I want 10 perfect reps. That is what I define as failure. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 6 225 x 6 275 x 10 (barely got 10th rep with good form) 275 x 9 (barely got 9th rep with good form – you may lose a rep or two) Note: If you have a low back injury and prefer to not do these, I want you to do banded hyperextensions. Follow the same target of around 10 reps hitting failure. You will need bands to make 10 reps hard. 3 Exercises To Strengthen Your Lower Back check 2 minutes in. These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position 5/ Upper legs | Smith split squat Do 2 sets of 10 here on each leg. The biggest key is to lift by flexing your glute. Try to literally pick yourself up by flexing glute. I want your glutes to get hammered on these. Go down nice and slow and feel your glute stretching as well. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - Split Squats These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 25 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 SUNDAY OFF - FAMILY DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 26 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Week 2 Monday - Chest (upper pec emphasis), Shoulders Chest 4 exercises 10 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 8 exercises 23 sets Tuesday Back 5 exercises 13 sets Calves 1 exercise 3 sets 6 exercises 16 sets Friday - Legs Upper legs 5 exercises 10 sets 5 exercises 10 sets Saturday - Chest (lower pec emphasis), Shoulders, Calves Chest 4 exercises 8 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 8 exercises 21 sets Sunday - OFF - Family Day Wednesday - OFF Thursday Biceps 3 exercises 9 sets Triceps 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 1 set Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 8 exercises 23 sets Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 27 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 2 - MONDAY Chest 4 exercises 10 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Chest | Slight incline dumbell press The last chest workout we did slight decline work. Now we are going to do slight incline work. We will be rotating back and forth. In the video below, you can see the angle I am looking for with Paul. Do not take these to full lockout. Let’s work up to a really tough set of 10. Each week we will try to get an extra rep or two with what you finish with today or we will go slightly heavier and brings reps down a few. We will count the 2nd to last set as a work set also. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 30 lb dumbells x 20 (warm up) 50 lb dumbells x 15 (warm up) 70 lb dumbells x 10 (you had an extra 2-3 reps in tank) 80 lb dumbells x 10 (barely got 10) The Perfect 3 Exercise Chest Workout For “Upper Pecs” These sets are an RPE of 8 and 10 Goal – Activation and start pump 2/ Chest | Incline barbell press Now we hit our base movement that will stay in the rotation for the entire program. Lower the weight under perfect control to about 2 inches off your chest then drive up explosively. I want you to do sets of 8. Finish with a top set of 8. We will count the last 2 sets. I’d like to see you be able to use a little more weight each week and get your target 8 reps. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 5 (feeder set) 185 x 3 (feeder set) 225 x 8 (2-3 reps left in tank) 245 x 8 (barely got 8) These sets are an RPE of 8 and 10 Goal – Train explosively 3/ Chest | Incline Stretch pushups You’ve probably seen our stretch pushups, now we simply do them with elevated feet to stress upper pecs more. I like the hand position I used in the video below, to really line up the fibers perfectly. Normally I just place my hands on stacked bumper plates, that is fine too. Do 3 sets to failure. Video starts at about 4:50 in. 3 total work sets The Perfect 3 Exercise Chest Workout For “Upper Pecs” These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length Note: If you have shoulder health issues, and this extreme range of motion is too tough, simply don’t go down to the point where they are uncomfortable. Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 28 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 One of my favorite old school supersets was dips and rear delt flyes. I want to do this superset 3 times. This is some old school nasty. This will finish off your pecs, and fire up your rear delts. 4/ Chest | Dips You can use a dip machine or assist machine if needed on the dips. Go to failure then proceed directly to: Superset with 5/ Shoulders | Bent over dumbell flyes Do 20 reps here. Exercise Index - Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise Do 3 rounds for 6 total sets These sets are RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Shoulders | Incline raise This is the same as last week. Make sure you watch the video below so that you are doing the right kind of incline raise. This is where you are leaning face toward the bench, not away. Do 3 sets of 15 here. Try to get the weight up and hold for a split second flexing your delts as hard as you can at the top. The form is at 4:10 in the video linked below. 3 total work sets Let’s finish our delts by burning them up. The Perfect 3 Exercise Shoulder Workout for Capped Delts These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Shoulders | Landmine shoulder press These are new to my programs. I started including them for shoulders, but also serratus. Training this muscle helps support shoulder health so I am happy about this new addition to my plans. They work very well and are pretty fun to do. Do 3 sets of 8 here. See the video below for proper form. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Landmine Shoulder Press These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 29 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 8/ Abs | Rope crunches Do 4 sets to failure here. I try to use a weight that allows for about 12-15 reps. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 30 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 2 - TUESDAY Back 5 exercises 13 sets Calves 1 exercise 3 sets 1/ Back | Meadows row Ok week 2 of these bad boys. Try to beat what you did last week for your 12 rep work set. So, if you did say 75 lbs. last week, add another 5lb plate and do your 12 with 80 lbs. this week. Do 2-3 warm up sets, then a set to failure with 12 reps. Then for your last set, add some weight and hit failure with around 8 reps as we did last week. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - Meadows Row This is an example of what it could look like: 1 25 lb plate for 15 2 25 lb plates for 10 3 25 lb plates and a 5 for 12 (work set) – (adding 5 lbs this week from last week) 3 25 lb plates and a 10 for 8 (work set) – (maybe add 5 lbs to this as well) The numbers are just targets, the most important thing is that the sets are to true failure with good form. You can be off a rep or two. These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 2/ Back | Banded chins I want you to do 3 sets to failure here. Beat your reps form last week! See the video below on exactly how to do these if you need a refresher. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Banded Pull Up Pro Tip For extra pump and blood flow, on your last set hold the middle position (isohold) for 20 seconds before stopping the set. Flex your lats while you do this. These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Back | Dumbell pullover with band Repeat these this week. Do 2 sets of 10 here. Leave 1 rep in the tank on each set. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - Banded Dumbbell Pullovers These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Back | Rack pulls You are pulling from mid-shin. Flex your last to initiate the set and keep them tight through the entire range of motion. I want 4 hard sets of 8 reps here. Remember, perfect form, nothing sloppy! The last rep should be very difficult. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 31 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Back | Incline dumbell rows Let’s finish up our back workout with these again. Squeeze your traps, rear delts, and rhomboids hard as you do these. Do 2 hard sets as we did last week, with the last set being a drop set. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 50 lb dumbells x 12 70 lb dumbells x 8, then 45’s x failure Exercise Index | Incline Dumbbell Rows These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Calves | Standing calve raises These are quite painful, so we’ll start out with the easier version before next week. Do 6 reps and then hold at the top for 6 seconds flexing your calves hard, and then go down into the stretch for 6 seconds, repeat this 2 more times. So each set is 18 reps with 3 isoholds at the top, and 3 stretches at the bottom. That is 1 set. Do 3 sets like this. 3 total work sets Note: One more reminder here. In between all sets (even feeders), do tibia raise. This means simply raising your toes (dorsi exing foot). I like to let my toes hang o an aerobic step bench when doing these to get some tibialis stretch. Do sets of 20. Here is a version using a short band if you do not have a tibia machine also. Exercise Index - Tibia Raises These sets are all RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 32 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEDNESDAY OFF DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 33 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 2 - THURSDAY Biceps 3 exercises 9 sets Triceps 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 1 set Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Biceps | Drag curls Do a warmup set here, then do 3 hard sets of around 15 reps going to failure. Try to use the same weight as last week but get the extra reps! Watch the video below for a form refresh. Now if you can’t quite get the 15 with the drag form, just step up and do normal form curls to get to 15. The pain will be insane. