CORPORATION LAW An Introduction came from the Latin word “corpus” which means body A corporation is a distinct and seperate personality GOVERNMENT (PHIL.) Branches of gov’t Legislative creating the law Senate House of Representative Executive executing the law Sec 1, Art 7 President Judicial interpreting the law Supreme Court Chief justice SEPARATION OF POWERS Co-equal means they are equal in power. They only have different work. CORPORATION LAW An Introduction Governing Law Batas Pambansang Bilang 68 a.k.a Corporation Code of the Philippines took effect on May 1, 1980 Operative law involving Private Corporations in the Phil. It was a Marcos Presidency. Batas Pambansang Bilang 68 Republic Act No. 11232 Republic Act No. 11232 a.k.a Revised Corporation Code (RCC). It was signed by Pres. Duterte on February 20,2023 The RCC took effect on February 23, 2019. Publication: Manila Bulletin and the Business Mirror. DEFINITION A corporation is an artificial person being created by operation of law, having the right of succession and the powers, attributes, and properties expressly authorized by law or incidental to its existence. - Sec 2, RA 11232 Corporation “Attributes” Artificial Being created by operation of law right of succession powers, attributes, & properties Theory of Concession A corporation is a creation of the law owes its existence to the state its birth being purely depends on its will. Created by Operation of Law Failure to comply with the statutory & condition, therefore does not warrant. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Organized to Corporation imprimatur of the state issuing of the AOI representation of state Requirement: LAW the state must give its consent Person < Articles of Incorporation (AOI) Serves as a birth certificate of a corporation. > Compliance with the creation of a corporation Natural (Human being) artificial (creation of Law. e.g. Corporation) Right of Succession Section 11, RA 11232 “ A corporation shall have perpetual existence unless its articles of incorporation provide otherwise” Under RCC Default life: Immortality/Forever The ownership can be pass by someone How many person required to create a corporation? One person can create a corporation Doctrine of Corporate Personality “ A corporation is invested by law with a personally separate and distinct from those persons who composing it. Ultra Vires Acts “Unauthorized Act” No corporation shall posses or exercise corporate powers other than those conferred by this Code or by its AOI except as necessary or incidental to the exercise of the powers conferred Powers, Attributes & Properties A corporation only allowed to exercise powers that are granted to it by law. A corporation can exercise only the powers: 1. Expressly conferred upon it by law and its Articles of Incorporation 2. Implied from such power 3. Incidental to its existence KINDS OF POWER EXPRESS Expressly granted Articles of Incorporation Revised Corp. Code Applicable Law IMPLIED Necessary to carry Hidden Powers Silent power INCIDENTAL Reason of its existence Inherent or Naturally