Uploaded by Robby Burns

Robert D. Burns - Computer Science & Music Resume

Robert D. Burns
Email : burnsiv33@gmail.com
Mobile : 516-318-1515
• University of Maryland, College Park; GPA: 3.56
Double Degree Track
Fall 2018 – Expected Spring 2022
◦ Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
◦ Bachelor of Music in Bassoon Performance
• Languages: Python, Java, Ruby, C, OCaml, Javascript, Rust, MIPS Assembly, Unix, HTML, CSS.
• Technologies: Git, Ubuntu for WSL and VM, React Native, Expo, Docker, Confluence, Wireshark.
Relevant Coursework
• Object Oriented Programming: Through Java Eclipse, implemented projects such as Poker game, Exam
Generator, and Dijkstra’s Algorithm.
• Algorithms: Learned and analyzed various algorithms such as quicksort, merge sort, counting sort, and
quickselect. Also learned details and applications of big O notation.
• Computer Networks: Learned various internet protocols such as TCP, UDP, DNS, ICMP, and SMTP. Also
coded projects: TCP/UDP clients/servers, DNS name resolution, and BitTorrent client.
• Systems: Learned the essentials of Unix commands and memory management through C and assembly. Wrote
various projects pertaining to IO redirection, data structures, and file reading/writing.
Job Experience
• Department of the Navy
Summer 2021
◦ AEGIS: Learned the essentials of the Navy’s defense and combat system AEGIS.
◦ AGILE: Worked with a dev team consisting of DoD and Lockheed Martin personnel that aims to bring the
AGILE framework to the Navy for delivering weapon capabilities faster to cruisers and destroyers.
• Port Washington Summer Camp
Summer 2019/2020
◦ Supervision: Responsible for the supervision of children ages 8-14 inclusive.
◦ Safety: Instructed sailing and responsible for safety on the water.
Side Projects
• Music App: With React Native and Expo, created a music key randomizer for Android/IOS.
• Ruby Fundamentals: Created a public GitHub repository for the Fall 2020 CMSC330 class, a UMD course on
different programming paradigms. This repository contains 20+ .rb files.
• The Odin Project
A website which includes interactive courses and projects on Ruby, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS.
◦ Ruby Regex: Created a Caesar Cipher for shifting n amount of characters, which utilized ASCII
manipulation and regular expressions for string parsing.
◦ Tic-Tac-Toe: Created a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game through Ruby with text based UI.
• Competitive Programming
leetcode.com, codeforces.com
◦ LeetCode: Participated in the monthly LeetCoding challenges and successfully solved miscellaneous
◦ CodeForces: Solved various algorithms on the site.
• Clearances: DoD Secret Clearance (current).