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Drag Curls These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 2/ Biceps | Concentration preacher curls Same thing here, bump the reps up. Now use the same weight as last week and do 3 sets of 12, even if the last 2 or 3 are simply partials. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Concentration Preacher Curls These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Biceps | Hammer curls Do these standing today and try to go slightly heavier. Do 3 sets of 8. Use slow deliberate form and flex hard! 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump I want to keep the first 2 exercises the same as last week (they will feel even better this week) but work the stretch harder on your last exercise today. 4/ Triceps | Dual rope pushdown These are a great way to start your tri workout and crush that inner/long head. Watch the video below for perfect form and hit 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Dual Rope Tricep Extensions Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 34 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 5/ Triceps | Dual handle pushdown Now switch out your ropes to spongy grip type handles. Notice the spongy grips in the video. Use these if you can, the metal D handles don’t feel nearly as good as these handles do. Let’s do 3 sets of 12 here. 3 total work sets Tricep pushdowns with single handles These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Triceps | Seated overhead extensions These are probably my favorite “stretch” exercise for triceps. Do 3 sets of 10 here. 3 total work sets Seated overhead rope extensions These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 7/ Calves | Toe presses This is when you do toe presses on a leg press machine. We are doing one big cluster set. Work your way up to a tough 10 and do your cluster there. Work the stretch at the bottom as always. So go to around 10, rest 20 seconds and go again, rest 20 seconds, and go again, and then one more time! 1 total work set This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Tibia raise? 8/ Abs | Decline bench leg raises Do 4 sets to failure here. You should be continually trying to beat your reps on your ab work as well. 4 total work sets Decline bench leg raises These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 35 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 2 - FRIDAY Upper legs 5 exercises 10 sets 1/ Upper legs | Lying leg curl What do you think, take it another notch up from last week? I think so. Do 2 sets of 20 here to get the blood moving, and then just feeder sets of 4 until we get to our work sets. I want you to do 10 hard reps where you can barely get the 10th rep with good form. That’s 1 set. Now do it again for a 2nd set. Now do it again for set 3, then drop the weight 30% (ish) and go to failure again, and then do 10 slow partials from the stretch position, and then do a 10 second isohold in the lengthened position. Work through the pain. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 60 x 20 80 x 20 100 x 4 120 x 4 140 x 10, failing at 10 (work set) 140 x 10, failing at 10 (work set) 140 x 10, followed by 110 x 6, followed by 10 partials, then a 10 second isohold (Work set) This sets are an RPE of 10 and 12 Goal – Activate and pump 2/ Upper legs | Squats Remember this is your base leg movement. Try and increase the weight you did for 10 reps last week. Take your time warming up, but don’t fatigue yourself as you do. Use feeder sets, and then I want 2 work sets. I want one set where you leave 2-3 reps in the tank, and then 1 set where you leave 1 rep in the tank. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 8, and 9 This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 10 185 x 10 225 x 6 275 x 6 325 – 10 (2-3 reps left in tank) 355 – 10 (1 rep left in tank) Goal – Train explosively 3/ Upper legs | Hack squat Now it’s time to break out the cluster set, again with an additional cluster. Work up to a weight that is really tough 10 reps. Use low rep feeder sets to get you there, so you have plenty of strength. Now It’s time to go to work. Do your 10 reps leaving a rep or two in the tank, then rack the weight and count to 20, and do what you can, then rack the weight and count to 20 and do it TWO MORE time. This means you are doing a lot of really tough reps, and essentially 4 sets in one. 1 total work set This is an example of what it might look like: 2 plates per side x 4 3 plates per side x 10, rest 20 seconds and do 7, rest 20 seconds and do 5, rest 20 seconds and do 4 more Note: It is very important on all cluster sets that you leave a rep or two in the tank on the first set. If you go all the way to failure, you will have nothing left on the subsequent sets after your 20 second breaks. This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 36 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 4/ Upper legs | Stiff legged barbell deadlift This is the same as last week. You have been pushing hard today, no need to add additional volume or intensity here. Here we are doing 2-3 feeder sets of 6 reps, before doing our hard sets. I want you to lower the bar slowly, for a 3 count, and then come up ¾ of the way before going back down. I want you to find a weight that you can do for 10 reps. You should fail around 10. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 6 225 x 6 275 x 10 (barely got 10th rep with good form) 275 x 9 (barely got 9th rep with good form – you may lose a rep or two) These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position 5/ Upper legs | Smith split squat Do 2 sets of 12 (we are just bumping a few reps) here on each leg. The biggest key is to lift by flexing your glute. Try to literally pick yourself up by flexing your glute. I want your glutes to get hammered on these. Go down nice and slow and feel your glute stretching as well. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - Split Squats These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 37 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 2 - SATURDAY Chest 4 exercises 8 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Chest | Slight decline dumbell press Now we are back to lower and outer pecs! Do about 8 reps here on your working set and see if you can do more weight than last week on your 8-rep set! We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there where you try to match the number, and then drop the weight 30% and go to failure again. 2 total work sets These sets are RPE of 10 and 11 Goal – Activation and start pump This is an example of what it could look like: 25’s x 20 45’s x 15 65’s x 6 85’s x 6 105’s x4 125’s x 8 (fail at 8) 125’s x 8. Dropped to 90 and got 6 more 2/ Chest | Smith decline press (slight angle) Remember to lock these out and flex. I think you will be amazed at how the pump is so targeted in your lower and outer pecs on these again this week. Let’s try to build the weight we can get for our target heavy set of 8 reps each week! We will count the last 2 sets as work sets. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it would look like/ what I did: 185 x 6 205 x 4 225 x 8 (2-3 reps in the tank) 265 x 8 (failed at 8) The Perfect 3 Exercise Lower / Outer Chest Workout These sets are an RPE of 8 and 10 Pro Tip Goal – Supramax pump The bar should hit right below nipple level. Don’t let the bar ride up high or you risk injury. 3/ Chest | Cable crossovers We are doing a bigger cluster set this time then last. Shoot for about 10 reps with perfect form, rest 20 seconds then go to failure, rest 20 seconds and do it again, and then again one more time. On each rep hold and flex at the bottom for 1 full second. Think about driving as much blood into your pecs as you can. 1 total work set The Perfect 3 Exercise Lower / Outer Chest Workout This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 38 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 4/ Chest | Stretch pushups Stack a few 45 lb plates on the floor and do stretch pushups. Now if you have a cambered bar, you can do ladder pushups! Check out the video. Do 3 sets to failure. If you do ladder pushups just do 1 big set to failure as shown in the video. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Ladder Push Ups These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 5/ Shoulders | Rear delt band pulls These are a nice alternative that allows a more full range of motion. Grind out 3 sets of 25 here to get your rear delts cooking. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Rear Delt Band Pulls These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Shoulders | Dumbell side lateral partials Hit these again for 3 hard sets of 20. 3 total work sets The Perfect 3 Exercise Shoulder Workout for Capped Delts These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Shoulders | Incline front delt raise Watch the video, now we are laying on the bench, not facing it. These are great for a full stretch and working the lengthened position of the front delt. Do 3 sets of 10 here. