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Classical Music Lesson Plan: Composers & Period

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
1. Appreciate the music and composer of the classical period
2. Differentiates the transition of music from the classical period
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Music of the Classical period
Date: August 16, 2018
III. Materials
Power Point Presentation,
Duration: 1hr. and 45 minutes
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity
Learner’s Activity
“Good Morning class”….
Good Morning Ma’am!”
“Let us pray first”….
“Kindly arrange your chair properly and pick up the peace
of paper under you chair”
Say present as I call your name
Our Father, Who is in heaven,
Holy is Your Name;
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen
(The students’ will arranged the chair and pick up the
Present ma’am
“So, how are you today?”
“Were fine Ma’am”
“That’s great! Are you ready to learn?”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
A. Activity
Class kindly listen carefully to the music that I will play
because after that I will ask you some question.
Okay what can you say about the music I played?
Very good What else? Anyone?
Games (Puzzle)
Class I prepare an activity and you’ll going to do this
individually. All you have to do is to complete the puzzle,
and post it in the board and say something about your puzzle
Understood class?
Yes, ma’am
Ma’am the music is soft
Ma’am it have a steadic and very light tone
Yes Ma’am
I will give you 10 minutes to finish your work, the fastest
that will finish the puzzle and to post it in the board will
receive 2points on the quiz later So let’s start.
(The students will solve the puzzle)
Are you done with your puzzle?
Yes ma’am
Very Good! Now go on and say something about the
This is a father and son picture, if I am
not mistaken this Mozart when he was
little playing piano.
Very Good! Who’s next?
This is a group of musician and they are
composing or maybe playing music
Kindly proceed
This is a family painting and it is one of
the arts created from the classical period.
Very good! next
This is a group of a musician in a
Very good! Go on proceed
This is Beethoven
Do you anything about him?
Very Good next
B. Analysis
Before we start, what is music?
Very good who wants to give another idea
Very good everyone, music is an art of sound in time that
expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through
the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. Now
let’s proceed to symphony. Can you define symphony?
Very Good! There are two types of symphony, one is a
symphony usually refers to a musical work written in a
certain form and the other one is a symphony
orchestra, meaning a group of musicians who perform that
kind of music.
What is sonata?
Very Good
A composition for one or more solo instruments, one of whi
ch is usually a keyboard instrument, usually consisting of
three or four independent movements varying in key, mood,
and tempo.
How about sonata in allegro form? Do you have an idea?
Okay , very good from the word allegro it means fast,
quickly, and bright
Yes he is a deaf composer
This is the position of the musician in
an orchestra
Ma’am music is anything we heard
It is any sound that expresses our feelings
Ma’am it is a musical composition
It is an instrumental musical composition typically
of three or four movements
It is a quick and lively tempo
Let’s proceed to the popular composers during classical
period. Can you gave me some of the composers during the
classical period
Very good! Who else
That’s great, it seem that you are already familiar with them,
right class?
Very Good! Now, do you know who this person in the
picture is?
Very Good! Can you say something you know about him?
That’s right, he is also the father of string quartet
Next are you familiar with him?
Very Good, can you tell something about him?
That’s right. he composed in a great and other chamber
music, masses, lieder, and one opera.
Then can you guess our last famous composer?
Great! Tell something you know about him
Ma’am Beethoven, Haydn
Mozart, Bach
Yes ma’am
Ma’am its Haydn
He is the father of symphony
Ma’am he is Beethoven
He is the deaf composer
He is Mozart
Ma’am, he is considered ta child prodigy, because at a
young age he can play piano like a professional.
That’s right! Mozart was a gifted musician who was capable
of hearing complete pieces in his head. His music had
simple melodies yet rich orchestration.
C. Abstraction
Do you understand the lesson class
Okay let see, lets us have a quick review
So, class what do you mean by music again?
Very good! Now, do still remember the sections of sonata
allegro form? Can you enumerate it?
Very good! Next, what are the two types of meter in time
How about the famous composers during the classical
Yes ma’am
Music is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and
emotions in significant forms through the elements of
rhythm, melody, harmony, and color
It is made only of sound without any lyrics
Introduction, Exposition, Development,
Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
and Ludwig van Beethoven
Okay, very good class! It seems that you already understand
the lesson very well.
D. Application (Pencil and paper test)
Okay class this is a multiple choice type of quiz, I want
you all to listen to the questions carefully.
(After the quiz, students are done answering)
Okay Class pass exchange your paper to the opposite row.
(Checking the papers)
Okay please return the paper to the owner I will record
your scores.
(Recording of scores)
Okay good bye class see you tomorrow
Good bye ma’am