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Incline Front Delt Raise These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 8/ Calves | Standing calve raise Now let’s go a little harder on these. We are adding a work set. Do 6 reps and then hold at the top for 6 seconds flexing your calves hard, and then go down into the stretch for 6 seconds and stretch and repeat 2 more times. So, each set is 18 reps with 3 isoholds at the top, and 3 stretches at the bottom. That is 1 set. Do 4 sets like this. We’ll come back to these next Saturday. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 39 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 SUNDAY OFF - FAMILY DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 40 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Week 3 Monday Back 5 exercises 14 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 6 exercises 18 sets Friday - Chest (upper pec emphasis), Shoulders Chest 4 exercises 10 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 10 sets Triceps 2 exercises 6 sets 9 exercises 26 sets Tuesday Biceps 3 exercises 9 sets Triceps 3 exercise 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 2 sets 7 exercises 20 sets Saturday - Back Back 4 exercises 15 sets Biceps 2 exercise 6 sets Calves 1 exercise 3 sets 7 exercises 24 sets Wednesday - OFF Sunday - OFF - Family Day Thursday Upper legs 6 exercises 12 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 7 exercises 16 sets Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 41 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 3 - MONDAY Back 5 exercises 14 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Back | Meadows row Ok week 3 on these as our base exercise! Keep the reps at 12, but again try to beat the weight you used last Tuesday by a little bit! Then for your last set, add some weight and hit failure with around 8 reps as we did last week. On the last set, we don’t stop at 8 this week though, make this a drop set, so do your 8, and then drop 25-30% of the weight and finish by going to failure. 2 total work set These sets are an RPE of 10, and 11 Goal – Supramax pump This is an example of what it could look like: 1 25 lb plate for 15 2 25 lb plates for 10 3 25 lb plates and a 10 for 12 (work set) – adding 5 lbs this week from last week 3 25 lb and two 10 lb plates for 8, then drop to just the 25’s and go to failure The numbers are just targets, the most important thing is that the sets are to true failure with good form. You can be off a rep or two. 2/ Back | Banded chins I want you to do 4 sets to failure here. We got these again on Saturday, before we rotate them out of the program, so crush them! 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Back | Dumbell pullover Drop the band on these this week and use heavier weight. Do 2 sets of 10 here. Leave 1 rep in the tank on each set. 2 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Back | Rack pulls Since we did these last Tuesday, you should be really fresh to crush these today. We also have had 2 days off from legs, so your lower back should be good to go. Let’s work these hard. Bring the reps down a tad from last week and do 4 good hard sets of 6 here. Leaving a rep in the tank on each set. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 42 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Back | Chest pulls Let’s finish up our back with my favorite version of a face pull, except it’s not a face pull, you pull to chest. Squeeze your lower traps, rhomboids and rear delts here for 2 sets of 15. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - Chest Pulls These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Abs | Decline bench leg raises I want to start our ab work with these again this week. Do 4 sets to failure here. Keep beating your numbers on reps here. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 43 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 3 - TUESDAY Biceps 3 exercises 9 sets Triceps 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 2 sets 1/ Biceps | Drag curls This is our last week of these before we rotate them out. Keep trying to beat your previous weeks reps here. Do a warmup set here, then do 3 hard sets of around 17-18 reps going to failure. Try to use the same weight as last week but get the extra reps! To extend the set to hit your number, remember you can stop “dragging” and curl normally. This should allow for a few extra reps. I know it’s a lot of reps, prepare for an insane pump. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 2/ Biceps | Concentration preacher curls The last week of these too. Slow down your negatives on these, and really focus on generating a ton of tension in your bis by keeping them flexed throughout the whole movement. Do 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Concentration Preacher Curls These sets are an RPE of 8 and 10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Biceps | Hammer curls Use the same weight you did your sets of 8 with last week, but do your best to hit 10 reps this time instead of 8. Do 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump I want to keep the first 2 exercises the same as last week but we change the order slightly. 4/ Triceps | Dual handle pushdown Do 3 sets of 12 here once you are warmed up. You should notice you are really strong on these this week. On your last set do a drop set, where you drop the weight 20-30% and go to failure, and then another drop where you do the same. 3 total work sets Tricep pushdowns with single handles These sets are an RPE of 10 and 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 44 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Triceps | Dual rope pushdown Now let’s come back to these. These rotate out after this week. Go hard and flex hard on all reps! Do 3 sets of 12. Also, on this one, on your last set do a drop set, where you drop the weight 20-30% and go to failure, and then another drop where you do the same. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Dual Rope Tricep Extensions These sets are an RPE of 10 and 11 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Triceps | Seated overhead extensions Ok you should have a wicked tricep pump going into these this week. After the last rep on each set, hold the stretch position for a slow 10 count. Do 3 sets of 8 here. 3 total work sets Seated overhead rope extensions These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 7/ Calves | Toe presses This is when you do toe presses on a leg press machine. We are doing something really painful here. Do 2 cluster sets. Work your way up to a tough 10 and do the cluster set. Then rest a few minutes and drop the weight down to something you can do for 15-20 and do a cluster set with this weight to finish them off. Work the stretch at the bottom as always. So, get your reps, rest 20 seconds and go again, rest 20 seconds, and go again, and then one more time for both clusters! 2 total work sets This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 45 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEDNESDAY OFF DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 46 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 3 - THURSDAY Upper legs 6 exercises 12 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Upper legs | Seated leg curl This week let’s move over to the seated leg curl and repeat the leg curl brutality that we used last Friday. I like the seated leg curl the best for hams as I feel you can really focus and concentrate on them with strict form, so let’s get to work. Do 2 sets of 20 here to get the blood moving, and then just feeder sets of 4 until we get to our work sets. I want you to do 10 hard reps where you can barely get the 10th rep with good form. That’s 1 set. Now do it again for a 2nd set. Now do it again for set 3, then drop the weight 30% (ish) and go to failure again, and then do 10 slow partials from the stretch position, and then do a 10 second isohold in the lengthened position. Work through the pain. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 60 x 20 80 x 20 100 x 4 120 x 4 140 x 10, failing at 10 (work set) 140 x 10, failing at 10 (work set) 140 x 10, followed by 110 x 6, followed by 10 partials, then a 10 second isohold (Work set) These sets are an RPE of 10 and 12 Goal – Activate and pump 2/ Upper legs | Squats Again, your base movement here, try to beat the weight you got 10 with last week for 10 this week. Take your time warming up as usual, but don’t fatigue yourself as you do. Use feeder sets, and then I want 2 work sets. I want one set where you leave 2-3 reps in the tank, and then 1 set where you leave 1 rep in the tank. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 10 185 x 10 225 x 6 275 x 6 330 – 10 (2-3 reps left in tank) 360 – 10 (1 rep left in tank) These sets are an RPE of 8, and 9 Goal – Train explosively 3/ Upper legs | Leg extension drop set of death Do a couple feeder sets of 5 reps to find a weight that is a tough 10. I want you to do 10 reps flexing hard at the top, and then drop the weight 30% and go to failure, and then drop it another 30% and go to failure. 1 total work set This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 47 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 4/ Upper legs | Leg press drop set of death Do a couple feeder sets of 4 reps to find a weight that is a manageable 6 with a 3 second decent. I want you to do 3 reps lowering the weight with a 3 count, and then drop the weight 30% and repeat with the 3 second negatives, and then drop it another 30% and go to failure with a normal tempo. 1 total work set This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump 5/ Upper legs | Dumbell stiff legged deadlift Your quads are going to be so pumped up we need to do these very slowly and with dumbells. Do 3 sets of 8 with a slow temp. Take these to ¾ lockout and come right back down. 3 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position 6/ Upper legs | Smith split squat Like last week, do 2 sets of 12 here on each leg. Remember, the biggest key is to lift by flexing your glute. Try to literally pick yourself up by flexing your glute. Go down nice and slow and feel your glute stretching as well. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - Split Squats These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Abs | Rope crunches Do 4 sets to failure here. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 48 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 3 - FRIDAY Chest 4 exercises 10 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 10 sets Triceps 2 exercises 6 sets 1/ Chest | Slight incline dumbell press Back to the slight incline work. Let’s work up to a really tough set of 8 where you fail with good form. It should be slightly heavier than last time we hit upper pecs. We will count the 2nd to last set as a work set also. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 8 and 10 Goal – Activation and start pump This is an example of what it could look like: 30 lb dumbells x 20 (warm up) 50 lb dumbells x 15 (warm up) 80 lb dumbells x 8 (you had an extra 2-3 reps in tank) 90 lb dumbells x 10 (barely got 10) 2/ Chest | Incline barbell press Now we hit our base movement that will stay in the rotation for the entire program. Lower the weight under perfect control to about 2 inches off your chest then drive up explosively. I want you to do sets of 8. Finish with a top set of 8. Shoot for slightly more weight than last week. We will count the last 2 sets. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 5 (feeder set) 185 x 3 (feeder set) 225 x 8 (2-3 reps left in tank) 245 x 8 (barely got 8) These sets are an RPE of 8 and 10 Goal – Train explosively Another old school superset here of incline pushups and rear delt flyes. 3/ Chest | Incline pushups with feet on bench into a stretch Go to failure then proceed directly to: Superset with 4/ Shoulders | Bent over rear delt dumbell flyes Do 20 reps here. Do 3 rounds for 6 total sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 49 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Chest | Machine flyes Do 3 hard sets of 12 here to failure. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length Now let’s get back to those delts. 6/ Shoulders | Dumbell side lateral Let’s hammer some good old side laterals here for 4 sets of 8 reps. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Shoulders | Landmine shoulder press Back to these as your finisher today! Do 3 sets of 8 here. See the video below for proper form if you need a refresh. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Landmine Shoulder Press These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump Now we hit some triceps. This is extra work but next week our arm day isn’t until Friday so let’s get in some extra work! 8/ Triceps | Lying extensions with pause Another one of my favorite ways to do lying extensions. Do these on the floor as shown in video if you can. Do 3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Lying Tricep Extensions These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 9/ Triceps | Kettlebell Tate press These are a great way to stretch tri and uniquely hit them. Finish with 3 sets of 8 here. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Kettlebell Tate Press For Triceps These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 50 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 3 - SATURDAY Back 5 exercises 15 sets Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets Calves 1 exercise 3 sets 1/ Back | Meadows row This is your last time on these before they are rotated out. Let’s add some weight this time instead of pushing reps. Let’s see how heavy you can go for a solid 2 sets of 8 where you can barely get the 8th rep. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump This is an example of what it could look like: 1 25 lb plate for 15 2 25 lb plates for 10 4 25 lb plates for 8 4 25 lb plates for 8 The numbers are just targets, the most important thing is that the sets are to true failure with good form. You can be off a rep or two. 2/ Back | Banded chins This is our last time on these too, so go hard for 4 sets to failure! 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Back | Dumbell row This is how I love to do dumbell rows now. In the video I straddle the bench, but here lately I just stand in front of the bench and put my opposite hand on it, while still keeping my base with legs as shown in video. Do 3 hard sets of 8 reps. 3 total work sets No Low Back Pain Dumbbell Row - Exercise Index These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 4/ Back | Stretch pulldowns This is one of my oldies but goodies. Hopefully you have a partner to help, if not just really try to get an awesome stretch at the end of each rep. These are fun! Do 3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets Pulldowns with a forced stretch with IFBB Pro Fouad Abiad These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 51 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Back | Barbell hyperextensions No rack pulls, but these are nasty. Do these slow. This is not something you want to get careless on. See the video below for form demonstration. Do 3 sets of 10. These will build a lower back and hams of steel. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Barbell Hyperextensions These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump As I mentioned above for triceps, this is extra work but next week our arm day isn’t until Friday so let’s get in some extra work! 6/ Biceps | One arm cable curl Squeeze these like your life depended on it. Drive blood in there fast! Do 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - One Arm Cable Curl These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Biceps | Preacher curl Now finish them off with a standard preacher curl with a bar of your choice. I prefer an ez curl bar. Do 3 sets of 8 here. 3 total work sets Preacher Curls These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 8/ Calves | Standing calve raise Do 8 reps and then hold at the top for 8 seconds flexing your calves hard, and then go down into the stretch for 8 seconds and stretch and repeat 2 more times. So each set is 24 reps with 3 isoholds at the top, and 3 stretches at the bottom. That is 1 set. Do 3 sets like this. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 52 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 SUNDAY OFF - FAMILY DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 53 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Week 4 Monday - Leg Workout Friday Upper legs 6 exercises 12 sets Triceps 3 exercises 12 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets Biceps 3 exercise 12 sets 7 exercises 16 sets Calves 1 exercise 3 sets 7 exercises 27 sets Tuesday - Chest (lower pec emphasis), Shoulders, Calves Chest 4 exercises 9 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 8 exercises 22 sets Saturday - Legs Upper legs 5 exercises 11 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 6 exercises 15 sets Sunday - OFF - Family Day Wednesday - OFF Thursday Back 5 exercises 14 sets Abs 1 exercise 3 sets 6 exercises 17 sets Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 54 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 4 - MONDAY Upper legs 6 exercises 12 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets Now we start the rotation over that we used the first 3 weeks. Your last leg workout was Thursday, so this session will likely be extremely tough! 1/ Upper legs | Seated leg curl Let’s keep hammering these seated. Do 2 light sets of 20 here to get the blood moving, and then just a few feeder sets of 4 until we get to our work sets. I want you to do 3 sets of 15 with only 60 seconds rest break between sets. Your 2nd and 3rd set, you likely won’t get all your reps, so just rest for a few seconds and keep hammering reps until you get 15 on each one. This one is sneaky hard. You’ll see. 3 total work sets This sets are an RPE of 10 and 11 This is an example of what it could look like: 60 x 20 80 x 20 100 x 4 120 x 4 140 x 15 140 x 12, rest for a few seconds and do 3 more 140 x10, rest for a few seconds and do 3, rest for a few seconds and do 2 Goal – Activate and pump 2/ Upper legs | Squats On your last 3 weeks on squats we are going to take the reps down a tad and go a little heavier. So now you work up to a tough 8 and stop there. Do 2 sets leaving a rep or two in the tank. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9 Goal – Train explosively This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 10 185 x 10 225 x 6 275 x 6 345 x 8 (left 2 in tank) 345 x 8 (8 was tough) 3/ Upper legs | Reverse lunge drop set of death I really enjoy doing these for glutes and quads. There is zero knee pain with these for those of you with knee issues. I want you to do these reps with a slow and controlled tempo. Do a few feeder sets of 6 reps to get the feel of them first. Next, I want a drop set. I want you to do 8 reps with a weight for both legs (alternating legs), then drop the weight and do another 8, and then finally one more drop for another 8. Note that I love using kettlebells for these. 1 total work set This is an example of what it could look like: 20 lb dumbells x 6 30 lb dumbells x 6 40 lb dumbells x 8, then drop down to 20 lbs for 8, then 10 lbs for 8 Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 55 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Exercise Index - Reverse Lunges This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump 4/ Upper legs | Leg press ascending set You may not have seen these before if you are not used to my programs. These are simply another of way of applying high intensity and blood flow to the workout. It is easiest with a training partner. You are going to put a plate on the leg press on each side and do 6, then get right up and add another plate to each side and do another 6. You keep this up until you can barely get the 6. When I do these I usually make it to 8 or 9 plates, and then my legs are fried. 1 total work set This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump 5/ Upper legs | Dumbell stiff legged deadlift Your quads are going to be pumped to the extreme like last week so we again are doing these very slowly and with dumbells. Do 3 sets of 8 with a slow tempo. Take these to ¾ lockout and come right back down. 3 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position 6/ Upper legs | Banded hyperextension I want the focus on these to be glutes and hams. Relax your low back. You can just let your upper body hang. Then use your hams and glutes to pull yourself up until glutes are fully flexed. You should not worry about getting up so high your back is flat on these, just get to maximal glute contraction. Do 2 sets to failure with bands targeting 15-20 reps on each set. 2 total work sets Hyperextensions with Band Tension These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Abs | Rope crunches Do 4 sets to failure here. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 56 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 4 - TUESDAY Chest 4 exercises 9 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Chest | Slight decline dumbbell press I want to continue to work these hard. Let’s push hard to do 9 or 10 reps with what you did for 8 last lower chest workout. Those little improvements will add up! We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there where you try to match the number, and then drop the weight 30% and go to failure again like last time. 2 total work sets These sets are RPE of 10 and 11 Goal – Activation and start pump This is an example of what it could look like: 25’s x 20 45’s x 15 65’s x 6 85’s x 6 105’s x4 125’s x 10 (fail at 10) 125’s x 10. Dropped to 90 and got 6 more 2/ Chest | Flat bench press With all the dumbell work these should not be a high-risk vs low reward exercise at this point. I want you to do 3 sets of 8 leaving 1 rep in the tank on each set. Stop just short of lockout on these. I like to do these explosively pushing the bar up hard (still with control). 3 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 8 and 9 Goal – Train explosively This is an example of what it would look like/what I did: 185 x 6 225 x 8 225 x 8 225 x 7 (you may lose a rep or two due to fatigue – that’s ok) 3/ Chest | Pec minor dips I really really like these. I know they aren’t the easiest exercise, heck they are hard for me, but when you nail these, the feeling is incredible. You can literally see your chest lifting from the pump, and the soreness you get from these is very unique. If you absolutely cannot do these, you can try to simulate on a tricep dip type machine, or even using assistance on an assisted dip machine. Do 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Pec Minor Dip | Chest Exercise These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 57 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 4/ Chest | Low cable crossovers Now we switch to the low cable crossover. Continue with the bigger cluster set. Shoot for about 10 reps with perfect form, rest 20 seconds then go to failure, rest 20 seconds and do it again, and then again one more time. On each rep hold and flex at the bottom for 1 full second. Think about driving as much blood into your pecs as you can. 1 total work set Exercise Index - Low Cable Crossover This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump 5/ Shoulders | High incline press on Smith Another really underrated exercise here I love. Do 3 sets of 10 here with perfect form. Watch the video as I explain the range of motion I am looking for. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - High Incline Smith Press These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Shoulders | Bent over rear delt raises Nothing fancy here. Hit these again for 3 hard sets of 20. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Shoulders | Rear delt band pull Let’s move these to the last exercise today and continue the rear delt onslaught. Do 3 sets of 25 here. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Rear Delt Band Pulls These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 8/ Calves | Standing calve raise Now you are ready for the full experience here. This is what I did at the peak of my calve training. Do 10 reps and then hold at the top for 10 seconds flexing your calves hard, and then go down into the stretch for 10 seconds, then repeat 2 more times. So each set is 30 reps with 3 isoholds at the top, and 3 stretches at the bottom. That is 1 set. Do 3 sets like this. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 58 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEDNESDAY OFF DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 59 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 4 - THURSDAY Back 5 exercises 14 sets Calves 1 exercise 3 sets 1/ Back | One arm barbell row Now let’s bring these into the rotation. This is my other favorite type of row that I think you’ll really enjoy. The biggest difference between these and the Meadows Row is the grip you are using, which translates into a little more lat focus. These still hammer your whole back though. Work up to 2 tough sets of 8, where you can barely get the 8th rep with perfect form. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - One Arm Barbell Row These sets are an RPE of 10 This is an example of what it could look like: 1 25 lb plate for 15 2 25 lb plates for 10 4 25 lb plates for 8 4 25 lb plates for 8 The numbers are just targets, the most important thing is that the sets are to true failure with good form. You can be off a rep or two. Goal – Supramax pump 2/ Back | Single arm supinated pulldown The chins go out and these come in. These are a little more lat focused as well, with not quite as much teres work as the chins due to hand position and elbow drive angle. Do 3 sets of 8 here. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Single Arm Pulldown These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Back | Dumbell pullover Let’s give your arms a break down and focus on stretching out those pumped lats, teres, serratus, etc. Do 3 sets of 10 here. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Back | Incline dumbell rows We have really hammered your lats, let’s not forgot your rhomboids and lower traps. Do 2 hard sets of 8 here, and then on your 3rd set do a drop set. Do 8, drop the weight and do 6 to 8 more, then drop the weight and do 4 to 6 more. 3 total work sets Exercise Index | Incline Dumbbell Rows These sets are all RPE of 9 and 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 60 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Back | Barbell hyperextensions Let’s continue with these so you can master them. Do 3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Barbell Hyperextensions These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Abs | Decline bench leg raises Do 4 sets to failure here. Keep beating your numbers on reps here. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 61 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 4 - FRIDAY Triceps 3 exercises 12 sets Biceps 3 exercise 12 sets Calves 1 exercise 3 sets 1/ Triceps | Dual handle pushdown Let’s start with our spongy grip pushdowns for 4 sets of 10. 4 total work sets Tricep pushdowns with single handles These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 2/ Triceps | Floor press You like basic stuff, well here you go. These are awesome. Let’s go 4 sets of 6 here! 4 total work sets Exercise Index - Floor Press For Triceps These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Triceps | Seated overhead extensions Now we have to stretch the babies out, and you know these are a favorite. After the last rep on each set, hold the stretch position for a slow 10 count. Do 4 sets of 8 here. 4 total work sets Seated overhead rope extensions These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Biceps | EZ curls Did you notice how I put triceps first? Always cool to see how quickly blood then loads into the second muscle. Two warm up sets here and your bis will be pumped. Do 4 strict sets of 8 reps with a 3 second decent on each rep. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 62 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Biceps | EZ preacher curls We are keeping it basic here as well with 4 sets of 8. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Biceps | Hammer curls Do 4 sets of 8 here with 6 partials. So on each set do 8 full reps, and then 6 partials from the bottom. Time for some fire. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Calves | Toe presses Warm up and then hit 3 sets where you do 8 to 10, and then 10 partials out of the stretch position. As a reminder, these are done on a leg press. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 63 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 4 - SATURDAY Upper legs 5 exercises 11 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Upper legs | Seated leg curl I’m sure this fried your hams really well the last time, so let’s repeat this one. Do 2 light sets of 20 here to get the blood moving, and then just a few feeder sets of 4 until we get to our work sets. I want you to do 3 sets of 15 with only 60 seconds rest break between sets. Your 2nd and 3rd set, you likely won’t get all your reps, so just rest for a few seconds and keep hammering reps until you get 15 on each one. This one is sneaky hard. You’ll see. 3 total work sets This sets are an RPE of 10 and 11 This is an example of what it could look like: 60 x 20 80 x 20 100 x 4 120 x 4 140 x 15 140 x 12, rest for a few seconds and do 3 more 140 x10, rest for a few seconds and do 3, rest for a few seconds and do 2 Goal – Activate and pump 2/ Upper legs | Squats We are staying with 8 reps here but try to do a little more than last time for your work sets of 8. I’d like 2 hard sets again. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9 Goal – Train explosively This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 10 185 x 10 225 x 6 275 x 6 350 x 8 (left 2 in tank) 350 x 8 (8 was tough) 3/ Upper legs | Bulgarian drop set of death I know you missed these. On this set you will do 8 reps where you go down with a 3 second decent and then come up 3⁄4 of the way. On the 8th rep pause for a 3 count isohold 3/4 of the way up, then drop the weight and repeat for another 8 reps, and finally drop one more time and repeat again. You are going to do these one leg at a time. I want you to do one leg, then rest 2 minutes and then do the other leg. Use your opposite hand for balance so you can focus on fighting through the pain. 1 total work set This is an example of what it could look like: 55 lb dumbell x 8 then 8 second isohold, drop down to 35, and do 8 with an 8 second isohold, and then do bodyweight only. Bulgarian Drop Set Of Death - Hardcore Leg Workout This set is an RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 64 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 4/ Upper legs | Hack squat This is a very special kind of pain. A few extra reps can sometimes be an incredible stimulus. On these we are going to do 2 sets of 20. Pick your weight carefully. This is as much about pain tolerance as it is about loading the muscle. You should have so much blood in your quads after these you can barely bend your legs. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 5/ Upper legs | Dumbell stiff legged deadlift Do 3 sets of 8 with a slow tempo here again. Take these to ¾ lockout and come right back down. 3 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position 6/ Abs | Rope crunches Do 4 sets to failure here. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 65 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 SUNDAY OFF - FAMILY DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 66 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Week 5 Monday - Chest (upper pec emphasis), Shoulders Chest 4 exercises 10 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 10 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 8 exercises 24 sets Tuesday Friday - Legs Upper legs 5 exercises 12 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 6 exercises 16 sets Saturday - Chest (lower pec emphasis), Shoulders, Calves Chest 4 exercises 11 sets Back 5 exercises 15 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets Calves 1 exercise 3 sets 6 exercises 19 sets 8 exercises 23 sets Wednesday - OFF Sunday - OFF - Family Day Thursday Triceps 3 exercises 11 sets Biceps 3 exercises 11 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 7 exercises 26 sets Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 67 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 5 - MONDAY Chest 4 exercises 10 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 10 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Chest | Incline dumbell press Back to the slight incline work, but let’s change the angle. If you were able to do low incline these past few weeks, make this a normal incline. If you were only able to do a normal incline, make this a high incline. So, take the angle higher in other words this week. It’s still very stressful on upper pecs as long as you drop elbows into the correct position that was pointed out in early videos in the program. Let’s work up to a really tough set of 10 where you fail with good form. It may be slightly lighter than the last time with the higher incline, but you might surprise yourself! We will count the 2nd to last set as a work set also. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like: 30 lb dumbells x 20 (warm up) 50 lb dumbells x 15 (warm up) 80 lb dumbells x 10 (you had an extra 2-3 reps in tank) 90 lb dumbells x 10 (barely got 10) These sets are an RPE of 8 and 10 Goal – Activation and start pump 2/ Chest | Incline barbell press Let’s take our inclines down to 6 reps here. Use as much as you can for 6 perfect but hard reps. Try to get 2 heavy sets of 6. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Train explosively This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 5 (feeder set) 185 x 3 (feeder set) 245 x 6 (maybe 1 rep left in tank) 245 x 6 (barely got 6) 3/ Chest | Machine flyes Do 3 hard sets of 12 here to failure. I want you to use a pronated grip on these if you can. This means your palms are facing down. This will allow you to focus on upper pecs a lot more. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Chest | Pec minor dips Do 3 sets to failure here. Hopefully you are really nailing these by this point. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 68 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Shoulders | Incline prone lateral These are laterals we were doing early in the program facing into an incline bench. Let’s do 4 sets of 12 here to start the fire. 4 total work sets Exercise Index - Incline Prone Laterals | Less Traps and Wider Shoulders These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Shoulders | Reverse pec deck Now we hit 3 sets of 25 here. A little more fire. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Shoulders | Landmine shoulder press I want to stay with these as well! Again, really good for serratus (which helps shoulder stability) and good for delt development. Do 3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Landmine Shoulder Press These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 8/ Calves | Toe presses Hopefully you are enjoying the toe presses too. I have been using these for 90% of my calve work the last 3 or 4 years because when I use a standing machine, the pad on my shoulders causes migraines, so I have grown to really love these. I love how heavy you can load these and work the stretch especially. Warm up and then hit 4 sets where you do 8 to 10, and then 10 partials out of the stretch position. As a reminder, these are done on a leg press. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 69 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 5 - TUESDAY Back 5 exercises 15 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Back | One arm barbell row I hope you enjoyed these last week, let’s work them even harder this week. Try to use the same weight you used last week for tough sets of 8, for tough sets of 10 this week. 2 total work sets Exercise Index - One Arm Barbell Row These sets are an RPE of 10 This is an example of what it could look like: 1 25 lb plate for 15 2 25 lb plates for 15 4 25 lb plates for 10 4 25 lb plates for 10 The numbers are just targets, the most important thing is that the sets are to true failure with good form. You can be off a rep or two. Goal – Supramax pump 2/ Back | Single arm supinated pulldown Let’s get back on these too. Another week here and these should feel even better as you learn the movement. Do 3 sets of 10 here. Remember to contract hard at the bottom, flex those lower lats as hard as you can. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Single Arm Pulldown These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Back | Stretchers This week we are going to use stretchers in this spot. Do 3 sets of 10 here. Remember to keep your head down when you stretch out at the top. It will feel a little uncomfortable at first, but you’ll loosen up. 3 total work sets Stretchers These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Back | Rack pulls Let’s get back on those rack pulls today. I want you to do 4 hard sets of 6 here. I want perfect form but that last rep should be extremely tough. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 70 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Back | Dumbell shrugs Let’s finish off with some trap work here. Do 3 sets of 10. Hold the top position for 3 seconds on each rep. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Abs | Decline bench leg raises Do 4 sets to failure here. Keep beating your numbers on reps here. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 71 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEDNESDAY OFF DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 72 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 5 - THURSDAY Triceps 3 exercises 11 sets Biceps 3 exercises 11 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Triceps | Dual handle pushdown Let’s start with our spongy grip pushdowns for 4 sets of 15 here. 4 total work sets Tricep pushdowns with single handles These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 2/ Triceps | Pronated kickbacks This is a version of kickbacks I like. The grip loads the inner head really well on the triceps. I am not much of a fan of the traditional kickback with a neutral grip. Do 4 sets of 12 here. 4 total work sets Tricep Kickbacks with Pronated Grip These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Triceps | Floor press Let’s do these again, but we aren’t going crazy heavy as we have chest on Saturday. I just want to 3 sets of 15 here. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Floor Press For Triceps These sets are an RPE of 8-9 Goal – Supramax pump 4/ Biceps | EZ curls Let’s start off here with 4 sets of 8. On your 3rd and 4th set, after you do 8, I want you to do 4 little partials out of the bottom to drive even more blood in your bis. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10-11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 73 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Biceps | EZ bar reverse curls Let’s crank on those forearms too! Do 4 sets of 10 here. Again here, on your last 2 sets do 4 partials out of the bottom. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10-11 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Biceps | Hammer curls Do 3 sets of 8 here with 6 partials. So, on each set do 8 full reps, and then 6 partials from the bottom. You should have pump insanity right now. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Calves | Toe presses Warm up and then hit 4 heavy sets of 12 here with 60 second breaks. 4 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 74 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 5 - FRIDAY Upper legs 5 exercises 12 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets This is our second to last leg workout, let’s keep the intensity up! 1/ Upper legs | Seated leg curl Once warmed up, I want you to do 3 sets of 6 here. On every single set do 6 slow partials out of the stretch position after your 6 full range of motion reps, followed by a 10 second hold. This is pretty insane, but let’s go for it. 3 total work sets This sets are an RPE of 10 and 11 Goal – Activate and pump This is an example of what it could look like: 60 x 20 80 x 20 100 x 4 120 x 4 160 x 6, then 6 partials, then 10 second isohold 160 x 6, then 6 partials, then 10 second isohold 160 x 6, then 6 partials, then 10 second isohold 2/ Upper legs | Squats Last week we pushed to do more weight for our 8 reps. This week, whatever weight you finished with last week, see if you can get 9 reps with it this week, or maybe even 10 reps! 2 total work sets These sets were an RPE of 9 Goal – Train explosively This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 10 185 x 10 225 x 6 275 x 6 350 x 10 (left 1 in tank) 350 x 9 (probably could do no more with good form) 3/ Upper legs | Leg press Today these are just traditional leg presses. Simply work up to the most weight you can do for 8 perfect hard reps and we’ll stop there. We’ll count the last 2 sets. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 8 and 10 Goal – Supramax pump 4/ Upper legs | Dumbell walking lunges Take 20 paces holding some medium heavy dumbells. Do these nice and slow. I want 2 sets here. 2 total work sets This set is an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 75 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Upper legs | Sumo deadlift I know we haven’t done these, but I want to give the hams a good stretch and work glutes. Do 3 sets of 8 here. Come all the way up and flex your glutes. Leave a couple reps in the tank on each set here. You squatted hard so it would not be smart to go real heavy on these. Be smart. Feel your hams stretch and glutes contract. 3 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position 6/ Abs | Rope crunches Do 4 sets to failure here. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 76 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 5 - SATURDAY Chest 4 exercises 11 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 3 sets 1/ Chest | Flat dumbell press I want you to work up to a hard set of 10 for your first work set. Then do a 2nd work set where you do a drop set, adding on 2 drops. See below for an example. 2 total work sets These sets are RPE of 10 and 11 Goal – Activation and start pump This is an example of what it could look like: 25’s x 20 45’s x 15 65’s x 6 85’s x 6 100’s x10 100’s x 10 (fail at 10), then 70s x 8, then 50s x 8 2/ Chest | Flat bench press Let’s hit these again. Hopefully last week they felt good and you can see how much they feel from a bodybuilding perspective when you don’t do them first. I want you to do 3 sets of 8 leaving 1 rep in the tank on each set. Stop just short of lockout on these. I like to do these explosively pushing the bar up hard (still with control). 3 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 8 and 9 This is an example of what it would look like/ what I did: 185 x 6 225 x 8 225 x 8 225 x 7 (you may lose a rep or two due to fatigue – that’s ok) Goal – Train explosively 3/ Chest | Pec minor dips Do 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Pec Minor Dip | Chest Exercise These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 4/ Chest | Cable fly press This is one of the sneakiest exercises I have ever done for chest. Really good exercise. Do 3 sets of 8 here. Squeeze hard at the top and really control the negative. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Cable Fly Press These sets are an RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 77 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Shoulders | Bent over dumbell swings Watch the video on these. I used to love these and am getting back in the “swing” of these again. Notice the over and backs at the end. Those add another element to these, just plain nasty. Do 3 sets here of 20 swings and ten 10 over and backs after each set. 3 total work sets Rear delt swings and over and back superset These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Shoulders | Cable side laterals Nothing fancy here just side laterals one arm at a time using cables. Pull from a low cable setting. Do 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Shoulders | Rear delt band pull Do 3 sets of 15 here. Hold the contraction at the end for 2 seconds on each rep. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Rear Delt Band Pulls These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 8/ Calves | Standing calve raise One more time here! Do 10 reps and then hold at the top for 10 seconds flexing your calves hard, and then go down into the stretch for 10 seconds and stretch and repeat 2 more times. So, each set is 30 reps with 3 isoholds at the top, and 3 stretches at the bottom. That is 1 set. Do 3 sets like this. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 78 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 SUNDAY OFF - FAMILY DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 79 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Week 6 Monday - Back Back 5 exercises 12 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 6 exercises 16 sets Friday - Chest (upper pec emphasis), Shoulders Chest 4 exercises 10 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 8 exercises 23 sets Tuesday Triceps 3 exercises 11 sets Biceps 3 exercise 11 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 7 exercises 26 sets Saturday - Back Back 5 exercises 14 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 6 exercises 18 sets Wednesday - OFF Sunday - OFF - Family Day Thursday - Legs Upper legs 5 exercises 13 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 6 exercises 17 sets Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 80 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 6 - MONDAY Back 5 exercises 12 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Back | One arm barbell row Again, work these even harder this week. Try to use the same weight you used last week for tough sets of 10, for tough sets of 12 this week. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump This is an example of what it could look like: 1 25 lb plate for 15 2 25 lb plates for 15 4 25 lb plates for 12 4 25 lb plates for 12 2/ Back | Single arm supinated pulldown I want to continue with these as well. Do 3 sets of 8 on each side here. Work these hard, remember to squeeze as hard as you possibly can when you contract. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Single Arm Pulldown These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Back | Dumbell pullovers Do 3 sets of 12 here. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Back | Rack pulls One final week of these. Your back should be very fresh since it’s been almost a week since we’ve done these. This is a tough one. Work up to a weight you can do for 3 reps. I want you to do singles with it. Take 10 seconds between reps and do 10 reps total. It’s one long set. 1 total work set This set is an RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 5/ Back | Chest pulls Let’s finish off with these today. Do 3 sets of 12. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Chest Pulls These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 81 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 6/ Abs | Decline bench leg raises Do 4 sets to failure here. Keep beating your numbers on reps here. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 82 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 6 - TUESDAY Triceps 3 exercises 11 sets Biceps 3 exercises 11 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Triceps | Dual handle pushdown Let’s start with our spongy grip pushdowns for 4 sets of 15 here. 4 total work sets Tricep pushdowns with single handles These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 2/ Triceps | Bent over extensions On these you keep the same handles and turn your back to the stack, bend over at your waist and extend your arms.. I like to feel the stretch then go to 4/5 lockout to keep tension on tris. Do 4 hard sets of 10 here. I attached a vid if you need a form refresh. 4 total work sets Bent over extensions with single handles These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Triceps | Floor press Let’s do these again but go a little heavier this time. This time do 3 sets of 10 here. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Floor Press For Triceps These sets are an RPE of 8-9 Goal – Supramax pump 4/ Biceps | Standing dumbell curls I want you to keep your palms up (supinated) the whole time here. Do 4 sets of 8, and after your 8th rep do 4 small partials out of the bottom to pump even more blood in there. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 11 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 83 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Biceps | EZ bar reverse curls Keep these up this week for 4 slow sets of 8 reps. Squeeze as hard as you can and picture blood pumping into your arms. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10-11 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Biceps | Seated hammer curls This is where you sit in the lat machine with your back to the pad for support (leaning back slightly to create stretch). Do 3 sets of 12. This is probably my favorite arm exercise btw. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Calves | Toe presses Warm up and then hit 4 heavy sets of 12 here with 60 second breaks. 4 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 84 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEDNESDAY OFF DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 85 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 6 - THURSDAY Upper legs 5 exercises 13 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets Last leg workout – let’s go out in style! 1/ Upper legs | Lying leg curl Let’s go back to the lying version. Once warmed up, I want you to do 3 sets of 6 here. On every single set do 6 slow partials out of the stretch position after your 6 full range of motion reps, followed by a 10 second hold. This is pretty insane, but let’s go for it. 3 total work sets This sets are an RPE of 10 and 11 Goal – Activate and pump This is an example of what it could look like: 60 x 20 80 x 20 100 x 4 120 x 4 160 x 6, then 6 partials, then 10 second isohold 160 x 6, then 6 partials, then 10 second isohold 160 x 6, then 6 partials, then 10 second isohold 2/ Upper legs | Squats Let’s see where your strength is now after all these weeks of grinding. I still don’t like to go below 4 or 5 reps, so let’s say your max weight for 5 reps. Work up to your max weight for 5 reps, and then we’ll do 1 set of 15 after to drive some blood in there. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9 Goal – Train explosively This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 10 185 x 10 225 x 3 275 x 3 315 x 3 365 x 2 405 x 5 (very tough 5) 275 x 15 (fire) 3/ Upper legs | Leg press Today these are just traditional leg presses. Work up to a tough 8 and then we hit a drop set. See the example of how this should look. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 8 and 11 Goal – Supramax pump This is an example of what it could look like: 3 plates per side for 5 (feeder) 5 plates per side for 5 (feeder) 7 plates per side for 8 (work set) 7 plates per side for 8, then drop to 6 and do 6 to 8, then drop to 4 and go to failure Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 86 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 4/ Upper legs | Smith split squat I can’t believe I am putting these after the leg press drop set, but you can handle it. I did it! Do 3 sets of 8 on each leg. Do the glute version you see in the video. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Split Squats These sets are an RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 5/ Upper legs | Sumo deadlift Lastly, we hit these again but now only come up ¾ of the way to hammer your hamstrings, since we already nailed glutes. 3 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position 6/ Abs | Rope crunches Do 4 sets to failure here. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 87 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 6 - FRIDAY Chest 4 exercises 10 sets Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Chest | Incline dumbell press We are going with the same angle as last week. Last week we worked on sets of 10, let’s go a little heavier for 2 sets of 8 this week. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 8 and 10 Goal – Activation and start pump This is an example of what it could look like: 30 lb dumbells x 20 (warm up) 50 lb dumbells x 15 (warm up) 80 lb dumbells x 8 (you had an extra 2-3 reps in tank) 90 lb dumbells x 8 (barely got 8) 2/ Chest | Incline barbell press This week squeak out an extra rep with what you did last week for 6. Let’s get 7! Then we are going to do a lighter high rep set to finish it off. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 9-10 Goal – Train explosively This is an example of what it could look like: 135 x 5 (feeder set) 185 x 3 (feeder set) 245 x 7 205 x to failure 3/ Chest | Hex press Do 3 sets of 10 here. Flex hard just as I say in the video. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Hex Press These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 4/ Chest | Machine flyes Do 3 hard sets of 12 here to failure. I want you to use a pronated grip again on these if you can. This means your palms are facing down. This will allow you to focus on upper pecs a lot more. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 88 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Shoulders | High incline Smith machine press Do 3 sets of 12 here to get your shoulders fired up! 3 total work sets Exercise Index - High Incline Smith Press These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Shoulders | Reverse pec deck Now we hit 3 sets of 25 here again. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 7/ Shoulders | Dumbell side laterals Let’s finish with this good basic exercise. Do 3 sets of 8 here. 3 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 9-10 Goal – Supramax pump 8/ Calves | Toe presses One final toe press workout on the leg press. Hit 4 heavy sets of 10. After each set, sit in the stretch for 30 seconds. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 89 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 WEEK 6 - SATURDAY Back 5 exercises 14 sets Abs 1 exercise 4 sets 1/ Back | One arm barbell row Last time on these! I hope you enjoyed these too. Let’s bring the reps back down to 8, and go heavier this time. 2 total work sets These sets are an RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump This is an example of what it could look like: 1 25 lb plate for 15 2 25 lb plates for 15 5 25 lb plates for 8 5 25 lb plates for 8 2/ Back | Single arm supinated pulldown Last time here but I want to really jack up the reps to sets of 15. This is really tough if you flex as hard as you can on every rep like I expect. You should have a crazy lat pump after 3 sets here. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Single Arm Pulldown These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump 3/ Back | Banded dumbell pullovers Do 3 sets of 10 here, and notice we brought back the band! 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Banded Dumbbell Pullovers These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Train muscle from stretch position / long muscle length 4/ Back | Smith machine row I want a rest pause style done on these; you’ll see in the video. Do 3 hard sets of 8 here. 3 total work sets Smith Machine Bent Over Rows These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 90 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 5/ Back | Barbell hyperextensions No rack pulls today, but we can’t forget to crush your lower back! Do 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets Exercise Index - Barbell Hyperextensions These sets are all RPE of 9 Goal – Supramax pump 6/ Abs | Decline bench leg raises Do 4 sets to failure here. Keep beating your numbers on rep here. 4 total work sets These sets are all RPE of 10 Goal – Supramax pump Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 91 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 SUNDAY OFF - FAMILY DAY Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 92 lOMoARcPSD|25305666 Did you make it through?? If so let me know on Instagram at mountaindog1 @mountaindog1 @cedmonds18 @liftersclinic If you are looking for full training programs visit the Mountain Dog site at: https://mountaindogdiet.com/category/programs/ Follow John on YouTube at mountaindog1 for many more complete workouts! If you are looking to take your knowledge of training, nutrition, and supplements to the next level, please don’t hesitate to sign up on my member website at https://mountaindogdiet.com/membership/ Thank you so much for your support! John Meadows Downloaded by Maura (maura.claes@gmail.com) 93